Lower School Learning Commons for the holidays!

We’d love you to help us decorate the
Lower School Learning Commons for the holidays!
Use one of the following web sites to design a holiday picture or design, print it, and bring it to the Lower School Learning
Commons! We’ll ask you to add a label to your artwork (labels are available in the Learning Commons), and then we’ll hang
it up for everyone to enjoy!
If you’d like to gather some ideas before you get started, swing on by – there are a few pieces already hanging up! Thanks
for providing our holiday décor!
Hint: do not expect to create your best work on the first try! Many of these programs take a while to figure out and feel
comfortable on. Play around with it – clear your canvas and try again! There is no hurry, there is no wrong way to do this.
Have fun!!
December Web Links!
December 1 is Author/Illustrator Jan Brett's birthday!
Check out one of her beautiful books from the Lower School Learning Commons or visit her web site, which is full of games,
videos, coloring pages, and much, much more!
December 23 is author Avi's birthday.
He has written hundreds of books - check one out from the Middle School Learning Commons and visit his web site to find
out more about this prolific writer.
Clara Barton was born on December 25, 1821. Take a virtual tour of her home, and find out more about this extraordinary
The GREAT STATE OF TEXAS became the 28th state on December 29, 1845!
Read up on some Texas trivia and then take the quiz! Play a Texas matching game. And, don't have time for a roadtrip to
Austin? No worries - take a tour of our great capitol!
December 30 is author/illustrator Mercer Meyer's birthday! Come grab a Little Critter book from the Learning Commons or
watch and listen as Mercer reads one aloud to you! Play a Little Critter game while you're at it!
Celebrate Winter Holidays with Scholastic.
From Christmas to Hanukkah to Kwanzaa, loads of info is available on these virtual scrapbooks about these winter
Cook a holiday favorite, make an elf puppet, a Christmas card, or an ornamnet!
Activity TV has plenty of Christmas cooking and crafting ideas!
The History Channel has videos that are short 'n sweet!
How about finding out more about the North Pole in North Pole Deconstructed? Or, learn more about Candy Canes!
Create your own Snowflake!
Just for fun:
Play a game of Word Shake!
'Tis the season to play the harp!
Decorate a virtual Gingerbread House through Highlights
Or, instead of eating Christmas cookies, play with them in Cookie Sudoku!
Make your own gifts this Christmas!
Visit The Toymaker, Marilyn Scott-Waters, for instructions and templates for making all kinds of paper toys and gift boxes!
Previous Months Web Links:
November 2011
October 2011
September 2011