Bone Markings SLO 1.8 Projections Head – Rounded, knob like end separated from the rest of the bone by a slender region, the neck Process – a large projection of a bone, such as the superior process of the ulna in the forearm that creates the elbow Condyle – a rounded projection; a small projection above a condyle is an epicondyle Condyle of the mandible Crest – a distinct border or ridge, often rough, such as over the top of the hip bone Spine – a sharp projection from the surface of a bone, such as the spine of the scapula (shoulder blade) Depressions Foramen – a hole that allows a vessel or a nerve to pass through or between bones. Sinus – a cavity or hollow space. Most commonly, air-filled chamber found in some skull bones. Fossa – a depression on a bone surface. Meatus – a short channel or passageway, usually the external opening of a canal. An example is the channel in the skull’s temporal bone that leads to the inner ear.