Jean Lowe Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Pediatrics Collaborators: Department of Pediatrics Pediatric Research Committee Division of Neonatology Department of Psychology MIND Institute Bayley Scales of Infant Development (Nancy Bayley, 1969, 1984 1993, 2006) Cognitive Scale Mental Developmental Index (MDI) Language Scale MeasureReceptive of cognition, including fine Communication motor and language skills Expressive Psychomotor Developmental Communication Motor Scale Index (PDI) Motorand fine motor skills MeasureGross of gross Fine Motor Social-Emotional Scale Adaptive Behavior Scale The Still-Face Paradigm: A tool for examining socio-emotional outcomes Findings: Purpose: To examine the dyadic With an in maternal responsiveness, nature of↑mother-infant interactions in there was an ↑in infant positive affect. 6 to 8 month-olds born VLBW and With a ↓ in infant positive affect, there was their mothers (N = 50) using the Stillan ↑ in maternal responsiveness Face Paradigm, specifically Maternal responsiveness was examining the the relationship between in strongest predictor of infantchanges affect when infant affecttoand maternal compared infant perinatal medical history, gestation,(Erickson gender and cognition responsiveness & Lowe, 2007) Early Working Memory and Cognition in Ethnically Diverse Infants Born ELBW (Lowe, MacLean, Shaffer, Watterberg, 2008 ) Results: Attainment of objectwould be Hypothesis: Object permanence permanence a significant positive directly related tohad emotional and attention regulation, thatwith children with lower association emotional andbirth weight and higher illness severity would have more attention regulation, even after difficulty on object permanence items, and that controlling for medical severity and no ethnic/racial differences would be found. socio-economic factors. More girls than 233 of the surviving 291 infants (80%) of the boys passed object permanence items. original multicenter PROPHET study were the There was noreport. ethnic/racial difference subjects of this on object permanence. Future Research Brain imaging: Diffusion Tensor Imaging atlas overlay of 50 regions of the brain Spectroscopy Blood Flow