Prof. Gershon Galil – List of Publications


Prof. Gershon Galil

Department of Biblical Studies

University of Haifa, Eshkol Tower,

Floor 14, Room 1403

Mount Carmel, Haifa, 31905, ISRAEL

Phone (office): 972-1-800-800-217; 972-4-8249252;

Fax: 972-4-8249718; Home: 972-4-9530978





T.V. Interview (

Rino Zror's interview with Prof. Gershon Galil

) :

Prof. Gershon Galil – List of Publications


The Genealogies of the Tribe of Judah , The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1983, pp. 354 + xxxv.

Supervisor: Prof. Z. Kallai.


1. The Book of Joshua . A Critical Commentary on the Book of Joshua, with an Introduction (in collaboration with Y. Zakovitz; Olam Hatanach ), Jerusalem – Tel Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1994, 224 pp.


2. The Book of I Chronicles . A Critical Commentary on the Book of Chronicles, with an Introduction (in collaboration with M. Garsiel, M. Kochman and Y. Amit; Olam Hatanach ), Jerusalem-Tel Aviv (Davidson-

Atai) 1995, 288 pp. (Hebrew)

3. The Chronology of the Kings of Israel and Judah, Leiden – New York – Köln,

(Brill) 1996, (SHCANE 9) XIX + 180 pp.

4. Israel and Assyria, Haifa - Tel Aviv (Haifa University Press and Zmora-Bitan) 2001, 184 pp.

* This book was awarded the BAHAT PRIZE, 2000 (the first prize).

5. The Lower Stratum Families in the Neo-Assyrian Period

Leiden – Boston (Brill) 2007, xviii + 403 pp. Series: Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 27.



1-24 . Editor and Coordinator of Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the

Bible: 24 volumes, Jerusalem-Tel Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1983 –1996, 5754 pp.


25 . J. Wellhausen, The Judean Clanss and Families (=De Gentibus et Familiis Judaeis) :

Preface, Notes and Translation from the Latin (in collaboration with L. Ulmann) Jerusalem

(The Dinur Center) 1985, pp. 10+44+45* (Hebrew).

26 . Studies in Historical Geography and Biblical Historiography p resented to Zecharia Kallai , G. Galil and M. Weinfeld (eds.), Leiden (Brill) 2000

(= Supplement to Vetus Tesatamentum, LXXXI), 280 pp.

27 . Homeland and Exile: Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Bustenay Oded

Galil, M. Geller and A. Millard (eds.), Leiden – Boston,

, G.

(Brill) 2009 (= Supplement to Vetus Tesatamentum, CXXX), xxiv + 643 pp.


The Ancient Near East in the 12

G. Galil, et al (eds.), (Ugaritth 10 th Centuries BCE: Culture and History ,

Verlag), Münster 2012 (=AOAT 392), xviii + 647 pp.



1. The Administrative Districts of the Judean Hill Area, Zion , 49 (1984), pp. 205 – 224 (Hebrew).

2. The Sons of Judah and the Sons of Aaron in Biblical Historiography, Vetus Testamentum

(1985), pp. 488 –495.

, 35

2a. Pristhood and Kingship in the Genealogy of the House of Aaron,

168 –172 (Hebrew).

Beth Miqra , 30 (1984), pp.

3. The Land of Dan, Tarbitz , 54 (1984), pp. 1 – 19 (Hebrew).

4. The Administrative Division of the Shephelah, Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient

Near Eastern Studies , 9 (1985), pp. 55 – 71 (Hebrew).

5. Sennacherib Versus Hezekiah: A New Look at the Assyrian Campaign to the West in 701 BCE,

(1988), pp. 1 –12 (Hebrew).

Zion , 53

6. The Pre Davidic Period in Chronicles, Zion , 55 (1990), pp. 1 – 26 (Hebrew).

7. Geba‛, Beth Dagon and the Boundary between Asher and Zebulun, Cathedra , 57 (1990), pp.

3 –18 (Hebrew).

8. The Chronicler's Genealogies of Ephraim,

56 (1991), pp. 11 –14.

Biblische Notizen ,

8a. The Genealogy of Ephraim in I Chronicles 7,

36 (1991), pp. 139 –143 (Hebrew)

Beth Miqra ,

9. A New Look at the Cronology of the Last Kings of Judah, Zion , 56 (1991), pp. 5 – 19 (Hebrew).

9a. The Babylonian Calendar and the Chronology of the Last Kings of

Judah, Biblica , 72 (1991), pp. 367 – 378.

10. Pirathon, Timnatha and the Fortifications of Bacchides, Cathedra , 63 (1992), pp. 22 – 30



10a. Pirathon, Parathon and Timnatha, Zeitschrift des Deutschen

Palästina Vareins , 109 (1993), pp. 49 – 53.

11. Judah and Assyria in the Sargonid Period, Zion , 57 (1992), pp. 111 – 133 (Hebrew).

12. Geba‛ Ephraim and the Northern Boundary of the Kingdom of Judah in the Days of Josiah,

Tarbitz , 61 (1992), pp.

1 – 13 (Hebrew).

12a. Geba‛-Ephraim and the Northern Boundary of Judah in the Days of

Josiah, Revue biblique , 100 (1993), pp. 358 – 367.

13. Conflicts between Assyrian Vassals,

Bulletin, 6 (1992), pp. 55 – 63.

State Archives of Assyria

14. The Last Years of the Kingdom of Israel and the Fall of Samaria,

The Catholic Biblical Quarterly , 57 (1995), pp. 52 – 65.

15. New Look at the "Azekah Inscription", Revue biblique , 102 (1995), pp. 321 – 329.

16. The Chronol ogical Data in the Greek Text of Kings, Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and

Ancient Near Eastern Studies , 11 (1996), pp. 56 – 77 (Hebrew).

17. The Canaanite City States in the 14 th Century BCE, Cathedra , 84 (1997), pp. 7 – 52


18. Ashtaroth in t he Amarna Period, Israel Oriental Studies , 18 (1998),

pp. 373 –385.

19. A New Look at the Inscriptions of Tiglath Pileser III, Biblica , 81 (2000), pp. 511 – 520.

20. The Historical Context of Ju dah 19: 40

104 (2000), pp. 11 –15.

– 48, Biblische Notizen ,

21. A Re-arrangement of the Fragments of the Tel Dan Inscription and the Relations between

Israel and Aram, Palestine Exploration Quarterly , 133 (2001), pp. 16 – 21.

21a. The Tel Dan Inscription, in: Z. Talshir et al. (eds.), Homage to Samuel: Studies in the World of the

Bible , Jerusalem 2001, pp. 67 –74 (Hebrew).

22. The Massage of the Book of Kings in Relation to the Deuteronomy and Jeremiah , Bibliotheca Sacra , 158 (2001), pp. 406 – 414.

22a. The Message of the Book of Kings and the Deuteronomistic History, in: M. Heltzer and M.Malul (eds.),

T e shûrôt LaAvishur: Studies in the Bible and the Ancient Near East, in Hebrew and Semitic

Languages. Festschrift Presented to Prof. Yitzhak Avishur on the Occasion of his 65 th

Aviv – Jaffa 2004, pp. 179–184 (Hebrew).

Birthday, Tel

23. The Jerahmeelites and the Negeb of Judah,

Ancient Near Eastern Society ,

The Journal of the

28 (2001), pp. 33 – 42.

24. Shalmaneser III in the West, Revue biblique , 109 (2002), pp. 40 – 56.

25. The "Synchronistic History" and the Book of Chronicles: Reconsidering the Reliability of

Ancient Near Eastern Texts , Henoch , 26 (2004), pp. 136 – 144.

26. The Chronological Framework of the Deuteronomistic History,

Biblica , 85 (2004), pp. 413 –421.

27. David and Hazael: War, Peace, Stones and Memory,

Palestine Exploration Journal 139 (2007), pp. 79 –84.


27a. The Rise and Fall of Two Regional Empires, SHNATON: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near

Eastern Studies 17 (2007), pp. 135 –146 (Hebrew)

28. Financing of Private Commercial Enterprises in the Neo-Assyrian Period:

KAV 121 and other Related Texts from Aššur, State Archives of Assyria

Bulletin, 15 (2006), pp. 21 – 41.

29. Israelite Exiles in Media: A New Look at ND 2443+, Beth Miqra (NS)

52 (2007), pp. 41 –60 (Hebrew).

29a. Israelite Exiles in Media: A New Look at ND 2443+, Vetus Testamentum

59 (2009), pp. 71 –79.

30. International Private Commerce in the Neo Ass yrian Period, Eretz Israel , 29 (2009), pp. 92 – 99


31. Forbidden Boundaries: Ideology and Reality, Beer Sheva , 19 (2010), pp. 71 –91 (Hebrew).

32. The Hebrew Inscription from Khirbet Qeiyafa/Neta'im: Script, Language, Literature and History, Ugarit-

Forschungen , 41 (2009) [2010], pp. 193 –242.


33. More Neo-Assyrian Families – 19 pp.

34. David, King of Israel, between the Arameans and the Northern and Southern Sea Peoples in Light of

New Epigraphic and Archaeological Data – 22 pp.


1. The Historical Reliability of the Book of Chronicles, in: Y. Avishur and R. Deutsch (eds.), Michael:

Historical, Epigraphical and Biblical Studies in Honor of Prof. Michael Heltzer, Tel Aviv – Jaffa 1999, pp. 55* –62* (Hebrew).

2. The Boundaries of Aram Damascus, in: G. Galil and M. Weinfeld (eds.), Studies in Historical

Geography and Biblical Historiography presented to

Supplement to Vetus Testamentum, LXXXI), pp. 35 –41.

Zecharia Kallai , Leiden, 2000 (=

3. The Formation of I Chr 2:3 –4:23 and the Election of King David,

in: Y. Sefati, P. Artzi, Ch. Cohen, B.L.Eichler and V.A.Hurowitz

(eds.), An Experienced Scribe who neglects nothing, Ancient

Near Eastern Studies in Honor of Jacob Klein , Bethesda, MD 2005, pp. 707 –717.

4. A New Look at a Neo-Assyrian sale of "Land and People", in:

M. Cogan and D. Kahn (eds.), Treasures on Camel's Humps:

Historical and Liter ary Studies presented to Israel Eph'al ,

Jerusalem 2008, pp. 75-85.


5. Polemics and Propaganda in the Deuteronomistic History, in: S. Bar (ed.), In the Hill Country, and in the

Shephelah, and in the Arabah (Joshua 12, 8): Studies and Reseaerches Presented to Adam Zertal in the Thirties Anniversary of the Manasseh Hill Country Survey , Jerusalem 2008, pp. 239 – 247 (Hebrew).

6. The Formation of the Clan of Hur, in: S. Vargon et al.

(eds.), Studies in Bible and Exegesis pp. 409 –425 (Hebrew).

, 8 (2009),

7. Appropriation of Land by Officials in the Neo-Assyrian Period,

In: G. Galil, M. Geller and A. Millard (eds.), Homeland and Exile: Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern

Studies in Honour of Bustenay Oded , Leiden – Boston 2009 (= Supplement to Vetus

CXXX), pp. 95 –119.


8. Dates and Calendar in Kings, in: A. Lemaire and B. Halpern (eds.),

(Supplements to Vetus The Books of Kings: Sources, Co mposition, Historiography and Reception

Testamentum ), Leiden – Boston 2012, pp. 427–443.

9. Time and Memory in the Deuteronomistic History, in: M. Garsiel et al.

(eds.), Studies in Bible and

Exegesis , 10 (2009), pp. 179 – 195 (Hebrew) .

10 . Polemics and Propaganda in the Deuteronomistic Composition, in G. B. Lanfranchi, D. M. Bonacossi, C.

Pappi, and S. Ponchia (eds.), Leggo! Studies Presented to Frederick Mario Fales on the Occasion of

His 65th Birthday ,

Wiesbaden (Harrassowitz Verlag) 2012, pp. 293 –306 (Enlarged and Augmented version of D / 5).

11. Solomon's Temple: Fiction or Reality?, in G. Galil et al (eds.), The Ancient Near East in the

12 th 10 th Centuries BCE: Culture and History , Münster 2012, pp. 137 148.


12. The Socio-economic Status of the People enumerated in Sales of "Land and People" in the Neo-

Assyrian Period, in K. Abraham and J. Fleishman (eds.), Looking at the Ancient Near East and the Bible

Through the same Eyes: A Tribute to Aaron Skaist , Bethesda MD ( C DL Press ) 2012 , pp. 221 236.


1. The Formation of Judah, Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division A,

The Bible and its World , Jerusalem 1990, pp. 1 – 8 (Hebrew).

2. The Crystallization of the Book of Joshua, Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of Jewish

Studies, Division A, The Bible and its World , Jerusalem 1994, pp. 47 – 53 (Hebrew).

3. The Economic Activity of Wealthy Families in Nineveh in the

8 th and 7 th Centuries BCE , in: I. Bartal and I. Gafni (eds.), Sexuality and the Family in History , Jerusalem 1998, pp. 27 –41 (Hebrew).

4. The Galilee between Israel and Damascus, in: Z. Safrai (ed.), Galilee Studies,

Ramat-Gan 2009, pp. 26 –36 (Hebrew).

5. King David's First Decade as King of Jerusalem and his Relations with the Philistines in Light of the

Qeiyafa Excavations and Inscription, in: E. Baruch, A. Levy Reifer and A. Faust (eds.), New Studies on

Jerusalem – Volume 16 , Ramat Gan 2010, pp. 21 – 71 (Hebrew version of C32).

6. "The secret things belong to the Lord our God" (Deut 29: 29): Retribution in the Persian Period,

Transeuphratène 39 (2010), pp. 89 – 94.

6a. Retribution in the Book of Chronicles, in: M. Gruber et al (eds.), TESHURA LE ZAFRIRA : Studies in the

Bible, the History of Israel and the Ancient Near East, Presented to Z afrira Ben Barak ), Beer Sheva

2012, pp. 109-117.




1. Two Neo Assyrian Tablets from Tel Hadid, Nouvelles Assyriologiques Breves et

Utilitaires , 2001/3, pp. 68 – 69.

2. ADD 79 (=SAA XIV 209) reconsidered, NouvellesAssyriologiques Breves et Utilitaires ,

2006/1, no. 02, p. 2.


1. The Administrative Division of the Kingdom of Judah in Light of the Epigraphical Data, Zion , 52 (1987), pp. 495 –509 (Hebrew).

2. On the use of Epigraphic Sources for the Study of Biblical History, Zion , 53 (1988), pp. 214 – 216



1. Who wrote the Book of Joshua? HAARETZ , July 5, 1996, pp. 5, 26 (Hebrew).

2. M. C. Tetley, The Reconstructed Chronology of the Divided Kingdom (Winona Lake, IN: Esenbrauns,

2005), pp. xiv+194 , The Catholic Biblical Quarterly , 68 (2006), pp. 131 –133.

3. S. Ahituv, Haktav VeHaMiktav, Jerusalem 2005, 465 pp., Qadmoniot , 39 (2006), pp. 126 –127 (Hebrew)

4. R. W. Klein, 1 Chronicles: A Commentary (Hermeneia: A critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible;

Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2006), xxi + 561 pp.,

Review of Biblical Literature , 5/2007, pp. 1 – 4.


S. M. Paul , Isaiah 40 –66: Introduction and Commentary (Mikra LeyIsra'el). I –II, Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem

2008, xvi + 619, pp HAARETZ , 10.6.2008, p. 4 (Hebrew).



F AIST , Alltagstexte aus neuassyrischen Archiven und Bibliotheken der Stadt Assur ,.

Studien zu den Assur Texten, vol. 3.

American Oriental Society


, 128 (2008), pp. 7 – 8.

, 2007. xx + 250, pp ., plates, Journal of the

7. J. T. Sparks, The Chronicler’s Genealogies: Towards anUnderstanding of 1 Chronicles 1 –9, Society of Biblical Literature Academia Biblica 28,

Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2008. xvi + 385, pp., Review of Biblical Literature , 7/2009, pp. 1 –7.

8. The Early Monarchic Age in Israel: a review-article of M. Garsiel, The Rise of the Monarchy in Israel:

Studies in the Book of Samuel , The Open University of Israel, 4 vols., Raanana, Israel 2008, Beth Miqra

(NS) 54 (2009), pp. 172 –181 (Hebrew).

9. The Book of Chronicles: Literature. Historiography and Theology: a review-article of I. Kalimi, The

Reshaping of Ancient Israelite History in Chronicles, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2005, xiii, 473 pp.,

Mo'ed: Annual for Jewish Studies 20 (2010), pp. 299-309 (in collaboration with S. Cohen) – (Hebrew).

10. F. M. Fales, Guerre et paix en Assyrie: Religion et impérialisme, Les Conférences de l'École pratique des hautes etudes 2 Paris: Cerf, 2010, 246 pp., Review of Biblical Literature, 3/2011, pp . 1-10.


11. M. Cogan, The Raging Torrent: Historical Inscriptions from Assyria and Babylonia Relating to Ancient

Israel , Carta, Jerusalem 2008, xiv + 250 pp. Israel Exploration Journal, 61 (2011), pp. 117 120.

12. Z. Kallai, Studies in Biblical Historiography and Geography: Collection of Studies (Beiträge zur

Erforschung des Alten Testaments und des Antiken Judentums 56), Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2010.

262 pp. Israel Exploration Journal , 61 (2011), pp. 240 242.


1. Dozens Entries in Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, 24

volumes, Jerusalem –Tel Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1983–1996 (Hebrew).

2. The Land of Israel in the Monarchic Period, The Hebrew Encyclopedia , Supp.

VI, Jerusalem – Tel Aviv 1993, col. 431–461 (Hebrew).

3. Malamat, Abraham (1922 – ), in: J. H. Hayes (ed.),

Nashville (Abingdon Press) 1999, pp. 113 –114.

Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation ,


1. Jerusalem from the Late 4 th Millennium BCE to 586 BCE, in Y. Shavit (ed.),

Jerusalem: A Biography , Tel Aviv 1998, pp. 13 –37 (Hebrew).


Prof. Gershon Galil: List of Publications 1983-2012


1. The Genealogies of the Tribe of Judah , Ph. D. Dissertation, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

1983, pp. 354 + xxxv (Supervisor: Prof. Z. Kallai).

2. Entries in Genesis, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-Gan (Revivim) 1983


3. Entries in Jeremiah, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-Gan (Revivim) 1983


4. Editor and Coordinator of Jeremiah, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-Gan

(Revivim) 1983 (Hebrew).


5. The Administrative Districts of the Judean Hill Area, Zion , 49 (1984), pp. 205-224 (Hebrew).

6. Pristhood and Kingship in the Genealogy of the House of Aaron, Beth Miqra , 30 (1984), pp. 168-172


7. The Land of Dan, Tarbitz , 54 (1984), pp. 1-19 (Hebrew).

8. Entries in Ezekiel, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-Gan (Revivim) 1984


9. Editor and Coordinator of Ezekiel, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-Gan

(Revivim) 1984 (Hebrew).



J. Wellhausen, The Judean Clanss and Families (=De Gentibus et Familiis Judaeis) : Preface,

Notes and Translation from the Latin (in collaboration with L. Ulmann) Jerusalem (The Dinur Center)

1985, pp. 10+44+45* (Hebrew).

11. The Sons of Judah and the Sons of Aaron in Biblical Historiography, Vetus Testamentum , 35

(1985), pp. 488-495.

12. The Administrative Division of the Shephelah, Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near

Eastern Studies , 9 (1985), pp. 55-71 (Hebrew).

13. Entries in 1 Samuel , Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-Gan (Revivim)

1985 (Hebrew).

14. Entries in Ezra-Nehemiah, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-Gan

(Revivim) 1985 (Hebrew).

15. Editor and Coordinator of 1 Samuel , Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-

Gan (Revivim) 1985 (Hebrew).

16. Editor and Coordinator of Ezra-Nehemiah, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible,

Ramat-Gan (Revivim) 1985 (Hebrew).



17. Entries in Numbers, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-Gan (Revivim)

1986 (Hebrew).

18. Entries in Isaiah, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-Gan (Revivim) 1986


19. Editor and Coordinator of Numbers, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-

Gan (Revivim) 1986 (Hebrew).

20. Editor and Coordinator of Isaiah, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-Gan

(Revivim) 1986 (Hebrew).


21. The Administrative Division of the Kingdom of Judah in Light of the Epigraphical Data, Zion , 52

(1987), pp. 495-509 (Hebrew).

22. Entries in Leviticus, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-Gan (Revivim)

1987 (Hebrew).

23. Editor and Coordinator of Leviticus, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-

Gan (Revivim) 1987 (Hebrew).

24 . Editor and Coordinator of Song of Songs, Ruth and Lamentations , Olam Hatanach : A Critical

Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-Gan (Revivim) 1987 (Hebrew).


25. Sennacherib Versus Hezekiah: A New Look at the Assyrian Campaign to the West in 701 BCE,

Zion , 53 (1988), pp. 1-12 (Hebrew).

26. On the use of Epigraphic Sources for the Study of Biblical History, Zion , 53 (1988), pp. 214-216


27 . Editor and Coordinator of Kohelet, Ester, and Daniel, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-Gan (Revivim) 1988 (Hebrew).


28. Entries in 2 Samuel, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-Gan (Revivim)

1987 (Hebrew).

29. Editor and Coordinator of 2 Samuel, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Ramat-

Gan (Revivim) 1987 (Hebrew).


30. The Pre-Davidic Period in Chronicles, Zion , 55 (1990), pp. 1-26 (Hebrew).

31. Geba?, Beth-Dagon and the Boundary between Asher and Zebulun, Cathedra , 57 (1990), pp. 3-18


32. The Formation of Judah, Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division

A, The Bible and its World , Jerusalem 1990, pp. 1-8 (Hebrew).



33. The Chronicler's Genealogies of Ephraim, Biblische Notizen , 56 (1991), pp. 11-14.

34. The Genealogy of Ephraim in I Chronicles 7, Beth Miqra , 36 (1991), pp. 139-143 (Hebrew)

35. A New Look at the Cronology of the Last Kings of Judah, Zion , 56 (1991), pp. 5-19 (Hebrew).

36. The Babylonian Calendar and the Chronology of the Last Kings of Judah, Biblica , 72 (1991), pp.



37. Pirathon, Timnatha and the Fortifications of Bacchides, Cathedra , 63 (1992), pp. 22-30 (Hebrew).

38. Judah and Assyria in the Sargonid Period, Zion , 57 (1992), pp. 111-133 (Hebrew).

39. Geba?-Ephraim and the Northern Boundary of the Kingdom of Judah in the Days of Josiah, Tarbitz ,

61 (1992), pp. 1-13 (Hebrew).

40. Conflicts between Assyrian Vassals, State Archives of Assyria Bulletin, 6 (1992), pp. 55-63.


41. Pirathon, Parathon and Timnatha, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina-Vareins , 109 (1993), pp.


42. Geba'-Ephraim and the Northern Boundary of Judah in the Days of Josiah, Revue biblique , 100

(1993), pp. 358-367.

43. The Land of Israel in the Monarchic Period, The Hebrew Encyclopedia , Supp. VI, Jerusalem - Tel

Aviv 1993, col. 431-461 (Hebrew).

44. Entries in Exodus, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv

(Davidson-Atai) 1993 (Hebrew).

45. Entries in 1 Kings, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv

(Davidson-Atai) 1993 (Hebrew).

46. Entries in 2 Kings, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv

(Davidson-Atai) 1993 (Hebrew).

47. Editor and Coordinator of Exodus, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Jerusalem-

Tel-Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1993 (Hebrew).

48. Editor and Coordinator of 1 Kings, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Jerusalem-

Tel-Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1993 (Hebrew).

49. Editor and Coordinator of 2 Kings, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Jerusalem-

Tel-Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1993 (Hebrew).



The Book of Joshua . A Critical Commentary on the Book of Joshua, with an Introduction (in collaboration with Y. Zakovitz; Olam Hatanach ), Jerusalem-Tel Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1994, 224 pp.


51. The Crystallization of the Book of Joshua, Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of

Jewish Studies, Division A, The Bible and its World , Jerusalem 1994, pp. 47-53 (Hebrew).


52. Entries in Judges, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv

(Davidson-Atai) 1994 (Hebrew).

53. Editor and Coordinator of Judges, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Jerusalem-

Tel-Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1994 (Hebrew).

54. Editor and Coordinator of The Twelve Minor Prophets - vol. I, Olam Hatanach : A Critical

Commentary of the Bible, Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1994 (Hebrew).


55. The Book of I Chronicles . A Critical Commentary on the Book of Chronicles, with an Introduction

(in collaboration with M. Garsiel, M. Kochman and Y. Amit; Olam Hatanach ), Jerusalem-Tel Aviv

(Davidson-Atai) 1995, 288 pp. (Hebrew)

56. The Last Years of the Kingdom of Israel and the Fall of Samaria, The Catholic Biblical Quarterly ,

57 (1995), pp. 52-65.

57. New Look at the "Azekah Inscription", Revue biblique , 102 (1995), pp. 321-329.

58. Entries in Deuteronomy, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv

(Davidson-Atai) 1995 (Hebrew).

59. Entries in 2 Chronicles, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv

(Davidson-Atai) 1995 (Hebrew).

60. Editor and Coordinator of Deuteronomy, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible,

Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1995 (Hebrew).

61. Editor and Coordinator of 2 Chronicles, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible,

Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1995 (Hebrew).

62. Editor and Coordinator of The Twelve Minor Prophets - vol. II, Olam Hatanach : A Critical

Commentary of the Bible, Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1995 (Hebrew).

63. Editor and Coordinator of The Psalms - vol. II, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible,

Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1995 (Hebrew).


64. The Chronology of the Kings of Israel and Judah, Leiden-New York-Koln, E. J. Brill, 1996,

(SHCANE 9) XIX + 180 pp.

65. The Chronological Data in the Greek Text of Kings, Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient

Near Eastern Studies , 11 (1996), pp. 56-77 (Hebrew).

66. Review: Who wrote the Book of Joshua? HAARETZ , July 5, 1996, pp. 5, 26 (Hebrew).

67. Entries in Job, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv (Davidson-

Atai) 1996 (Hebrew).

68. Editor and Coordinator of Job, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible, Jerusalem-Tel-

Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1996 (Hebrew).

69. Editor and Coordinator of The Psalms - vol. I, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible,

Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1995 (Hebrew).

70 . Editor and Coordinator of Proverbs, Olam Hatanach : A Critical Commentary of the Bible,

Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv (Davidson-Atai) 1995 (Hebrew).



71. The Canaanite City States in the 14th Century BCE, Cathedra , 84 (1997), pp. 7-52 (Hebrew).


72. Ashtaroth in the Amarna Period, Israel Oriental Studies , 18 (1998), pp. 373-385.

73. The Economic Activity of Wealthy Families in Nineveh in the 8th and 7th Centuries BCE , in I. Bartal and I. Gafni (eds.), Sexuality and the Family in History , Jerusalem 1998, pp. 27-41 (Hebrew).

74. Jerusalem from the Late 4th Millennium BCE to 586 BCE, in Y. Shavit (ed.), Jerusalem:

A Biography , Tel Aviv 1998, pp. 13-37 (Hebrew).


75. The Historical Reliability of the Book of Chronicles, in: Y. Avishur and R. Deutsch (eds.), Michael:

Historical, Epigraphical and Biblical Studies in Honor of Prof. Michael Heltzer, Tel Aviv - Jaffa

1999, pp. 55*-62* (Hebrew).

76. Malamat, Abraham (1922- ), in: J. H. Hayes (ed.), Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation , Nashville

(Abingdon Press) 1999, pp. 113-114.


77. Studies in Historical Geography and Biblical Historiography presented to Zecharia Kallai , G.

Galil and M. Weinfeld (eds.), Leiden-Boston- Koln, E.J.BRILL, 2000 (= Supplement to Vetus

Tesatamentum, LXXXI), 280 pp.

78. A New Look at the Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser III, Biblica , 81 (2000), pp. 511-520.

79. The Historical Context of Judah 19: 40-48, Biblische Notizen , 104 (2000), pp. 11-15.

80. The Boundaries of Aram-Damascus, in: Studies in Historical Geography and Biblical

Historiography presented to Zecharia Kallai , G. Galil and M. Weinfeld (eds.), Leiden, 2000 (=

Supplement to Vetus Tesatamentum, LXXXI), pp. 35-41.


81. Israel and Assyria, Haifa - Tel Aviv(Haifa University Press and Zmora-Bitan) 2001, 184 pp.

(*This book was awarded the BAHAT PRIZE, first prize).

82. A Re-arrangement of the Fragments of the Tel Dan Inscription and the Relations between Israel and

Aram, Palestine Exploration Quarterly , 133 (2001), pp. 16-21.

83. The Tel Dan Inscription, in: Z. Talshir et al. (eds.), Homage to Samuel: Studies in the World of the

Bible , Jerusalem 2001, pp. 67-74 (Hebrew).

84. The Massage of the Book of Kings in Relation to the Deuteronomy and Jeremiah , Bibliotheca

Sacra , 158 (2001), pp. 406-414.

85. The Jerahmeelites and the Negeb of Judah, The Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society,

28 (2001), pp. 33-42.

86. Two Neo-Assyrian Tablets from Tel Hadid, Nouvelles Assyriologiques Breves et Utilitaires ,

2001/3, pp. 68-69.


87. Shalmaneser III in the West, Revue biblique, 109 (2002), pp. 40-56.



88. The Message of the Book of Kings and the Deuteronomistic History, in: M. Heltzer and M.Malul

(eds.), Teshurot LaAvishur: Studies in the Bible and the Ancient Near East, in Hebrew and Semitic

Languages. Festschrift Presented to Prof. Yitzhak Avishur on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday,

Tel Aviv - Jaffa 2004, pp. 179-184 (Hebrew).

89. The "Synchronistic History" and the Book of Chronicles: Reconsidering the Reliability of Ancient Near

Eastern Texts , Henoch , 26 (2004), pp. 136-144.

90. The Chronological Framework of the Deuteronomistic History, Biblica , 85 (2004), pp. 413-421.


91. The Formation of I Chr 2:3-4:23 and the Election of King David, in: Y. Sefati, P. Artzi, Ch. Cohen,

B.L.Eichler and V.A.Hurowitz (eds.), "An Experienced Scribe who neglects nothing", Ancient Near

Eastern Studies in Honor of Jacob Klein , Bethesda, MD 2005, pp. 707-717


92. Financing of Private Commercial Enterprises in the Neo-Assyrian Period: KAV 121 and other

Related Texts from Assur, State Archives of Assyria Bulletin, 15 (2006), pp. 21-41.

93. Review of M. CHRISTINE TETLEY, The Reconstructed Chronology of the Divided Kingdom (Winona

Lake, IN: Esenbrauns, 2005), pp. xiv+194 , The Catholic Biblical Quarterly , 68 (2006), pp. 131-133.

94. Review of S. Ahituv, Haktav VeHaMiktav, Jerusalem 2005, 465 pp., Qadmoniot , 39 (2006), pp. 126-

127 (Hebrew)

95. ADD 79 (=SAA XIV 209) reconsidered, Nouvelles Assyriologiques Breves et Utilitaires , 2006/1, no. 02, p. 2.


96. The Lower Stratum Families in the Neo-Assyrian Period, Leiden - Boston (BRILL) 2007 (CHANE

27), xviii + 403 pp.

97. David and Hazael: War, Peace, Stones and Memory, Palestine Exploration Journal 139 (2007), pp. 79-84.

98. Israelite Exiles in Media: A New Look at ND 2443+, Beth Miqra , 52 (2007), pp. 41-60 (Hebrew)

99. E-Review of R. W. Klein, 1 Chronicles: A Commentary (Hermeneia: A critical and Historical

Commentary on the Bible; Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2006), pp. xxi + 561.", Review of Biblical

Literature , 5/2007, pp. 1-4.

100. "David and Hazael: War, Peace, Stones and Memory ", Palestine Exploration Journal , 139

(2007), pp. 79-84.

101. The Rise and Fall of Two Regional Empires, SHNATON: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient

Near Eastern Studies, 17 (2007), pp. 3-14 (Hebrew).



102. A New Look at a Neo-Assyrian sale of "Land and People", in: M. Cogan and D. Kahn (eds.),

Treasures on Camel's Humps: Historical and Literary Studies presented to Israel Eph'al ,

Jerusalem 2008, pp. 71-82

10 3. Review of Shalom M. Paul, Isaiah 40-66: Introduction and Commentary (MIKRA LEYISRA'EL). I-II,

Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem 2008, pp. xvi + 619, HAARETZ , 10.6.2008, p. 4 (Hebrew).

104. Polemics and Propaganda in the Deuteronomistic History", in S. Bar (ed.), In the Hill-Country, and in the Shephelah, and in the Arabah (Joshua 12, 8): Studies and Reseaerches Presented to Adam

Zertal in the Thirties Anniversary of the Manasseh Hill-Country Survey , Jerusalem 2008, pp. 239-

247 (Hebrew).


Review of Betina Faist, Alltagstexte aus neuassyrischen Archiven und Bibliotheken der Stadt Assur .

Studien zu den Assur-Texten, vol. 3. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2007. Pp. xx + 250, plates,

Journal of the American Oriental Society , 128 (2008), pp. 7-8.


106. Homeland and Exile: Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Bustenay Oded ,

G. Galil, M. Geller and A. Millard (eds.), Leiden - Boston,

BRILL, 2009 (= Supplement to Vetus Tesatamentum, CXXX), xxiv + 643 pp.

107. Israelite Exiles in Media: A New Look at ND 2443+, Vetus Testamentum 59 (2009), pp. 71-79.

108. The Formation of the Clan of Hur, in: S. Vargon et al.

(eds.), Studies in Bible and Exegesis , 8

(2009), pp. 409-425 (Hebrew) - (Refereed).

109. The Galilee between Israel and Damascus, in: Z. Safrai (ed.), Galilee Studies,

Ramat-Gan 2009, pp. 26-36. (Hebrew).

110. Review of J. T. Sparks, The Chronicler's Genealogies: Towards an Understanding of 1 Chronicles

1-9, Society of Biblical Literature Academia Biblica 28, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2008. Pp. xvi +385, Review of Biblical Literature , 7/2009, pp. 1-7.

111. International Private Commerce in the Neo-Assyrian Period, Eretz Israel , 29 (2009), pp. 92-99


112. Time and Memory in the Deuteronomistic History", in: M. Garsiel et al.


Studies in Bible and Exegesis 10 (2009), pp. 157-173 (Hebrew).

113. The Early Monarchic Age in Israel: a review-article of Moshe Garsiel, The Rise of the Monarchy in

Israel: Studies in the Book of Samuel , The Open University of Israel, 4 vols., Raanana, Israel 2008 Beth

Miqra (NS) 54 (2009), pp. 172-181 (Hebrew).

114. Appropriation of Land by Officials in the Neo Assyrian Period, In: G. Galil , M. Geller and A. Millard

(eds.), Homeland and Exile: Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Bustenay

Oded , Leiden – Boston 2009 (= Supplement to Vetus Tesatamentum, CXXX), pp. 95 – 119.



115. The Hebrew Inscription from Khirbet Qeiyafa/Neta'im: Script, Language, Literature and

History, Ugarit-Forschungen , 41 (2009) [2010], pp. 193 –242.

116. Forbidden Boundaries: Ideology and Reality, Beer Sheva , 19 (2010), pp. 71 –91 (Hebrew).

11 7 . " The secret things belong to the Lord our God" (Deut 29: 29): Retribution in the Persian

Period, Transeuphratène 39 ( 2010), pp. 89 – 94.

118. King David's First Decade as King of Jerusalem and his Relations with the Philistines in

Light of the Qeiyafa Excavations and Inscription, in: E. Baruch, A. Levy Reifer and A. Faust

(eds.), New Studies on Jerusalem – Volume 16 , Ramat Gan 2010, pp. 21 – 71 (Hebrew).

119. The Book of Chronicles: Literature. Historiography and Theology: a review-article of I.

Kalimi, The Reshaping of Ancient Israelite History in Chronicles, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns,

2005, xiii, 473 pp., Mo'ed: Annual for Jewish Studies with S. Cohen) – (Hebrew).

20 (2010), pp. 299 309 (in collaboration


120. E-Review of F. M. Fales, Guerre et paix en Assyrie: Religion et impérialisme, Les

Conférences de l'École pratique des hautes etudes 2 Paris: Cerf, 2010, 246 pp., Review of

Biblical Literature, 3/2011, pp . 1-10.

121. Review of M. Cogan, The Raging Torrent: Historical Inscriptions from Assyria and Babylonia

Relating to Ancient Israel , Carta, Jerusalem 2008, xiv + 250 pp. Israel Exploration Journal, 61

(2011), pp. 117-120.

122. Review of Z. Kallai, Studies in Biblical Historiography and Geography: Collection of Studies

(Beiträge zur Erforschung des Alten Testaments und des Antiken Judentums 56), Peter Lang,

Frankfurt am Main, 2010. 262 pp. Israel Exploration Journal , 61 (2011), pp. 240 242.


12 3 .

The Ancient Near East in the 12 th 10 th Centuries BCE: Culture and History

G. Galil, et al (eds.), (UgaritVerlag), Münster 2012 (=AOAT 392), xviii + 647 pp.


12 4 . Dates and Calendar in Kings, in: A. Lemaire and B. Halpern (eds.),

The Books of Kings: Sources, Composition, Historiography and Reception

(Supplements to Vetus Testamentum ), Leiden – Boston 2012, pp. 427–443.

125 . Polemics and Propaganda in the Deuteronomistic Composition, in G. B. Lanfranchi, D. M.

Bonacossi, C. Pappi, and S. Ponchia (eds.), Leggo! Studies Pre sented to Frederick Mario

Fales on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday pp. 293 –306.

, Wiesbaden (Harrassowitz Verlag) 2012,

12 6 . Solomon's Temple: Fiction or Reality?, in

Near East in the 12 th 10 th

G. Galil et al (eds.), The Ancient

Centuries BCE: Culture and History , Münster 2012, pp.



127. The Socio-economic Status of the People enumerated in Sales of "Land and People" in the

Neo Assyrian Period, in K. Abraham and J. Fleishman (eds.), Looking at the Ancient Near

East and the Bible Through the same Eyes: A Tribute to Aaron Skaist , Bethesda MD (CDL

Press) 2012, pp. 221-236.

12 8 . Retribution in the Book of Chronicles, in: M. Gruber et al (eds.), TESHURA LE ZAFRIRA :

Studies in the Bible, t he History of Israel and the Ancient Near East, Presented to Z afrira

Ben Barak ), Beer Sheva 2012, pp. 109 117 (Hebrew).



129. More Neo-Assyrian Families – 19 pp.

130. David, King of Israel, between the Arameans and the Northern and Southern Sea Peoples in Light of New Epigraphic and Archaeological Data – 22 pp.

13 1 . David between the Arameans and the Northern and Southern Sea Peoples (Hebrew)

132. The Everlasting Love: Past, Present and Future in the Deuteronomistic Composition

133. The Upper Stratum Families in the Neo-Assyrian Period

134. Hezekiah in the Maelstrom between Sennacherib and Shabataka

135. A New Look at Six Regional Empires

136. Joshua and Moses in the Book of Joshua

137. The Formation of the Book of Judges

138. The Formation of the Book of Samuel

139. The Formation of the Book of Kings

140. The Formation of the Book of Deuteronomy

141. The Literary Structure of the Deuteronomistic Composition

142. The Theological Agenda of the Deuteronomist

143. The Book of Jeremiah: the concluding unit of the Deuteronomistic Composition

144. A New Look at the Formation of the Book of Joshua

