A LL A GES S ERVICE R ELIGIOUS E DUCATION P ROGRAM SEPTEMBER 8 AT 10:30 AM Religious Education for people of all ages is one of our key ministries. Here young and old alike pursue spiritual growth through a personal search for truth and meaning – a search informed by our faith’s core principles and diverse sources of wisdom. Children may stay in the service today. Childcare is provided for infants and toddlers. Morning Warm-Up Matt Anderson and David Horst Opening Words Rev. Horst and Merielle Lupfer This Place by William Schulz Chalice Lighting Andrea and Herb Ouida *Opening Hymn #123 Spirit of Life Welcome Rev. Horst Unison Affirmation Central Unitarian Church welcomes all into a home of spiritual diversity that challenges us to become our best selves, to minister to one another in love, and to serve the greater community. Offertory Words Ms. Lupfer Choir Sharing Joys and Sorrows Rev. Horst *Hymn #1014 Standing on the Side of Love *Responsive Reading #444 Anthem This House Freedom Is Coming (arr. Anders Nyberg) Sermon *Closing Hymn #121 Closing Words Coming Home Ms. Lupfer Choir Rev. Horst Sunday, September 29 – Noon: Sunday School Parent meeting - Please join the Children & Youth Religious Education Committee as we present new ideas for the 2013-2014 Sunday school year. If you have a child in Sunday School, please plan to attend this meeting to learn how you can best support your children and their Sunday school teachers! Childcare available. Rev. Horst A DULT P ROGRAMS Meditation: Thursday, September 19 – 3:30 pm – Lounge The New UU: Saturday, September 21 – 10 am – Lounge – Have you been thinking about joining Central Unitarian Church? Returning after a long absence? Curious about Religious Education? Our religious roots? What binds us together, if not a creed? We invite new and prospective church members to programs introducing the history, beliefs, and practices of our liberal faith with the Rev. David Horst, Developmental Minister, and members of the Board and staff team. Participants begin the day by sharing their religious journeys. Rev. Horst also discusses the benefits and responsibilities of church membership. Light lunch provided. Childcare provided upon request. Teachings of Confucius: The World of Confucius, Part I: Sunday, September 29 – Noon – Classroom 10/11 – Claiming only to transmit ancient traditions, Confucius taught We’ll Build a Land Community by Starhawk O THER I MPORTANT P ROGRAMS teaching team for lunch and planning for the year. We'll be presenting some new classroom management techniques and ideas for creating shining eyes in you students! Childcare available. Please RSVP to rslaw@cucparamus.org. Story for All Ages: Robin Slaw and Rev. Horst Hare’s Gift (based on a West African folk tale) Time for Reflection During Service: Crib Room – childcare for all ages from 10:30 am to 11:45 am Sunday, September 15 - Noon: Teacher Meeting & Luncheon - Please join your Rev. Horst Offertory Music Bright Morning Stars (Kentucky Appalachian folk tune) TODAY Ms. Lupfer Extinguishing the Chalice *Please rise in body or spirit. PARTICIPATING THIS WEEK: Worship Leader: Rev. David Horst, Robin Slaw, and Merielle Lupfer Music: Music Director Matt Anderson and House Band: John Freund; Tom Gundling; and David Levy; and Adult Choir; Robert René Galván, Choir Conductor Chalice Lighters: Andrea and Herb Ouida Welcome Hosts: Angelina, Armani, Bernard, Blake, Cristina and Juan Coronado; and Gardner Dixon-Patrick; Randy Dixon; and Michael Patrick Flowers: Andrea and Herb Ouida, in memory of their beloved son, Todd, and every other innocent victim of terrorism around the world. From the Pulpit: ‘Coming Home’ - For most of us the “new year” begins following the summer break. We return to school, work, and church: The other homes in our lives. What makes Central Unitarian Church our religious home? What comforts and challenges do we find here when we gather as a family of faith? After the service stay for the Congregational Photograph (in the front of the Sanctuary) and Church Picnic (courtyard). a comprehensive ethic of personal development that remained influential throughout Chinese history and provided the basis for the Chinese educational system. Having been banished during Communist rule, the teachings of Confucius are regaining influence in post-Mao China, and in the future, in the rest of the world. A four-part series consisting of readings from the Analects, a compilation of Confucian ideas, supplemented by DVD lectures by Prof Mark W. Muesse of Rhodes College, and a moderated discussion. On October 20: The Foundations of Confucianism, November 17: The Cultivation of Virtue and December 1: Early Confucianism and the Rise of Taoism. Worship Attendance Last Sunday: Adults: 74 / Children: 5 Next Week: ‘Atonement’ - On this Sunday following the conclusion of Yom Kippur we consider what we can learn from this holiest day of the Jewish year. Honored with great solemnity, Yom Kippur is also suffused with joy and expectation: A joy that delights in the holiness of the day and an expectation that we can repent of our wrongdoing, be forgiven, and be assured of a year of life, health and happiness. Service by: David Horst, Robin Slaw, and Arthur Eves Music: Matt Anderson and House Band Adult Choir: Robert René Galván, Choir Conductor T ODAY : B EFORE AND A FTER THE S ERVICE Endowment Trust Fund meeting – 9:00 am – Annex Circle Supper coordinators meeting – 9:30 am – Lounge At the REAR of the SANCTUARY ● Listening devices are available so you can hear every word. ● Grocery cards for local grocery chains are available for purchase. You get the full face value of the card, and in return, CUC receives 5 percent on every dollar that you spend. The Center for Food Action will gladly accept donations of these cards to support our eight food pantries. These cards are particularly important during the summer months when actual donations of food decline dramatically. ● Curious about our Religious Education programs for all ages? Stop by the Religious Education Table in the rear of the sanctuary and have a chat. Also RE Committee members will be ready to help you register your children and youth for the 2013-2014 church year. Sunday School begins September 22nd. At the WELCOME CENTER Welcome all visitors! We invite you to make Central Unitarian Church your spiritual home. Come by to fill out a visitors form to receive our newsletter and other information. We will be there before and after service to greet you and answer any questions. T HIS W EEK ’ S C ALENDAR For more details go to www.cucparamus.org MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH CUC Choir – 7:30 pm – Sanctuary Drop-In Covenant Circle [Lisa Horton] – 7:30 pm – Lounge TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH Covenant Facilitators meeting – 7:30 pm – Lounge Lifespan Faith (children & youth) meeting – 7:30 pm – Annex WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH Worship Associates meeting – 7:30 pm – Sanctuary SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15TH Crib Room care from 10:30 am to 11:45 am Sunday Service – 10:30 am – Sanctuary Children’s Chapel – 10:45 am – Assembly room Covenant Circle [Sue Pearly] – Noon – Lounge OTHER EVENTS P LAY M AHJONG (A S PRING F LING E VENT ) Join Inge Lomonico to learn to play Mahjong - Either in the Afternoon or Evening. Enjoy coffee and cake and learn a new skill that will bring you fun and challenge for years to come. This is a great opportunity for new and current members. Wednesday afternoons, 1-4pm, October 9, 16, 23 - 4 spaces available. OR Evenings 7-10pm, October 10, 11, 12. - 4 spaces available. $25/person for all three sessions. Spring Fling is CUC's Service Auction and all funds go to the CUC Operating Budget. Have fun and support CUC. Contact the CUC office to reserve your place - 201-262-6300. Checks can be made payable to CUC with 'Spring Fling' in the Memo. D ROP -I N C OVENANT C IRCLE Ever want to know what we are doing in Covenant Circles, but were afraid to ask? I have just the circle for you! I began facilitating a covenant circle for folks who are fairly new to us, or to the idea of covenant circles. Our covenant circles are usually a 12-month commitment, for 2 hours each month. This covenant circle will meet each 2nd Monday from 7:30 – 9:30, at CUC in the Lounge, and our commitment is for only that night to be present with the group. You should come as you are able. The plan, similar to our well-established circles is to join in deep conversation on topics of ultimacy (the universal “us”) and intimacy (the interpersonal “us”). Think about starting some new connections. After a few circles you may decide to be part of a 12-month circle, often the connections continue long after the year is through. I hope you can make it on Monday September 9th at 7:30 pm in the lounge at CUC. Contact: Lisa Horton hickoryhorton@hotmail.com / 845-398-0141 CUC’ S 2013-14 D IRECTORY The Office is requesting all members and friends (whose kids are in the Religious Education program) of Central Unitarian Church to check their listed information (name/names, address, phone number and email) in the current CUC Directory. The new 2013-2014 Directory of Members and Friends will publish in October and distributed just before the Rummage Sale. For your convenience copies of the current directory has been provided at the Visitors Center. Cell number is listed only upon request, so if you want your cell number also to be included in the directory, please let us know. We appreciate your quick response to make directories available in due time. Office will only accept written or email notifications. The deadline to make changes is Tuesday, October 1st. The New UU (Unitarian Universalism) at CUC Have you been thinking about joining Central Unitarian Church? Returning after a long absence? Curious about religious education? Our religious roots? What binds us together, if not a creed? Not sure what membership here entails? We agree that these are important questions and invite you to explore the answers: The New UU: Saturday, September 21 from 10 am – 2 pm in the Lounge – signup at Welcome Center. st We invite new and prospective church members to programs introducing the history, beliefs, and practices of our liberal faith with the Rev. David Horst, Developmental Minister, and members of the Board and staff team. Participants begin the day by sharing their religious journeys. Rev. Horst also discusses the benefits and responsibilities of church membership. Light lunch provided. Childcare provided upon request. Program takes place in the lounge. Maximum twelve participants. Sign up for The New UU session at the Welcome Center any of the following Sundays: Today and next Sunday, September 15th OR ►Call or email our office manager, Shailja Rastogi (201) 262-6300, x 201, manager@cucparamus.org. Give her (1) your names, (2) phone number and/or email, and (3) the ages of children who will need care (if applicable). We look forward to helping you find your place in our faith community. W ELCOME TO C ENTRAL U NITARIAN C HURCH In 1897, a small group of folks founded the Hackensack Unitarian Congregational Church. By 1956, the congregation had outgrown its walls and moved to Paramus, changing the name to Central Unitarian Church (CUC). Our members come from all over Bergen and neighboring counties. CUC is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the UUA's Central East Regional Group (CERG) that includes congregations in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. C ONTACT CUC Central Unitarian Church 156 Forest Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652 EMAIL: manager@cucparamus.org OFFICE: (201) 262-6300 FAX: (201) 262-6369 WEBSITE: www.cucparamus.org For Pastoral Needs: Call: 201-262-6300 x 202 / Email: davidmhorst@gmail.com For emergencies: 201-262-9595 S TAFF AND B OARD OF T RUSTEES Developmental Minister: Rev. David M. Horst – davidmhorst@gmail.com Director of Music: Matt Anderson – manderson@cucparamus.org Director of Religious Education: Robin Slaw – rslaw@cucparamus.org Choir Conductor: Robert René Galván – rgalvan@cucparamus.org Youth Program Coordinator: Amy Panetta – youthgroup@cucparamus.org Service Coordinator: Jim Karabin – jkarabin@cucparamus.org Office Manager: Shailja Rastogi – manager@cucparamus.org Board of Trustees – trustees@cucparamus.org President: Jeff Feinstein Vice President: Merielle Lupfer Secretary: Maria Nieves Controllers: David Kraft & Anna Levy Treasurers: Janice Pevide & Ruth Viera Trustees: Zoe Fechner, Dawn Focaraccio, Amory Hartman, Kim Komonchak, Herb Ouida, Phil Sosinsky, Gina Webb-Metz & Jill Wecht VISION STATEMENT Adopted by the congregation on June 10, 2012 We dream of a future in which ... CUC’s commitment to Unitarian Universalism as a union of reason and faith is a beacon to all who seek nourishment of the heart, mind and spirit in a life-changing religious home. We dream of a future in which ... CUC is a loving community built on bonds of trust that offers powerful, tangible ways for every person who walks through our doors to work for a better world. We dream of a future in which ... CUC offers multiple pathways to generous service in which all members and friends find personal meaning and share their abundant talents and ideas. We dream of a future in which ... CUC celebrates the whole human experience, gathering many cultures and voices through our richly diverse programming. We dream of a future in which ... CUC works passionately for justice and empowers each person to change lives within and beyond our walls every day. We dream of a future in which ... Our past is honored and our resources enable this vision to flourish. Central Unitarian Church a welcoming congregation SERVING THE GREATER COMMUNITY – ONE WEEK, ONE DAY, ONE NIGHT, ONE HOUR AT A TIME SERVING THE GREATER COMMUNITY – ONE WEEK, ONE DAY, ONE NIGHT, ONE HOUR AT A TIME SERVING THE GREATER COMMUNITY – ONE WEEK, ONE DAY, ONE NIGHT, ONE HOUR AT A TIME Look for NEW LEADERSHIP, NEW ENERGY, NEW HOURS, NEW OPPORTUNITIES at our 2013 Rummage Sale event the week of October 13-19. We begin setting up and accept donations on Sunday, October 13. The Public Sale is from October 17-19. Cleanup begins at noon on the 19th. Look for NEW LEADERSHIP, NEW ENERGY, NEW HOURS, NEW OPPORTUNITIES at our 2013 Rummage Sale event the week of October 13-19. We begin setting up and accept donations on Sunday, October 13. The Public Sale is from October 17-19. Cleanup begins at noon on the 19th. Look for NEW LEADERSHIP, NEW ENERGY, NEW HOURS, NEW OPPORTUNITIES at our 2013 Rummage Sale event the week of October 13-19. We begin setting up and accept donations on Sunday, October 13. The Public Sale is from October 17-19. Cleanup begins at noon on the 19th. Coordinators Susan Smilon, Ronda Fultz and Mark Devlin have increased area supervision to include: Housewares: Betty Buffington and Alan Kostelnik Toys/Games/Infants/Toddlers: Ricky Hishikawa Cleanup: Peter Horton Small Electrical Appliances: Lou DeVito Jewelry: Kim Komonchak Books/Media: Sally Gellert Outside Sales & Traffic: David Smilon Kitchen: Annette Machac Publicity: Susan Springstead and Becky Bruce Boutique: Ronda Fultz, Marilyn Mazur, Karin DeVries and Thelma Fedele Banking: Dawn Focaraccio Coordinators Susan Smilon, Ronda Fultz and Mark Devlin have increased area supervision to include: Housewares: Betty Buffington and Alan Kostelnik Toys/Games/Infants/Toddlers: Ricky Hishikawa Cleanup: Peter Horton Small Electrical Appliances: Lou DeVito Jewelry: Kim Komonchak Books/Media: Sally Gellert Outside Sales & Traffic: David Smilon Kitchen: Annette Machac Publicity: Susan Springstead and Becky Bruce Boutique: Ronda Fultz, Marilyn Mazur, Karin DeVries and Thelma Fedele Banking: Dawn Focaraccio Coordinators Susan Smilon, Ronda Fultz and Mark Devlin have increased area supervision to include: Housewares: Betty Buffington and Alan Kostelnik Toys/Games/Infants/Toddlers: Ricky Hishikawa Cleanup: Peter Horton Small Electrical Appliances: Lou DeVito Jewelry: Kim Komonchak Books/Media: Sally Gellert Outside Sales & Traffic: David Smilon Kitchen: Annette Machac Publicity: Susan Springstead and Becky Bruce Boutique: Ronda Fultz, Marilyn Mazur, Karin DeVries and Thelma Fedele Banking: Dawn Focaraccio Everyone can help. Everyone can help. Everyone can help. CHANGE IN FLOOR PLAN: This year the Boutique will be relocated to the Assembly CHANGE IN FLOOR PLAN: This year the Boutique will be relocated to the Assembly CHANGE IN FLOOR PLAN: This year the Boutique will be relocated to the Assembly Room. Room. Room. CHANGE IN HOURS: WORKDAYS (M/Tu/W) will begin at 10AM. PUBLIC SALE CHANGE IN HOURS: WORKDAYS (M/Tu/W) will begin at 10AM. PUBLIC SALE CHANGE IN HOURS: WORKDAYS (M/Tu/W) will begin at 10AM. PUBLIC SALE days (Th/Fri.) open at noon, close at 9PM. Lunch will be available for volunteers all week and dinner on M/Tu/Th/F. Due to space constraints, we cannot offer childcare, but older children are welcome to work alongside adults. Commitment to staffing (during all three days and two nights) is crucial to a successful event. All proceeds support our operating budget and year-round programming. Plan now to be a part of it. days (Th/Fri.) open at noon, close at 9PM. Lunch will be available for volunteers all week and dinner on M/Tu/Th/F. Due to space constraints, we cannot offer childcare, but older children are welcome to work alongside adults. Commitment to staffing (during all three days and two nights) is crucial to a successful event. All proceeds support our operating budget and year-round programming. Plan now to be a part of it. days (Th/Fri.) open at noon, close at 9PM. Lunch will be available for volunteers all week and dinner on M/Tu/Th/F. Due to space constraints, we cannot offer childcare, but older children are welcome to work alongside adults. Commitment to staffing (during all three days and two nights) is crucial to a successful event. All proceeds support our operating budget and year-round programming. Plan now to be a part of it. Informational brochures coming soon. The time pledge cards are inserted in this Order of Service. A sign-up chart will be posted on September 15th on the hallway wall. Informational brochures coming soon. The time pledge cards are inserted in this Order of Service. A sign-up chart will be posted on September 15th on the hallway wall. Informational brochures coming soon. The time pledge cards are inserted in this Order of Service. A sign-up chart will be posted on September 15th on the hallway wall. I F Y OU L OVE S INGING I F Y OU L OVE S INGING I F Y OU L OVE S INGING Please come and join the CUC choir on Monday evenings for rehearsal in the sanctuary from 7:30-9:00PM under the skilled direction of Choir Conductor René Galvan and Music Director Matt Anderson. No tryouts, just bring your energy and enthusiasm, and join us as we explore a variety of music and learn how to do better than we ever thought possible. We sing once a month. Our first rehearsal will be on Monday, September 9th. Please come and join the CUC choir on Monday evenings for rehearsal in the sanctuary from 7:30-9:00PM under the skilled direction of Choir Conductor René Galvan and Music Director Matt Anderson. No tryouts, just bring your energy and enthusiasm, and join us as we explore a variety of music and learn how to do better than we ever thought possible. We sing once a month. Our first rehearsal will be on Monday, September 9th. Please come and join the CUC choir on Monday evenings for rehearsal in the sanctuary from 7:30-9:00PM under the skilled direction of Choir Conductor René Galvan and Music Director Matt Anderson. No tryouts, just bring your energy and enthusiasm, and join us as we explore a variety of music and learn how to do better than we ever thought possible. We sing once a month. Our first rehearsal will be on Monday, September 9th. The Board will be resuming the Congregational Conversation. Our first topic is The Board Goals for This Year as a result of the Board Retreat. Please join us after the service on September 22nd at noon. The Board will be resuming the Congregational Conversation. Our first topic is The Board Goals for This Year as a result of the Board Retreat. Please join us after the service on September 22nd at noon. The Board will be resuming the Congregational Conversation. Our first topic is The Board Goals for This Year as a result of the Board Retreat. Please join us after the service on September 22nd at noon. CUC’ S C IRCLE S UPPERS CUC’ S C IRCLE S UPPERS CUC’ S C IRCLE S UPPERS Join friends old and new for a CIRCLE SUPPER on Saturday, October 5, 2013. Circle Suppers are so called because they "circle around" to different members' homes and give members a chance to get to know one another better over a potluck meal. Groups of six to twelve adults gather on a weekend at member host homes. This is how friendships begin! Join friends old and new for a CIRCLE SUPPER on Saturday, October 5, 2013. Circle Suppers are so called because they "circle around" to different members' homes and give members a chance to get to know one another better over a potluck meal. Groups of six to twelve adults gather on a weekend at member host homes. This is how friendships begin! Join friends old and new for a CIRCLE SUPPER on Saturday, October 5, 2013. Circle Suppers are so called because they "circle around" to different members' homes and give members a chance to get to know one another better over a potluck meal. Groups of six to twelve adults gather on a weekend at member host homes. This is how friendships begin! Here’s how our Circle Suppers work: Sign-up sheets and a Circle Supper Coordinator is at the Church today, on September 15th & 22nd at the back of the Sanctuary. We’ll ask you for contact information, your hometown, personal driving restrictions and whether you are interested in hosting. After September 22nd the coordinators will email hosts and guests with the guest list for each location for October 5th. Hosts will then contact guests to set the start time and coordinate the menu. Hosts will be asked to be responsible for: Hosting a dinner at their home. (Please specify the maximum number of guests you can comfortably accommodate.) Providing beverages for the dinner. And coordinating the menu with your guests after you are emailed the guest list. You may ask guests with specific dietary requirements to bring an appropriate dish. Checking in with your Circle Supper Coordinator at least four days before your dinner to confirm that you have reached all of your guests or to request assistance. Guests will be expected to: Bring a potluck dish to the supper after consulting with the host on what is needed. Work with the host to cover any specific personal dietary requirements. Inform the host if unable to attend in the event of a last minute emergency. Here’s how our Circle Suppers work: Sign-up sheets and a Circle Supper Coordinator is at the Church today, on September 15th & 22nd at the back of the Sanctuary. We’ll ask you for contact information, your hometown, personal driving restrictions and whether you are interested in hosting. After September 22nd the coordinators will email hosts and guests with the guest list for each location for October 5th. Hosts will then contact guests to set the start time and coordinate the menu. Hosts will be asked to be responsible for: Hosting a dinner at their home. (Please specify the maximum number of guests you can comfortably accommodate.) Providing beverages for the dinner. And coordinating the menu with your guests after you are emailed the guest list. You may ask guests with specific dietary requirements to bring an appropriate dish. Checking in with your Circle Supper Coordinator at least four days before your dinner to confirm that you have reached all of your guests or to request assistance. Guests will be expected to: Bring a potluck dish to the supper after consulting with the host on what is needed. Work with the host to cover any specific personal dietary requirements. Inform the host if unable to attend in the event of a last minute emergency. Here’s how our Circle Suppers work: Sign-up sheets and a Circle Supper Coordinator is at the Church today, on September 15th & 22nd at the back of the Sanctuary. We’ll ask you for contact information, your hometown, personal driving restrictions and whether you are interested in hosting. After September 22nd the coordinators will email hosts and guests with the guest list for each location for October 5th. Hosts will then contact guests to set the start time and coordinate the menu. Hosts will be asked to be responsible for: Hosting a dinner at their home. (Please specify the maximum number of guests you can comfortably accommodate.) Providing beverages for the dinner. And coordinating the menu with your guests after you are emailed the guest list. You may ask guests with specific dietary requirements to bring an appropriate dish. Checking in with your Circle Supper Coordinator at least four days before your dinner to confirm that you have reached all of your guests or to request assistance. Guests will be expected to: Bring a potluck dish to the supper after consulting with the host on what is needed. Work with the host to cover any specific personal dietary requirements. Inform the host if unable to attend in the event of a last minute emergency. PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR THE OCTOBER CIRCLE SUPPERS EVEN IF YOU HAVE PARTICIPATED IN PREVIOUS CIRCLE SUPPERS. QUESTIONS? NEED TO REGISTER VIA EMAIL? CONTACT: April Elsasser ~ arelsasser@gmail.com ~ 201-461-3401 CUC E VENING B OOK G ROUP Join us for a new monthly book group discussion at CUC starting on Thursday, September 26, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at CUC. The title of the book is Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home by Rhoda Janzen, 2009. The aim of this group is to provide an opportunity to socialize with CUC members and friends while discussing a variety of titles, both fiction and non-fiction, chosen by book group participants. We will poll participants at the first meeting for scheduling preferences for future meetings. Questions? Contact: Gina Webb-Metz ~ 201-836-5519 ~ gwebbmetz@verizon.net OR Betty Buffington ~ 201-485-8369 ~ bettybuffington26@gmail.com H ELP WITH THE H OMELESS S HELTER On Tuesday, October 1st we will once again be hosting and feeding homeless families at Good Shepherd Church in Glen Rock. We are still looking for cooks to cook dinner for up to 20 people (guests and people from CUC) and two overnighters. If you can help out please contact Helen Brender at 201-569-2479 or helen925@aol.com. PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR THE OCTOBER CIRCLE SUPPERS EVEN IF YOU HAVE PARTICIPATED IN PREVIOUS CIRCLE SUPPERS. QUESTIONS? NEED TO REGISTER VIA EMAIL? CONTACT: April Elsasser ~ arelsasser@gmail.com ~ 201-461-3401 CUC E VENING B OOK G ROUP Join us for a new monthly book group discussion at CUC starting on Thursday, September 26, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at CUC. The title of the book is Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home by Rhoda Janzen, 2009. The aim of this group is to provide an opportunity to socialize with CUC members and friends while discussing a variety of titles, both fiction and non-fiction, chosen by book group participants. We will poll participants at the first meeting for scheduling preferences for future meetings. Questions? Contact: Gina Webb-Metz ~ 201-836-5519 ~ gwebbmetz@verizon.net OR Betty Buffington ~ 201-485-8369 ~ bettybuffington26@gmail.com H ELP WITH THE H OMELESS S HELTER On Tuesday, October 1st we will once again be hosting and feeding homeless families at Good Shepherd Church in Glen Rock. We are still looking for cooks to cook dinner for up to 20 people (guests and people from CUC) and two overnighters. If you can help out please contact Helen Brender at 201-569-2479 or helen925@aol.com. PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR THE OCTOBER CIRCLE SUPPERS EVEN IF YOU HAVE PARTICIPATED IN PREVIOUS CIRCLE SUPPERS. QUESTIONS? NEED TO REGISTER VIA EMAIL? CONTACT: April Elsasser ~ arelsasser@gmail.com ~ 201-461-3401 CUC E VENING B OOK G ROUP Join us for a new monthly book group discussion at CUC starting on Thursday, September 26, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at CUC. The title of the book is Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home by Rhoda Janzen, 2009. The aim of this group is to provide an opportunity to socialize with CUC members and friends while discussing a variety of titles, both fiction and non-fiction, chosen by book group participants. We will poll participants at the first meeting for scheduling preferences for future meetings. Questions? Contact: Gina Webb-Metz ~ 201-836-5519 ~ gwebbmetz@verizon.net OR Betty Buffington ~ 201-485-8369 ~ bettybuffington26@gmail.com H ELP WITH THE H OMELESS S HELTER On Tuesday, October 1st we will once again be hosting and feeding homeless families at Good Shepherd Church in Glen Rock. We are still looking for cooks to cook dinner for up to 20 people (guests and people from CUC) and two overnighters. If you can help out please contact Helen Brender at 201-569-2479 or helen925@aol.com.