Livescribe - Livescribe Cohort

The Magic Pen
Presented by:
Sheryl Baker, Danielle Dunn, Maria Ferraro,
Amy Holly, Kristine Martinez,
Caitlin Phelan, Shannon Reed, Laura Stevens
What is it?
How does it
 Amy Holly
– Mathematics Teacher
 Algebra Seminar
 Intro to Geometry
 Functions and Trig
Image from:
 Ms. Stevens’ Spectacular Site
 Laura Stevens
– Mathematics Teacher
Algebra I
Advanced Algebra
Functions and Trig
 Student Improvement
– 2nd -3rd Quarter 4 out of 6
students improved test average
by 4-9%
– Quarter grades improved as well
 Email from a student:
– "I just happened to look at your web
page!...It's amazing. Wanted to give
you a thumbs up on that! Also I love
the class notes on logs because you go
step by step as if I was in class! I would
love it if you had key point notes on
the chapter sections on it for future
reference. Thank you so much. LOVE
 Maria Ferraro
– Science Teacher
AP Biology
Forensics Science
Mrs. Ferraro's
Fabulous Finds
– DNA and RNA
– Intro to Pedigrees
– Principles of Genetics
– Punnett Square
– RNA and Protein
 Shannon Reed
– English 10
– English 10 Honors
Ms. Reed's
Radical Resource
 Caitlin Phelan
– Mathematics Teacher
Algebra Seminar
Algebra 2
Ms. Phelan’s
Phenomenal Features
Meeting IEP
 Kristine Martinez
– Special Education
US History
Intro to Geometry
Food & Nutrition
Reading Tests to students
– Example of test
– Advantages of the pen and
• Prepares students for
standardize testing
Student use of the pen
– Note taking
10 Netbook Lab
Access to PDF files for
assessments and class notes
 Sheryl Baker
– Special Education
English 9
English HSA Mastery
– Designing Quality Inclusive
– Purpose is to facilitate the
academic success of students with
educational disabilities in general
education classes
– Original Grant - $1000 for
– Additional funding for 5
Livescribe Pens ($1000)
– Additional funding for the
netbook lab
10 Netbook Lab
Access to PDF files for
assessments and class notes
Mobile Cart
– The warehouse sent us one
 Sheryl Baker
– Special Education
English 9
English HSA Mastery
Algebra HSA Mastery
Biology HSA Mastery
Netbook Sign Out
– Will be managed by the media
– Sign out as one does for the
other labs
– Preference for classes where there
are students with disabilities who
require the accommodation for
assessments or to listen to notes
10 Netbook Lab
Access to PDF files for
assessments and class notes
 Sheryl Baker
– Special Education
English 9
English HSA Mastery
Algebra HSA Mastery
Biology HSA Mastery
 Documentation
– Submit data or PDF’s, videos, etc. to the
Department of Special Education
– Why? Verify the need for the grant monies
and that the tools are being used.
– Wishes…. Another net book lab next year!
– Replacement Parts, stickie notes, cases, large
notebooks, and More Pens
 Win Pro Software
– DQIE gave us an additional grant for this
– It allows teachers to merge pencasts with
– We were able to buy 10 licenses
– Danielle Dunn is our resident expert on Win
10 Netbook Lab
Access to PDF files for
assessments and class notes
 Sheryl Baker
– Special Education
English 9
English HSA Mastery
Algebra HSA Mastery
Biology HSA Mastery
 Appreciation
– Danielle Dunn, Amy Holly and Caitlin
Phelan for being part of the Livescribe
Pen Pilot Program
– Marcella Randall of the DSE and DQIE
– Teachers who are using this technology
– the enthusiasm is contagious
– Administrative support
Merging Files
 Danielle Dunn
– Media Center Specialist
Printing onto dot paper
Record Lesson
Send PDFs to Danielle
They become merged
First, there was
the pencast…
You can record what
you write and say.
Then, there was
the magic merge.
 You can record
what you say and
 You can merge it
with a printed
handout or image!
Merged Files
Merging Files
 Danielle Dunn
– Media Center
– Map
– Math Test Review
– Shakespeare
– Works cited
What the students think
Student Testimonials
Image from:
Other Possibilities
 Emailing students daily notes
• Teacher
• Students
Group Brainstorming
 Department meetings
 College Papers
 Collecting data
And much, much more!
Questions can be asked on the “Parking Lot”
 You will be emailed your response with the
Livescribe pen