Strange Days - LDD docx - Mark Williams – Level Design & Scripting

Strange Days
Half Life 2
Figure 1 The beach of memories that represents the Dreamscape in the level
Single Player Level Design Document
Document Date:
Intended Level Delivery Date:
Single Player Level Design Document
Half Life 2
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................ 2
Document Revisions Table ............................................................................................................ 4
Quick Summary .............................................................................................................................. 1
GAMEPLAY ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
General Game Flow .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Major Elements .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Objective Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 3
OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Campaign ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Mission Location......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Mission Difficulty ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Mission Metrics .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Level Details .................................................................................................................................... 5
LEVEL ATMOSPHERE/MOOD ................................................................................................................................................ 5
STORY .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
In-Game ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Extro ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
“60 seconds of gameplay”.......................................................................................................................................... 5
MAJOR AREAS/VISUAL THEMES............................................................................................................................................ 7
Area 1: Dreamscape ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Text Description: ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Visual References .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Area 2: Ravenholm Recollection............................................................................................................................... 11
Text Description: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Visual References ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Area 3: Hunter’s house ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Text Description: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Visual References ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
LEVEL OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
CHALLENGE HIGHLIGHTS.................................................................................................................................................... 19
Area 1: Dreamscape ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Area 2: Ravenholm Recollection............................................................................................................................... 19
Area 3: Hunter’s House ............................................................................................................................................ 19
WOW MOMENTS............................................................................................................................................................ 19
Actors ....................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Player: Gordon Freeman ............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Key Actors ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Supporting Actors........................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
User Interface ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
Pre-Game Information ................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
In-Game Information................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Post Game Information ............................................................................................................................................................................... 21
HUD Elements ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Gameplay Details ............................................................................................................................ 1
Level Progression Chart .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Gameplay Mechanics ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Overview Map .................................................................................................................................. 1
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Single Player Level Design Document
Half Life 2
Detailed Map Descriptions ............................................................................................................. 4
AREA 1: DREAMSCAPE ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Map ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Dialog ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Visual References ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
AREA 2: RAVENHOLM RECOLLECTION .................................................................................................................................... 6
Map ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Dialog ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Visual References ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
AREA 3: HUNTER’S HOUSE .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Map ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Gameplay ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Dialog ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Visual References ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
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Single Player Level Design Document
Half Life 2
Initial Document
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Single Player Level Design Document
Half Life 2
Strange Days is a single player level set after the events of Half Life 2: Episode 2 where Gordon Freeman and Alyx
Vance take a helicopter to the mysterious Apeture Science ship the Borealis. Alyx Vance after watching her father die
and dealing with the trauma of the Combine Advisors toying with her mind goes into a state of shock. With the help
of the Vortigaunts, Gordon Freeman enters Alyx’s mind in an attempt to mend it so that Alyx can once again shoulder
her fate with Gordon. The level itself comprises of two small combat sections that represent Ravenholm from Half
Life 2 and the Hunter encounter in the house in Half Life 2: Episode 2. The level itself forms around the player as they
traverse the level to give it a sense of being in someone’s mind. Since the level takes place in Alyx’s mind, she also
appears alongside Gordon in an effort to exorcise her demons.
The player assumes the role of Gordon Freeman as he accompanies Alyx Vance through her mind to help heal her of
the traumatic memories that plague her. This translates into the player playing a level that takes place in Alyx’s mind
and all the instability that ensues. Players go on a path that rises up under the player that leads to a floating door in
front of them. The player opens the door and a setting form in front of them made to resemble Ravenholm. A
shotgun lies in front of the player as three fast zombies bear down on the player. After the player dispatches the
enemies with the help of Alyx and a door appears leading to a new path. The next area the player reaches is a
partially formed house with a Hunter barreling through at the player. There are stairs for the player to climb and as
the player climbs the stair more of the house forms itself. When the player defeats the Hunter, Alyx’s mind heals and
the player beats the level. Getting the level to form in time so as not to have the player fall off the level, however it
should be fun and push what is normally seen in a Half Life level.
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Half Life 2
General Game Flow
Figure 2 Level flow chart
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Half Life 2
Figure 3 Critical path map
Major Elements
Feature, hook, and WOW moment: The level forming around the player out of thin air to create a dynamic
and unknown plays pace
WOW moment: Fighting a Hunter in a small house where the house is incomplete until the player hits the
right paths
Hook: Getting to delve into Alyx’s mind in an attempt to help her and get to know her character more
Hook: A bridge between Episode 2 and the next chapter of the Half Life series
Objective Summary
Objective 1: Heal Alyx’s mind
Objective 2: Defeat the enemies in the Ravenholm recollection
Objective 3: Defeat the Hunter to purge Alyx’s near death experience
Objective 4: Help Alyx overcome the loss of her father
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Single Player Level Design Document
Half Life 2
Name: Strange Days
Level Position in Campaign:
o Strange Days bridges the gap between Half Life 2: Episode 2 and its sequel Episode 3
o Before the level begins, Alyx’s father dies before her eyes. Alyx and Gordon then take a helicopter to
the lost ship called the Borealis. Along the way they have to make an emergency stop because Alyx
enters a state of shock. With the help of the Vortigaunts, Gordon enters Alyx’s mind to help her cope
with her recent traumas.
o After Gordon helps Alyx heal her mind, they continue their journey to the Borealis, where mystery
and intrigue awaits our heroes.
Mission Location
Theme: Dreamlike and abstract with unpredictable levels being created around the player
Mood: Dreamy and nightmarish with a dash of unsettling to keep the player on edge
Setting: Alyx’s mindscape with area representing key moments from Alyx’s and Gordon’s memory
Time: Varies from day to night depending on the area
Season: Spring type weather
Weather: Partly cloudy skies at both day and night
Mission Difficulty
Start: 1/5 A simple walk to the first area, there are no walls on the path so the player has to be careful
Middle: 3/5 The fast zombies and a couple of black headcrabs attack the player in the Ravenholm section
End: 4/5 A battle with a Combine Hunter in a small house
Mission Metrics
Play Time: 5 – 10 minutes
Physical Length: Critical path is 4096 Hammer units
Physical Area: Width: 1024 Hammer units and Length is 5000 Hammer units
Max New Characters: N/A
Max Visual Themes:
o Area 1: Dream path (the paths between area that takes place in the unformed landscapes of Alyx’s
o Area 2: Ravenholm recollection area
o Area 3: An idyllic home for the Hunter encounter
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Half Life 2
The point of this level is to create an abstract and unsettling feeling in the player, but not a sense of dread or fear,
just a feeling of things not being concrete. To achieve this the level paths and structures appear out of thin air and
form around the player as they play through the level. The level is floating in an open space with a beautiful view of a
sunset over a beach with the waves rolling in. However, when the player enters a door the view completely changes.
For instance, when players enters the Ravenholm recollection area, the skybox changes to night and the player is
surrounded by high walls and large buildings to dwarf the player. Blood splatters decorate the areas to signify the
unrest in Alyx’s mind along with being indications of a struggle. The soundscape for the level is going to feature
sounds that fit the area along with sounds of the outside world seeping in such as the Vortigaunts chatting and the
area where Alyx’s healing is taking place. This aims to create an aural dissonance to add to the unsettling nature of
the level.
As Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance travel to the ship the Borealis, Alyx blacks out and enters a form of coma
due to the stress of seeing her die, her own near death experience, and being touched by the psychic powers
of the Advisers. The Vortigaunts sensing this disturbance contact Gordon psychically and lead him to a
Vortigaunt camp where they can help heal Alyx. In order to do this, the Vortigaunts need to project Gordon
into Alyx’s mind to help her work through her recent traumas.
Gordon accompanies Alyx in her mind which at the start of the level is a floating platform with a door in the
distance. The Vortigaunts speak to Gordon and Alyx to tell them to not be afraid and to walk forward.
Gordon goes forward and another platform rises up in front them leading to the door.
When Gordon and Alyx open the door a scene forms around them recreating a small section of Ravenholm.
This area created a great deal of dread and sadness for Alyx, especially when she had to leave Gordon in
there. A shotgun appears in front of Gordon as three fast zombies come barreling down on Gordon and Alyx,
leaving little time for sightseeing.
After dispatching the fast zombies, a door materializes on the far end of the area and the Vortigaunts tell the
pair to continue on their journey.
When Gordon and Alyx open the door, they arrive on another floating platform, the area behind them
disappears, and a door waits in front of them. Again, a path appears for the pair as they walk towards the
Gordon and Alyx in a partially constructed house where the stairs to the upstairs area are not complete and
the roof is missing and the back of the house partially made, when suddenly, around the corner a hunter
comes running toward Gordon and Alyx. Seeing as how a Hunter nearly killed Alyx, she charges it with her
gun blazing while Gordon starts to go up the stairs where the rest of the house begin to form. Up there,
Gordon finds a Combine Rifle to dispatch the Hunter with Alyx.
After killing the hunter, the area goes white and everything breaks apart around Gordon and Alyx with the
Vortigaunts congratulating the pair on a job well done.
When Alyx wakes up she finds and hugs Gordon for helping her and then thanks the Vortigaunts. The G-Man
stops time and appears to Gordon to remind him of his task and disappears again. Alyx and Gordon then
continue their journey to the Borealis.
“60 seconds of gameplay”
0:00 – 0:10: The player walks on a path that forms underneath them as they walk to a floating door
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Half Life 2
0:10 – 0:20: The player opens the door and a small section resembling Ravenholm creates itself in front of
the player with a shotgun appearing in front of the player with a spotlight shining down on it.
0:20 – 0:50: The player picks up the shot when three fast zombies come out of the shadows to kill the player.
The player runs around the area while killing the fast zombies without being cornered.
0:50 – 0:60: After dispatching the fast zombies, a door materializes on the far end of the level and the player
opens it and walks onto another floating platform as the level disappears behind them as the player walks
toward another floating door
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Single Player Level Design Document
Half Life 2
Area 1: Dreamscape
Text Description:
This is the basic outside area that the player travels through to get to the two main areas of the level. It features
floating platforms and doors with a nice sunset over a beach surrounding the player. The area is meant to calm the
player before the areas of combat and be surreal with the player on floating platforms in this idyllic skybox. The
platforms are made of wood as are the doors to give the area a natural feeling.
Visual References
Figure 4 Basic concept of the Dreamscape terrain
Figure 5 The beach area surrounding the floating platforms
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Half Life 2
Figure 6 Floating platform concept 1
Figure 7 Platform concept 2
Figure 8 Platform concept 3
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Half Life 2
Figure 9 This is the lighting and look for the Dreamscape
Figure 10 The perfect lighting for the level, especially the god rays
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Half Life 2
Figure 11 Gordon Freeman, the character that the player plays as
Figure 12 Alyx Vance who accompanies the player in the level
Figure 13 A Vortigaunt who dictates the level objectives to the player
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Half Life 2
Area 2: Ravenholm Recollection
Text Description:
This area is dark and grungy with blood splatters all over the walls and floor. The area has a heavy industrial feeling
with towering buildings to dwarf the players. The buildings rise from the floor when the player opens the door to the
area. This area takes place at night with a cloudy sky to add tension. There are five buildings in this area with a large
concrete wall to keep the player in the area.
Visual References
Figure 14 The grungy terrain is the aim of the level
Figure 15 This is the basic terrain idea for the level
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Half Life 2
Figure 16 Derelict buildings and bricks are the level's look
Figure 17 Excellent concept for the skybox area
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Half Life 2
Figure 18 Stark shadows are key for this area
Figure 19 This lighting is essential
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Half Life 2
Figure 20 The fast zombie enemy
Figure 21 Ravenholm from Half Life 2
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Half Life 2
Area 3: Hunter’s house
Text Description:
The player arrives in this house to see an almost complete living room leading to an incomplete kitchen with a few
stairs in the living room leading to nowhere. The skybox is stormy and gray to give the area a sense of dread. As the
player navigates the house, more of it becomes complete and offers new areas to explore while fighting the hunter.
The textures for this house are grungy and there is going to be broken plates and glasses throughout the area to give
a sense of struggle in the area before the player arrived.
Visual References
Figure 22 This claustrophobia is essential for the terrain of the level
Figure 23 The floating stairs are perfect for the level
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Half Life 2
Figure 24 A nice run down house concept
Figure 25 Another great run down house
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Half Life 2
Figure 26 Peeling wallpaper is a key feature of the house
Figure 27 Natural lighting concept for the house
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Half Life 2
Figure 28 The Hunter enemy
Figure 29 The type of house the Hunter fight takes place in
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Single Player Level Design Document
Half Life 2
Primary: Help Alyx heal herself in her mind (The player fails if they or Alyx dies)
Secondary: Defeat the enemies in each area to move on
Bonus: N/A
Hidden: N/A
Area 1: Dreamscape
Combat: N/A
Stealth: N/A
Puzzles: N/A
o Alyx talking to Gordon with idle chatter and about the area
o Vortigaunts telling the player what to do
Boss Battles: N/A
Area 2: Ravenholm Recollection
o The player fights three fast zombies
o Player finds a shotgun in this area
Stealth: N/A
Puzzles: N/A
o Alyx speaking to Gordon about the area and idle chatter
Boss Battles: N/A
Area 3: Hunter’s House
o The player faces off against a hunter in a small house
o Player finds a pulse rifle in this area
Stealth: N/A
Puzzles: N/A
o Alyx talking to Gordon about area
o Alyx talking to Gordon about the Hunter
o Vortigaunts praising the player for the completion of the area and level
Boss Battles:
o The Combine Hunter
Moment 1 (Area 1: Dreamscape): Being on a floating platform and area not seen in Half Life 2
Moment 2 (Area 2: Ravenholm Recollection): Seeing the level form itself around the player when they arrive
Moment 3 (Area 3: Hunter’s House): Having a level form as the player moves around the level while fighting a
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Single Player Level Design Document
Half Life 2
Player: Gordon Freeman
Model(s): N/A Level is played from the first person perspective
Inventory: Hev Suit
Start Location: In the Dreamscape area on a floating platform
Motives/Objectives: To help heal Alyx’s mind
Key Actors
Actor 1: Alyx Vance
 Model(s): Alyx Vance model
 Inventory: Desert Eagle
 Motives/Objectives: To heal her mind of the past traumas inflicted on her
 Starting Location: In the Dreamscape area on a floating platform next to Gordon Freeman
Actor 1: Fast Zombie
 Model(s): Fast Zombie
 Inventory: N/A
 Motives/Objectives: Kill Alyx Vance or Gordon Freeman
 Starting Location: Ravenholm Recollection area
Actor 1: Combine Hunter
 Model(s): Combine Hunter
 Inventory: N/A
 Motives/Objectives: Kill Alyx Vance or Gordon Freeman
 Starting Location: Hunter’s House Area
Supporting Actors
Actor 1: The Vortigaunts
 Model(s): Vortigaunt
 Inventory: N/A
 Motives/Objectives: Help Alyx with healing her mind
 Uses Within Level: To tell the player where to go and lay down the basics of the story
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Half Life 2
User Interface
Pre-Game Information
Briefing: A brief cut scene from Gordon’s point of view of the Vortigaunts putting Gordon to sleep and
transporting his consciousness to Alyx’s mind
In-Game Information
Introduction: In the Dreamscape the Vortigaunts speak to the player about the objectives and telling them to
move forward
o Vortigaunts dialogue fades in and out of the level and is incomprehensible
o Alyx having idle chatter with Gordon
o Alyx relates her experience to Gordon in the Ravenholm and Hunter’s House areas
o The Vortigaunts praise the player at the end of the level when they succeed
o Navigate Alyx’s mind to help heal her
o Eliminate any enemies in the way
Conclusion: Gordon wakes up to find Alyx rushing to hug him for his help while the Vortigaunts watch them
Post Game Information
Debriefing: A cut scene from Gordon’s point of view of the G-Man as he stops time and appears to Gordon to
remind him of his task and disappears again. Then Gordon and Alyx get on the helicopter to go the Borealis
Stats: N/A
HUD Elements
Normal Elements Used
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Half Life 2
Level Progression Chart
Figure 30 Level Progression Chart for Strange Days
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Half Life 2
Gameplay Mechanics
Prerequisite Skills:
 Basic first person shooter skills that include aiming, shooting, and navigation
Skills Learned
 Players learn to navigate an unknown area as it forms around them and how to fight enemies in such a space
Figure 31 Overview map and key
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Half Life 2
Figure 32 Gun and ammo pick-ups map
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Half Life 2
Figure 33 Encounter and enemy map
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Half Life 2
Figure 34 The two Dreamscape paths that lead to the two encounter rooms in the level
Alyx travels with the player on these paths
There is no combat on these paths
The path creates itself under the players feet
These paths are cool down paths between combat sections
On the first path Alyx tells Gordon her memories of Ravenholm and what it means to her
On the second path Alyx recollects her near death experience involving a Combine Hunter
Vortigaunt mumbling in the background
Visual References
Figure 35 First Dreamscape path
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Half Life 2
Figure 36 Second Dreamscape path
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Half Life 2
Figure 37 Ravenholm Recollection area map
Load out: Hev suit
o Alyx fights alongside Gordon
o E1: Three fast zombies spawn on the roof tops and assault the player
o There is a shotgun in the area to fight the fast zombies with
o Due to the close quarters, the shotgun is the perfect weapon for this encounter
o Fighting three fast zombies in a small encounter space
o Only one health pickup in far end of the room
Alyx talks to Gordon with generic battle dialogue
The Vortigaunts tell Gordon what to do to move on
The Vortigaunts mumble in the background
Visual References
Figure 38 Isometric view of the Ravenholm area
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Half Life 2
Figure 39 Top view of the Ravenholm Recollection area
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Half Life 2
Figure 40 Hunter's House area map with both floors displayed
Load out: Hev suit and Shotgun
o Alyx fights alongside Gordon
o The player confronts a Combine Hunter in a small area
o The level is not fully formed when the player arrives
o The upstairs does not exist until the player goes up the stairs
o This creates a fun and dynamic challenge for the player not seen in Half Life
o Making sure the level forms in a way so that the player cannot fall out of the level is going to be a
major priority
Alyx talks to Gordon with idle battle chatter
The Vortigaunts congratulate the player upon the completion of this area
The Vortigaunts tell Gordon what to do to move on
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Half Life 2
Visual References
Figure 41 Basic isometric view of the house without the outer walls in place
Figure 42 Top view of the house floors
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Half Life 2
What makes this level fun?
Tight controlled encounters to provide a good sense of tension
Having a level form around the player
More Half Life story and time with Alyx
What makes this sequence interesting/memorable?
 Levels forming out of thin air
 Three very different environments in a small space
 Playing a level in someone’s mind
How will you communicate to the player what they need to do?
Vortigaunts tell the player what to do throughout the level with voice over
How can the player break it?
The player can inevitably find a way out of the level before it forms, and no matter how much play testing is
done, it is not going to be enough to find every way out of the level
Wasting ammo and then not being able to kill the enemies
Players killing Alyx themselves
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