Close Reading Question Types

S3 - Introduction to
Close Reading
Remember that you must be able to identify
If asked to say why this image has been used or
why it is appropriate or effective, carry out the
following process:
1) Ask what is being compared to what?
2) Think about the features and properties that you
associate with item B and then see if any are
similar to item A.
3) Finally you should be able to explain
1. Read the following extract from the 2004 Credit Reading
paper in which Pelagia has come upon a supposed
stranger – Mandras - in her kitchen. Mandras describes
his experiences to her:
“And the ice screams. It shrieks. And voices
call to you out of it. And you look into it and
you see people. They beckon and wave, and
they mock, and you shoot into the ice but they
don’t shut up, and then the ice squeaks. It
squeaks all night, all night.”
Question: Identify a technique used by the writer which
helps to convey the man’s sense of panic and distress. 2--0
2) Read the following extract from the 2002 Credit
Reading paper about a woman who has been caught
He told her to take a seat while he called security, but when
he turned away she let out a thin wail that made him recoil
from the phone. She had both her temples between her
hands, as if afraid her head might explode. She let out
another shrill wail. It ripped out of her like something wild
kept prisoner for years. It seemed to make the room shrink
around them.
Quote a comparison from this section which shows how
emotional or upset the woman was, and explain how
effective you find it. 2-1-0
3) Read the following extract from the 2004 General
Reading paper about hummingbirds.
Hovering hummingbirds draw crowds of naturalists from all
over the world to South-East Arizona, but hovering does
have a major drawback. Pound for pound, beating your
wings 70 times per second uses more energy than any
other activity in the animal kingdom. Living life in the fast
lane means hummingbirds need a continuous supply of
Question: Identify the example of imagery in this
paragraph and explain how it is effective 2-1-0
Word Choice
You will also be expected to understand and comment on why the writer
has opted for a particular word in order to convey his/her ideas. You will
have to analyse the words used by the writer.
1) The following extract is from the 2001 Credit Reading paper in which
the narrator reflects on the first visit of an aunt and cousin.
The driver opened the back door of the taxi and my “aunt”, as
we referred to her – really my mother’s aunt’s daughter –
divested herself of the travelling rugs. She hazarded a foot
out on to the gravel – in a pointy crocodile shoe- as if she were
testing the atmosphere. She emerged dressed in a waisted
black cashmere overcoat with a fur collar and strange
scalloped black kid-skin gloves.
Question: What impression do you get of the aunt through the
writer’s choice of the words “divested”, “hazarded” and
emerged” to describe her movements. 2-1-0
2) The following extract is from the 1999 Credit Reading paper in
which the narrator describes a little boy’s experiences of childhood
on the Caribbean island of Martinique. The boy is trying to catch a
One day the old rat spotted him. Standing on the edge of the tub, he
furtively glanced his way, then pursued his quest. Two inhuman
orbs of opaque blackness served as his eyes. For a split second
these eyes brushed over him, and, in a certain sense, scorned him.
Never again did the old rat, even though he knew the boy was
watching, grant him a second glance. He modified his routes and
always remained far from the overhang of the roof where the boy –
changing his tactics, trying to be selective – was perched, rock in
hand, directly above the bait on the ground, waiting to crush the Old
Man’s back.
Question: What does the writer’s use of the word
“perched” add to the image created that a simpler
word like “sitting” would not? 2-1-0
Obtaining Particular Information
This is when you have to quote/pick out specific information written in
the passage. You have to be very careful not to quote too much and
also not to quote too little.
Read the following extract from the 2002 General Reading paper about
car boot sales.
Behind them, all kinds of people are perched on the tailgates
of a variety of vehicles. Is this some bizarre store for recycled
rubbish? Well, in a way it is. In other words, you have found
yourself in the middle of your first car boot sale. They can be
found most weekends in summer, and sometimes in winter
too, in villages, towns and cities throughout the country.
Question: Write down an expression which shows that the
writer thinks this “junk” makes a strange collection. 2-0
Read the following extract from the 1998 Credit Reading paper
in which the writer gives his impression of an area of Montana.
He describes an encounter with a Montana farmer.
We sat on for several minutes in an amiable silence
punctuated by the cries of the killdeer and the faulty muffler
of the pick-up. Then the man said, “Nice visiting with you,”
and eased forward. In the rear view mirror I watched his
storm of dust sink behind the brow of the hill.
Question: Quote an expression that suggests that
despite being strangers, the two men are quite
comfortable in each other’s company. 2-0
In your Own Words
Some questions will say specifically that you need
to answer ‘in your own words’. However, at Credit
level there is an expectation that unless asked to
‘write down’ or ‘quote’ you should try not to simply
lift from the passage.
DO NOT try to do a word for word translation. Just
try to show that you have understood the general
Try to express the following ideas in your own words
1. The child was terribly afraid of his neighbour’s
2. He hastily opened up his presents desperate to
find the longed for games console.
3. The wind caught the tiles of the roof and like a
violent mugger stole them away.
4. The tears ran gently down the girl’s cheeks.
5. The stranger appeared to find it hard to catch a
6. She watched him move toward the door and then
out. Suddenly she felt alone.
Read the following extract from the 2003 Credit
Reading paper about the Dodo bird.
Dodomania was born. Soon Dutch artists were copying
the first drawings of the bird and including them in the
fantastical “menagerie” paintings that were all the rage.
Several birds were captured and brought back to Europe.
One found its way to London, where it was displayed for
the benefit of paying customers.
Question: What examples of
Dodomania does the writer give?
Answer in your own words. 2-1-0
Read the following extract from the 2001 Credit
Reading paper in which the narrator reflects on the
first visit of an aunt and cousin.
My mother smiled – cautiously – and my father closed the
“Do come and have some tea, both of you, “ he said.
He was forever at a loss with guests to Oakdene, my father:
now for some reason a smile was starting to break on his
reserved banker’s “business” face my mother and I were so
used to living with.
Questions: Explain in your own words:
a) In what two ways the father reacted to the guests. 2-1-0
b) Why in each case this was unusual. 2-1-0
Sentence Structure
You will also be expected to comment on the way a
writer has built sentences for effect. You will need to be
familiar with the following features:
• punctuation
• sentence length
• repetition
• climax
• list forms
• parenthesis
• inversion
1) Separate items in a list e.g. (Look out for list forms
as they are a commonly used feature in Close Reading
I went to buy milk, eggs, bread and some flour.
They talked, cried, laughed and hugged.
2) Separate clauses within a sentence e.g.
Although I like school, I do not enjoy the pressure of exams.
Because she slept in, she missed her bus and was late for
3) Separate additional non-essential information
from the rest of a sentence e.g.
My sister, who is a teacher, lives in Edinburgh.
Lochgelly High School, a small secondary in Fife, is
situated in an ex-mining community.
TASK: Now you have a go. Write out three
sentences of your own, one for each of the
purposes listed previously.
Exclamation Mark
Will be used for an exclamation. Suggests strong
emotion such as shock, surprise and anger.
E.g. I can’t believe you’re here!
How dare you speak to me like that!
Question Mark
Always indicates that a question has been asked.
Sometimes writers will use rhetorical questions –
questions which do not expect an answer but are simply
used to emphasis a point or stimulate thought within the
reader. E.g. What time do you call this?
Colon (:)
1) Can introduce a list
e.g. Campers are expected to provide the following: sheets,
blankets, and towels.
2) Presents an example or explanation or elaboration of the
statement before it.
e.g. His thoughts are clear: he intends to become a lawyer.
King Midas cared for only one thing: gold.
TASK: Put colons into the following sentences
1) She has told me what she will do she will go for the job.
2) There is one thing we should concern ourselves with global
Semi colon (;)
1)a firmer break than a comma, but not as definite
as a full stop. It links two closely related
E.g. People are usually willing to give advice;
they are much less inclined to take it.
2) separates ‘lengthy’ items in a list (often items
that already have a common within them)
E.g. The newly elected members are Thomas
Smith, president; Emily Wilson, secretary;
and Angela Carson, treasurer.
TASK: put semi- colons into the following
1) It was the best of times it was the worst of times.
2) In the meeting today we have Professor Wilson,
University of Barnsley, Dr Watson, University of Barrow in
Furness, Colonel Custard, Metropolitan Police and Dr
Mable Syrup, Genius General, University of Otago, New
3) Lisa got stuck into the task Josh just stood and watched.
4) Scotland is a beautiful country the people are friendly and
the scenery is stunning.
Single dash - a single dash adds impact or drama to a
final clause or phrase (i.e. to invite the reader to pause
and collect their thoughts against the shock of an
unexpected ending to a sentence) e.g. George sat in his
chair – dead.
It can also sometimes be used like a colon to introduce
an example, elaboration or expansion of the previous
Inverted Commas - to indicate titles of texts or to
include quotations or to show doubt, disbelief or sarcasm
(i.e. to indicate that the word or phrase would not
necessarily be chosen by the writer, that the writer wishes
to distance himself from the use of the word)
Ellipsis (…)
The three dots at the end of a sentence.
Can be used to show that the sentence is unfinished.
Can indicate that lists/details are on-going.
Can suggest that the person speaking has been cut off.
E.g. The winner is …
Watch this space…
There was much to be done such as buying the
food, preparing the hall, setting up the tables,
getting the balloons…
This is an important technique you should know about and
be able to identify.
It is when double brackets, double dashes or commas are
used to separate extra, non-essential information from the
rest of a sentence.
Sometimes it will allow a writer to insert their
thoughts/views about a particular topic.
1) My sister, who is a teacher, works in Edinburgh.
2) The exam results (due out in August) will hopefully be
3) I am attending a course – advanced computing – on
TASK: Put parentheses into the following
1) My dad a well known musician is playing in
concert on Sunday.
2) There are three birds a starling and two
sparrows outside my window every morning.
3) The most important thing to this discussion is
writing clearly.
4) Before arriving at the station the old train
someone said it was too old to be still running
caught fire.
NOW try to make up some sentences of your own
which contain an example of parenthesis.
Inversion – when the normal word order (subject-verb-more
information) is changed to make an effect. It always alters the
emphasis of a sentence.
The government
is adopting
more information
a sickening amount of cake
this plan with enthusiasm
A sickening amount of cake Carly ate.
With great enthusiasm the government is adopting this
Look out for certain words being repeated for effect.
This is when there is a build up to a dramatic point within a
sentence. It is often used in list forms.
I shall fight my generation, for my race, for the good
of mankind but above all for myself and my future.
Sentence Length
Be able to identify whether a sentence is short and simple or
long and complex.
Look out too for minor sentences. These are short
sentences that do not contain a verb.
E.g. Poor dears.
No trespassers.
Examples for Practice
Read the following extract from the 2004 Credit Reading
paper in which the narrator describes the smell from
the stranger in Pelagia’s kitchen.
He was breathing heavily, and the smell was inconceivably
foul; it was the reek of rotting flesh, of festering wounds, of
ancient perspiration, and of fear. She looked at the hands
that were clasped together in the effort to prevent their
quivering, and was overcome both with fright and pity. What
was she to do?
Question: Explain fully how the writer emphasises the smell
from the stranger through sentence structure 2-1-0
Question: How does the writer use sentence structure to
convey that Pelagic has a dilemma? 2-1-0
2) Read the following extract from the 2004 General
Reading paper about hummingbirds.
Dozens of special hummingbird feeders, looking like upside
down jam jars, are dotted around the ranch. Hanging from
trees, bushes, fences and buildings they are full of a simple
magic potion (four parts water, one part white sugar) similar
to the nectar of hummingbird flowers. Tom and Edith keep
the feeders topped up, getting through the mind-boggling
550 2lb bags of sugar in a typical year.
Question: Identify and comment on the effect of two
features of the sentence structure in the sentence “Hanging
from trees……………flowers.”
2-1-0. 2-1-0.
3) Read the following extract from the 2000 Credit
paper in which a writer reflects on the changes
which have taken place on a coastal area of
southern Ireland.
But it is the sea, not houses or people, that dominates the
strand. To the sea, and the sand and rocks that receive it,
belong the images you carry with you when you pass on to
the woody slopes of the glen, and the barley fields.
Explain how the structure of the second sentence in this
paragraph emphasises the importance of the sea. 2-1-0.
You may also be asked to identify what you think the
writer’s tone or attitude/feeling is. Remember, the
tone is the manner in which something is said and not
what is actually being said. The tone may be reflective,
sarcastic, critical, informal, formal, contemptuous,
sad, positive, optimistic, to name a few examples.
Look carefully at the words being used in the passage
or extract to decide what you think the tone is. Try
the following example from James Herriot, author of
the “Vet” books. The narrator describes a dog which
he has found:
So that was it. He had been dumped. Some time ago
the humans he had loved and trusted had opened their
car door, hurled him into an unknown world and driven
merrily away. I began to feel sick – physically sick – and
a murderous rage flowed through me. Had they laughed,
I wondered, these people at the idea of the bewildered
little creature toiling vainly behind them?
1) What is the writer’s attitude to the dog? 2-0
b) 2) How does he convey this through word choice? 2-1-0
3) What is the writer’s attitude towards the dog’s owners? 2-0
4) How does he convey this through word choice? 2-1-0
Context Questions
Sometimes you will be asked to say what you think a particular word
means and then show how the context (the words surrounding the
particular word) helps you to understand the meaning. There are three
basic steps to answering this type of question.
1) Write down what you think the word means.
2) Quote words/expressions from the sentences surrounding the
word which helped you to understand its meaning.
3) Explain how these words/expressions helped you to understand
Look at the following example of this type of question from the 2003
Credit Reading paper about the dodo bird.
When the London dodo died, the animal was stuffed and
sold to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. Taxidermy not
being what it is today, over the next few decades the
dodo slowly rotted until it was thrown out in 1755, All,
that is, except the moth-eaten head and one leg.
Question: Explain how the context helps you to
understand the meaning of the word
“taxidermy”. 2-1-0
Link Questions
These questions ask you to show you understand how a particular
sentence acts as a link in the writer’s argument.
There are some main steps you should take when answering this
type of question.
1) Quote the part of the link sentence that refers to what came
2) Say what this part is referring to.
3) Quote the part of the link sentence that refers to what comes
4) Say what this part is referring to.
Also look out for words like but, however, yet as they may also
indicate a change in direction of the argument.
2006 Credit
Spellbound featured one boy, Neil, whose father hired
specialist tutors to coach his son in words derived from
French and German. Despite such dedication, Neil didn’t win.
But the proclivities of such contestants and their parents in
no way represent the general participant. “It’s not just the
geeks and the nerds. These are normal kids,” says Ohio’s
Beth Richards, whose daughter, Bailey, was making her
second appearance in the finals.
Explain how the underlined sentence acts as a link between the
two paragraphs. (2 1 0)
Other Techniques
Alliteration – a technique of sound. This is when you
have the repetition of a letter/sound at the start of two
or more words next to each other.
E.g. Round the rugged rocks…
Onomatopoeia – a technique of sound. When the wors
sounds like the noise it describes.
E.g. bang, clatter, crash, shriek…