English Conversation - Literture
1 Request Assignment Material.
Send a semi-formal email to your teacher, Bruno Zalubil, to request information for a literature assignment.
You should ask for a pdf version of “The Lottery,” by Shirley Jackson. Also, request the audio version of the
short story. Your email should include a greeting; your request; the reason for your request; the fact that you
will read and listen to the story and write a five-paragraph literary analysis of one aspect of the story by the
deadline; and a concluding message. Send the email to
This email will be graded. The due date for this email is Friday, Nov. 27 / Sunday, Dec. 29.
2 Write a Literary Analysis
Read “The Lottery,” by Shirley Jackson. Then, listen and read the short story a second time. It is an
American short story from the mid-1940s. Write a five paragraph essay about one aspect of the story that
you found interesting. The essay should have and introduction (with a thesis statement), three paragraphs to
support the thesis, and a conclusion to reframe the argument. The English lesson on Monday, Nov. 30 /
Wednesday, Dec. 2 will provide more instruction for writing a five-paragraph essay and for writing a literary
analysis. There is no length requirement: say something interesting and don’t waste your time counting
This essay will be graded. You should send the final version as a Word document to . The
due date for this essay is Monday, Dec. 14 / Wednesday, Dec. 16. Corrections, comments, and suggestions
for improvement will be returned via email.
NOTE – Any Christmas season lesson cancellations or changes will not affect these deadlines. It is your responsibility to contact
the teacher at if you have any problems.
English Conversation - Literture
1 Request Assignment Material.
Send a semi-formal email to your teacher, Bruno Zalubil, to request information for a literature assignment.
You should ask for a pdf version of “The Lottery,” by Shirley Jackson. Also, request the audio version of the
short story. Your email should include a greeting; your request; the reason for your request; the fact that you
will read and listen to the story and write a five-paragraph literary analysis of one aspect of the story by the
deadline; and a concluding message. Send the email to
This email will be graded. The due date for this email is Friday, Nov. 27 / Sunday, Dec. 29.
2 Write a Literary Analysis
Read “The Lottery,” by Shirley Jackson. Then, listen and read the short story a second time. It is an
American short story from the mid-1940s. Write a five paragraph essay about one aspect of the story that
you found interesting. The essay should have and introduction (with a thesis statement), three paragraphs to
support the thesis, and a conclusion to reframe the argument. The English lesson on Monday, Nov. 30 /
Wednesday, Dec. 2 will provide more instruction for writing a five-paragraph essay and for writing a literary
analysis. There is no length requirement: say something interesting and don’t waste your time counting
This essay will be graded. You should send the final version as a Word document to . The
due date for this essay is Monday, Dec. 14 / Wednesday, Dec. 16. Corrections, comments, and suggestions
for improvement will be returned via email.
NOTE – Any Christmas season lesson cancellations or changes will not affect these deadlines. It is your responsibility to contact
the teacher at if you have any problems.