Small area health analyses: Pharmacy data and

Small area health analyses:
pharmacy data and exposure to transport noise
Oscar Breugelmans, Jan van de Kassteele, Danny Houthuijs, Carla van Wiechen, Marten
Centre for Environmental Health Research
Health Impact Assessment Schiphol airport (HIAS)
• Overall aim: to assess changes in environmental quality and
environmentally related health effects in relation to air traffic
• HIAS started as early as 1993
• Monitoring programme 2002-2008
- Develop a health monitoring system related to the expansion of
Schiphol airport (early 2003)
• Tools:
- Survey questionnaires in 1996, 2002, 2005
- Panel study 2002-2005
- Registry of complaints and complainants
- Small area health statistics with routinely collected data
(follow up spatial pattern of disease in relation to environmental
Study goals:
• Investigate the role of transport related noise exposure on
the geographical variation and time trends in medication use
- Focus on sleeping pills/sedatives
- Noise exposure from aircraft, road and rail
• Get experience with the use of bayesian disease mapping
- Based on routinely collected data
- Data analysis
Small Area Health Statistics: available data
• Health data aggregated at postal code level (< 6,000
- Dispensation of medication from public pharmacies 2000 -2005
- Hospital Admissions
• Environmental exposure data
- Air traffic noise (annual average exposure: Lden/Lnight)
- Road and railway noise (annual average exposure: Lden/Lnight)
Study area
580 postal codes
Population: 3,3 million
Inhabitants per postal code:
5,900 inhabitants
[range 10 - 21,000]
NLR modelleergebied
55 bij 71 kilometer
Pharmacy Data
Dutch registry of medication use:
Foundation for Pharmaceutical Statistics
• data from public pharmacies: dispensation of medication
• > 90% of all public pharmacies in the Netherlands
In study area:
321 pharmacies were approached to sign consent form
Positive response: 291 (91%)
Pharmacy database 1
Per patient per year; 6-year period (2000-2005):
• 3 groups of medication:
1. medication for high blood pressure
2. sedatives / sleeping pills
3. medication for respiratory diseases
• prevalence and incidence
• gender and year of birth
• 4-digit postal code home address (privacy reasons)
Gaps in data:
• only part of all pharmacies
• dispensing general practitioners not included (mainly rural area)
• data from some individual pharmacies are incomplete
• no intramural distribution of medicines
Pharmacy database 2
4-digit postal code database
total number of patients visiting pharmacy within 1 year by age, sex;
irrespective of medication use, i.e. total number of clients
→ Correction for undercoverage due to missing pharmacy data: total
number of clients instead of total population
Indirect standardisation of medication use per postal code and year,
based on age and sex distribution and total number of patients visiting
a pharmacy
= expected number of medication users per postal code and year
Some figures
Total population 2004
Total visitors of pharmacy 1,855,624 (= 56%)
study area
Total users
per 100
New users
per 100
Medication for
high blood pressure
Sedatives /
sleeping pills
Medication for
Transport noise: aircraft
• Lden and Lnight
< 25 dB(A)
• National Aerospace Laboratory
25 - 30
• Based on actual flight tracks
41 - 45
• Annual data
>= 49
• Average noise exposure per
postal code and year
- Aircraft noise model → 250 m2
- Attach grid value to nearest
residential addresses
- Calculate average for all
addresses within postal code
30 - 35
35 - 41
45 - 49
Modelling aircraft noise
Transport noise: Road and railway traffic
% woningen >50 dB(A)
• Lden and Lnight
< 40%
• Dutch EMPARA model
40 - 60%
• No annual data
80 - 90%
60 - 80%
>= 90%
- Empara input data do not change
each year
- Traffic volume fairly constant
• Average noise exposure per
postal code
- Calculation same as aircraft noise
Is the average noise
exposure a good indicator
for all residents within a
postal code
Transport noise exposure distributions (1)
Transport noise exposure distributions (2)
Socio-economic status
ses score
0.0 - 0.2
0.2 - 0.4
0.4 - 0.6
0.6 - 0.8
% autochtonen
< 50%
50 - 70%
70 - 80%
80 - 90%
>= 90%
0.8 - 1.0
Confounding factors
Modelling medication use in time and space (1)
Dependent variables:
• Number of people using medicine x (prevalence) per year
• Number of new users of medicine x (incidence) per year
Independent variables per postal code
• Noise exposure from aircraft, railway and road traffic
• year
• Measure of socio economic status
• Percentage of non-western immigrants
Modelling medication use in time and space (2)
2 alternatives:
1. Exchangeable model: Assuming no spatial dependence
2. Conditional AutoRegressive (CAR) model: modelling
spatial dependence
• Bayesian hierarchical spatial model
• Implemented in software R and WinBUGS
• Binomial event
- because sleep medication use is a non-rare event
- Usual poisson approximation does not apply
Currently running the models.
No definite results yet
• Extent of the data: powerful
• Medication early in chain from exposure to disease
• Once the data is collected: easily accessible
- follow up coming years (… 2011)
- include other groups of medication:
e.g. cardiovascular drugs, antacids
• Important confounders of health not taken into account
(smoking, BMI)
• Ecological correlations
• Patient population instead of total population
• Does the average noise exposure reflect the exposure
distribution within the postal code ?
• Not so ‘routine’ to gather and manage routinely collected
• Analysis models are complex; model assumptions should be
checked for each analysis (by qualified statistician)