APHG U2 Population Density

Population Density
• Arithmetic Density
• Physiological Density
• Agricultural Density
Arithmetic Density: The total number of
people divided by the total land area.
Density: The total number of
people / area of land measured in km² or mi²
Crude density, also called arithmetic density, is the total number of people
divided by the total land area.
Density: The number of people per
unit of area of arable land, which is land
suitable for agriculture.
Density: The number of people per
unit of area of arable land, which is land
suitable for agriculture.
Population Density
•Arithmetic Density=
192/ sq.mi.
•Physiological Density=
6,682 /sq. mi.
Egypt’s arable lands are
along the Nile River Valley.
Moving away from the river a
few blocks, the land becomes
sandy and wind-sculpted.
Egypt and
Physiological Population Density
Observe Egypt below. Egypt’s arithmetic population density is 203 people/sq. mile. However, a better reflection
of Egypt’s population pressure is measured in physiological population density. Egypt has very little arable land.
In measuring the people per square mile of arable land (physiological density), Egypt has a physiological density
of 6,676/sq mile. This density continues to rise rapidly.
Egypt’s population distribution is closely linked to the proximity of water. In the north, the
population clusters along the Mediterranean and in the interior, along the banks of the Nile
River. (2004)
• Agricultural Density: The number of farmers to
the total amount of land suitable for agriculture.