Constructing and interpreting cross sections

Constructing cross sections
Starter: look at these
diagrams of contour lines.
1. Describe the relief for the
first 3 contours
2. Which direction would
the river be flowing in for
the fourth contour
3. Describe the land
represented in the fourth
Look at this sketch of the cross section
June 2011
between 237408 and 244418
Where’s the:
Railway tunnel
Non coniferous wood
Why do you think the road and the settlement
are located in this place?
• Create a cross section graph going from
585620 to 585670
• You will have to enlarge your scale to fit it
appropriately onto a graph
- what type of contours can be seen?
- Name different land uses for this hill
- Which direction is the river in grid square
5865 flowing in?
Use the
skills text
book pg
54,55 qs
Constructing contours
1. Place the edge of a piece of paper along the centre of a
2. Mark the heights of the contour lines where the paper
crosses them. This is usually done by putting a small line
on a piece of paper and noting down the height at that
point. Also mark the spot height at the top.
3. Remove the piece of paper with the location of the
contour lines and the heights marked on it. Place it on a
piece of graph paper. Work out an appropriate scale for
the y- axis and draw it on the graph paper. Mark the
heights at the correct location.
4. Join up the crosses to show the cross-section of your hill
Jan 2011
• You will have to describe the shape of the land
and complete a contour graph showing the
cross section
Write down 4 physical features you need
to describe when describing O.S. maps
Write down 3 Human features you need
to describe when describing O.S. maps
The site, situation and shape of settlements
Definition of site and situation?
Site: the land on which a settlement is built, described in terms of its physical
S – Shelter from strong winds and storms
H – Height above sea level
A – aspect – the way that the slope faces
W – water supply
L – land that the settlement is built on such as above the floodplain, fertile
land, type of slope
Situation: the settlement’s location in relation to other settlements, rivers, relief
features, transport etc.
P – places
A – accessibility
R – relief
C – communications
Answer questions on page 219 of
Green book
Exam practice
True or False?
-On a 1: 50 000 O.S. map the distance between contour lines in
- Shading is used to show different heights on relief maps
-A blue square will show a triangulation pillar
- Contours further apart are steeper
- You can tell whether a hill is concave or convex just by looking at
an O.S. map
Uniform slope. Contours decrease ……….. The distance
between the contour lines is the ……….. all the way down the
Convex slope. Contour lines are ………… together at the bottom
of the slope. This means that the height is increasing quickly
because the slope is ………….. The lines gradually become
further apart towards the …………. of the slope.
This is a concave slope. The contour lines are ………..apart at the bottom of the
slope. This means that the height is increasing slowly and the slope is ……... The
lines gradually become closer together towards the top of the slope. This
means that the height is increasing more quickly and that the slope is ………….
This is a V shaped valley. The distance between the contours is
……….meaning that the valley sides will have an even slope.
There is no ……….. land by the side of the river. The V of the
contour always points ………...
This is a U-shaped valley. The distance between the contours is regular,
meaning that the valley sides will have an even slope. The contours
increase quickly, meaning that the sides of the valley are ………. There
is an areas of ……… land by the side of the river shown by the lack of
………….. The contour lines of not cross the river for many km, it is
therefore difficult to ascertain the direction of flow.
Uniform slope. Contours decrease evenly. The distance
between the contour lines is the same all the way down the
Convex slope. Contour lines are closer together at the bottom
of the slope. This means that the height is increasing quickly
because the slope is steep. The lines gradually become further
apart towards the top of the slope.
This is a concave slope. The contour lines are further apart at the bottom of the
slope. This means that the height is increasing slowly and the slope is gentle. The
lines gradually become closer together towards the top of the slope. This means
that the height is increasing more quickly and that the slope is steeper.
This is a V shaped valley. The distance between the contours is
regular, meaning that the valley sides will have an even slope.
There is no flat land by the side of the river. The V of the
contour always points upstream.
This is a U-shaped valley. The distance between the contours is regular,
meaning that the valley sides will have an even slope. The contours
increase quickly, meaning that the sides of the valley are steep. There
is an areas of flat land by the side of the river shown by the lack of
contour lines. The contour lines of not cross the river for many km, it is
therefore difficult to ascertain the direction of flow.
Describing Relief
True or False?
-On a 1: 50 000 O.S. map the distance between contour lines in
- Shading is used to show different heights on relief maps
-A blue square will show a triangulation pillar
- Contours further apart are steeper
- You can tell whether a hill is concave or convex just by looking at
an O.S. map
Using map on page 39
1. Using the key terms you’ve just learnt describe the
relief in:
2. Give the 6 figure grid reference for the highest point
in square 6634.
3. What is the height of this point?
4. Compare the relief of 6333 and 5929.
5. Answer the question on page 219 of green book
Cross section
• June 2011
• June 2013
Look at this sketch of the cross section
June 2011
between 237408 and 244418
Where’s the:
Railway tunnel
Non coniferous wood
Why do you think the road and the settlement
are located in this place?
• Create a cross section graph going from
585620 to 585670
• You will have to enlarge your scale to fit it
appropriately onto a graph
- what type of contours can be seen?
- Name different land uses for this hill
- Which direction is the river in grid square
5865 flowing in?
• Claughton moor
What is this? What grid square is it in?
Still on the same hill- what land use
can be seen?