Email Etiquette Workshop

Email Etiquette
Adapted from the Purdue
University Writing Lab
Based on
Why Is Email Etiquette Important?
We all interact with the printed word as though
it has a personality and that personality makes
positive and negative impressions upon us.
Without immediate feedback your document
can easily be misinterpreted by your reader, so
it is crucial that you follow the basic rules of
etiquette to construct an appropriate tone.
My Email Policies: General
I will respond to your email quickly. (I spend quite a bit
of time online and check email frequently.)
Use for a quick response.
A respectful and professional email will receive a more
favorable response than an abrupt, carelessly written
Ask questions early. I cannot help if I do not know there
is a problem.
If after reading a response from me, you still have
questions: ask them.
Responding to Grading Questions
I comment on each writing assignment.
Before you ask questions about the
points/grade you received, please read the
comments carefully.
I expect you to use these comments to improve
your future writing assignments.
The Elements of Email Etiquette
General format
Writing long messages
The curse of surprises
Using a professional tone
General Format: The Basics
Write a clear subject line (ex.
ENGL 3100 MWF 8:30 ) or
9:30) – Proposal Question,).
Write a salutation for each
email (ex. Dr. Thomas:).
Try to keep the email brief
(one screen length).
Check for punctuation,
spelling, and grammatical
Use a font that has a
professional or neutral look.
Include a closing with your
name (ex. skiguy01@yahoo
does not tell me who you are).
Better yet, use your Wildcat
email address.
Use caps when appropriate.
Avoid text-message-type (ex.
R U 4getting s/thing?).
Format your email for plain
text rather than HTML.
General Format: Character
Try to keep your line length at 65 characters or
If your message is likely to be forwarded, keep
it to 60 characters or less.
Set your email preferences to automatically
wrap outgoing plain text messages.
General Format: Lists and Bullets
When you are writing
directions or want to
emphasize important points,
number your directions or
bullet your main points.
For example,
Place the paper in drawer A.
Click the green “start” button.
Another example,
I have a couple of questions:
How can we improve
customer satisfaction?
Will the proposal empower
General Format: Tone
Write in a positive tone
“When you complete
grading this
assignment.” instead of
“If you ever finish
grading … ”
Use smiles , winks ;),
and other graphical
symbols only when
Use contractions to add
a friendly tone.
(don’t, won’t, can’t).
When you are sending an attachment tell your recipient
what the name of the file is, what program it is saved
in, and the version of the program.
Ex. The attached file is in MSWord (.doc or .docx)
under the name “LabFile.docx”
If you use an open source word processor send files as
When Your Message Is Long
Warn the readers that the message is long.
Create a summary or overview of the message.
If you require a specific response from the reader then
be sure to request that response in the first paragraph
of your email (perhaps using a list).
Create headings for each major section (as
Avoid Surprises or Last Minute
Do not wait until the last minute to introduce a
problem or concern via email.
Express questions or concerns when you have
them, rather than accumulating them.
I am better able to answer your questions if
you ask them early within an assignment or the
semester. (I am a terrible mind reader.)
Taking Professors by Surprise
Complaints about grades and projects should generally
be discussed in person.
Express your concerns or questions in a timely
Using a professional tone when voicing concerns about
grades or policies will be received more favorably than:
“Why did I get this grade?????”
Using a Professional Tone
Flaming is a virtual term
for venting or sending
inflammatory messages
in email.
Avoid flaming because
it tends to create a
great deal of conflict
that spirals out of
Flame fights are the
equivalent of food fights
and tend to affect
observers in a very
negative way.
What you say cannot be
taken back; it is in black
and white.
Keep Flaming under Control
Before you send an
email message, ask
yourself, “would I say
this to this person’s
Calm down before
responding to a
message that offends
you. Once you send the
message it is gone.
Read your message
twice before you send it
and assume that you
may be misinterpreted
when proofreading.
Responding to a Flame
Empathize with the
sender’s frustration and
tell them they are right if
that is true
If you feel you are right,
thank them for bringing
the matter to your
Explain what led to the
problem in question
Avoid getting bogged
down by details and
minor arguments
If you are aware that the
situation is in the
process of being
resolved let the reader
know at the top of the
Apologize if necessary
When Email Won’t Work
There are times when
you need to take your
discussion out of the
virtual world and speak
to the recipient in