English 162W March 31, 2011 Prof. Dominique Zino Vincent Chen Essay II: A Symbol Interpret the Mythical Space In each of individuals’ world or society, there is a symbol which determines a person’s space and means different characteristics in his/her mythical space. On the other world, people observe and understand something in the reality that is not what the true value of the meaning in individual’s mythical space. This idea is explained through Tuan’s chapter, Mythical Space and Place. He generally states that “Myth is often contrasted with reality and flourishes in the absence of precise knowledge” (85). The idea of mythical space is intangible and shows in various meaning in different personality that is not identified in the real world. A Symbol and cultural tradition that explains the moods and motivation in mythical space of individuals is also described in Religion as a Cultural System by Clifford Geertz. It refers to the story of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, provides the ideas of symbol to interpret the meaning behind the lottery that people always consider it as a traditions of the village along to their living society. Also, the activities and characteristics of people create the mythical space discovering the true value of individuals in their own world. The lottery is presented to people living in the village each year during the summer. This event is significant to everyone who desires it because it shows the fate of a particular person who should be punished under the tradition of this village. The lottery symbolizes the risk and scarification of the person living in town. On other hand, Tuan explains this idea as a mythical space of the town; “The construction of a mythical realm satisfies intellectual and psychological needs; it saves appearances and explains events” 1 (92). This reveals that the creation of lottery is considered a mythical space to all people who live in the village and they want to keep the goods and safety of their family through the processing of the event. The winner of the lottery should be considered a sacrifice to satisfy the devil by punishing from other people in order to maintain the well-being of the town. In the meantime, most people will be eased their nervous and terror of all the bad that may happen or occupy their space. “Mythical space is a response of feeling and imagination to fundamental human needs” (Tuan 99). Obviously, the lottery is a symbolic tradition relieving the stresses, despairs, terrors and depresses of the people who believe the devil exists and influences their good of living. In the way of people satisfying, they feel happy and comfortable as well as live in their mythical space. Once the anniversary lottery begins, a significant place is taken to assemble all people in the town. “The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank, around ten o’clock” (Jackson 247). Jackson mentions that the square is the central location of the town which people will join together to participate the processing of the lottery. They believe that the central location of the town is considered a valuable place to present this holy activity; “In the other it is the spatial component of a world view, a conception of localized values within which people carry on their practical activities” (Tuan 86). This identifies the idea of certain location is reasonable to indicate the value of different activities that people would like to take place and process meaningfully in their mythical space. The square is an appropriate place what people of the town believe the lottery representing the holy spirits from the God and their traditional society is telling the God should be in the center of surrounding environments. 2 This also refers to Tuan who explains that “In the mythical space of traditional societies the idea of center or middle place is important” (99). Meanwhile, all the children are gathering all the stones and pebbles at the corner prepare for the end of the lottery and some children are packing up all the stones as others; “Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundest stones” (Jackson 247). Bobby Martin gathers all the stones in his pocket as an example which other children are following the same way he doing in purpose. It reveals that children will experience on the behavior from the one who is considered a mythical space in first sign; “Mythical space of the first kind is a conceptual extension of the familiar and workaday spaces given by direct experience” (Tuan 86). Tuan classifies that a human body can be the mythical space which direct the knowledge and experience to other people gaining their own space in the society. On the other hand, the stones and pebbles symbolize the holy water to defend the invasion of devil and protect their family and friends. Thus, the reason of having a pile of stone is meaningful to the lottery and people who prepare them are understandable in this mythical space. While the lottery is processing, the black box and stools are introduced as part of important objects as whole by Mr. Summer. The black box is the container storing all the slips of paper that everyone is going to take one in the lottery and it is represented the tradition of society to be passed to every generation for determining his/her fate. So, the black box symbolizes the fate of individual in the town. Especially, the color of black box shows the bad luck and guilty of the person who is being selected and he/ she is going to be punished and purified by the God. Tuan identifies it according to the Chinese tradition; 3 “The man at the center of space stretched to the four cardinal points, each of which corresponds to a color, and often also to an animal” (93). The different colors classify the various conceptions and meanings in different aspect of location. People will use each color to represent the idea of their beliefs and experiences. Such as, red is happiness, blue and white are innocence and fairness. Jackson also mentions that “Mr. Summers was very good at all this; in his clean white shirt and blue jeans, with one hand resting carelessly on the black box” (249). The color of white and blue Mr. Summers wearing shows that he is the person holding the lottery in the way of fair and just for all people who participate in this event. Besides the black box, the stools are the traditional implement to the society. They symbolize the angels carrying out the message from God that determines an individual’s fate as if supporting the black box in stable and secure. Also, the stools present the security or guard who carries on the responsibilities and duties to protect the black box for each generation; “Mr. Martin and his oldest son, Baxter, came forward to hold the box steady on the stool while Mr. Summers stirred up the paper inside it” (Jackson 248). It reveals that the stools are referring to Mr. Martin and Baxter who are the honest securities with their own hands to keep everything in good shape in order to remain the tradition society smoothly in every year. Even though the tradition has been passed over and over for each year, the ritual of religion is fading and become intangible among of the people in the society. In circumstance, the black box should be replaced by the new one in the way of preventing the color is being faded; “The black box was no longer completely black but splintered badly along one side to show the original wood color, and in some places faded or stained” 4 (Jackson 248). Jackson tells that the black box is being used many years and the color of it is getting fade somehow. However, nobody pay attentions to in order to respond the problem of the black box. If the box is no longer in a black color, the meaning of it has to be changed as the tradition and belief from people is changing. Eventually, the fate of individuals is not considered significant to people who used to care about in the society. On the other hand, the slips of paper substitute the chips of wood which used to store in the black box for drawing by people. Based on the grown of population in town, the idea of having chips of wood has been terminated because it’s not convenience to large amount of people. Jackson shows that “The population was more than three hundred and likely to keep on growing, it was necessary to use something that would fit more easily into the black box” (248). This implies the clips of paper replace the chips of wood through the growing population in the town. The cultural ritual of using chips of wood is not considered meaningful in individuals’ mind. As the traditional objects have been changing all the time, it symbolizes the religious ritual has reached to the extinction gradually. There is nobody cares about the symbolic object is related to the tradition in their society as well as it used to be and it may be the experiences and knowledge are changing in his/her mythical space other than the reality. In the lottery, there are different characters are playing in their roles of the tradition society that explains the mythical space of characteristics. Mr. Summers is the person who takes in charge of the processing of the lottery. He shows his good and fairness to all people who participate in this event and he symbolizes the seasonal coming of the lottery that reminds people the summer is unique and special date for them having the lottery in the village as the value of the traditional society. Also, Tuan mentions the orientation of 5 the mythical space in characteristic; “Characteristics organizes the forces of nature and society by associating them with significant locations or places within the spatial system” (91). The characteristic of Mr. Summer is represented as the lottery to deliver the tradition to every generation and process this holy spirits activity in the village. It establishes the spatial system such as spring, summer, fall and winter to maintain the beliefs and traditions running over and over in every year. The Old Man Warner who participates the lottery for many years which he realizes the change of tradition in the past to the present. He is considered an ancient to compare the difference of idea, behavior and feeling for the lottery. “Old Man Warner snorted. “pack of crazy fools,” he said.” (Jackson 250). Jackson explains that Old Man Warner is the old fashion who believes that everyone should be taking the lottery seriously as whole without talking, greeting and making fun to each other in the past. However, the behavior and feeling of people have now is different than before in the vision of Old Man Warner. He never changes his behavior and the idea of pursuing his original thought to the process of the lottery. His characteristic symbolizes the history of traditional society and the stubborn person who doesn’t want to change of his/her mind in order to adapt the new environments. The family of Hutchinson develops various aspects of characteristics in the society. Bill Hutchinson is the person considering the winner who has the black dot paper in the first round drawing in the lottery. He is honest and accepts the fate of being the winner of the lottery when his wife, Tessie Hutchinson argues that it is not fair for him who has insufficient time in drawing. In Bill’s response; “Shut up, Tessie,” Bill Hutchinson said” (Jackson 251). Jackson indicates that Bill is not the person who tries to escape from the 6 problem and willing to face it when he encounters. He is brave to stand for his fate and carries on whatever he is being deserved. In contrast, Tessie is dishonest person who is not willing to take any bad, but seek her own benefits and goods. She symbolizes the devil inside individual’s mind that carrying the bad idea and hurtful behavior to deprive the soul and good spirits from others. As a result, Tessie can’t escape of her final destination of being a winner of the lottery, even that she doesn’t accept the fate of being stoned by people; “Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a cleared space by now, and she held her hands out desperately as the villagers moved in on her. “It isn’t fair,” she said” (Jackson 252). This classifies the characteristic of Tessie who is the one being stoned because she is fighting for her fate and benefits. She is a person never understand the mistake and problem in her life that leads her to be a guiltier as the result. Davy Hutchinson symbolizes innocence in the last part of stoning. He has no idea to stone his mother standing in the middle of place like other people do and he doesn’t even have any of stone on his hands because he is not going to do anything for his mother. Davy is like a plain white paper without understanding anything in process of the lottery. However, as a person living in the traditional society or this mythical space, he is being influenced and experienced from other people who give the direction about what to do. Jackson states that “The children had stones already and someone gave little Davy Hutchinson a few pebbles” (252). When Davy takes the stone that from other children, it implies that Davy is involved in this particular activity even though he is innocence. He follows what other children is doing that reminds the idea from Tuan; “People’s temperaments and capabilities differed depending on the latitudinal belt in which they lived” (97). The traditional society Davy living is involving in the response of the lottery that people need 7 to stone the one who has the paper with black dot in order to prevent the devil invade the village and influence people’s mind mentally. This is the rule that people of the village must follow and process it as well as to convey the religion ritual to every generation. For the consequence of the lottery winner, whoever holds the paper with the black spot on it will be a person who is being stoned by rest of the people in the village. Unfortunately, Tessie Hutchinson is the winner among of all people who carrying her fate with the evidence of dark spot on the paper; “Bill Hutchinson went over to Tessie and forced the slip of paper out of her hand. It had a black spot on it” (Jackson 252). The idea of dark spot on the paper is a symbolic personal fate in the traditional society. As the color of black, it represents the bad luck to the person who owns it defining in Chinese culture. On the other hand, the central point of black spot on the paper which is written on interprets the ideal conception of mythical space. Tuan tells that “In the mythical space of traditional societies, cardinal points are tied to astronomical events and to the seasons which their control over life and death” (99). It refers to the meaning of black dot on the paper which is controlling the person’s life and death in the lottery. If the person doesn’t have the paper with the black dot on, it means he is alive. In opposite, the person will be announced death with the black dot that everyone is going to stone him/her as a result of being the unlucky one. It clearly understands the creation of black dot on the paper to determine the mythical space in traditional society people live in. The mythical space associates to the traditional society according to various conceptions and symbols that specify the meaning and experience to people. People will take a central location in their mythical space to justify the significant space and event. The idea of the lottery is taking place in the square in the middle of the town, which 8 brings up the mythical space in people’s mind to determine the holy activity presenting to everyone living in this traditional society. At this point, everyone has the same mythical space in the same community and the same idea to protect their family and friends from the devil. Also, the implements of black box and stools symbolize the fate and defense of all people who live in the town. It is important to them keep this tradition and religion ritual to remain wealthy and well-being of the village and the society. Especially, the different characteristics represent the mythical space of individual how he/she experience things and behave in particular way to other people. Obviously, symbol is essential element to classify the mythical space in the traditional society as well as personality. It provides various function, idea and foundation to better understand the conception of mythical space in the world. 9 Works Cited Tuan, Yi-Fu. Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience. Minnesota: the University of Minnesota Press, 1977. Print. Jackson, Shirley. “The Lottery” An Introduction to Fiction.eds X.J. Kennedy & Dana Gioia. 10