ITCS 2175-080: Logics and Algorithms Second Summer 2015 (June 29th – August 5th) Instructor: Dr. Ann Aksut Office: Woodward 230A Office Hours: By appointment only Email: COURSE: Description Prerequisites: Assessment: This course is an introduction to propositional calculus, predicate calculus, algorithms, logic functions, finite-state machines; logic design. ITCS 1212, and MATH 1120 or MATH 1241. All homework, quizzes, exams are done in Moodle2. TEXT / REQUIRED MATERIAL / SOFTWARE: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, by Kenneth H. Rosen, 7 th edition. Moodle 2 Fast internet access to download and view lectures, complete assignments, exams, etc. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Please read the Academic Integrity Code Academic honesty and integrity are essential to the existence and growth of an academic community. Without maintenance of high standards of honesty, members of the instructional faculty are defrauded, students are unfairly treated, and society itself is poorly served. Maintaining the academic standards of honesty and integrity is ultimately the formal responsibility of the instructional faculty; and this responsibility is shared by all members of the academic community. UNC Charlotte strives to create an academic climate in which the dignity of all individuals is respected and maintained. Therefore, we celebrate diversity that includes, but is not limited to ability/disability, age, culture, ethnicity, gender, language, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status. Students have the responsibility to know and observe the requirements of The UNCC Code of Student Academic Integrity (Catalog p. 275). This code forbids cheating, fabrication or falsification of information, multiple submissions of academic work, plagiarism, abuse of academic materials, and complicity in academic dishonesty. Any special requirements or permission regarding academic integrity in this course will be stated by the instructor, and are binding on the students. Academic evaluations in this course include a judgment that the student’s work is free from academic dishonesty of any type; and grades in this course therefore should be and will be adversely affected for academic dishonesty. Students who violate the code can be expelled from UNCC. The normal penalty for first offense is zero credit on the work involving dishonesty and further substantial reduction of the course grade. In almost all cases the course grade is reduced to F. Students are expected to report cases of academic dishonesty to the course instructor. MAKE-UP POLICY To protect a student’s privacy, doctor and employer notes are not accepted as reasons for missing assignments. Start assignments early to avoid missing deadlines. Extra credit is not available in this class. Exceptions to the above policy: governmental requirements such as military assignments or jury duty (valid documentation must be provided). Family emergencies such as deaths, extended illness, and hospitalizations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. ASSIGNMENT DUE DATES All assignments have a due date and a late period (the late period is defined below). Requests for assistance with completing assignments (including assignment questions) must be submitted via email by one week prior the assignment is due. Computer and Internet connectivity issues are not acceptable excuses for missing assignments. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that personal computers are functioning and that Internet connectivity is available. Students are also responsible for having a backup plan if something should happen to their computer or Internet connectivity during the semester. LATE PERIOD There is no late period for exams, assignments, etc. in this class. All work must be competed and submitted by the due date. It is students’ responsibility to complete and submit assignments, exams, etc. on time. System problems (campus, Moodle, or other computer problems) are not acceptable excuses for missed work or late submissions. It is better to submit your assignments on or before the due date to avoid submission issues. Prepared by: Dr. Ann Aksut Page 1 Moodle will not accept assignments submitted any seconds after 11:59 p.m. It is important to start the upload procedure at least 15 minutes before 11:59 p.m. to make sure the assignment(s) is (are) uploaded successfully. COMMUNICATION Your UNCC email account is the main communication tool used in this course. You should check your UNCC email daily. Emails from a non-UNCC email address will not be answered in this class. Emails should include your course and section number in the subject line (example: ITCS-2175-80). I may not answer your email if the above email format is not followed. Failing to read emails or announcements will not be an acceptable excuse for missing critical information. Emails sent after 4:00 p.m. will usually be answered the following day (with the exception of holidays, meetings or mandatory college travel such as seminars or training). Please note: Emails sent over the weekends will be answered on Mondays (with the exception of holidays, meetings or mandatory college travel such as seminars or training). Resubmit your email if you do not hear from your instructor within 48 hours (with the exceptions listed above). GRADING POLICY: Grades are assigned using a 10-point grading scale. Category Homework (8) Quizzes (20) Tests (3) Letter Grade A B C D F Points 45 pts each 12 pts each 200 pts each % 90% or above 80%-89.9% 70%-79.9% 60%-69.9% 59.9% or below Prepared by: Dr. Ann Aksut Total 360 pts 240 pts 600 pts 1200 pts Weight 30% 20% 50% Points 1080 or above between 960 and 1079 between 840 and 959 between 720 and 839 719 or below Page 2 COURSE SCHEDULE: Due Date Chapter Section 1 1-1 1-2 Mon. July 6 1-3 1-4 2 2-1 2-2 Fri. July 10 2-3 2-4 Mon. July 13 3 Wed. July 15 3-1 3-2 5 Mon. July 20 5-1 5-3 6 6-1 6-2 Thur. July 23 6-3 Fri. July 24 9 Tue. July 28 Fri. July 31 9-1 9-3 12 12-1 13 13-2 Tue. Aug 4 Wed. Aug. 5 Prepared by: Dr. Ann Aksut 13-3 Topics Propositional Logic Practice Quiz-1 Applications of Propositional Logic Practice Quiz-2 Propositional Equivalences Practice Quiz-3 Predicates and Quantifiers Practice Quiz-4 Homework 1 Sets Practice Quiz-5 Set Operations Practice Quiz-6 Functions Practice Quiz-7 Sequences Practice Quiz-8 Homework 2 TEST 1 Algorithms Practice Quiz-9 The Growth of Functions-Big O Practice Quiz-10 Homework 3 Inductions Practice Quiz-11 Recursive Definitions Practice Quiz-12 Homework 4 Basics of Counting Practice Quiz-13 Pigeonhole Principle Practice Quiz-14 Permutations and Combinations Practice Quiz-15 Homework 5 TEST 2 Relations and Their Properties Practice Quiz-16 Representing Relations Practice Quiz-17 Homework 6 Boolean Functions Practice Quiz-18 Homework 7 Finite-State Machines with Output Practice Quiz-19 Finite-State Machine without Output Practice Quiz-20 Homework 8 TEST 3 (Final Exam) Page 3