Block Outcomes - Hamilton Trust

KS1 Topic: Carnival of the Animals Block C: British Birds
Go bird watching and learn about British birds. Paint observations about birds, respond to classical
music and build simple nests out of natural materials. Monet will inspire children’s artwork. Introduce
new musical terms. Create a swan ballet and design cuckoo collages and masks in preparation for a
grand dance finale!
By the end of this block you will have
achieved the following outcomes:
Main outcome: Music
Other outcomes: Art, Dance, Science, English
 Pupils should use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share
their ideas, experiences and imagination.
Pupils should identify and name a variety of common animals including
fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals and pupils should
observe closely.
 Pupils should use spoken language to develop understanding through
speculating, hypothesizing, imagining and exploring ideas.
 Pupils should be taught to listen with concentration and understanding
to a range of high quality live and recorded music.
 Pupils should be taught to perform dances using simple movement
 Pupils should be taught to use a range of materials creatively to design
and make products. To use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop
and share their ideas, experiences and imagination, learn about the
work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the
differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines,
and making links to their own work.
 Pupil should be taught to: Use drawing, painting and sculpture to
develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination, to develop
a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern,
texture, line, shape, form and space, about the work of a range of
artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and
similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making
links to their own work.
 Pupils should be able to: Play tune and un-tuned instruments musically,
listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality
live and recorded music, to experiment with, create, select and
combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.
Children will:
 Use the painting Path in the Woods as a starting point for practical
 Use Art and sensory observations to develop imagination and ideas.
 Use video clips and first hand observations to learn about British birds.
 Use their senses to compare different textures, sounds and smells.
Session 1: Art and Science
Bird Watching
Arrange a visit to the local wood to
excite and engage children in finding
out more about birds. Use the
painting `Path in the Woods´ as a
source of inspiration for practical
work. Children can let their senses
guide them into making observations
and new discoveries.
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’)
have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton
Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton
Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links,
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Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.
KS1 Topic: Carnival of the Animals Block C: British Birds
Session 2: Art and English
The Colour of Birds
Children will go on a visualisation
journey, becoming birds of all shapes
and sizes. They will read `Birds´ by
Kevin Henkes and use paint as a tool
of expression.
Session 3: Music and Dance
Bird Movements
Children will listen, describe and
respond creatively to the music
`Aviary´. They will then compose and
perform their own dance
Session 4: Art
Nest Building
Children will explore a range of
natural materials creatively then
make birds´ nests.
Session 5: Art and Music
The Swan in Monet´s Garden
Children will examine the work of the
artist Claude Monet and use some of
his techniques as a source of
inspiration for their own artwork.
Session 6: Music
Staccato and Legato
Children will listen to the music `The
Swan´ and `Hens and Cockerels´. Then
will use musical terminology to
describe and compare the pieces,
working to create a group musical
Session 7: Dance and Music
Swan Ballet
Children will feel the magic of the
ballet, listen to the poem `Dying
Swan´ by Alfred Tennyson and create
their own ballet dance.
Children will:
 Use paint to communicate experiences and observations about birds
Explore visual elements including colour, pattern and shape
 Use descriptive words to explore ideas about birds
Children will:
 Respond to Classical music
 Listen and describe the music Aviary
 Use movement imaginatively
Create and perform dances using simple movement patterns
 Express and communicate ideas and feelings
Children will:
 Make simple nests out of natural materials
 Use the image: Tree of Life as a starting point to their work
 Describe the image tree of life, making links to what they have learnt
about birds
Children will:
 Use Claude Monet´s art as a starting point for practical work
 Learn about and use visual elements including colour and shape
 Identify colours and some techniques used by Claude Monet
 Use imagination and real life observations to develop art work
 Explore and express their ideas and feelings about the music: The Swan
by Saint-Saëns.
Children will:
 Understand how sounds can be made in
different ways
 Learn the musical terms legato and staccato
 Play tuned and un-tuned instruments
 Organise musical ideas to make a group composition
Children will:
 Explore simple movements and ideas
 Work in small groups to create and perform a short dance
 Explore and express feelings about music The Swan using movement
and dance
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’)
have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton
Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton
Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links,
changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use.
Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.
KS1 Topic: Carnival of the Animals Block C: British Birds
Session 8: Music and Art
The Cuckoo
Children will Listen to the music `The
Cuckoo´ and learn a dark secret. They
will predict bird calls and describe
them using all the musical terms that
they have learnt so far.
Session 9: Music and Art
Cuckoo Masks
This session children will make masks,
learn how to move like a cuckoo and
create a cuckoo dance.
Session 10: Music and Dance
Rehearsing our Performance
Children will celebrate the work they
have done so far by creating a class
Children will:
 Understand the terminology legato, staccato, tempo and pitch
 Understand that sounds can be made in different ways
 Record from first-hand observation, experience and imagination
 Create a cuckoo bird collage with natural materials
Children will:
 Make a cuckoo mask
 Use their observations of the cuckoo, experiences and imagination
 Explore and express feelings about the music: Cuckoo using movement
Children will:
 Listen and respond to music from The Carnival of the Animals works
 Rehearse and create a dance performance through practice and
Session 1
Provided: Bird Spotting Sheet.
You will need: A collection of natural materials and magnifying glasses.
Session 2
Provided: Painting cube resource; Painting guide.
You will need: The book `Birds´ by Kevin Henkes.
Session 3
Provided: Paper Streamer instructions.
You will need: Paper to make the above.
Session 4
Provided: Rug image; Nest building instructions.
You will need: You will need access to the playground or a grassy area, cornstalks and a rug; Container to
collect nest building materials; Corn husk.
Session 5
Provided: Painting guide; Water Lilly Pond image.
You will need: You will need: The Magical Garden of Claude Monet by Laurence Anholt.
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’)
have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton
Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton
Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links,
changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use.
Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.
KS1 Topic: Carnival of the Animals Block C: British Birds
Session 6
Provided: List of animals from the Carnival of the Animals works; Music composition guidance.
You will need: Access to a computer and the internet.
Session 7
Provided: Poem : Dying Swan by Alfred Tennyson.
You will need: Access to a computer and the internet.
Session 8
Provided: Cuckoo art guidance; Guessing the bird call.
You will need: Access to a computer and the internet.
Session 9
Provided: Using the revealer tool/alternative activity; Cuckoo Image; Bird mask examples.
You will need: Materials to make cuckoo masks.
Session 10
Provided: Images for The Aviary , Swan and Cuckoo Dances.
You will need: 3 pieces of music from The Carnival of the Animals works: The Swan, The Aviary and Cuckoo
music. You will also need to gather props before the session.
Glossary of Abbreviations
WB – white board
IWB- interactive whiteboard
N.B – nota bene (meaning note)
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’)
have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton
Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton
Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links,
changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use.
Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.