Ethical and Social Responsibilities of the Entrepreneur

Ethical and Social Responsibilities
of the Entrepreneur
What is Business Ethics?
 Ethics is the study of moral obligation involving the
distinction between right and wrong. As a
consequence, the study of ethics paved the way for
the adaption of the general rules of conduct in
What is Business Ethics?
 The rules about how entrepreneurs ought to behave
are referred to as business ethics. The ethical
behavior required of entrepreneurs is determined by
the following:
The public;
Interest groups (i.e. Philippine Animal Welfare Society)
Business organizations; and the individual’s personal morals
and values.
What is Business Ethics?
 Adherence to ethical standards contributes to the
smooth flow of business exchanges. It establishes
trust between buyers and sellers and between
lenders and borrowers.
Laws and regulations requiring ethical behavior
 Product safety and quality
 Fair employment practices
 Fair marketing and selling practices
 Use of confidential information for personal gain
 Community involvement
 Bribery
 Illegal payments to foreign governments to obtain
Factors Influencing Ethical Behavior
 Situational Context
 Ethics intensity or issue intensity indicates the degree to which
a situation is recognized to pose ethical challenges.
 The Person
 Ethical framework is a personal rule or strategy for making
ethical decisions.
 Family Influences
 Sometimes the way a person is nurtured also affects his or her
state of mind towards the community. When a child is brought
up in a very hostile way towards society he or she will find it
very difficult to behave positively ethical in that society.
Factors Influencing Ethical Behavior
 Internal environment and the organization
 Supervisory behavior, peer group norms and behavior, and
policy statements and written rules.
 External environment
 Government laws and regulations, societal norms and values,
and competitive climate in an industry.
 The norms of the community
 The rules of a community usually controls how one should
behave in a community in order to fit appropriately within the
 Reward system
How Ethical Behavior is Encouraged
 Adaption of a code of ethics
 Institution of rewards and punishments concerning
ethical behavior
Adaption of internal programs for resolving conflicts
Creation of ethics review committees
Provision of training in ethics for employees
Top management support
Ethical Issues Facing Entrepreneurs
 Between the company and the customers
 Between the company and its personnel and
 Between the company and its business associates
 Between the company and the investors and the
financial community