Interfacing Sonnet’s Electromagnetic Software with Existing Design Flow Using Sonnet with Other Tools 2000年12月13日 James C. Rautio MWE2000 Sonnetセミナー Sonnet Software, Inc. Email: WWW: 1 How Does Sonnet Work? Meshes only metal of circuit. Calculates voltage generated by current from each subsection. Adjusts current on all subsections for zero total voltage on all conductor. 2 First Circuit Set Units. Specify box size. Specify cell size. Specify substrate. Draw circuit. Add ports. Save file. 3 Analyze the Circuit Set frequencies. Check “Make emvu file” for current distribution. Click “Run” When done, click “Open Graph” and “Open Emvu”. 4 Open Graph More curves can be added. Several files in one plot. Output to printer. Many options. 5 Open Emvu Red is high current. Blue is low current. High current on edge is important. Animation with frequency or time. 6 Sonnet ebridge Plug-in Integration with Agilent ADS Start with an ADS schematic 7 Sonnet ebridge Plug-in Integration with Agilent ADS Generate ADS Layout Send to Sonnet 8 Sonnet ebridge Plug-in Integration with Agilent ADS ADS layout now in Sonnet 9 Free Interface to Ansoft Serenade Start S2A 10 Free Interface to Ansoft Serenade Use S2A to create Sonnet geo file. 11 Free Interface to Ansoft Serenade Serenade layout in Sonnet. 12 Free 3-D Sonnet File Viewer View of Sonnet layout in geo3d. 13 Mentor Graphics to Sonnet 3 interfaces from Mentor Graphics PCB/IC design environments to Sonnet – 2 interfaces for polygon transfer based on GDSII standard format – 1 intelligent interface for components & routing data transfer based on Sonnet 6.0c GEO file format 14 Mentor Graphics to Sonnet Uni-directional interface based on GDSII data from Board Station to Xgeom – Available for all designs with Board Station RF option Bi-directional interface exports/imports GDSII data from IC Station to Xgeom – Extract inductors/interconnects on Silicon – SPICE lumped element and lossy dispersive transmission line (LDTL) models supported by ELDO-RFIC simulator 15 Mentor Graphics to Sonnet Bi-directional interface exports/imports GEO files from Board Station to Xgeom – Available with Board Station C4s and Sonnet 6.0c – Polygons grouped with the matching geometries in Board Station to allow update of all information – Arbitrary PCB polygon layout for RF structures in Xgeom – PCB/SMT co-verification with downstream circuit simulator 16 Interface Via Touchstone Files Nearly any high frequency software can read Touchstone formatted files. Touchstone files are the default generated by Sonnet. ! Primary 50 Ohm S-Params. Mag/Ang. Touchstone Format (S11 S21 S12 S22): # GHZ S MA R 50 ! Pre-computational time (seconds) -- Subsectioning: 2, Caching: 3188 ! Analysis time per frequency (mm:ss) -- 0:02 user, 0:00 system, 0:02 real ! Analysis time per function (seconds) -- Modes: 0, Fill: 0, Solve: 1 19.0000000 0.601312 -111.9 0.637791 -124.9 0.637791 -124.9 0.375313 33.095 19.1000000 0.602537 -112.5 0.635509 -127.4 0.635509 -127.4 0.379089 28.871 19.2000000 0.603703 -113.1 0.633224 -129.8 0.633224 -129.8 0.382505 24.695 17 AutoCAD Interface Sonnet can import and export AutoCAD dxf files. Full details in the Sonnet manual. GDSII Stream files can be imported and exported just like AutoCAD dxf files. 18 Importing DXF/GDSII Files File import is invoked from the Sonnet Task Bar Import brings up a Sonnet command window Click Here 19 File Import Command Window Command line Execution dir Translation messages and warnings 20 Exporting to DXF/GDSII Click Here 21 Sonnet Interface to Excel Create .csv (comma separated values) file for Microsoft Excel Click Here Use Advanced Options 22 Sonnet Interface to Excel Example Measured data is average of 8 measurements Top curve is two times the sample standard deviation Easy to do with data in spreadsheet Metal Loss For A 6 mm Microstrip Line 0.1 0 S21 Magnitude (dB) -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 Average Measured S21 (dB) -0.5 Calculated S21 (dB) Two Sigma -0.6 -0.7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Frequency (GHz) 23 Sonnet Interface to SPICE Check .lc file name for SPICE lumped model. Specify two frequencies for analysis Click Here 24 Sonnet Interface to SPICE Output for lumped model (*.lc). To check validity, analyze for second pair of frequencies. Value of lumped elements should change very little. .subckt 1 2 3 4 5 6 C1 1 0 0.19pf C2 2 0 0.18pf C3 3 0 0.19pf C4 4 0 0.19pf C5 5 0 0.18pf C6 6 0 0.19pf L1 1 4 1.40nh L2 2 5 1.40nh L3 3 6 1.40nh K1 L1 L2 0.17 K2 L1 L3 0.05 K3 L2 L3 0.17 .ends 25 Sonnet Interface to SPICE Check .lct file name for SPICE lumped model. Specify one frequency for analysis. Click Here 26 Sonnet Interface to SPICE Output for SPICE multiple conductor transmission line model (*.lct). For this example, N = 3 (three coupled lines). Models for thousands of lines possible. .model ymod tra nlines=3 + lmatrix= 1.112082n,0.236725n,0.072213n,0.947766n,0.236786n, 1.112148n + cmatrix= 0.380590p,-0.032194p,-0.001093p,0.351987p, -0.032194p,0.380587p 27 Free Cadence Interface to Sonnet Layout in Cadence Virtuoso for export to Sonnet. Free “Skill” code plugin 28 Free Cadence Interface to Sonnet Dialog box for exporting layout to Sonnet. 29 Free Cadence Interface to Sonnet Layout now in Sonnet, viewed with geo3d 30 Free Cadence Interface to Sonnet Interface is bi-directional Filter layout in Sonnet Will transfer to Cadence 31 Free Cadence Interface to Sonnet Dialog box for import into Cadence 32 Free Cadence Interface to Sonnet Filter layout imported from Sonnet to Cadence Virtuoso 33 Sonnet Netlist Interface Big problems must be divided into several small problems. Here, we divide the problem into three small problems. Each small problem analyzes quickly. Stray coupling across divisions not included. 34 Sonnet Netlist Interface Analyze each piece at a few frequencies over the band. Interpolate each result to many frequencies. Connect back together. Filter_in Filter_coup Filter_in (flipped) 35 Filter Analysis Netlist DIM FREQ GHZ CKT GEO GEO GEO DEF2P 123 2345 654 16 FILEOUT filter TOUCH FREQ SWEEP filter_in.geo OPT=vd filter_coup.geo OPT=vd filter_in.geo OPT=vd filter filter.rsp S MA R 50 40.0 65.0 0.1 36 Complete Filter Analysis 37 Conclusion Sonnet is appropriate for 3-D planar circuits. Sonnet is based on the 2-D FFT and is thus very robust and accurate compared to numerical integration techniques. Sonnet can interface with Agilent, Ansoft, Mentor, Cadence, and many other tools. 38