Classroom Instruction“We used Greg for a criminal trial in which self


P R O F E S S O R G R E G O R Y G . G I L B E R T S O N

4722 Snow Grass Place NE, Olympia, WA 98516-6258

(360) 237-4247 / Email:

E x p e r t W i t n e s s - C r i m i n a l J u s t i c e P r o f e s s o r - P r i v a t e I n v e s t i g a t o r

A dynamic college and university professor, private investigator, expert witness, international police trainer / mentor, NATO

Liaison, and former tactical police officer. A U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Defense subject matter expert in law enforcement that has twice deployed to active war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. A proven record of designing and implementing police training programs that enhance police training operations and builds officer capacity in developing nations and emerging democracies. A seasoned criminal justice professional with 25 years of domestic and international law enforcement, private investigations, expert witness, and adult education / teaching experience.


Police Procedures

Criminal Investigation

Curriculum Development

Criminal Defense Casework

Expert Witness

Adult Education

 NATO Mentor & Liaison  International Police Training  Classroom Instruction

“We used Greg for a criminal trial in which self-defense was the primary issue. All during the process, Greg was accessible, prompt, thorough and able to explain the necessary components of “use of force” in a manner we were able to understand. Greg’s testimony was clear and concise, and an integral factor in the jury arriving at not guilty verdict. We would certainly use Greg in future cases where issues of police tactics, police training, and use of force were present.” Michael Blanchard, Attorney, New London, CT


Expert Witness -

Misconduct-Expert-Witess-Gregory-Gilbertson & ALM Experts:

/expertsbio/Professor-Gregory-G-Gilbertson-MS-Gilbertson-Investigations/16220 - Law Enforcement

Police Practices & Procedures, Use of Force, SWAT, Police Misconduct, & Criminal Justice

International Police Trainer, Senior Mentor & NATO Liaison - Baghdad, Iraq & Kabul, Afghanistan

Deputy Director, Basrah Training College (United Kingdom), Basrah, Iraq

Professor (tenured) , Criminal Justice, Centralia College, Centralia, WA

Distinguished Faculty Award Recipient, Brandman University, 2013 , Lacey, WA

Senior Lecturer , Criminal Justice Department, Saint Martin’s University, Lacey, WA

7 Commendations for Meritorious Service , Atlanta & LaGrange Police Department, GA

Czech Republic Military Police Medal , Basrah Training College (United Kingdom), Basrah, Iraq

Distinguished Military Graduate , US Army Officer Candidate School, Fort Benning, GA

93% academic average in 720 hours of law enforcement training, Atlanta Police Academy, GA

Army Commendation Medal , Army Good Conduct Medal, Army Achievement Medal (2), Parachutist

Badge, and two General Officer Letters of Commendation in five years of active duty service


Professor, Criminal Justice Program, Centralia College, Centralia, WA 9/99 –present

 Designing, developing, and managing instruction of associate degree program in criminal justice and certificate program in crime scene investigations. Authored and developed 20 individual criminal justice and crime scene investigations courses. Recruited, retained, and supervised numerous adjunct faculty members and 130 undergraduate students.

Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice & Social Science, Brandman University, Lacey, WA 8/10 –present

 Currently teaching a wide variety of u pper division criminal justice courses to Bachelor’s degree seeking students at Brandman University, a division of the Chapman University System (CA). c

Senior Mentor & NATO Liaison, Afghan National Police Academy, MPRI - L3, Afghanistan, 11/08 –12/09

 Senior Mentor and NATO Liaison to Lieutenant General commanding Afghan National Police Academy.

Advised commander on all aspects of academy operations, curriculum assessment, cadet training, and capacity building. Directly responsible for 50 million dollars in academy infrastructure renovations.

Collaborated with NATO Training Mission –Afghanistan and the Ministry of Interior in the development of law enforcement doctrine manual for Afghan National Police.

Private Investigator & Expert Witness, Gilbertson Investigations Inc., Olympia, WA 8/02 –present

 Responsible for all aspects of operations for private investigations agency consisting of CEO and several licensed private investigators specializing in criminal defense casework. Web Site:

. Also assists attorney clients with analysis and reports regarding police standards and practices and a wide variety of law enforcement issues as an expert witness listed with and ALM Legal Experts. Links to Professor Gilbertson’s web sites follow.




Senior Lecturer, Criminal Justice Department, Saint Martin’s University, Lacey, WA 5/97 –11/08

 Served as senior adjunct instructor in the criminal justice department of private, faith-based university.

Instructed undergraduate criminal justice courses to culturally diverse students at Fort Lewis, McChord

Air Force Base, and Centralia College extension campuses over 11 years of service.

International Police Trainer, MPRI - L3, Baghdad & Basra, Iraq 5/05 –06/06

 Supervised daily instruction of 500 Iraqi police cadets in basic and advanced law enforcement subjects as Deputy Director of United K ingdom’s Basrah Training College. Worked with International Police

Trainers from the United Kingdom, Czech Republic and Denmark. Designed and wrote curriculum for an accelerated 3-year bachelor’s degree for the Baghdad Police College.

District Security & Intervention Officer, White River School District, Buckley, WA 9/97 –08/99

 Developed and managed a school district security program. Investigated all criminal or delinquent acts committed on district property. Investigated student complaints made against faculty and staff.

District Security Officer & Intervention Specialist, Kent School District, Kent, WA 8/96 –08/97

 Supervised all aspects of 700 elementary students, faculty, and staff operations in principal’s absence.

Suspended students and imposed disciplinary policies and procedures.

SWAT, Superior Court Investigator, Stakeout Squad, & Senior Patrolman, LaGrange P.D. GA 2/91 –4/96

 Completed over 3000 hours of SWAT tactical police training and operational experience. Served on

SWAT Team and as Superior Court Investigator, Stakeout Squad Detective, and Senior Patrolman.

Police Officer, Atlanta Police Department, Atlanta, GA

8/88 –02/91

Primary law enforcement focus –gang interdiction in public housing, street-level crime, narcotics enforcement, and domestic violence intervention with major metropolitan law enforcement agency.

Platoon Leader, 1 st Lieutenant, US Army, Fort Benning, GA 5/83 –06/88

 Responsible for health, welfare and training of 30 soldiers and 20 Bradley Fighting Vehicles and equipment valued at 40 million dollars.

U N I V E R S I T Y E D U C A T I O N & P O L I C E T R A I N I N G C O U R S E S

 Master of Science, Justice Administration, Columbus State University, Columbus, GA

 Bachelor of Arts, History , University of Washington, Seattle, WA

SWAT Tactical Officer

U.S. Army SWAT School

SWAT Submachine Gun

Police Tactical Rifle

Police Tactical Shotgun

VIP Executive Protection

Criminal Procedures

Interviews & Interrogations

Mediation & Dispute Resolution
