Parallel Computing - Seidenberg School of Computer Science and

Parallel Computing
DCS 860A Topics in Emerging Computer Technologies
DPS 2016, Fall 2014
Dr. Ron Frank & Dr. Tappert
By: Team 1 – DPS 2016
(Leigh Anne Clevenger, Kevin Khan, Mantie Reid, Javid Maghsoudi, Hugh Eng)
Parallel Computing
Presentation Summary:
Parallel Computing
• Introduction: Single Thread, Multi-Thread, Serial Computing, etc.
• Concepts:
Software, Memory Architecture, Programming Models
• Operating Systems: Cluster, Beowulf, SMP, AMP, Embedded, HPS, SSI
• Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
• Parallel Computing Future Outlook
• A Quick Video:
Massively Parallel Computation at NASA Goddard
• Closing
Parallel Computing
• Single Thread: Processing of one command at a time. The
smallest sequence of programmed instructions that can be
managed independently by an operating system’s scheduler.
• Multithreading: they are a subset of a process, so that a
process can have multiple threads and share resources. On a
multiprocessor or multicore system the threads are concurrent
with every processor/core executing a separate thread.
• Serial computing: is execution of one instruction at a time.
This is the type of computing that we are all familiar with.
Parallel Computing
Introduction – cont.
• Parallel computing:
• Is the simultaneous use of multiple processors/cores to solve a problem.
• Problems are broken down into parts that can be solved concurrently.
• Each part is broken into a series of instructions.
• Each instruction can be executed on different processors/cores
• There is a need for a control mechanism.
• Almost all computers that are made today are capable of parallel
processing from a hardware point of view.
• Most of the supercomputers today are really clusters of hardware.
Parallel Computing
Introduction – cont.
 Why Parallel Computing?
 We are at the limits of single CPU computing in terms of performance
 Parallel computing allows us to solve problems that don’t fit onto one CPU.
(An example: the game consoles that are available, they would not be able to
process both the instruction execution and the graphic display processing
needed using one processor.)
 Our ability to model real situations require the problem to look at complex,
interrelated events that are occurring at the same time.
 Where are we using Parallel Computing?
- In science and engineering: Circuit designs, Molecular sciences,
design of fighter planes, submarines, and other defense systems.
- Industrial and commercial: Oil explorations, medical imaging,
pharmaceutical design,
- weather forecasting
- Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
- web search engines
Parallel Computing
Introduction – cont.
• Single Instruction Single Data (SISD) : The oldest type of
computers executing only one
instruction stream with one data in any one clock cycle.
• Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD):
Single instruction each processing unit can work on a
different data element (Processor Arrays and Vector pipelines and most graphic
processing units)
• Multiple Instruction, Single Data (MISD ) : Each
processing unit operates on the data
independently using separate instruction streams (multiple cryptography algorithms
for a single coded message)
• Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data (MIMD) : Every processor is executing a different instruction
and every processor can be working on a different data stream. (most supercomputers,
networked parallel computer clusters
Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing – Concepts & Software
Differences: Parallel Computing & Serial Computing:
Serial Computing: Software has been written for serial computation:
A problem is broken into a discrete series of instructions
Instructions are executed sequentially one after another
Executed on a single processor & Only one instruction may execute at any moment in time
Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing – Concepts & Software – Cont.
Differences: Parallel Computing & Serial Computing:
Parallel Computing:
In the simplest sense, parallel computing is the simultaneous use of multiple
compute resources to solve a computational problem:
A problem is broken into discrete parts that can be solved concurrently
Each part is further broken down to a series of instructions
Instructions from each part execute simultaneously on different processors
An overall control/coordination mechanism is employed
Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing – Computers
Parallel Computers:
Virtually all stand-alone computers today are parallel from a hardware perspective:
• Multiple functional units (L1 cache, L2 cache, branch, prefetch, decode, floatingpoint, graphics processing (GPU), integer, etc.)
• Multiple execution units/cores
• Multiple hardware threads
Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing – Concepts & Terminology
von Neumann Architecture:
• Named after the Hungarian mathematician John von Neumann who first
authored the general requirements for an electronic computer in his 1945
• Also known as "stored-program computer" - both program instructions and
data are kept in electronic memory. Differs from earlier computers which were
programmed through "hard wiring".
• Since then, virtually all computers have followed this basic design:
Comprised of four main components:
Control Unit
Arithmetic Logic Unit
Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing – Concepts & Terminology
Flynn's Classical Taxonomy:
• There are different ways to classify parallel computers.
• Available Flynn's taxonomy distinguishes multi-processor computer
architectures according to how they can be classified along the two independent
dimensions of Instruction Stream and Data Stream. Each of these dimensions
can have only one of two possible states: Single or Multiple.
• The matrix below defines the 4 possible classifications according to Flynn:
An Example of MISD:A type of parallel computer
Each processing unit operates on the data independently via separate instruction streams .
Single Data: A single data stream is fed into multiple processing units.
Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing – Memory Architectures
There are multiple ways of having memory architecture:
Uniform Memory Access (UMA):
Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA):
Distributed Memory
Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing – Programming Models
Shared Memory Model (without threads)
• In this programming model, tasks share a common address space, which
they read and write to asynchronously.
Threads Model
• This programming model is a type of shared memory programming.
Distributed Memory / Message Passing Model
Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing – Programming Models
Data Parallel Model
The data parallel model demonstrates the following characteristics:
• Address space is treated globally
• Most of the parallel work focuses on performing operations on a
data set.
• The data set is typically organized into a common structure, such
as an array or cube.
Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing – An Example
Array Processing: This example demonstrates calculations on 2-dimensional array
elements, with the computation on each array element being independent from other
array elements.
• The serial program calculates one element at a time in sequential order.
Serial code could be of the form:
Parallel Solution
Arrays elements are distributed so that each processor owns a portion of an array (subarray).
Independent calculation of array elements ensures there is no need for communication between tasks.
Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing Operating Systems
 Cluster
 Each computer has a complete OS, and they can be combined using load-balancing
servers for task parallelism, or perform computation for a single program
 Beowulf
 Cluster built of standard computers with a standard OS, controlled by server using
Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) and Message Passing Interface (MPI)
 Client nodes do only what they are directed to do
 Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP)
 All processors are peers, sharing memory and I/O bus
 Asymmetric Multi-Processing (AMP)
 Operating system reserves processors for parallel use, cores may be specialized.
 Embedded
Compilers, debuggers for parallel system on a chip (SoC) software designs (i.e. Intel System
Parallel Computing
Cluster Operating Systems
 High Performance Computing (HPC)
 Synchronization of clusters, task scheduler
 Example – Blue Gene from IBM
 Single-system Image (SSI)
 Multiple computers look like one
 Kerrighed global process management
Parallel Computing
Beowulf Clusters
 Low-cost solution for parallel computing platform
 Linux on desktops
 Scalable
 Construct with :
 Knoppix bootable CDs
 OpenMosix
 Open Source cluster application resources (OSCAR)
 Examples:
 Linux-Windows Hybrid HPC Cluster
 Scientific simulations
 High Density Computing: Green Destiny from Los Alamos National Labs
Parallel Computing
What is GPU?
• It is a processor optimized for 2D/3D graphics, video,
visual computing, and display.
It is highly parallel, highly multithreaded multiprocessor
optimized for visual computing.
It provide real-time visual interaction with computed
objects via graphics images, and video.
It serves as both a programmable graphics processor
and a scalable parallel computing platform.
Heterogeneous Systems: combine a GPU with a CPU
Parallel Computing
GPU Graphic Trends
• OpenGL – an open standard for 3D programming
• DirectX – a series of Microsoft multimedia programming
New GPU are being developed every 12 to 18 months
New idea of visual computing:
combines graphics processing and parallel computing
Heterogeneous System – CPU + GPU
GPU evolves into scalable parallel processor
vGPU renders graphics on a server
GPU Computing: GPGPU and CUDA
GPU unifies graphics and computing
Parallel Computing
• GPUs contain much larger number of dedicated ALUs then
• GPUs also contain extensive support of Stream Processing
paradigm. It is related to SIMD ( Single Instruction Multiple
Data) processing.
• Each processing unit on GPU contains local memory that
improves data manipulation and reduces fetch time.
Parallel Computing
GPU and CPU: The Differences
 More transistors devoted to computation, instead of
caching or flow control
 Suitable for data-intensive computation
Parallel Computing
High arithmetic/memory
operation ratio
Future Apps in Concurrent World
 Exciting applications in mass computing market
 Molecular dynamics simulation
 Video and audio coding and manipulation
 3D imaging and visualization
 Consumer game physics
 Virtual reality products
 Various granularities of parallelism exist, but…
 programming model must not hinder parallel
 data delivery needs careful management
 Introducing domain-specific architecture
Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing Future Outlook
Large parallel supercomputers, referred to as “exascale” computers, will have large data centers with
hundreds of thousands of computers coordinating with distributed memory systems by the year 2020
According to the researchers, this type of computing will help conduct studies about genomics, new
materials, simulations of fluid dynamics used for atmospheric analysis and weather forecasts,
and even the human brain and its behavior.
"Scientific field after field has changed as a result of the availability of prodigious amounts of
computation, whether we're talking what you can get on your desk or what the big labs have available.
The shockwave won't be fully understood for decades to come.“
Future capabilities such as photorealistic graphics, computational perception, and machine
learning really heavily on highly parallel algorithms. Enabling these capabilities will advance a new
generation of experiences that expand the scope and efficiency of what users can accomplish in their
digital lifestyles and work place. These experiences include more natural, immersive, and
increasingly multi-sensory interactions that offer multi-dimensional richness and context
Massively Parallel Computation at NASA Goddard
 Massively Parallel refers to the use of a large number
of processors (or separate computers) to perform a set
of coordinated computations in parallel.
 A Quick Video:
Massively Parallel Computation at NASA Goddard
Parallel Computing
References :
E. Betti, M. Cesati, R. Gioiosa, and F. Piermaria, “A global operating system for HPC clusters,” in IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing and Workshops, 2009.
CLUSTER ’09, 2009, pp. 1–10.
M. K. Gobbert, “Configuration and performance of a Beowulf cluster for large-scale scientific simulations,” Computing in Science Engineering, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 14–26, Mar.
I. Castaos, I. Garrido, A. Garrido, and G. Sevillano, “Design and implementation of an easy-to-use automated system to build Beowulf parallel computing clusters,” in XXII
International Symposium on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies, 2009. ICAT 2009, 2009, pp. 1–6.
M. S. Warren, E. H. Weigle, and W. Feng, “High-Density Computing: A 240-Processor Beowulf in One Cubic Meter,” in Supercomputing, ACM/IEEE 2002 Conference, 2002,
pp. 61–61.
S. Liang, V. Holmes, and I. Kureshi, “Hybrid Computer Cluster with High Flexibility,” in 2012 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing Workshops (CLUSTER
WORKSHOPS), 2012, pp. 128–135.
K. V. Sandhya and G. Raju, “Single System Image clustering using Kerrighed,” in 2011 Third International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC), 2011, pp. 260–264.
W. Luo, A. Xie, and W. Ruan, “The Construction and Test for a Small Beowulf Parallel Computing System,” in 2010 Third International Symposium on Intelligent Information
Technology and Security Informatics (IITSI), 2010, pp. 767–770.
Introduction to Parallel Programming concepts
Research Computing and Cyberinfrastructure
Barney, Blaise. "Introduction to Parallel Computing." Introduction to Parallel Computing. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 14 July 2014. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.
“Multithreaded Programming Guide”, SunSoft, Sun Microsystems, Inc. ,
Parallel Computing