AP CHEMISTRY Course Syllabus 2014

AP CHEMISTRY Course Syllabus 2014-15
Instructor: Janet Tuohy jtuohy@rahway.net
A grade of 85 or higher in Biology or Honors Biology, Chemistry or Honors Chemistry,
Algebra II or Honors Algebra II, and a science teacher recommendation.
A calculator is required for the course. You may use a Texas Instrument NSpire CAS CX Handhelds in both
classwork and laboratory work. In addition, Vernier Labprobes will be used to collect data and LoggerPro
software will be used to print graphs.
Tutoring/ Office Hours:
After school period 10 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Additional hours are offered during school period 7
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, as well as period 9 or period 1 by appointment.
Grading Procedure:
Grades will be determined by a student’s completion and accuracy on:
 Daily homework assignments/problem sets from the text and released AP Examinations
 Formal lab reports and projects
 Quizzes
 Tests
Grades will be computed as follows:
1. Homework: 15%
2. Lab Reports and projects: 35%
3. Tests and quizzes: 50%
Grade Distribution: Q1 20%, Q2 20%, Q3 20%, Q4 20%, Midterm 10%, Final 10%
A test will be given after each Chapter. A comprehensive exam will be given during the midterm covering Q1 and
Q2 material. A final exam will be given during Q4 prior to the AP Course exam.
Final Project:
All students are required to complete a final research project in the 4th quarter. The project will entail
researching a topic in chemistry (from a list provided by the instructor), submitting a research paper and
presenting the results to the class. This project is mandatory and counts as 10 % of your final grade.
Description of Course:
This AP Chemistry course will provide students (juniors and seniors) an intensive academic experience that will
parallel what would be studied in a first year college chemistry course (lecture and lab). This course is designed
for students who have successfully completed Honors Chemistry Honors and desire a stronger background for
college. Students selecting this course must have the ability to work both collaboratively and independently and
have sufficient time to handle a large volume of material. This course will be an excellent preparation for the
SAT achievement test and AP Chemistry examination. Students will be expected to take the AP Chemistry exam.
AP Chemistry meets each school day for 43 minutes and there are two additional periods making the class a
double period on these days. One day prior to chapter tests, the class will work in small study groups reviewing
to prepare for the test. In addition, each chapter will include a free-response quiz in order to practice taking this
part of the test. During at least one of the double periods students will be engaged in hands-on laboratory work
integrated throughout the course and accounting for over 25% of class time. Often, these lab sessions will
extend into the students’ own time after school. [CR5a] The instructor and students should plan to be available
for at least 45 minutes after school on designated lab days in order to complete laboratory work.
Students will:
1. Learn the inquiry process through hands-on lab experiments.
2. Gain an understanding of six big ideas as articulated in AP Chemistry Curriculum Framework. [CR2]
3. Apply mathematical and scientific knowledge and skills to solve quantitative, qualitative, spatial and
analytical problems.
4. Apply basic algebra, arithmetic and geometric concepts.
5. Formulate strategies for the development and testing of hypotheses.
6. Use basic statistical concepts to draw both inferences and conclusions from data.
7. Identify implications and consequences of conclusions developed from data analysis.
8. Use manipulative and technological tools including Ti 83 Plus or Ti-84 Plus Graphing Calculator (or more
advanced TI NSpire CAS CX Handhelds), Vernier Labquest, Vernier Probes, Vernier LoggerPro Software.
9. Measure, compare order, scale, locate and code accurately.
10. Do scientific research and report and display the research findings.
11. Learn to think critically in order to solve problems.
Required Textbook:
Zumdahl. , Steven S., et.al. Chemistry, 7th Edition, Boston New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 2007. [CR1]
Supplemental Texts and Laboratory Manual*:
Zumdahl. , Steven S., et.al. Chemistry, 9th Edition Brooks Cole, Cengage Learning, 2014. [CR1]
* Laboratories are compiled from a variety of sources including, but not limited to, the following
APChemistry Guided Inquiry Experiments: Applying the Science Practices. 2013.
Holmquist, Dan, Randall, Jack, Volz, Donald. Chemistry with Vernier 1st edition: Vernier Software & Technology,
Volz, Donald, Smola, Ray. Investigating Chemistry through Inquiry 1st edition. Vernier Software & Technology,
Hall, James F. Experimental Chemistry 7th edition New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2007.
Nelson, John H., and Kenneth C. Kemp. Laboratory Experiments for “Chemistry: The Central Science”. 10th ed.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2006.
Volderbrink, Sally Ann. 2nd ed. Laboratory Experiments for Advanced Placement Chemistry. Batavia, IL: Flinn
Scientific, 2005.
Curriculum Requirements
Students and teachers use a recently published ( within the past 10 years
college-level chemistry textbook.
The course is structured around the enduring understanding within the big
3, 6
ideas as described in the AP Chemistry Curriculum Framework
The course provides students with opportunities outside the laboratory
7, 8, 10, 12-14
Environment to meet the learning objectives within the Big Idea 1:
Structure of matter.
The course provides students with opportunities outside the laboratory
7, 8, 10, 12-14
environment to meet the learning objectives within the Big Idea 2:
Properties of matter-characteristics, states, and forces of attraction.
The course provides students with opportunities outside the laboratory
9, 19
environment to meet the learning objectives within the
Big Idea 3: Chemical reactions.
The course provides students with opportunities outside the laboratory
environment to meet the learning objectives within the
Big Idea 4: Rates of chemical reactions
The course provides students with opportunities outside the laboratory
11, 18
Environment to meet the learning objectives within the Big Idea 5:
The course provides students with opportunities outside the laboratory
environment to meet the learning objectives within the Big Idea 6:
The course provides students with the opportunity to connect their
knowledge of chemistry and science to major societal or technological
components (e.g. concerns, technological advances, innovations) to help
them become scientifically literate citizens.
Students are provided the opportunity to engage in investigative
laboratory work integrated throughout the course for a minimum of
25 % of instructional time.
Students are provided the opportunity to engage in a minimum of 16
hands-on laboratory experiments integrated throughout the course while using
basic laboratory equipment to support the learning objectives listed
within the AP Chemistry Curriculum Framework.
The laboratory investigations used throughout the course allow students
to apply the seven science practices define in the AP Chemistry Curriculum
Framework. A minimum of six of the required 16 labs are conducted in a
guided-inquiry format.
The course provides opportunities for students to develop, record, and
maintain evidence of their verbal, written, and graphic communication
skills through laboratory reports, summaries of literature or scientific
investigations, and oral, written, and graphic presentation.
Lab Work
Laboratory work will be completed each week during one of the double class periods (86 minutes). Each
laboratory corresponds to a specific unit and is listed with the designated unit in the course outline that follows.
Students will work collaboratively in pairs on lab work. Pre-labs will be assigned for the labs. Inquiry is
emphasized in many of the experiments the students complete. The laboratory work requires students to
design, carry out, and analyze data using guided inquiry principles. For each lab, report students will be required
to have the following: title, purpose, materials and equipment, procedure, balanced chemical reaction, math
equations with units, all data, observations, data analysis, Evaluation (error analysis and inferences), results and
conclusion, improvements. For all labs students will collect, process, manipulate, analyze, graph and report both
qualitative and quantitative data. Each student will submit a formal lab write-up for each lab. Students will be
required to keep a bound notebook in which all labs will be documented. [CR7]
Lab reports will be turned in for a formal grade within seven days of completing the lab in class. All labs must be
completed. If a student is absent, the lab must be made up on the students own time.
Minimum of 16 labs will be completed during the year. All labs are to be completed within the double lab
period except the following Inquiry based labs:
1. Gravimetric analysis: What Makes Hard Water Hard? (3 periods)
2. REDOX Titration: How Can We Determine the Actual Percentage of H2O2 in a Drugstore Bottle of
Hydrogen Peroxide? (3 periods)
3. Calorimetry: The Hand Warmer Challenge. Where Does the Heat Come From? (3 periods)
4. Spectroscopy: What is the Relationship Between Concentration of a Solution and the Amount of
Transmitted Light Through a Solution? (3 periods )
5. Kinetics Rate of a Reaction: How Long Will that Marble Last? (4.5 periods)
6. Acid Base Titration: How do the Structure and the Initial Concentrations of an Acid and a Base
influence the pH of the Resultant Solution During a Titration? (4.25 periods)
Inquiry-based labs will follow the lab-reporting format outlined in the Science Writing Heuristic.
(Source: Science Writing Heuristic guide for implementing and assessing inquiry labs:
Lab Report ( Traditional Labs)
1. Title and Date: A short description of the experiment
2.Purpose: describe the background and the purpose of the experiment. What is it that we are expected to learn
and accomplish from this experiment?
3. Materials and Equipment: a detailed list of all equipment and amounts of chemicals used. The list can be
found in the lab itself. If a diagram is provided in the lab, this should be in the lab report write-up.
4. Procedure: A bullet point listing of the systematic procedures needed to carry out the lab. The procedure
should be written so that anyone not familiar with the lab could pick up the procedure and carry the lab out. So
do not miss the details!
5. Balanced Chemical Equations : Molecular and net ionic ( where applicable)
6. Observations: All relevant quantitative data and qualitative data must be recorded in a data table. If reference
equations are used, they must be recorded. The measurements that need to be taken should have been
conveyed in the purpose and procedure. All observations must be recorded in pen and initialed by the teacher
before students leave the lab.
7. Analysis: This section consists of all calculations and graphs from the experimental data. All chemical equation
must be included. All calculations must include proper units and all parts of any graphs are properly labeled.
Any inferences from the qualitative data should also be included.
8. Evaluation: When there are both theoretical and experimental results, percentage yield or percentage error
must be calculated. In some cases, standard deviation of your trials will be calculated.
9. Conclusion: Finally, comment on whether your have met the objective and what have you learned. Explain
your sources of error from your evaluation and suggestions to improve the lab procedure must be provided.
Laboratory Notebook:
A laboratory notebook is required for the course. All completed lab reports documenting all lab experience must
be included in the notebook. The notebook is checked after every lab report is submitted. [CR7]
AP Examination:
A final review will be given in class two weeks prior to the AP Exam. Students will work in small cooperative
groups practicing free-response tests and sample questions. Additional tutoring will be provided in two-hour
sessions on the weekend the month prior to the AP test. The weekend tutoring schedule will be determined
based on class availability.
The AP Exam will be given Monday, May 4, 2015 and is administered through the College Board. All students
who registered in the AP Chemistry class are expected to take the AP Chemistry Exam. There are two sections in
the AP Chemistry Exam:
Section I: Multiple Choice
This section is 90 minutes long, contains 60 multiple-choice containing questions about experimental design,
analysis of lab data, creating and/or analyzing atomic and molecular views to explain observation, solving
Section II: Free-·Response ( Calculator Allowed)
This section is 90 minutes long, consists of two parts. Part I contains three Long Free- Response and Part II
contains four Short Free- Response.
Course Outline:[CR2]
Chapters in Zumdahl Chemistry
AP Chemistry Topic Covered
1. Chemical Foundations
2. Atoms, Molecules and Ions
Atomic Theory & Atomic Structure ( BI 1&2)
3. Stoichiomtery
Stoichiometry (BI3)
4. Solution Stocihiometry &Chemical
Reaction Types & Stoichoimetry ( BI 3)
5. Gases
Gases (BI 1 &2)
6. Thermochemistry
Thermodynamics (BI 5)
7. Atomic Structure and Periodicity
Atomic Theory and Atomic Structure (BI 1&2)
8. Bonding-General concepts
Chemical Bonding (BI 1&2)
9. Covalent Bonding: Orbitals
Chemical Bonding (BI 1&2)
10. Liquids and Solids
Liquids &Solids (BI 1 &2)
11. Properties of Solutions
Solutions (BI 2)
12. Chemical Kinetics
Kinetics (BI 4)
13. Chemical Equilibrium
Equilibrium (BI 6)
14. Acids and Bases
Equilibrium (BI 6)
15. Applications of Aqueous Equilibria
Equilibrium (BI 6)
16. Spontaneity. Entropy, and Free Energy
Thermodynamics (BI 5)
17. Electrochemistry
Reaction Types (BI 3)
22.Organic Chemistry
Descriptive Chemistry
BI refers to Big Ideas: Big Idea I: Structure of matter, Big Idea II- Properties of Matter, Characteristics, states and
forces of matter, Big Idea 3—Chemical Reactions, Big Idea 4—Rates of Chemical Reactions, Big Idea 5—
Thermodynamics, Big Idea 6—Equilibriium.
Course Outline [CR2]:
1. CHAPTER 1-3, 22 ( BI 1,2,3)
EXAM DATE 9/18/14
CHAPTER 1: Chemical Foundations: scientific methods, units of measurement, significant figures and
calculations, dimensional analysis, temperature, density, classification of matter. Separation of matter and
methods of separation.
The student will be able to:
1. Use the basic vocabulary of matter and energy.
2. Distinguish between chemical and physical properties.
3. Distinguish between chemical and physical changes.
4. Distinguish between heterogeneous and homogenous mixtures, substances, compounds, and elements.
5. Apply methods of separation to separate heterogeneous matter.
6. Apply the concept of significant digits.
7. Apply appropriate units to describe the results of measurements.
8. Solve multi-step problems using dimensional analysis.
Labs: Lab Safety, Equipment, Procedures
Problem Sets 7th Edition: pages 30-37
Summer Packet Problems: # 18, 20, 24, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 46, 52, 58, 59, 69, 70, 71, 72
Class Problems: # 17, 21, 27, 33, 41, 49, 59, 67, 69, 71
CHAPTER 2: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions: history of chemistry, fundamental chemical laws, Dalton’s atomic
theory, experiments to characterize the atom, modern view of atomic structure, molecules and ions,
introduction to the Periodic Table, nomenclature.
The student will be able to:
1. State the law of conservation of mass and use it to make predictions about the results of chemical and
physical changes.(EK 1.A.1)
2. Show how empirical data supports the Laws of Definite Proportions and Multiple Proportions (EK I.A.1)
3. Show how Dalton’s Atomic Theory is supported by the Laws of Definite Proportions and Multiple
Proportions. (EK I.A.1)
4. Describe the experiments that lead to the modern theory of the atom (discovery of the electron,
Rutherford Gold Foil Experiment, Milliken’s Oil Drop Experiment, discovery of the radioactivity,
discovery of the neutron). (EK I.A.1)
5. Identify the primary subatomic particles and describe their relative sizes and charges. (EK 1.B.1)
6. Explain changes form Dalton’s original postulate by analyzing mass spectra data to identify of isotopes
for an element. (EK 1.D.a and EK 1.D.2)
7. Name binary ionic compounds, binary covalent compounds and ionic compounds that contain
polyatomic ions.
8. Identify an element as a metal or nonmetal, based on its position in the periodic table. (EK 1.C)
Inquiry: Determining the percent mass of sulfate in a compound. (LO 1.3) (SP 4.2, 4.3, 5.1)
Problem Sets 7th Edition: pages 69-75
Summer Packet Problems: # 21, 22, 24, 26, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 46, 50, 51, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70,
Class Problems: # 25, 47, 49, 53, 57, 59, 65, 67, 85, 89
Chapter 3: Stoichiometry: atomic masses, the mole, molar mass, percent composition of compounds,
determining the formula of a compound, chemical equations, balancing chemical equations, stoichiometric
calculations, limiting reactants
The student will be able to:
1. Describe the mole as a unit of measure. (EK 1.A.2, EK 1.A.3)
2. Calculate the average atomic mass of an element, given the mass and abundance of each isotope of the
element. EK 1.B.1)
3. Calculate the molar mass of a compound. (EK. 1.A.3)
4. Calculate the mass percent of a compound given the chemical formula or by using given experimental
data. (EK 1.A.2)
5. Determine the empirical formula of a compound using mass percent data, raw experimental data, or
indirect analysis data. (EK 1.A.2)
6. Balance chemical equations. (EK 1.E.1, EK E.1.2 EK 3.A.2)
7. Use information from a balanced chemical equation to relate reactant and product quantities, identify
the limiting reactant and compute the theoretical yield of the product. (EK 1.E.1, EK 3.A.2)
8. Use the concept of percent yield to determine the actual yield of the product. (EK 1.E.1, EK 3.A.2)
Empirical Formula of a Copper (II) Chloride (LO 1.2, 1.4, 3.6) (SP 4.2, 5.1)
Inquiry Labs
Gravimetric analysis: What Makes Hard Water Hard? (LO 1.19) (SP 4.2, 5.1)
Problem Sets 7th Edition: pages 115-125
Summer Packet Problems: # 28, 29, 33, 40, 46, 48, 52, 54, 58, 62, 64, 64, 70, 72, 76, 82, 84, 90, 91, 95, 98, 101,
102, 105
Class Problems: # 39, 41, 49, 57, 59, 63, 65, 69, 75, 83, 85, 89, 95, 97, 103
Chapter 22: Organic and Biological Molecules: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons, isomers,
proteins, carbohydrates, lipids.
The student will be able to:
1. Name and develop structures and isomers of alkanes.
2. Explain the properties of an isomer.
3. Name and identify organic functional groups.
4. Identify alkene, alkyne, cyclic hydrocarbons.
5. Name and identify proteins, carbohydrate and lipids polymers based on functional groups.
Problem Sets 7th Edition: pages 1045-1055
Class Problems: 5, 13, 14,17,19 b, 21, 23, 24,47, 49a
2.CHAPTER 4 ( BI 3)
EXAM DATE 10/2/14
CHAPTER 4: Types of Chemical Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry: water, the nature of aqueous solutions,
strong and weak electrolytes, composition of solutions, types of chemical reactions, precipitation reactions,
describing reactions in solution, stoichiometry of precipitation reactions, acid-base reactions, oxidationreduction reactions, balancing redox reaction equations.
The student will be able to:
1. Use the terminology of solutions – solute, solvent, and concentration.
2. Differentiate between electrolytes and non-electrolytes.
3. Describe reactions by observation and using molecular, ionic and net ionic equations. (EK 3.A.1, EK 3.C.1)
4. Use solubility rules for sodium, potassium, ammonium and nitrate. (EK 6.C.3)
5. Characterize and write chemical equations for synthesis, decomposition, displacement, metathesis, and
combustion reactions. (EK 3.B.1)
6. Identify Bronsted –Lowry acids and bases and predict the products of neutralization reactions for weak
and strong acids and bases. (EK 3.B.2)
7. Predict oxidation states of elements that exist as free elements or in ions and compounds. (EK 3.B.3)
8. Identify oxidation-reduction reactions and determine which species is oxidized, reduced. (EK 3.B.3)
9. Use systematic method to balance redox reactions. (EK 3.B.3)
10. Work problems involving molarity. (EK 2.A.2)
11. Describe a method to dilute a solution of known concentration. (EK.2.A.2)
12. Describe the process of titrations and use titration data to determine quantitative information about an
unknown. (EK.6.C.1)
Inquiry Lab:
 REDOX Titration: How Can We Determine the Actual Percentage of H2O2 in a Drugstore Bottle of Hydrogen
Peroxide? (LO 3.9) ( SP 4.2, 5.1)
 What is a Limiting Reactant and How Does it Predict Percent Yield? (LO 3.4) (SP 4.2, 4.3)
Problem Sets 7th Edition: pages 170-177
Summer Packet Problems: # 17, 21a, 21b, 27, 28, 30a, 30c, 37, 38, 39, 40, 49, 50, 56, 59, 60, 63, 64
Class Problems: 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 29, 31, 35, 37, 39, 43,45, 47, 51, 52, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67 (a-j), 71 (a-j0,
73 (a-e), 75 (a-c), 77, 81, 83, 84, 89
3.CHAPTER 5 (BI 1,2)
EXAM DATE 10/16/14
CHAPTER 5: Gases: pressure; the gas laws of: Boyle, Charles, Avogadro, and Gay-Lussac; the ideal gas law; gas
stoichiometry; Dalton’s law of partial pressures; kinetic molecular theory of gases; effusion and diffusion;
real gases; chemistry in the atmosphere.
The student will be able to:
1. Describe the methods and units for measuring pressure. Convert between units.
2. Solve problems and describe graphically and algebraically the relationship of P,V,T,n using Charles’ law,
Boyle’s law, Gay-Lussac’s law, Avogadro’s law, Dalton’s law, the ideal gas law, and Van der Waals
equation. (EK 2.A.2)
3. Apply the ideal gas law to solve stoichiometric problems. ( EK 3.A.2)
4. Describe the relationship of kinetic energy of a molecule and temperature and mass. (EK 2.A.2)
5. Use Graham’s law of diffusion to describe graphically and algebraically the relationship between the rate
of effusion/diffusion of a gas and its molar mass (P, T constant).
6. Describe and calculate the root mean square velocity of a gas particle given the temperature and
chemical identity.
7. Describe the molecular differences between real and ideal gases and select which real gases are most
likely to deviate from ideal behavior. (EK 2.A.2)
8. Explain and interpret graphic representations of deviations from ideal based on the Kinetic Molecular
Theory and intermolecular attractions (EK 2.A.2, EK 2.B.3)
9. State, discuss and graphically represent the major postulates of the Kinetic-Molecular Theory. (EK.2.A.2)
10. Apply the Kinetic Molecular Theory and Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution to describe the mathematical
relationships. (EK 2.A.2)
11. Explain the gas laws in terms of kinetic molecular theory. (EK 2.A.2)
Problem sets 7th Edition: pages 217-227 #18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31, 33, 35, 41, 45, 51, 53, 57, 59, 61, 67, 69,
71, 73, 75, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 95, 113.
Determination of Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid (LO 2.5, 2.6) (SP 1.4, 6.4)
Collecting Hydrogen Gas over water (LO 2.5, 2.6) (SP 1.4, 4.3, 5.1, 6.4)
Students can relate temperature to the motions of particles. Either via particulate representations, such as
drawings of velocities, and/or via representations of average kinetic energy and distribution of kinetic energies
of the particles, such as plots of Maxwell-Bolzmann curves. (L.O. 5.2)
4.CHAPTER 6 ( BI 5)
EXAM DATE 10/30/14
CHAPTER 6: Thermochemistry: nature of energy; enthalpy; calorimetry; Hess’s law; standard molar enthalpies
of formation; First law of Thermodynamics. Chapter 10: Liquids and Solids: heating/cooling curves.
The student will be able to
1. Use the basic vocabulary of thermochemistry including enthalpy, ΔH, exothermic, endothermic, system,
surroundings, universe, open and insulated system, heat of formation, heat of reaction, calorimetry,
calorie, joule, specific heat, standard molar enthalpy, enthalpy of formation, molar heat of combustion,
and state function. ( EK 5.B.3)
2. Apply the kinetic molecular theory to explain temperature. ( EK 5.A.1)
3. Explain heat transfer ( EK 5.A.2, EK 5.B.3)
4. Explain and solve energy changes involved in cooling /heating a product. (EK 5.B.1, EK 5.B.2, EK 5.B.3)
5. Apply conservation of energy and determine the energy transfer by quantifying the pressure-volume
work done on a gas or heat transfer from a system to the surroundings. ( EK 5.B.1, EK 5.B.2)
6. Translate laboratory chemical reactions into energy diagrams and thermochemical equations to classify
exothermic and endothermic reactions.(EK 3.C.2, EK 5.B.3)
7. Use stoichiometric principles to solve heat problems in chemical reactions using thermochemical
equations. ( EK 3.A.2)
8. Explain and quantify the heating done on a system by the surroundings, using concepts of heat capacity
and specific heat. (EK 5.B.3)
9. Explain heat transfer and solve problems using constant pressure calorimeters ( Bomb and Coffee-Cup
Calorimeter. ( EK 5.B.4)
10. Solve problems using Hess’ Law and standard enthalpy to calculate enthalpy changes for systems of
reactions using thermochemical equations or Standard Enthalpy Tables. (EK 5.C.2)
11. Explain the kinetic and potential energy involved in a heating/cooling curves of pure substances (EK
Problem Sets 7th Edition : pages 265-269 # 4, 11, 23, 25, 27,31, 33, 35, 41, 43, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 61, 63, 65,
67, 69, 75, 79 Chapter 10 pages 479-480 heating/cooling curves--- 85, 87)
Determining the Enthalpy of a Chemical Reaction: Hess’ Law (LO 5.6, 5.7) (SP 2.1, 4.1, 4.3, 5.1)
Inquiry Lab:
Calorimetry: The Hand Warmer Challenge. Where Does the Heat Come From? (LO 5.7) (SP 4.2, 5.1, 6.4)
Specific Heats of Substances, Mass and Heats of Reactions ( L.O. 5.4)
5.CHAPTER 7 (BI 1,2)
EXAM DATE 11/14/14
Chapter 7: Atomic Structure / Electronic Structure and Periodicity: electromagnetic radiation; the nature of
energy; atomic spectrum of hydrogen; Bohr model; quantum mechanical model of the atom; orbital shapes
and energies; electron spin and the Pauli principle; polyelectronic atoms; history of the periodic table; ∆En;
aufbau principle; periodic trends in atomic properties; properties of the alkali metals.
The student will be able to:
1. Quantitatively describe the relationship between frequency, wavelength and speed.
2. Describe the different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
3. Quantitatively describe the relationship between the energy of a photon and its frequency through
Planck’s equation. (EK 1.D.3)
2. Explain Coulomb’s Law and the forces of attraction between sub –atomic particles. (EK 1.B.1)
3. Explain the shell model through the analysis of PES data and resulting ionization energy (EK 1.B.1)
4. Explain the use of molecular vibration and the ability to use IR Spectra to understand bonding and UV
spectra to understand electron structure. (EK B.1.D.3)
5. Describe the Bohr model and compare it to the Quantum Mechanical model of the atom. (EK 1.C.2)
6. Write electron configuration, orbital notation and Lewis structures for any element using Aufbau
principle and Hund’s rule.(EK 1.B.2)
4. Explain electron configuration core and valence electrons using Coloumb’s Law. (EK 1.B.2)
1. Describe the development of the periodic table in the XIX century.
2. Relate the electron configuration of an atom to its position in the Periodic table.
3. Understand the basis for the periodic Law.
4. Explain periodic trends for electron configuration, effective nuclear charge, atomic radius,
ionization energy and electron affinity. (EK. 1. C.1, EK 1.C.2)
5. Apply Coluomb’s Law to explain ionization energy trends (EK 1.B.1)
6. Describe the chemical and physical properties of selected elements in Groups 1A through 8A.
Problem Sets 7th Edition: pages 320-325 # 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, 23, 31, 35,39, 67, 69, 73,75,79,81,85,87,89,93,95, 99,
101, 103, 121, 123
Determining the Concentration of Solution using Beer’s Law (LO 1.16) (SP 5.1)
Justify with evidence the arrangement of the periodic table and apply periodic properties to chemical
reactivity. (LO 1.9, 1.10) (SP 5.1, 6.1)
Reactivity of alkali and alkali earth metals in water/ acid. (LO 1.9)
6.CHAPTER 8 and 9 (BI 1,2)
EXAM DATE 12/3/14
Chapter 8: Bonding: types of chemical bonds, electronegativity, bond polarity and dipole moments; ions –
electron configurations and sizes; formation of binary ionic compounds; partial ionic character of covalent
bonds; a model of covalent chemical bonding; covalent bond energies and chemical reactions; localized
electron bonding model; Lewis structures; exceptions to the octet rule; resonance; molecular structure;
The student will be able to:
1. Draw Lewis structures for atoms, binary ionic compounds, molecules, and polyatomic ions including
molecules that are exception to the octet rule.
2. Use periodic trends in electronegativity to predict and explain type of bonding. (EK 2.C.1)
3. Explain electronegativity differences in relationship to non-polar covalent and polar covalent bonds. (EK
4. Explain the formation and breaking of covalent bonds in relation to bond length and bond energy. (EK
2.C.1 EK 5.C.1)
5. Explain the energetics of chemical reactions in relation to bond formation/bond breaking. (EK 5.C.2)
6. Quantitatively describe the energetics of covalent bonding including using bond energies to predict
enthalpy changes for reactions. (EK 5.C.2)
7. Explain the structure of ionic crystals and describe the energetics of ionic bonding (Lattice Energy) using
Coulomb’s Law.(EK 2.C.2)
8. Explain metallic bonding (EK 2.C.3)
9. Using Lewis structures identify molecules that are likely to exhibit resonance. (EK 2.C.3)
10. Use the concept of formal charge to select a preferred structure from competing resonance structures.
(EK 2.C.3)
Chapter 9: Covalent Bonding: hybridization and the localized electron model; molecular orbital model; bonding
in homonuclear diatomic molecules; bonding in heteronuclear diatomic molecules; combining the localized
electron and molecular orbital models
The student will be able to:
1. Explain and use VSEPR theory to predict the shapes and structural properties of molecules and
polyatomic ions having single central atom. (EK 2.C.4)
2. Distinguish between polar and nonpolar molecules.
3. Relate VSEPR Theory to hybridizations. (EK 2.C.4)
4. Identify the hybridization used in the formation of molecules and polyatomic ions.(EK 2.C.4)
5. Differentiate between σ and π bonds in a molecule. (EK 2.C.4)
Problem Sets 7th Edition: pages 382-387 # 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 23, 25, 29, 31, 33, 35, 38, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 53, 55,
65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 79, 87, 91, 93, 99, 101, 103, 109, 119
Problem Sets 7th Edition: pages 418-419 # 21,23,27,31,33, 57
Synthesis of Coordination Compound Tetra-ammine Copper (II) Sulfate (LO 1.16, .13, 6.19) (SP 4.3, 5.1)
Use Lewis diagrams and VSEPR to predict the geometry of molecular, identify hybridization, and make
predictions about polarity. (LO 2.21)
7.CHAPTER 10 (BI 1,2)
EXAM DATE 12/11/14
Chapter 10: Liquids and Solids: intermolecular forces, liquid state, structures and types of solids, bonding in
metals, carbon and silicon, network atomic solids, molecular solids, ionic solids, vapor pressure and changes
of state.
The student will be able to:
1. Apply the Kinetic-Molecular Theory to liquids and solids. (EK2.A.1)
2. Explain the types of intermolecular forces, the molecular level differences, and predict which ones will
be strongest and which ones will be present in a particular substance. (EK2.A.1, EK 2.B.1, EK 2.B.2, E.K,
EK 5.D.1)
3. Explain interactions within and between large molecules. (EK 5.D.3)
4. Explain the Coulombic interaction that creates temporary dipole London Dispersion forces,
dipole/dipole and hydrogen bonding. (EK 2.B.1, EK 2.B.2)
5. Explain ionic solutes and solubility in solvents based on types of intermolecular forces. (EK 2.B.2)
6. Explain the properties of liquids and solids in terms of packing and strength of intermolecular forces.
(EK2.A.1 )
7. Relate the strength of intermolecular forces to physical properties such as melting and boiling points,
vaporization, capillary action and vapor pressure of a given pure liquid substance. (EK 2.B.2)
8. Differentiate and explain physical versus chemical process and bond formation/bond breaking. (EK
9. Describe the composition and properties of the following types of solids and classify a compound by
type: ionic, molecular, covalent network, and metallic. (EK 2.C.3, EK 2.D.1, EK 2.D.2, EK 2.D.3 EK 2.D.4)
10. Describe types of metal alloys, allotropes, amorphous solids and crystalline solids.
Problem Sets 7th Edition pages 475-482 # 5, 7, 11, 15, 17, 23, 25, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 71, 111
Paper Chromatography: Designing a Solvent System to Separate the dyes in Brown M&M’s. ( LO 2.7) (SP 4.1,
8.CHAPTER 11 (BI 2)
EXAM DATE 12/19/14
Chapter 11: Properties of Solutions: solution composition, energies of solution formation, factors affecting
solubility, vapor pressures of solutions.
The student will be able to:
1. Differentiate between heterogeneous and homogeneous solutions and the macroscopic differences
of suspension and colloidal systems and list examples of each. (EK 2.A.3)
2. Describe the properties and types of solid, liquid and gas solutions as well as types of solutes that
dissolve in liquid to make liquid solutions. (EK 2.A.2)
3. Describe how temperature and pressure (for gases) affect solubility of a gas in a liquid. (EK 2.A.2)
4. Explain the properties used to separate solutions. (EK 2.A.2)
5. Explain the formation of solutions, energetic and role of intermolecular forces of attraction in the
dissolution process. (EK 2.A.2)
6. Predict the solubility’s of solutes in a given solvent based on chemical structure.(EK2.A.2)
7. Solve problems involving mass percent, molarity, mole fraction (EK 2.A.2) and molality.
Problem Sets 7th Edition : pages 518-522 # 13, 25, 35, 37, 39, 41, 53, 57, 79
Inquiry Lab:
Spectroscopy: What is the Relationship Between Concentration of a Solution and the Amount of Transmitted
Light Through a Solution? (LO 1.15. 1.16) (SP 4.1, 6.4)
Predict the conductivity of a precipitation reaction. (LO 2.9)
9.CHAPTER 12 (BI 4)
EXAM DATE 1/16/15
CH 12: Chemical Kinetics: reaction rates, rate laws, determining the form of the rate law, integrated rate law,
reaction mechanisms, model for chemical kinetics, catalysis.
The student will be able to:
1. List the factors that influence the rate of a chemical reaction. (EK 4.A.1)
2. Define reaction rates in terms of concentration and time. (EK 4.A.1)
3. Apply the rate law to determine the order of a reaction given initial concentration and initial rate data
for several experiments. (EK 4.A.2)
4. Apply the rate law to determine the proper units for the rate constant. (EK 4.A.2, EK 4.A.3)
5. Apply the rate law and analyze data to determine the order of a reaction. (EK 4.A.2)
6. Explain the rate constant to first order half –reactions and solve first order reactions.( EK 4.A.3)
7. Explain elementary unimolecular and bimolecular reactions. ( EK 4.B.1)
8. Use collision theory and apply Maxwell-Boltzman distributions to describe the effects of molecular
orientation and kinetic energy on the rate of reaction. (EK 4.B.2)
9. Describe elementary reaction coordinate and interpret the activation energy using the Arrhenius
equation. (EK 4.B.3)
10. Interpret elementary steps in a reaction and identify intermediates in elementary steps to determine
overall reaction order. (EK 4.C.1, EK 4.C.2, EK 4.C.3 )
11. Identify catalysts and explain types of catalysts in different catalytic reactions. (EK 4.D.1, EK 4.D.2)
Problem Sets 7th Edition: pages 566-573 # 1, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 39, 41, 43, 47, 49, 51,
17, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 75, 82
Determining the Order of a Reaction and Factors Affecting The Rate. (LO 4.1, 4.2) (SP 5.1, 5.2
Inquiry Lab
Kinetics Rate of a Reaction: How Long Will that Marble Last? (LO 4.1, 4.2) (SP 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 6.4)
Translate among reaction energy profile representations, particulate representations, and symbolic
representations (chemical equations) of a chemical reaction occurring in the presence and absence of a
catalyst. (L.O. 4.8)
10.CHAPTER 13 (BI 6)
EXAM DATE 2/6/15
CH 13: Chemical Equilibrium: equilibrium condition, equilibrium constant, equilibrium expressions involving
pressures, heterogeneous equilibria, applications of the equilibrium constant, solving equilibrium problems, Le
Chatelier’s principle
The student will be able to:
1. Write the mass-action expression for a reversible chemical reaction. (EK 6.A.2)
2. Understand the meaning of the equilibrium constant, Kc, Kp, and reaction quotient, Q, and correctly
interpret the value of the equilibrium constant when the coefficients of an equation are altered. (EK
6.A.2, EK 6.A.3. EK 6.A.4)
3. Solve problems involving the equilibrium constant and interpret the position of equilibrium from value
of the equilibrium constant and Q. (EK 6. A.2)
4. Solve problems involving the reaction quotient ,Q, and interpret the position of equilibrium comparing
Q to K. (EK 6.A.2. EK 6.A.3)
5. Explain the reversibility of reactions and use Le Chatelier’s Principle to predict which direction the
equilibrium will shift. (EK 6.A.1, EK 6.B.1)
6. Understand that the temperature, pressure, and concentration will affect the position of the equilibrium
and interpret these changes graphically and through explanation. (EK 6.A.3, EK 6.B.1)
7. Compare Q and K to explain the shift in equilibrium by apply Le Chatelier’s principle. (EK 6.B.2)
Problem Sets 7th Edition : pages 612-618: # 1, 2, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 39, 41, 47, 53,
57, 59, 61, 63 73
Determination of Equilibrium Constant for the Iron Thiocyanate Ion (LO 6.4, 6.5, (SP 2.2, 4.3, 5.1)
Stressing equilibrium and applying Le Chatelier’s principle. (LO 6.8) (SP 6.2)
11.CHAPTER 14 (BI 6)
EXAM DATE 2/19/15
Chapter 14: Acids and Bases: nature of acids and bases, acid strength, pH scale, calculating pH of strong acid
solutions, calculating pH of weak acid solutions, bases, polyprotic acids, acid-base properties of salts, effect of
structure on acid-base properties, acid-base properties of oxides.
The student will be able to:
1. Identify acids and bases using the Arrhenius and Bronsted-Lowry definitions. (EK 3.B.3)
2. Identify and explain the relative strengths of conjugate acid-base pairs.(EK 3.B.3, EK 6.C.1)
3. Identify strong acid/base, weak acid/base and corresponding production of [H3O+]/ [OH- ]. (EK6.C.1)
4. Identify and explain the strengths of binary and oxyacids.
5. Describe the behavior of amphoteric hydroxides.
6. Know and use the water dissociation constants, Kw as well as pKa +pkb =14 (EK 6.C.1)
7. Identify and explain strong acid/base, weak acid/base and corresponding pH, pOH, Ka, Kb, pKa, and pKb.
(EK 6.C.1)
8. Classify a solution as acidic or basic, given its pH. (EK 6.C.1)
9. Solve problems involving pH, pOH [H3O+], and [OH-] conversions. (EK 6.C.1)
10. Explain the dependence of pH/pOH on concentration comparing a weak/strong acid, weak/strong base.
(EK 6.C.1)
11. Describe the neutralization reactions between strong acid/strong base; weak acid/ strong base strong
acid/weak base; (EK 6.C.1)
12. Describe the reaction between weak acid/weak base. (EK 6.C.1)
Problem Sets 7th Edition : 672-677 # 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 17, 25, 27, 29, 35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 47, 49, 51, 53, 57, 61 a, 63,
65, 71, 73, 77, 83, 89, 93, 95, 99, 101, 105, 111, 113, 117, 119, 121, 123
Determination of an Equivalent Mass and pKa of an Unknown Solid Acid. (LO 6.12) (SP 4.2, 5.1)
Analyzing Acid/Base Titration Curves ( LO 6.13) ( SP 5.1, 5.2)
12.CHAPTER 15 (BI 6)
Chapter 15: Applications of Aqueous Equilibria: solutions of acids or bases containing a common ion, buffered
solutions, buffer capacity, titrations and pH curves, acid-base indicators, solubility equilibria and the solubility
product, precipitation and qualitative analysis, equilbria involving complex ions
The student will be able:
1. Write the Ka or Kb for a weak acid or a weak base. (EK 6.C.1)
2. Calculate the pH of a solution of weak acid given Ka, or evaluate Ka given the pH.
(EK 6.C.1)
3. Calculate the pH of a solution of weak base given Kb, or evaluate Kb given the pH.
(EK 6.C.1)
4. Use the relationship between Ka and Kb for conjugates to solve problems in acid/base
equilibria. Calculate the pH of a solution of weak acid given Ka, or evaluate Ka given the pH. (Ek 6.C.1)
5. Apply acid-base equilibria to salts (hydrolysis of salts).
6. Explain the common ion effect. (EK 6.C.1)
7. Describe the chemistry and design buffer solutions. ( EK 6.C.2)
8. Describe how to prepare a buffer solution of specified pH. (EK 6.C.2)
9. Solve problems involving buffer solutions and their actions relating pH to pKa. (EK 6.C.2)
10. Select suitable indicator for a titration.
11. Explain titration curves and substance concentrations for monoprotic and polyprotic acid curves for
strong acid/strong base; weak acid/ strong base strong acid/weak base . (EK 6.C.1)
11. Analyze and solve titration curves and substance concentrations for monoprotic and curves for strong
acid/strong base; weak acid/ strong base strong acid/weak base . (EK 6.C.1)
13. Write solubility product expressions. (EK 6.C.3)
14. Using Ksp and reaction quotient, Q, predict if a precipitate will form. (EK 6.C.3)
15.Describe how changes in pH and common ion can affect the solubility of certain salts or hydroxides by
applying Le Chatlelier’s principle.(EK 6.C.3)
16. Solve problems involving Ksp. ( EK 6.C.3)
18. Describe methods for dissolving precipitates using complex ion formation.
Problem Sets 7th Edition : pages 739-747 # 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 37, 39, 41, 45, 47, 49 (a,
c), 51, 53, 59, 61 a, 63, 65, 67, 69, 75, 77, 81 (a,b), 85, 89, 91, 95 97, 101, 105, 115, 143
Common Ion Effect and pH of Acidic, Basic and Buffer Solutions (LO 6.12, 6.15, 6.20)
Preparation of Buffer Solutions (LO 6.18) (SP 2.2, 4.3, 5.1, 7.1)
Inquiry Lab:
Acid Base Titration: How Do the Structure and the Initial Concentrations of an Acid and a Base influence the pH
of the Resultant Solution During a Titration? (LO 1.18, 1.20, 6.11, 6.12, 6.13) ( SP 1.1, 1.4, 2.3, 6.4)
Determining and explaining the strength of strong versus week acids using molecular and mathematical
representations. (L.O. 6.17)
13.CHAPTER 16 (BI 5)
EXAM DATE 3/25/15
Chapter 16: Spontaneity, Entropy, and Free Energy: spontaneous processes and entropy, entropy and the
second law of thermodynamics, the effect of temperature on spontaneity, free energy, entropy changes in
chemical reactions, free energy and chemical reactions, the dependence of free energy on pressure, free energy
and equilibrium, free energy and work.
The student will be able to:
1. Describe the relationship of entropy to the order or disorder of a system. (EK 5.E.1)
2. Use representations and predict if a physical or chemical process is likely to result in an increase or
decrease in entropy. (EK 5.E.1)
3. Solve problems involving entropy change, ΔS. (EK 5.E.1)
4. Predict thermodynamically favored processes using ΔG, from values of ΔH and ΔS through estimation or
calculation.(EK 5.E.2, EK 5.E.3)
5. Predict the equilibrium position using ΔG to find equilibrium constant K, or predict the spontaneity of
the reaction using K to find ΔG. (EK 5.E.3, EK 6.D.1)
6. Explain the coupling of external energy sources to drive an unfavorable reaction and predict reactions
using Le Chatelier’s principle. (EK 5.E.4)
7. Quantify and predict a coupling reaction (EK 5.E.4)
8. Explain why reactions with high activation energy are not favored even though thermodynamically the
reaction is favored. ( EK 5.E.5)
9. Calculate the ΔG° from standard molar free energies. (EK 6.D.1)
10. Explain ΔG° for dissolution of substances. (EK 6.C.3)
Problem sets 7th Edition : pages 783-786 # 3, 7, 17, 19, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 41, 43, 45 (a,b), 47, 49, 51, 55,
59 (a,b), 61, 65, 67, 81
Spontaneous Endothermic Reaction of Barium Hydroxide Octahydrate and Ammonium Chloride (LO 5.13, 6.24)
13.CHAPTER 17 (BI 3)
EXAM DATE 4/17/15
CH 17: Electrochemsitry: galvanic cells, standard reduction potentials, cell potential, electrical work, free
energy, dependence of cell potential on concentration, batteries, corrosion, electrolysis, commercial electrolytic
The student will be able to:
1. Identify Redox reactions. (EK 3.B.2)
2. Describe and diagram galvanic and electrolytic cells including the function of each of its components and
the conduction of charge. (EK 3.C.2)
3. Describe oxidation and reduction in electrochemical cells. ( EK 3.C.2)
4. Use values of standard reduction potential to predict the direction of current flow in a galvanic cell and
the cell potential of the cell. (EK 3.C.2)
5. Use values of standard reduction potential to predict the spontaneity of a redox reaction. (EK 3.C.2)
6. Explain and solve problems using Faraday’s Law. (E.3.C.2)
7. Explain the process of non-standard cell conditions and the magnitude of the cell potential relative to
equilibrium conditions. ( EK 3.C.2)
8. Predict the products of electrolysis reactions in molten electrolytes as well as aqueous systems. (EK
9. Write half-reactions and overall cell reactions for electrolysis processes. ( EK 3.C.2)
10. Describe the relationship between the standard cell potential, Gibbs free energy change, and the
equilibrium constant. (EK 3.C.2)
11. Describe REDOX reactions in energy production processes. ( EK 3.B.3)
Problem Sets 7th Edition : pages 830-836 # 1, 3, 5, 13, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 35, 37, 41, 45, 49, 53, 55, 59, 61, 65,
67, 69, 71, 77 (a,b), 79 (a,b), 87, 91
Inquiry Lab :
Electrochemistry – Make that Toy Car Run! (LO 3.12, 3.13) (SP 2.2, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1)
Electroplating- representing an electrolytic cell and calculating the deposition of copper onto nickel. (L.O. 3.12)
The students working individually or in groups of two review AP Released Exams. The
emphasis is on writing net ionic equations and solving equilibrium, kinetics, gas laws and
stoichiometry problems.
Project: Prepare a classroom presentation on a current topic that relates in some way to any
field in chemistry. The presentation and the submitted research paper will count as a final test grade.
**Above listed test dates may be moved up (earlier in the year) if material is covered in a more timely fashion,
but will NOT be moved back (later in the year) for ANY REASON!**