Thank you for the email. Attached you will find a pdf version of “The Lottery,” by Shirley Jackson, named
“The Lottery – text.pdf”. Also attached is the audio for a New Yorker magazine podcast interview with an
author (A.M. Holmes); she has been greatly influenced by the story and she reads it as part of the podcast.
The audio file is “The Lottery – Interview and reading.mp3” .
Also attached is a Word file with corrections, comments, and suggestions about the email that you sent to
me. Make sure to open the file so that you can see my comments.
I recommend that you read “The Lottery” first. Then, listen to the podcast and follow along with the pdf
version. (The reading of the story begins at the 3:00 mark in the podcast.)
Your assignment is to write a five-paragraph essay about one aspect of “The Lottery” that you found
interesting – or disgusting. The essay should have an introduction (with a thesis statement), three paragraphs
to support the thesis, and a conclusion to reframe the argument. The English lesson on Monday, Nov. 30 /
Wednesday, Dec. 2 will provide more instruction for writing a five-paragraph essay and for writing a literary
analysis. There is no length requirement: say something interesting and don’t waste your time counting
This essay will be graded. Use Word and name the final version of the essay “CM1516 G8 Essay [YOUR
FIRST NAME AND LAST NAME].doc” and send it to . The due date for this essay is
Monday, Dec. 14 / Wednesday, Dec. 16. Corrections, comments, and suggestions for improvement will be
returned via email in the same manner as the comments for this email.
I hope you like the story, and good luck with the essay. If you have any questions, please find me at school
or write me an email.