Labour relations and human capital PROF. MICHELE COLASANTO; PROF. ROSANGELA LODIGIANI; PROF. ALBERTO VERGANI COURSE AIMS Labour, which forged the development and the framework of industrial society continues to be an essential factor of aggregation and regulation of society as well as of structuring and a sense of the continuation of people’s lives. Nevertheless, the advent of neo and post industrialism and the transformations labour undergoes in such scenarios (fragmentation, dispersion, demanualisation, etc.) necessitates new categories to interpret it and the innovation of policies to promote it. The course – organised into two modules – intends to provide students with the conceptual apparatus necessary for reading and understanding the transformations of labour and the relevant policies, while placing particular emphasis on the central role the enhancement of human capital and educational intervention towards development plays today. COURSE CONTENT MODULE ONE: Occupational dynamics and labour relations (PROF. MICHELE COLASANTO; PROF. ROSANGELA LODIGIANI) What place does labour have in today’s society, and what role does it play in the trajectories of life? In what way does labour continue to “produce” social ties, and how do they contribute to configuring contexts which “produce” labour? Who are the main players within labour regulation and what are the form do their actions take? What are the current challenges? With the aim of answering these questions in mind, the contents of Module One will be articulated around four topics: – labour in its relationship with the balance (compromise) inherited from the twentieth century – democracy, participation and conflict, well-being and social cohesion; – social players, particularly companies and organisations for workers and the type of labour regulation which derives from their (industrial) relations; – the dynamics of employment and transformations of labour – inequality, risks and opportunities; – policies and the role played by institutions in contributing to the solving of employment and unemployment problems, the mismatch between supply and demand, workers’ employability during their lives. MODULE TWO: development and assessment of human capital (PROF. ROSANGELA LODIGIANI; PROF. ALBERTO VERGANI) Module two aims to closely explore the main concepts and forms of intervention related to the development of human capital and skills of organisations via the creation of training programmes and activities. This will also include their operative dimension. On completion of the course, students will be able to: – identify the characteristics of different training interventions which are viable in a public and private organisations supporting the development of human capital; – be in full command of the essential terms of elements constituting the “life cycle” of training interventions with particular reference to planning and assessment; – recognise the main features and specific details of the most common modes of development and assessment of learning, with a view to utilising them within organised work contexts; – identify the main ways of assessing skills. With these aims in mind, Module Two will focus on the following topics: – Development and assessment of human capital by means of training: basic concepts and categories. – Places of intervention for the training of human capital: public, private and third- sector organisations. – Training as intervention towards the development of human capital of organisations (types of training; history and development; distinguishing characteristics; current trends and critical issues). – Training and learning within formal, non-formal and informal contexts (off-thejob and on-the-job). – The life cycle of training intervention (planning, designing, implementation, monitoring and assessment). – On-going training within organisations: types of intervention and forms of financing (public, private, Intraprofessional Funds). – Skills: their formation and use. READING LIST For MODULE ONE: G.P. CELLA, Il sindacato, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2004. R. DAHRENDORF, Quadrare il cerchio ieri e oggi. Benessere economico, coesione sociale e libertà politica, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2009. E. GUALMINI-R. RIZZA, Attivazione, occupabilità e nuovi orientamenti nelle politiche del lavoro: il caso italiano e tedesco a confronto, in “Stato e Mercato”, n. 92/2011, pages 195-221. S. NEGRELLI, Le trasformazioni del lavoro, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2013. E. REYNERI-F. PINTALDI, Dieci domande su un mercato del lavoro in crisi, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2013 For Module Two R. LODIGIANI-A. VERGANI (edited by), Sviluppo e valutazione del capitale umano e degli interventi formativi, Dipensa EduCatt, available as from October 2014. Indications regarding the utilisation of the reading material for the examination, in-depth reading and material will be provided during the course and accessible on Blackboard. TEACHING METHOD The course is based on interactive learning, as well as lectures, it also includes personal accounts, seminarial meetings and tutor-led exercises. ASSESSMENT METHOD Oral examination. There will also be a mid-term test at the end of Module One. NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.