Время реализации образовательного события: 45 минут Автор: Ириолова Алина Дмитриевна. Полное название образовательного учреждения (с указанием региона и населенного пункта): Краснодарский краевой базовый медицинский колледж, Краснодарский край, г. Краснодар, ул. Таманская 137. Аннотация (не более 10 строк): мероприятие «Субкультура – образ жизни или…» (Subculture is a way of life or…) проводиться полностью на английском языке. Данное мероприятие можно провести как большое костюмированное представление с исполнением песен на английском языке. Мероприятие, в рамках которого будет реализован сценарий: внеурочное мероприятие по английскому языку «Субкультура – образ жизни или…» (Subculture is a way of life or…). Предмет: английский язык. Возрастная группа (класс): 10-11 класс, 1 курс колледжа, техникума, училища (дети от 16-18 лет). Название сценария: «Субкультура – образ жизни или…» (Subculture is a way of life or…). Цели: а) обучающие: - закрепление навыков монологической речи, - закрепление навыков говорения, - закрепление лексике по теме, б) воспитательные: - формирование способности высказывать собственное мнение, - воспитание организованности, серьезного, ответственного отношения к предмету, - ознакомление с существующими субкультурами, в) развивающие: - расширение кругозора, - развитие мышление, логики, языковой догадки, - развитие умения анализировать и делать выводы, - развитие стремления к постоянному совершенствованию знаний, Задачи: 1. Закрепить лексику по теме «Субкультура», 2. Тренировать монологическую речь. Подготовительный этап: студенты знакомятся с материалом, усваивают необходимую информацию о субкультурах и их особенностях, разучивают слова, придумывают костюмы, соответствующие выбранной субкультуре. Оформление зала, сцены, класса и др.: зал оформляется плакатами и фотографиями с изображение различных субкультур, шариками. Ведущие, выступающие и помощники: мероприятие ведет один ведущий + 10-15 студентов, рассказывающих о том, что такое субкультура вообще и различных субкультурах в частности. Время реализации: 45 минут. Авторский медиапродукт: 1. MS Power Point 2. вид медиапродукта – презентация, видео материалы. Необходимое оборудование и материалы: мультимедийная доска, флешкарта с материалами, программа Media Player Classic для видео. Ход сценария: Subculture is a way of life or… - Good afternoon, dear guests! - Today we are going to talk about subcultures. Ведущая: - Subculture is a community of people whose believes; views on life and behavior are different from conventional or simply hidden from the public, which distinguishes them from the broader concepts of culture, a branch of which they are. More often, subcultures transferred to a separate ideological concept. - Subcultures can differ by age, race, ethnicity and social class, gender. Traits that are crucial for subculture can be aesthetic, religious, political, sexual or any other character, as well as a combination of them. Subculture usually arise as opposition to the values of the broader cultural trends to which they belong, but this view theorists do not always agree. Fans of subcultures can demonstrate their unity through the use of different from all the dress code or behavior, as well as specific characters. - That’s why the study of subcultures usually understood by one of the stages of the study by symbolism, on clothing, music and other external preferences fan subculture, as well as ways of treating the same characters, only the dominant subculture. If the subculture is characterized by the systematic opposition to the dominant culture, then it is defined as a counterculture. - Musical subcultures are very sensitive to external changes. It is interesting that almost all musical style: jazz, gothic, hip-hop, rave, were once ubiquitous. Each time it was the next step of musical fashion, which, though not permanently delayed. - Subcultures can basically contain a variety of interests: from music styles of art to the political believes and sexual preferences. Some part of the youth subcultures derived from different fandom. Other subcultures, such as criminal, arising as a result of conflict, the main crop, and officials with the law, are formed on a different basis. - At first we will talk about cosplay. - Fan-arts draw the characters anime in unusual circumstances. Mangakas draw comics. They become an anime. “Otakey” is called people who exist for the anime: they choose a work connected with the anime or work to save money on kosplear disks, manga, change of clothes, study Japanese language. Some arrange anime festivals$ create special sites, anime songs. These people zealously trace to the critic to an anime and very emotionally react to unflattering responses. Animations listen to the Japanese music, adore the Japanese dishes, culture art and consider this country as an embodiment of the certain ideals. Animations are against drugs and try to lead healthy way of life: why should we spend money for cigarettes, alcohol and drugs when it is possible to buy a disk, a bag or a T-shirt with the image of a favourite hero? What do they want? They want to express their own identity, to show off, to be in collective, to help people around and to find themselves. - The majority of people think that teenagers join this or that subculture under the influence of the bad companies or thus try to make the protest against society. The point of view that the subculture is connected with such concepts as disrespect, callousness, immorality. In society people think that animations are people who are either children or adults, their life is not folded. Animations are alike gotts, emoes and punks. People, who consider so, actually are mistaken very strongly. I consider that this subculture is the best, compared with all subcultures. They don’t make any harm they are in collective among those who understand them. - Thank you Anna. It’s rather interesting to talk about graffiti now, because it became so popular in Krasnodar. - The graffiti were and will always be one of the most interesting and attractive arts of ХХ century. They are especially attractive also because of the fact that the author usually keeps his anonymity. The graffiti are an inseparable part of the city culture, but why not also of the city subculture. They take an enormous place in the life of the city man, because he gazes unconsciously in them and he doesn’t thing how they govern to him. Usually the graffiti territory is a territory of the youth subcultures, because by the graffiti art the young people identifies and they found their place in the society. The graffiti are some kind of shout, a protest against the standing norms, a social outlet for the young people, by whom they identifies themselves and tries to keep themselves, declaring their messages on walls, garages, subways etc. - Hippie is well known and famous subculture. - Hippies (hipster – formerly known as bebop subculture of fans)? Originally appeared in 1960 in the USA. Culture “hippie” has its own symbols, sins and accessories attributes. For the representatives of the hippy movement, in accordance with their worldview, characterized by the introduction of ethnic costume elements: beads, beaded or moven threads, bracelets. An example is the so-called Baubles. These ornaments are complex symbols. Baubles of different colours and different patterns denote different wishes, expressions of their own musical preferences, attitudes, etc. Black and yellow striped Fenichka wishing means well hitchhiking and red and yellow – a declaration of love. It should be noted however, that this symbolism is interpreted in different places and hangouts arbitrarily and quite differently, and “hippies with experience” does not give it any importance. Common texts such as “the colour values in Fenichka” are the lot of so-called. The Russian scholar, youth movements, TB Schepanskaya found that “systematic” symbols like a hologram – even a small part of it, as from seed, grows the wealth of informal culture. Slogans of hippie are: “Make love, not war”, “Give peace a chance”, “All you need is love!” The famous hippies are: Anna Gerasimova, Yuri Morozov, Eugene Chicherin, Sergei Solmi, Olga Arefieva. - Now, we’ll talk about the subcultures with rich history. First of all, about ravers. - The ravers is a youth subculture of constant participants of raves – the parties of the electronic dance music which has received mass popularity in 1988 in Great Britain. The rave - from an English word, rave – delirium to rave, incoherent speech. Also – to roar, rage, storm, howl. In the late 1980s, the word “rave” was adopted to describe the subculture that grew out of the acid house movement. Activities were related to the party atmosphere of Ibiza, full British, Italian and German youth on vacation. There is a fear that a certain number of rave party attendees used “club drugs”. Los Angeles had ravers early in 1988. The early rave scene thrived in Los Angeles due to the fact that the city had such a large, multi-cultural population. San Francisco has long been a Mecca for ravers from all over the world and true to form a lot of the early promoters and DJs were from the UK and Europe. Ravers came to Australia in the 1980s where they were generally called Dance Parties due to the parties being promoted by the gay and gay scenes, until the 1990s when they began being referred to as “raves” with more UK style promoters taking it on. Raves and dance parties in Sydney are commonly held at the Olympic Stadium. The word “Responsibility” was added to the acronym PLUR during the mid to late 90s to promote awareness of increased drug overdoses at ravers. Some ravers take part in one of three light-oriented dances, called glowsticking, glowstinging and lightshows. There are many techniques used to make the lights “flow” with the music in order to create a visually pleasing and mesmerizing combination of patterns. Rave dances like Jump style, Tectonic, Liquid. - Bikes is the subculture about which we can say “It began so…” - Bikers are amateurs and admirers of motor bicycles. Unlike ordinary motorcyclists, for bickers motor bicycle is a part of appearance. Bikers motion was engendered in 1950 in the USA, then it got to Europe and Russia. Bikers were divided into several aggressive and warring factions. The most famous group – Hells Angels. The appearance of a biker: External kind bikers: bandana (head shawl of dark tones), skins motto jacket, skins trousers, tattoo. They release long hairs, often moustaches, beard. For protecting eyes from wind they carry glasses, quite often slam. Bikers listen to music – from pop to shansone. More widespread are fate, khadfate, Metal, blues. Can you imagine a biker without any symbols? Without the skull, of course! And do you know what symbolizes a skull for them? So, it means protection from death for them. There is the belief that death comes, it leaves its mark on the head – a skull and if a person has already this characteristic, the death does not affect in this case. Bikers are precisely free and self-confident people. They are characterized by funny parties, lots of beer. I think that a subculture is a choice of each person. - Anna tells us about the subculture – mod. - Mod (from modernist) is a subculture that originated in London, England, in the late 1950s and peaked in the early-to-mid 1960s. Significant elements of the mod subculture include fashion (often tailor-made suits); music, including African American soul, British beat music, and R&B; and motor scooters. The original mod scene was also associated with amphetamine-fuelled allnight dancing at clubs. From the mid-to-late 1960s and onwards, the mass media often used the term mod in a wider sense to describe anything that was believed to be popular, fashionable, or modern. There was a mod revival in the United Kingdom in the late 1970s, which was followed by a mod revival in North America in the early 1980s, particularly in Southern California. - One of the representative of the subculture mod is Rihanna. Our girls were inspired by her music and prepare a musical present for you. Story of my life Searching for the right But it keeps avoiding me Sorrow in my soul Cause it seems that wrong Really loves my company He's more than a man And this is more than love The reason that the sky is blue The clouds are rolling in Because I'm gone again And to him I just can't be true And I know that he knows I'm unfaithful And it kills him inside To know that I am happy with some other guy I can see him dying I don't wanna do this anymore I don't wanna be the reason why Everytime I walk out the door I see him die a little more inside I don't wanna hurt him anymore I don't wanna take away his life I don't wanna be... A murderer I feel it in the air As I'm doing my hair Preparing for another date A kiss upon my cheek As he reluctantly Asks if I'm gonna be out late I say I won't be long Just hanging with the girls A lie I didn't have to tell Because we both know Where I'm about to go And we know it very well Cause I know that he knows I'm unfaithful And it kills him inside To know that I am happy with some other guy I can see him dying I don't wanna do this anymore I don't wanna be the reason why Everytime I walk out the door I see him die a little more inside I don't wanna hurt him anymore I don't wanna take away his life I don't wanna be... A murderer - Today we discuss so many subcultures: cosplay, mod, graffiti, ravers, hippie, bickers. - And I want to answer the basic question for us: What is a subculture? - The subculture is a way of life, amusement, common company of friends, the scene of life, your vision of the world around … - So, the most important is to be yourself in any situation. Thank you for attention. Заключение, итоги (отзывы): мероприятие проходило в 2011 году, отзывы всех присутствующих на нем (зам. директора по учебной части, зав. отделениями, зав. цикловой комиссии и преподаватели иностранного языка) только положительные. По его результатам на сайте колледжа выложена информация с фотографиями: http://www.kkbmk.ru/news.php?rowstart=99 Список использованной литературы и Интернет-ресурсов: 1. Клементьева Т.В. «Английский язык. Грамматика» М: Олимп, Хатбер, 1997 2. Кравцова Л.И. «Английский язык» М, Высшая школа, 2003 3. Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н. М., Перегудова Э.Ш., и др. «Английский язык» (10-11 класс) – М. Просвещение, 2009 4. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. – London: Longman, 1995. – 1668 p. 5. http://yqyq.net/78873-Sovremennye_molodezhnye_subkul_tury.html 6. http://www.fashion-lifestyle.net/subculture_en_broi8 7. www.squidoo.com/mod-subculture