Semester Program at TAMU
Name (Please type):__________________________________________________________
I confirm that I am healthy enough to travel to the US and I will inform the Study Abroad
Coordinator of any major or minor medical conditions I have. I will also provide accurate
emergency contact information so that University officials can inform my relatives, where
I understand that when living in the Gardens that my accommodations will be shared with at
least one other person. My roommate preference will be accommodated if possible. During
any intermittent period prior to on campus check in, I am willing to share temporary housing
with one or more of my classmates of the same gender.
I accept and understand that I will be responsible for the full 16 weeks’ rent including utilities
of the accommodation in College Station and any flight cancellation fees, if I decide to cancel
my program AFTER I have been selected as a study abroad student to the program.
I accept and understand that I will be allowed to bring only as much luggage as is allowable by
the selected airline. Any excess or overweight charges will be covered by me, and NOT by the
University. I must also comply with regulations related to appropriate items that can be carried
on board.
I understand that Ms. Maiken Sparshott will book my airline ticket, that I am NOT permitted to
upgrade my airfare, that I will ensure pay for my own ticket in a timely manner and that I will
travel with the rest of the group in economy class.
During travel, on arrival, and during the designated orientation period, I will inform my Study
Abroad Coordinator & QSO at all times of my whereabouts and expected return time if I
separate from the group for a good cause (must be approved in advance).
If I choose to leave the Bryan / College Station vicinity for any extended period of time (i.e.
overnight stay or longer), I will inform the Study Abroad Coordinator at TAMUQ and QSO at
TAMU of my intent to travel, where I will stay, contact information at destination, when I will
return, and any additional pertinent information.
I understand that during travel from Doha to the USA, on arrival to the USA, and during the
designated orientation period, I am expected to participate in ALL of the activities of the group
at all times, unless free / independent time has been specifically scheduled. I will not disappear
or fail to show up for scheduled events and I will not ask for special exceptions (unless in the
event of a medical condition or emergency).
Student Conduct
I will be responsible and mature at all times while on the semester program. I understand that
any violation of TAMU student rules on the trip could result in disciplinary action through the
university disciplinary process. I will specifically keep in mind section 24.5 of TAMU student
rules regarding off-campus conduct. Section 24.5 states the following:
When a student is alleged to have violated 24.3 of the Student Conduct Code by an offense
committed off of university premises, the university reserves the right to investigate and
adjudicate. The University may take action in situations occurring off university premises
involving: student misconduct demonstrating flagrant disregard for any person or persons; or
when a student's or student organization's behavior is judged to threaten the health, safety,
and/or property of any individual or group; or any other activity which adversely affects the
University community and/or the pursuit of its objectives. This action may be taken for either
affiliated or non-affiliated activities.
I understand that the Study Abroad Coordinator of this trip is responsible for me, my safety and
the wellbeing of the other students. As such, I will be cooperative and respectful of the
University staff and I will follow instructions given to me. I will conduct myself in a respectful
and appropriate manner. I will be honest with the chaperone and the hosting TAMU staff.
I will immediately inform QSO at TAMU and the Study Abroad Coordinator at TAMUQ if
there are any problems I feel they should be aware of or if I have any concerns.
Study Abroad Student responsibilities
As a participant in the program, I realize that there are a number of forms, documents, and
other items that will be requested from me for completion and prompt submission to the
University. I will NOT delay in preparing and submitting these items, as requested.
I will check my TAMUQ and TAMU email diligently for the latest information and requests.
I agree to attend mandatory meetings including, but not limited to, informational sessions, oneon-one or group sessions about specific preparations that need to be made, clarifications of my
individual circumstances, and pre-departure orientations. Any violation of this rule can
potentially result in student account holds.
Alumni Role
On return to Doha, I agree to fulfill an alumni role of the program, which may include, but is
not be limited to, participation in information sessions for subsequent groups, presentations
about the program, pictures and offering my testimonies / experience as requested by university
While in the USA, I will NOT partake in activities, which may preclude or jeopardize future
student programs from occurring. This includes, but is not limited to, violations of student
rules, not getting along with other participants, failure to follow directions given to me by
concerned University personnel, poor judgment, underage drinking of alcohol, driving a
vehicle, and any other dangerous or inappropriate behavior, to be determined by the Study
Abroad Coordinator of this program and/or the staff and administrators of Texas A&M
University at Qatar or Texas A&M University at College Station.
I understand that any infraction of the aforementioned rules, including rules of TAMU, FAA
and TAMUQ, any laws of the United States, or any other major infractions may result in my
early and immediate return to Doha.
No Transfer-Rule
I understand that my participation in the study abroad program is contingent upon my
immediate return to Doha, Qatar at the end of the semester in which I have been selected as a
participant and I will NOT be permitted to change campuses while participating in the study
abroad program.
The purpose of the semester study abroad program is for participants to enjoy and experience
one semester of classes and student life on the main campus at TAMU in College Station.
Participation in the study abroad program is NOT intended as an avenue for permanent transfer
to the main campus. The procedure for transferring between campuses is a different process /
matter altogether and should be approached separately from this program. Any student
intending to transfer to the main campus should choose to either participate in the study abroad
program OR make a permanent transfer, but not both.
I have read and understand all of the above statements. I acknowledge and
accept all of the above stipulations as condition of my participation on this trip.
Signature & Date: ________________________________________________________