Unit 7 Vocab Dual revolution-After 1815 economic and political changes tended to fuse, reinforcing each other. the growth of industrial middle class encouraged the drive for representative government. The dual revolution altered the entire world. Congress of Vienna- where the alliances met to keep a general peace settlement. The Congress was used to keep a balance of power and peace in Europe. Holy Alliance-was the alliance of Prussia, Austria, and Russia in September 1815 for the crusade against the ideas and politics of the dual revolution. This alliance proposed by Russia’s Alexander I and symbolized the repression of liberal and revolutionary movements all over Europe. Carlsbad Decrees-were issued by Metternich in 1819. These decrees required the 38 German member states to root out subversive ideas in their universities and newspapers and established a permanent committee with spies and informers to investigate and punish any liberal or radical organizations. Liberalism-principle ideas were liberty and equality. Liberalism demanded a representative government, equality before the law. There was the idea of individual freedoms: freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom from arbitrary arrest. Laissez faire-was a form of liberalism that called for unrestricted private enterprise and no government interference in the economy. Nationalism-was a second radical idea after 1815, destined to have an enormous influence in the modern world. Nationalism originated from the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars. Nationalists believed that each people should have its own distinct language, culture, and territory. Socialism-was the radical doctrine after 1815 that began in France. Socialists were aware of the political revolution in France, the rise of the laissez faire, and the emergence of modern industry in Britain. They saw these developments as fomenting individualism and splitting community into isolated fragments. They believed in economic planning, desire to help the poor, and private property should be strictly regulated by the government or it be replaced by state or community ownership. Parasites- were the court, aristocracy, lawyers, and churchmen in France according to Socialism. Doers -were scientists, engineers, and industrialists in France who the parasites would give way to. They carefully plan the economy and guide it forward by undertaking public works projects and establishing investment banks. Bourgeoisie- was Marx’s other distinct group in society who were the middle class of society. Proletariat- was Marx’s socialist view of the split society ofthe modern working class. Romanticism- was characterized by belief in emotional exuberance, unrestrained imagination, and spontaneity in art and personal life. Rejected materialism and sought spiritual heights through art. Sturm und drang (Storm und Stress)- was what early romantics in Germany of the 1770’s and 1780’s called themselves Corn Laws – The Corn Laws were to regulate the foreign grain trade in 1815 but weren’t needed during a generation of war with France because the British were unable to import cheap grain from Eastern Europe so prices skyrocketed. Battle of Peterloo- In 1819 Parliament passed the Six Acts which placed controls on a heavily taxed press and nearly eliminated all mass meetings and in a result of this was an enormous but orderly protest at St. Peter’s Field in Manchester that was savagely broken up by armed cavalry. This demonstrated the government’s determination to stand fast and repress. Great Famine- was the famine that resulted from the growing demand of potatoes and population in Ireland during the early to mid-1800’s. The potato crops failed time and time again throughout the 1840’s and 1850’s. Chapter 24: Benthamite-was a follower of radical philosopher Jeremy Bentham. Used rational and scientific basis to deal with public problems Miasmatic theory-was the belief that people contract disease when they breathe the bad odors of decay and putrefying excrement. Germ theory-observation by doctors and public health officials in the 1840s and 1850s found the source of bad drinking water was in the transmission of disease and suggested that contagion was spread through filth and not cause by it. Pasteurization-Pasteur found that fermentation depended on the growth of living organisms and that the activity of these organisms could be suppressed by heating the beverage(pasteurization) Antiseptic principle- In 1865 English surgeon Joseph Lister reasoned that a chemical disinfectant apllied to a wound dressing would disinfect the wound. Labor aristocracy- were a group o highly skilled workers, making up about 15 percent of the working classes during the late 19th century. Illegitimacy explosion-between 1750 and 1850, the occurrence of outside wedlock and illegitimate births increased. There was more of an acceptance to sex before marriage. Separate spheres-was the division of labor by gender, the wife as mother and homemaker, the husband as wage earner. Defense mechanisms-Freud’s idea that much of human behavior is motivated by unconscious awareness by various mental devices. Thermodynamics-was a development in the field of physics building on Newton’s laws of mechanics and on studies of steam engines. Thermodynamics was the investigation of the relationship between heat and mechanical energy. Organic chemistry-was the study of compounds of carbon in the late 1800’s. Positivist method-was the other name for the scientific method Evolution-19th century fascination with the idea of that all forms of life had risen through a long process of continuous adjustment to the environment. Social Darwinists-were popular among the upper middle class. Saw the human race as driven forward to greater specialization and progress by brutal economic struggle. “survival of the fittest” Realism- emerged in the 1840’s.Realist writers believed that literature should depict life exactly as it was and focused on everyday life. Realists were strict determinists and believed that human actions were caused by unalterable natural laws and that heredity and environment determined human behavior; good and eveil were merely social conventions