4371 Queensbury Dr. Harrisburg, NC 20875.

Dear SAE Parent,
As the President of Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, I am
proud and honored to have your son in our organization. SAE’s motto is “Loyalty, Honor, Fraternity and
Friendship.” We are North America’s largest social fraternity with 203,300 living members. SAE boasts
close to 2,000 members in the Charlotte area. Simply put, SAE is the largest Greek letter fraternity on
the planet.
As the President of SAE, I try to ensure that this group of young men is successful in all aspects of their
lives. I am a senior Civil Engineering major (with a minor in Mathematics) at UNC Charlotte. I am very
familiar with UNC Charlotte and the programs and services at this campus. I lived and worked on the
campus for three years in the Engineering Learning Community as a Resident Advisor and Activities
Coordinator. I am available to mentor your son if he requests my assistance.
If your son is new to SAE, he will be going through an eight-week new member education program. He
will develop lasting friendships as well as a bond to our national organization. New member education
serves as a time to learn the operations and traditions of the brotherhood. The focus of this education is
to enlighten each new member in the ways of the “True Gentleman.” They will meet for two hours on
Sunday nights to review SAE materials (and maybe catch a few NFL Sunday night games). Be assured,
SAE at UNC Charlotte does not haze. This university has an extreme anti-hazing policy. The days of
“Animal House” are over…
SAE is an organization that will help your son academically. Our fraternity will also require his active
citizenship in the Charlotte community. Most importantly, SAE will provide the social events that
provide networking opportunities (job connections) before graduation. Our mission is to graduate, get a
job and get off Mom and/or Dad’s payroll! If you have any questions about the pledge process or your
son’s well-being, call me at 704-564-3577 or e-mail dkane1@uncc.edu .
This packet of information also includes a message from our Faculty Advisor, Alumni Advisor and
information for the upcoming Family Weekend.
I look forward to meeting you soon,
Daniel J. Kane
Danny J. Kane
Eminent Arcon – President
2732 Springway Drive
Charlotte, NC 28205
SAE at UNC Charlotte is proud to host its first family dinner at Dr. Jan
Hinson’s home on Saturday, October 23rd, 2010. Dinner will begin at
4:30 PM. Dr. Jan is our academic advisor for the colony. Her address is
4371 Queensbury Dr. Harrisburg, NC 20875.
This opportunity will give you a chance meet the brothers, sweethearts,
and alumni that are active within the colony. Also, gives you the
opportunity to have quality time with your son away from the stresses
of college.
Dr. Jan has been extremely nice to allow us into her home for this
dinner. Any family members that would like to get involved with
helping for this event please contact Danny and Dr. Hinson.
Please RSVP by October 15th, 2010 to Dr. Hinson at jhinso42@uncc.edu
I look forward to meeting all of you!
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Department of Reading and Elementary Education, 367 College of Education
9201 University City Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
Dear Parents of SAEs,
My name is Jan Hinson, and I am the SAE faculty advisor. I am pleased that your sons have chosen to
pledge Sigma Alpha Epsilon. This is my second year as advisor to this chapter. As the SAE advisor, I
attend almost every meeting. I also eat with them on occasion. They get together once a week for
lunch and they invite me every once in awhile. They call it “family lunch.” Its’ a lot of fun.
The members of SAE at UNC Charlotte are great kids. They care about academics, engage in
philanthropic events, and have fun playing sports, going to movies, and hanging out watching TV. I am
proud to report that they are well respected across campus and not known for engaging in behaviors
often associated with fraternities.
I look forward to meeting at the dinner at my house during Family Weekend. In the meantime, please
feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Take care,
Dr. Janice M. Hinson, Professor and Chair
Department of Reading and Elementary Education
UNC Charlotte
College of Education, 367
9201 University City Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28223
Dear Folks,
Please allow me a few moments of your time to reflect and share some thoughts on your son’s decision
to embark on this journey with our brotherhood, Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
To introduce myself, I grew up as a country boy in West Tennessee. After high school I played football in
college, followed by a stint in coaching and then served our country in the late 60’s and early 70’ as a
United States Air Force officer. I entered the business world in 1972. Soon after, I met my wife, Ellen,
and together, we have raised our three children. Both of my sons were/are members of a fraternity.
I pledged SAE in 1965 and was activated the next semester. It felt good to join this fraternity that has
numerous well-known people as members. You can visit the following website to view the list of some
of the prominent alumni: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Sigma_Alpha_Epsilon_members.
Enough about me, this is about your son. I am and I will continue to be an advisor, a mentor, as well as a
motivator for him in the future. I/we will be dedicated to his progress in scholastics (this is very
important) while observing and participating in his ongoing development as an outstanding “True
Gentleman” with ideals and values that we hold dear in our fraternity.
He will remain in good hands and when we turn this young Lion loose into this world, he will have
gained much from this experience.
Congratulations, to both you and your son, for his decision and feel free to call me or email me with any
concerns or questions.
Best Regards,
Johnny White
Johnny White
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Tennessee, 1965
Tel: 704.301.0877