Scheduling & Studying for the Successful Student

Tamara Eyster
Scheduling Tips
 Daily/Weekly calendar with everything
scheduled, including meals, time with
family, etc
 Monthly/Term calendar for planning your
weeks ahead, including special events that
will change your normal schedule
Scheduling Tips cont’d
 Plan for the whole term, but work day by
day, updating your schedule as needed.
 As soon as possible contact your instructor
when something throws off your schedule
by more than 1 day, before is better.
 Make sure you have your unit scheduled to
be done before Tuesday!
Studying Tips
 Keep an open & positive outlook on the topic
 Write out every step of the problem, with
reasons why you can do it.
 Make flash cards of the words & problems that
give you difficulty, use these while waiting in
line, etc.
Studying Tips cont’d
 Think of ways that you can use the topics
covered in your everyday life or better yet, your
career choice
 Ask for help early & often, your instructor & the
Math Center are here to help.
 Classmates often have good insight into the
topic too.
Instructors’ Tips
 End classmate responses with open ended
question (DeLong)
 Use a cheap address book to write a dictionary for
new words (unknown)
 Proofread posts before submitting, write in Word
 Submit most work before Saturday.
Students’ Tips
 “I always read before attending a seminar,
for any class… [One reason] it helps me
understand better and also that way I am
not bogging down the whole seminar asking
questions that are clearly answered by the
reading materials... [so] I read, attend
seminar, do the homework and then do
discussion. In this fashion I have a good
handle on what I am to write about.”
Heather Dunlap
Student’s Tips cont’d
 Don’t Panic! (a student a long time ago had
a plaque with this that she placed in front of
her whenever she was working on a difficult
topic, even during tests.)
 Complete the unit by Sunday, start the next
unit on Monday, so when it opens on
Wednesday you are ready.
Students’ Tips
 Take the assignments apart, look at them as little
steps, one post a day. Junei Mauger
 “In each class check all the things you can click on,
left side of the home page, top of the home page,
within the home page.” Heather Dunlap
 Make a Good Schedule
 Use all the tools available in MML, they are great
Math Anxiety links
 Math Anxiety Test ~
 What is math and math anxiety ~
 Math Anxiety ~
 Coping With Math Anxiety ~
 MathAnxiety.pdf ~
Other good Math Links
 Math Help ,algebra, study skills, homework help, mathpower
 More at:
Math Center Services
 Live Tutoring:
 Q&A and Project Review Services:
Students may submit projects (KU122, MM255 and MM207) and
questions 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Tutors will respond to email
questions. Email to:
Math Center Home: