1 Heavy Ion Physics with the CMS Experiment at the LHC Gábor Veres Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA for the CMS Collaboration Strangeness in Quark Matter ’06 UCLA, California, March 26, 2006 CMS HI groups: Adana, Athens, Basel, Budapest, CERN, Demokritos, Dubna, Ioannina, Kiev, Krakow, Los Alamos, Lyon, MIT, Moscow, Mumbai, New Zealand, Protvino, PSI, Rice, Sofia, Strasbourg, U Kansas, Tbilisi, UC Davis, UC Riverside, UI Chicago, U Iowa, Yerevan, Warsaw, Zagreb Gábor Veres Strangeness in Quark Matter ‘06, UCLA, March 26, 2006 2 Physics opportunities at the LHC LHC: a large increase in collision energy compared to existing accelerators: Extended kinematical reach (y, pT) for p+p, p+A, A+A collisions New properties of initial state, saturation even at mid-rapidity A hotter and longer lived partonic phase Increased cross sections of hard probes, heavy quarks Last but not least: unknown territory/surprises? New energy regime will open a new window on hot and dense matter physics: another large energy jump! sNN [GeV] AGS SPS RHIC LHC (Pb+Pb) 5 17 200 5500 3-4 12 28 2.9 5.4 8.7 increase in sNN y range Gábor Veres 1.6 Strangeness in Quark Matter ‘06, UCLA, March 26, 2006 3 Heavy Ion Physics Topics at the LHC High pT: modification by the medium Copious production of high pT particles Large jet production cross section Different “melting” for the family members, depending on binding energy RHIC RHIC Large production cross section for the J/ψ and family Correlations, scattering in medium jets clearly identifiable, for the first time in heavy ion collisions Gábor Veres Strangeness in Quark Matter ‘06, UCLA, March 26, 2006 LHC LHC J/ψ CMS, as a heavy ion experiment Calorimeters: high resolution and segmentation Hermetic coverage up to |h|<5 (|h|<7 with the proposed CASTOR) Zero Degree Calorimeter (approved) Muon tracking: m from Z0, J/, Wide rapidity coverage: |h|<2.4 σm 50 MeV at the mass in the barrel Silicon Tracker Good efficiency and purity for pT>1 GeV Pixel occupancy: <2% at dNch/dh 3500 Dp/p 2% for pT<70 GeV CASTOR (5.32 < η < 6.86) DAQ and Trigger High rate capability for A+A, p+A, p+p High Level Trigger: real time HI event reconstruction ZDC (z = 140 m) Functional at the highest expected multiplicities: studied in detail at dNch/dh 3000-5000 and cross-checked at 7000-8000 Gábor Veres Strangeness in Quark Matter ‘06, UCLA, March 26, 2006 4 5 Data Acquisition and Trigger Level 1 hardware trigger Muon track segments Calorimetric towers No tracker data Output rate (Pb+Pb): 1-2 kHz comparable to collision rate Lvl-1 High level trigger switch HLT Full event information available Every event accepted by L1 sent to an online farm of 2000 PCs Output rate (Pb+Pb): 40 Hz Trigger algorithm: similar to offline reconstruction - Every event must pass the whole chain - Selectivity depends on available CPU power Gábor Veres Strangeness in Quark Matter ‘06, UCLA, March 26, 2006 Centrality and forward detectors 6 Centrality (impact parameter) determination is needed for physics analysis Zero Degree Calorimeter ET [GeV] Energy in the forward hadronic calorimeter Pb+Pb Tungsten-quartz fibre structure electromagnetic section: 19X0 hadronic section 5.6λ0 Rad. hard to 20 Grad (AA, pp low lum.) Energy resolution: 10% at 2.75 TeV Position resolution: 2 mm (EM sect.) impact parameter [fm] Gábor Veres Strangeness in Quark Matter ‘06, UCLA, March 26, 2006 7 Charged particle multiplicity Will be one of the first results, important for initial energy density, saturation, detector performance etc. high granularity pixel detectors pulse height measurement in each pixel reduces background Very low pT reach, pT>26 MeV (counting hits) Simple extrapolation from RHIC data W. Busza, CMS Workshop, June 2004 ch Muon detection, tracking, jet finding performance checked up to dNch/dh5000 Gábor Veres Strangeness in Quark Matter ‘06, UCLA, March 26, 2006 8 Track reconstruction Momentum Resolution [%] Efficiency and fake rate [%] Transverse Impact Parameter Resolution [cm] % efficiency 2.0<h<2.5 -0.5<h<0.5 2.0<h<2.5 -0.5<h<0.5 fake rate -0.5<h<0.5 (Event sample: dn/dy3000 + one 100GeV jet/event) Excellent performance, even at the highest particle densities Gábor Veres Strangeness in Quark Matter ‘06, UCLA, March 26, 2006 Quarkonia in CMS Heavy Ions Mm+m- spectrum, family family J/ sMY=50 MeV in the barrel Expected: 24000 J/ and ~ 18000/5000/3000 /’/’’ After one month of Pb+Pb running at L=1027cm-2s-1 with 50% efficiency J/ acceptance Online HLT farm improves acceptance by 2.5 at high h and low pT Gábor Veres Strangeness in Quark Matter ‘06, UCLA, March 26, 2006 9 10 Jets – a new observable at LHC Hard, perturbative scale: Q>>LQCD. Hard parton production unaffected by medium Parton shower development affected by the medium At LHC in Pb+Pb collisions: wider pT range for suppression, quenching studies jet structure will likely be modified, compared to jets produced in p+p comparison to p+p and p+A is essential Observables: High pT particles and particle correlations (similar to RHIC analyses) c Jet rates: single and multi-jets (quenching studies) Jet fragmentation and shape: a Distance R to leading particle (in h- space) forward-backward correlation: D(particle, jet axis) d Fragmentation function: F(z)=1/NjdNch/dz where z=pt/pjet correlations with non-hadronic particles: jets+g, jets+Z Jets originating from heavy quarks (b, c) Extensive theoretical and experimental preparatory work presently in progress Gábor Veres Strangeness in Quark Matter ‘06, UCLA, March 26, 2006 b 11 Jet reconstruction in the calorimeters efficiency |h|<0.3 1.6<|h|<1.9 |h|<0.3 1.6<|h|<1.9 resolution Gábor Veres efficiency resolution Strangeness in Quark Matter ‘06, UCLA, March 26, 2006 Jet studies using the tracking Tracking is a very important capability for jet physics Azimuthal correlations (as studied at RHIC): dN/d(D) dN/dpT Centrality dependence of pT specra can be studied: Gábor Veres pT with respect to jet axis: 1/NjetsdNch/dpTjet 1/NjetsdNch/dz Fragmentation functions: Strangeness in Quark Matter ‘06, UCLA, March 26, 2006 12 13 Advantages of CMS over other HI experiments Hermeticity, Resolution, Granularity Central region: tracker, electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters and muon detector Forward coverage calorimeters extend to Dh10 Proposed CASTOR calorimeter to Dh14 (5.32 < η < 6.86) CASTOR TOTEM High data taking speed and trigger versatility Two-level trigger Ability to “inspect” every heavy ion event on the High Level Trigger computer farm (z = 140 m) ZDC Gábor Veres Strangeness in Quark Matter ‘06, UCLA, March 26, 2006 CMS under construction… 14 Solenoid superconducting, already at 4K Hadron Calorimeter Muon Absorber Electromagnetic Calorimeter DAQ Gábor Veres Strangeness in Quark Matter ‘06, UCLA, March 26, 2006 Si tracker & Pixels