An Introduction to Ecology

An Introduction to
The Distribution and Adaptations
of Organisms
Introduction to Ecology
Ecology is the study of organisms and their
interactions with their environment.
The environment includes 2 types of factors:
Biotic factors – the living parts of the environment
Plants, animals, bacteria, fungi, protists
Abiotic factors – the nonliving parts of the environment
Water, oxygen, light, temperature, etc.
Levels of Organization
Ecologists can look at the world in levels of increasing complexity:
 Population –
 A group of organisms of the same species that live together in
a certain area
 Example:
 Community –
 A group of organisms of different species that live together in
a certain area
 Example:
 Ecosystem –
 All the living and nonliving things in a certain area
 Example:
 Biome – a group of ecosystems that have similar climates and
 Example:
 Biosphere – the entire portion of the planet that supports life
The Importance of Abiotic
Not every organism can live everywhere on Earth
Abiotic factors determine which organisms can
survive where:
Temperature – effect on body temperature
Water – too much/not enough water
Light – availability for photosynthetic organisms
Wind – amplifies effects of temperature
Rocks/Soil – which organisms can live with/on them, based
on pH and mineral composition
Periodic Disturbances – catastrophes, such as tornadoes,
fires, tsunamis, etc.
Organisms must maintain homeostasis, a steadystate internal environment, despite changes in the
external environment
Organisms respond to abiotic factors in one of two
1. Regulators (endotherms) maintain a nearly
constant internal environment, despite external
conditions (Cold-blooded)
2. Conformers (ectotherms) allow their internal
environment to vary (Warm-blooded)
- live in environments which remain relatively
The Principle of Allocation
This principle states:
Each organism has a limited amount of energy
that can be spent on obtaining food, escaping
from predators, coping with environmental
fluctuations (maintaining homeostasis), growth,
and reproduction
Adapting to Changing Conditions
Organisms can respond to their changing
environments using 3 different types of responses:
1. Physiological Responses
- changing the functioning of the body
- acclimation
- athletes in Torino, moving to Denver...
2. Morphological Responses
- changing the anatomy (structure) of the body
- example: dogs growing thicker fur
Adapting to Changing Conditions
3. Behavioral Responses
- changing behavior to adapt to the change
- moving to a more favorable location
- cooperative behavior (huddling, etc.)
Terrestrial (Our focus will be on these!)
Tropical Forest
Temperate Grassland
Temperate Deciduous Forest
Let’s work together to research & fill in Terrestrial Biome
Arctic = 20-60 cm/yr.
Alpine (mountains) = may exceed 100 cm
Average winter temp. -30 degrees C
Summer < 10 degrees C
Long winter; short summer
Herbaceous (low) plants, a few DWARF shrubs due
Musk oxen, caribou, reindeer, bears, wolves,
various birds
High latitudes or highest elevations (even at
Taiga (Northern Coniferous
30-70 cm ; some much more
Winters -50 degrees C in winter
Summer 20 degrees C
Long winter; short summer may be hot
Plants: cone-bearing trees, diverse
Animals: Birds, moose, bears, Siberian tigers;
Northern N. Am. and Eurasia to edge of
Tropical Forest
T. Rainforest: 200-400 cm/yr
T. Dry forest 150 – 200 cm/yr
25-29 degrees year round (Warm!)
Summer year round
Plants: diverse; 4 or more layers
Animals: diverse: 5-30 million species yet to
be discovered!
Equatorial regions
Seasonal rainfall; 30-50 cm/yr with long drought
Temperature: 24-29 degrees C (warm!); more
variation that Tropical forests
Dry season lasts 8-9 months
Plants: Scattered trees; thorny; small leaves
(why?)Grasses; Must be fire & drought tolerant
Animals: Herbivorous mammals; insects; grazers
Equatorial & subequatorial regions
Seasonal ppt.; Rainy winter; Long dry summer (3050 cm)
Cool fall, winter, & spring (10-12 degrees C)
Summer can reach 30-40 degrees C
Plants: shrubs, small trees, grasses; adapted to
drought; some have seeds that germinate after fire.
Animals: mammals (browsers) amphibians, reptiles,
Mid latitude coasts
< 30 cm / yr (arid/dry)
Hot deserts > 50 degrees C
Cold deserts (Antarctica) <-30 degrees C
Temps vary seasonally and daily (colder at
Plants: Cacti, shrubs w/ deep roots (why?);
small leaf surface area (why?)
Animals: lizards, scorpions; birds; insects;
many nocturnal animals (why?)
Temperate Grassland
Dry winters; wet summers;; 30-100 cm/yr.;
seasonal drought
Cold winters < -10 degrees C; Hot summers
30 degrees C
Plants: Grasses
Animals: Large grazers; burrowing mammals
Plains & prairies around the world
Temperate Deciduous Forest
70-100 cm/yr
Cold Winters 0 degrees; Hot summers 35
degrees C; 4 distinct seasons
Plants: Trees, shrubs, herbaceous layer;
(broadleaved, deciduous plants)
Animals: variety of mammals, birds, insects
Our biome!