A Selection of Useful .gov Websites December 14, 2012, Clinton Essex Franklin Library System Meeting of Correctional Facility Librarians www.usa.gov Nice features on the site: “Search the Government” search box lists federal, state and local results FAQs lists the top 10 questions asked, including small business resources, job search, social security Contacts for all levels of government Live chat help and “email your question” One stop place for services such as USPS change of address, apply for a passport, or order court records online. Youtube channel link with informative videos www.dol.gov Nice features on the site: Access to Occupational Outlook Handbook and BLS data under Resources “People are Asking..” feed shows common questions Lots of links to reentry information in the Training section Youtube channel has videos to develop “soft skills” for employment (Skills to Pay the Bills) Search by audience and Job Seekers/Unemployed for job resources www. benefits.gov Nice features on the site: Guided questionnaire to find out what benefits you are eligible for. Information about disaster assistance Information about healthcare changes www.opportunity.gov Nice features on the site: Links to Federal financial aid resources, including CareerOneStop and FAFSA www.nih.gov Nice features on the site: Health Topics A to Z MedLine Plus – trusted health information searchable by keyword Lots of family health information for consumers, including video and audio www.drugabuse.gov Nice features on the site: Family Checkup – are your kids at risk for substance abuse? Treatment locator HIV/AIDS information News and information about new drugs of abuse, such as “bath salts.” A section with resources on Criminal Justice and drug abuse www.usdoj.com Nice features on the site: Report a crime Locate a federal prison, federal inmate or any sex offender Most wanted fugitives Get a job with the Department of Justice Crime statistics www.crimesolutions.gov Describes and rates programs designed to reduce crime and recidivism, international in scope www.usajobs.gov Nice features of the site: Search for Federal jobs by keywords and location of job desired, create an account and store resumes www.uscis.gov Nice features on the site: Multilingual resources Information about applying for green cards, citizenship Practice for the Naturalization Test Forms Tool to track your case www.publications.usa.gov Nice features on the site: Free publications for consumers, mostly PDF’s http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/ Nice features on the site: Search by various criteria for educational programs. Links to career and financial aid resources www.labor.ny.gov Nice features on the site: State and US unemployment and jobs data Multilingual resources Information and tools about unemployment Links to NY CareerZone Also – Library of Congress: www.loc.gov New York City: www.nyc.gov, And CIA World Factbook: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/