The Industrial Revolution in the United States

The Industrial
1730 - 1830
The Industrial Revolution
is called a
revolution because
it changed society
rapidly and
brought a shift
from agriculture to
modern industry.
Agricultural Revolution
New World crops like potato, corn and
other high-yield crops introduced to
Crop rotation began
“Enclosure” allowed for private farming
New technologies increased efficiency
and productivity of farms
Britain takes the lead
Land and Resources
Regions of Spread
Began in Britain
Spread through
Then to Japan
And the United States
The Phases
1730 – 1770 – inventions that made work in
textiles easier – relied on water power
1770 – 1792 – new inventions improved
upon, mainly for the cotton industry, BUT
needed more powerful energy source, led to
1792 – 1830 – steam power – more efficient
1830 – transportation advances, locomotives
Spinning Jenny – James Hargreaves
Flying Shuttle
John Kay
Eli Whitney – cotton gin - 1793
SO ………
Almost half of the population was free
to leave the farms and move to cities
1800 – only 20 cities in Europe with
pop. of >100,000
1900 – 150 cities had populations of
this size, London had 5 million people
Ireland is the exception – 1840s
The effects were . . .
economic activities
changed from
agriculture to
production shifted
from the home to
large populations
moved to the cities
End of slavery in
industrial areas,
Areas of Change
power to run
the machines –
what kind of
Need for resources
Where to the European nations go
for the increasing need for
They have lost their colonies.
 Their own resources and finances
start to become insufficient for their
 So …
Famous Inventors of the Era
John Kay
James Hargreaves
Richard Arkwright
Edward Cartright
Gottlieb Daimler
George Stephenson
Guglielmo Marconi
James Watt
Which method is
more efficient and
Guglielmo Marconi – radio – 1890s
Famous Inventors of the Era
Alexander Graham Bell
Cyrus McCormick
Eli Whitney
George Washington
Henry Ford
Isaac M. Singer
John Deere
Louis Pasteur
Luther Burbank
Robert Fulton
Samuel Colt
Samuel Morse
Samuel Slater
Thomas Edison
Wilbur and Orville
Other advancements
Pasteurization - The process of
pasteurization was created by Louis
Pasteur. Pasteur's aim was to destroy
bacteria, molds, spores etc. He
discovered that the destruction of
bacteria can be performed by exposing
them to certain minimum temperature
for certain minimum time and the
higher the temperature the shorter the
exposure time required.
What does the mean for the general
Condition of Workers
With interchangeable parts and assembly
lines came social costs, particularly for
women and children:
16-hour days
Underpaid for work
Dangerous work with no insurance or
Children as young as six went to work –
Women worked in factories and at home
Cripples in the Yard of the Children's Home in London
New York City, March 25, 1911
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
On the other side of the coin
Karl Marx – pointed out that workers had
genuine opportunities but were being
exploited as a consequence of capitalism
The Communist Manifesto – 1848 – written
with Friedrich Engels – working class would
revolt and take control of production –
example the Luddities in England (early
Marxism served as the foundation of socialism and communism
Trade or Labor Unions
Slave Trade outlawed – 1807
Slavery outlawed in England – 1833
What replaces this labor force?
Factory Act of 1833
British parliament passed
Limiting work hours
Restricting children from working in factories
Safer, cleaner factories
Mines Act of 1842
Ten Hours Act of 1847 –women and children
under 18
Reactions - Realism
Charles Dickens
 His REALISTIC novels
focused on lower classes
of the IR and showcased
the brutal life of the
urban poor.
 Reaction to the Romanticism of the 18th century
The Stone Breakers, 1849
Gustave Courbet
 French Realist painter who focused on
everyday life.
New Social Pyramid
New Aristocrats – rich based on
industrial success
Middle class – managers, accountants,
ministers, lawyers, doctors, skill
Working class – HUGE CLASS – factory
workers and peasant farmers
Rise of Industrial Class
Adam Smith – The Wealth of Nations (1776)
– free-market system (capitalism) meets the
needs and desires of individuals and nations.
Laissez-faire capitalism
What is the effect of these economic ideas?
Encouraged the rise of private investment –
British East India Company
What is the capital and resources going to
come from for this industrial rise?
Scientific Advancements
Natural Selection – Charles Darwin's
theory of biological evolution, based on
the survival and replication of the fittest
and most adaptable genes, through
competition over limited natural
Influences later social ideas through
Social Darwinism.
Social Darwinism
Darwin himself recommended that his
views based on evolution be applied to
ethical understanding and social
sciences. Darwin said the following to
H. Thiel in a letter in 1869:
You will readily believe how much
interested I am in observing that you apply
to moral and social questions analogous
views to those which I have used in regard
to the modification of species. It did not
occur to me formerly that my views could
be extended to such widely different, and
most important, subjects.
With the struggle in nature also being accepted as being in
human nature, conflicts in the name of racism, Fascism,
Communism, and imperialism, and the efforts of strong
peoples to crush peoples they perceived as weaker were by
now clothed in a scientific façade. It was now impossible to
reproach or obstruct those who carried out barbarous
massacres, treated human beings like animals, turned
peoples against each other, who despised others on account
of their race, who closed down small businesses in the name
of competition, and who refused to extend the hand of help
to the poor. Because they were doing this in accordance
with a "scientific" natural law.
This new scientific account came to be known as "Social
The Disasters Darwinism Brought To Humanity by Yahya
Private property
market systems
laissez faire
profit motive
Humanitarian Reforms
Humanitarian Liberalism
Early Labor movements
Early Factory Reforms
Jeremy Bentham - founder of Utilitarianism -- simply put, the philosophy
that a moral act is one which produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number of
people. He outlined this theory in his 1789 work, Introduction to the Principles of Morals
and Legislation. His outlook made him a vocal critic of many legal and political institutions,
and he was considered quite radical for his day.
goal of actions should be to achieve the
greatest good for the greatest number
the state can be “ominicompetent”-fit to
undertake anything for the general welfare
Humanitarian Liberals
John Stuart Mill and Charles Dickens
positive remedies to modify laissez faire
workers should be allowed to unionize
form cooperatives
state should protect laboring women and children
universal suffrage
public education --equally open to men and women
“On Liberty” classic statement on the liberty of the individual
Early Labor Movements
Strikes were illegal, but there were many
wanted higher wages and better working conditions
Europeans and Americans regarded unions as illegal
1870 Parliament passed a law that permitted strikes
collective bargaining accepted in 20th century
Early Reforms
Examples from Britain
1819 prohibited employment of children under 9 in
cotton mills
couldn’t work more than 12 hours a day
1832 women prohibited from working in mines
1847 Ten Hours act--women and children in mills
Women were seen as second class citizens and
incapable of the mental capacity to vote
Conservatives – against women voting, worried
they would vote for liberal or labour.
Liberals worried if property owning women
were given the vote then they would vote
Labour, started in 1900, were in favour of
female suffrage but wanted all working class
women to get the vote first.
From 1850 women gained educational,
civil and political equality.
National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies Established 1897 by Millicent Fawcett
Methods – peaceful protest, petitions to government and propaganda – “The
The Suffragettes – Women’s Social and Political Union – 1903 founded by Emmeline
Pankhurst. “Deeds not words.” More militant actions.
Attitudes and
Actions of
Attitude of
public and
Why did
women not
have the vote
by 1914?
Actions of
Splits in the
Kinds of socialism
Definition--major means of production and
distribution are communally owned
Convert by example--”persuasion and demonstration”
model communities
Robert Owen - The founder of socialism in England. Was born of poor
parents in Newtown, Montgomeryshire, 1771. In 1800 he became owner of the
New Lanark Cotton Factory, where he proceeded to put in practice his theories
of a new system of society. He afterwards made unsuccessful attempts to
establish communistic settlements at New Harmony in America (1825), and
Harmony Hall in Hampshire (1844). To his efforts may be traced the first factory
legislation, the cooperative movement, and the establishment of infant schools.
Died 1858. (
Peaceful conversion
democratic parties
major means of production and distribution owned by
the state
welfare state
graduated taxes
Scientific Socialism
economic determinism
class struggle
inevitability of communism
dictatorship of the proletariat
classless society
state will “wither away”
“From each according to his abilities, to each
according to his needs.”
Communist Manifesto
So where do the capitalist nations of
the West go to feed the beast of the
Industrial Revolution?
That’s another lecture!