Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften INFORMATION ON YOUR STUDIES Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften 1. Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2. How to choose your courses 3. Examinations and Regulations: Good to know 4. Part-Time Studies and Academic Leave 5. Questions 6. Elect your student representatives! Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften -wiwi Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften Service Point Examinations Officer Andrea Augustin Programme Coordinator Yamina Ehrt Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften How to choose your courses: Your choices Cours Modules es 1 2 CP Electives Intermediate Microeconomics (Preparatory Coursel) Methodology and History of Ideas 12 2 Philosophy and Economics of Individual and 12 Social Choice 2 Individual and Collective Decisions 12 3 Institutions in Economic and Political Perspective 18 1 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Philosophy and Economics 12 1 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Politics and Economics 12 * Electives 12 2 Master Thesis 30 Sum Preparatory 1. Course Semester 12 0 Elective (6CP) 2. Semester 3. Semester Elective (6CP) History of Economic Thought Intermediate (6CP) Disciplinary Microecono Epistemolo Public Choice Behavioural mics Modules gy/ (6CP) Economics (bloc Methodolog (6CP) seminar) y of Social Sciences (6CP) Social Choice and Welfare (6CP) Ethics (6CP) 4. Semester International Political Economy (6CP) Economics and Politics of Institutions (6CP) Political Philosophy/P olitical Theory (6CP) Interdisciplina Interdisciplina ry Seminar ry Seminar (12CP) (12CP) Master Thesis (30CP) Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften How to choose your courses: Your choices Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften How to choose your courses: Course Registration in STiNE Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften How to choose your courses: Registration for a module Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften How to choose your courses: Registration for a course Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften How to choose your courses: Registration for a course Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften Examinations and Regulations Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften Examinations and Regulations: Good to know: §9 Admission to module exams requires registration with the responsible exam office. Registration for a module exam is binding following the registration deadline. Registration periods and procedures are duly announced by the exam office. […] Whoever has not missed more than 15% of classes is considered to have attended regularly. […] If absenteeism cannot be credibly explained, there may be further requirements for admission to exams. Absenteeism can be credibly explained by a medical certificate, which must be submitted to the examination office. Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften Examinations and Regulations: Good to know: § 10 Throughout the course of study, students have at least three opportunities to take required exams. Exams which have been passed may not be retaken. In every module, two exam dates are offered for every exam. […] An exam should be re-taken at the next possible opportunity. The Subject-Specific Regulations can also require students to accept the first exam date offered. If the student does not take the exam for reasons for which he or she is responsible, this exam receives a failing grade in accordance with §16, paragraph 1. Nor may the student take the exam on the second exam date. Module exams for mandatory modules must be taken by the exam deadline (Modulfrist) The deadline is determined by the subject semester (reference semester) in the respective module description plus the period in which the module or courses in the module can be re-taken. The Subject-Specific Regulations can determine how many times an exam can be retaken by the deadline in accordance with paragraph 1, sentence 1. Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften Examinations and Regulations: Good to know: semester I semester II Module offered 1. Examination date 2. Examination date Beginning of the module semester III semester IV Module offered 1. Examination date 2. Examination date Deadline of the module 4 examination opportunities – 4 examination attempts Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften Examinations and Regulations: Good to know: 1. Together with the course registration 2. During the registration period for exams (WiSe 16.01. – 23.01.2011) 3. In case of a failed or non-taken exam: After announcement of examination results (WiSe 05.03.2012 – 12.03.2012) Keep your TAN lists ready! Dates for each semester are announced at:üro-wiwi Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften Examinations and Regulations: Good to know: §10 In extenuating circumstances, the deadline for a mandatory module can be extended by the exam committee. The deadline is determined such that only one additional exam opportunity is granted per module. An application must be made to the exam committee before the deadline and must include a written explanation. Illness must be proven by submission of a medical certificate (compare §16, paragraph 2). Part-time studies Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften Academic Leave Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften CampusCenter (Service für Studierende) ( Studienbüro Wirtschaftswissenschaften Questions?