Directions: Answer each question completely and in complete

360 Degrees Longitude
Question Packet
Directions: Answer each question completely and in complete sentences.
1. What is the first country the Highams visit? What is special about Pingevellir that John
Higham demonstrates?
2. What cultural assumption do the Highams make about the French? Was their assumption
correct? Why or why not?
3. What calamity befalls the Highams while they are in Blatten, Switzerland? Why is this a
major problem for the rest of their trip?
4. What did John and September want the children to see in Krakow, Poland? Why did they
want to horrify them?
5. What aspect of culture do John and September explain to their kids as a “force field”?
Does the force field get smaller or lager as they travel to Italy? Why?
6. Give an example of the lack of infrastructure the Higham’s encountered in Tanzania.
7. What did the Highams learn about the Tanzania culture from their experience there?
8. What popular movie does John Higham reference to Mr. Mkwati that contains a few
Swahili phrases?
9. What was strange about bathing in Japan?
10. What museum did the Higham’s visit in Japan that finally affected the kids?
11. What is the PRC?
12. What was so bad about the Chinese cruise?
13. What did the Highams experience in Cambodia that really affected them?
14. What did Katrina really want to do in Thailand that she got to do?
15. What weird thing did John do in the airport after they left Thailand?
16. What is the Cloud Forest in Costa Rica?
17. What are the water elevators at the Panama Canal used for?
18. What are Armageddon Pills?
19. What two physical features did the Highams experience in Chile?
20. What did Katrina get done in Chile that helped her cross over from a girl to a woman?
21. What physical feature did the Highams visit in Bolivia?
22. What famous place did the Highams visit in Peru and race through?
23. What country controlled Honduras until 1981?
24. What impacted YOU most about the Highams trip around the world?
25. What’s a question YOU would ask them if you met them?