Clinical Speech & Language Studies, Trinity College, Dublin Form 1.2.R: Assessment Case Report evaluation FEDS (Year 2) Word count Max 1000 Student declaration I have read and I understand the plagiarism provisions in the General Regulations of the University Calendar for the current year, found at I have also completed the Online Tutorial on avoiding plagiarism ‘Ready Steady Write’, located at Student signature: Inaccurate/ incomplete 0 Accurate but with gaps 2 Accurate, concise & complete 5 Identifying information Anonymity must be maintained on reports submitted to college but a marker should indicate space for Name, Address Telephone number. Date of birth, Date of report and chronological age should be shown. Reports which breach confidentiality guidelines or which are not dated and signed appropriately will be graded as a fail and must be resubmitted ( marks capped at 40). Referral source and reason 1. Summary relevant case history factors 2. Overview and brief evaluation of previous assessments and 3. therapy Pre assessment FEDS and nutritional status as reported or as in 4. case notes Client / carer description of current communication & FEDS status 5. Consent / assent recorded 6. Assessment session and findings: quantitative results and evaluations Over view of the assessment session 7. Current medical status Hearing, listening, attention, fatigue, etc. Positioning and supports for functioning Observed comprehension and use of language during session. 8. Oral structure and functioning 9. Respiration, phonation and cough Speech intelligibility, resonance, voice 10. Swallowing evaluation including assessment and evaluation of 11. Oral preparatory phase Oral phase Pharyngeal phase Evaluation of fluid and food trials 12. Impact of current FEDs status on nutrition and daily living. 13. Concise summary of assessment findings 14. Diagnostic hypotheses and rationale 15. Recommendations for further assessment by SLT or other team 16. members as appropriate Recommendations for case management including onward referral 17. (if appropriate) linked to strengths and needs identified in assessment findings and background information. Management plan evidence based and includes appropriate 18. rehabilitative, compensatory techniques and outline of appropriate support materials. Layout Order, paragraphs, headings Signed and dated 19. Clarity appropriate Vocabulary Syntax Spellings, 20. Total possible 100 Total achieved Clinical educator Grade Clinical Speech & Language Studies, Trinity College, Dublin 1.2.R Assessment Case Report evaluation (Year 2) (Word count Max 1000) Student declaration I have read and I understand the plagiarism provisions in the General Regulations of the University Calendar for the current year, found at I have also completed the Online Tutorial on avoiding plagiarism ‘Ready Steady Write’, located at Student signature: Inaccurate / Accurate but with Accurate, incomplete gaps 2 concise & 0 complete 5 Identifying information Anonymity must be maintained on reports submitted to college but a marker should indicate space for Name, Address Telephone number. Date of birth, Date of report and chronological age should be shown. Reports which breach confidentiality guidelines or which are not dated and signed appropriately will be graded as a fail and must be resubmitted Referral source and reason Summary relevant case history factors Overview and brief evaluation of previous assessments and therapy Current assessment session and findings: Quantitative results and evaluations Client as communicator Client/carer statement of current problem Over view assessment session location, participants, activities including play where appropriate Hearing, listening, attention Oral examination Feeding, eating, drinking, swallowing Receptive language Vocabulary Morphology and syntax Language use, conversational speech, discourse and narrative Expressive language Vocabulary Morphology and syntax Speech (intelligibility, articulation, phonology) Voice Fluency Language use, conversational speech, discourse and narrative Concise summary of assessment findings and impact on activities of daily living Diagnostic hypotheses and rationale Recommendations for case management including onward referral (if appropriate) Layout Order, paragraphs, headings Clarity Vocabulary Syntax spellings, Total possible 100 Total achieved Clinical educator Date Grade