Intro to Painting Class

Learning to Paint with Watercolors, Oils
and Coffee
Learning Color Theory and Color Mixing
Learning about famous Painters
throughout time
Learning about Contemporary
Artists of our time
Learning to create original works of art
What will I need to bring to this class?
Pencil - needed for daily sketchbook assignments
Class fee - $20.00 will cover shared supplies and sketchbook
Old men’s dress shirt or apron to protect your clothing
Can I buy my own supplies if I don’t
want to use the old classroom brushes?
You can bring your own brushes
from home, purchase from
an art supply store or you can
purchase a kit from Mrs. Montierth
for $20.00.
In the Kit - Set of 4 watercolor brushes
Set of 6 oil painting brushes
2 erasers
pencil and sharpener
plastic palette knife
Pay the book-keeper and then bring the receipt
to Mrs. Montierth to receive the kit.
When should I bring the things
needed for this class?
$20.00 Fee - ASAP - If you are having a problem with
the fee, please talk to Mrs. Montierth
to work something out.
Sketchbook and Pencil - Every Day starting next class time
Old shirt, Apron or Smock - ASAP
Where can I keep my stuff?
You and a partner will be assigned a drawer to keep your
class supplies in. YOU will be responsible for the key.
Key replacement is $2.00.
Never leave your valuable personal items sitting around or
inside your drawer. These drawers are easily broken into
and not very secure.
If something is lost or stolen Mrs. Montierth and Fremont
High School will NOT be responsible to replace it for you.
(But we will feel really bad for you)
What will I be graded on in this class?
Daily Sketchbook Assignments- if you choose not to
do the sketchbook assignments, the highest grade
you will get is a B-.
Daily Work Points, quizzes, in class assignments –
Projects - Paintings
90 – 100%
87 – 89%
84 - 86%
80 - 83%
77 – 79%
74 - 76%
70 - 73%
67 - 69%
64 - 66%
60 - 63%
How do the daily work points work?
20 points per day total
15 points for being on time to class and working
(minus 5 points for being late)
5 points for cleaning up your own painting mess
and doing your daily cleanup job.
Mrs. Montierth will give work points daily
Why do I need a Sketchbook?
You will be doing a daily sketchbook assignment which will
be given at the beginning of class each day.
Sketchbooks will be graded at mid-terms
and most are worth 10 points each day.
Sketchbook assignments must be IN a
sketchbook in order to be graded.
They also need to be in order by date.
They will be graded on completion, neatness and following
If you do a SUPREME job on sketches you could receive extra credit.
Do I need to be the best artist to get an A?
No- you just need to come every day, complete all
the projects, assignments, and sketchbooks - doing
your personal best work and making good use of
class time.
If you do all of the above – your artistic skills WILL
improve and Mrs. Montierth will be
happy to give you the A you deserve.
(there are a few opportunities for extra credit too)
Am I allowed to
turn in late work in
this class?
Most assignments and projects will have a due–date and
work won’t be graded until a few days after the due-date.
After the project due-date, there will not be in class time
to work on projects. After work has been graded you will
lose credit for turning in work late
But- If you turn in work late- the highest grade
you can get is a B. Turn it in on time and well
done if you have to have an A.
one week late – 20% credit loss
two week’s late – 50% credit loss
more than two week’s late – work may be given
some points at Mrs. Montierth’s discretion.
Am I allowed to talk during this class?
Absolutely - Quietly and Appropriately -During work
time. Mrs. Montierth thinks that learning to get
along with other people is one of the most important
things you will gain during your Education.
However- NOT during instruction.
If Mrs. Montierth is giving instruction – talking amongst
yourselves and talking out of turn is considered rude and
inconsiderate of those around you who are trying to hear.
Am I allowed to get out of my seat
during class?
Yes – there are times when you will need to get supplies,
sharpen pencils, etc.
However - It is considered rude and inconsiderate to Mrs.
Montierth and other Students in the class to get up and
sharpen a pencil, turn on the water, ask for the hall pass or
any other sort of disruption, while Mrs. Montierth is giving
instruction or any other person is giving a presentation
or demonstration.
Try to remember your good manners
Can I invite my friends from other
classes to come to this class?
Can I leave the room and go hang
out in another art room nearby?
You will be disrupting another
class and you will be marked
What are the Hall Pass Rules
Ask Mrs. Montierth before you use it, sign out on the hall
pass sign out sheet on the counter by the door.
You must be in class for ten minutes before you can use it
You can’t use it during classroom clean-up at the end of class.
You have a five minute time limit.
If you abuse the use of the hall pass, you will not be allowed
to use it for the rest of the term
Can I use a Cell Phone in this class?
If you are using it for
a school related
assignment or class
participation project.
If you use for phone inappropriately, it will be taken from you.
1st offence- You can get it back at the end of the day from Me.
2nd offence- taken to administration.
Can I use any other
electronic devices in
this class?
Yes – only for art purposes
Yes – only for art purposes
Can I bring Food and Drink to this class?
Yes – within reason – remember this is an art
class and food has the potential to ruin artwork.
You can bring a small snack and a drink in a bottle with
A screw on lid.
However – no food or drink is allowed by the computers
If you bring in food- it is your
Responsibility to clean up
After yourself……
Will I be allowed to use the classroom
Yes, for things you need in this class
Finding references
making powerpoints
writing reports
No, for things not needed in this class
playing games
reading or writing e-mails
looking at anything not related to the
curriculum in this class
Can I Print things for other classes
or personal things not related to this
Yes- but you will be charged
for the cost of the paper and the ink
Prices Vary
What things will affect my Citizenship
•Being late to class
•Being disrespectful
•Being wasteful of art supplies
•Leaving messes and not helping with general
classroom cleanup
•Not making good use of class time
•Not doing your work
•Inappropriate computer usage
•Inappropriate language
What are my first assignments for this
1. Bring in signed disclosure 25 pts
2. Answer questions about disclosure on
paper in handwriting 20 pts
(turn this in today)
3. Pay class fee 50 pts
All due by the end of this week
Where do I turn in my assignments?
Each class has a turn in drawer.
It is at the end of the counter next to the door.
Where do I pick up my graded work?
Each class has a graded work drawer.
It is in the row of drawers at the end of Mrs. Montierth’s
A few items of interest
Have you ever heard of SkillsUSA?
It is a student organization called a CTSO (like a club)
ANYONE Taking any Skilled and Technical Class is eligible to join.
Extra credit will be given in my class for joining. (Cost $20.00)
Mrs. Montierth, Mr. Paskett, Mrs. Sagers and Mr. Ellertson are advisors
We have monthly activities, service projects and Local, Regional, State and
National competitions that you can compete in. It’s a great way to make
new friends and get involved.
There are competitions which demonstrate career skills as well as
competitions which demonstrate leadership skills.
More Information to Come
Did you know…..
that you can letter in Art?
You can get the forms from any art teacher.
You need to maintain good grades in your art classes
You need to have taken at least three semester art classes
You need to enter shows and get an award
You need to have good attendance in all classes
Keep this in mind throughout the year
And work towards it.
What should I be working on
if I am interested in being the
Fremont High Visual Art
Sterling Scholar?
First and Foremost – Your art! All applicants will have to
display their best work. (any media is accepted)
You will also need to - keep up your grades in ALL classes
have good citizenship in ALL classes
take the ACT
show evidence of leadership
show evidence of community service
do well in the interview process - work on your
knowledge of art concepts and art history
enter art shows and win awards
meet all application deadlines
Fremont High’s Annual Art Show
Springville All State High School Art Show
Weber State’s Northern Utah High School Art Show
Weber District Art Show
Ogden’s Festival of the Arts High School Art Show
Weber County Fair
Utah State Fair
•Howl Chronicles
•SkillsUSA Advertising Design
•SkillsUSA Pin Design
•SkillsUSA Promotional Bulletin Board
•SkillsUSA Photography
•FHS Art Department T-shirt Design
•FHS Planner Cover Design
•FHS Graduation Commencement brochure design
•Standard Examiner – Design an AD contest