A Strange Perspective – Preliminary Results from the STAR Detector at RHIC Helen Caines The Ohio State University Stony Brook – Nucl. Seminar STAR May 2001 The STAR Collaboration Brazil: Universidade de Sao Paolo Spokesperson: John Harris China: IHEP - Beijing, IPP - Wuhan U.S. Labs: Argonne, Berkeley, Brookhaven National Labs England: University of Birmingham France: Institut de Recherches Subatomiques Strasbourg, SUBATECH Nantes Germany: Max Planck Institute – Munich University of Frankfurt Poland: Warsaw University, Warsaw University of Technology STAR Russia: MEPHI – Moscow, LPP/LHE JINR–Dubna, IHEPProtvino Institutions: 36 Collaborators: 415 Students: ~50 Stony Brook 2001 U.S. Universities: Arkansas, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, Carnegie Mellon, Creighton, Indiana, Kent State, MSU, CCNY, Ohio State, Penn State, Purdue,Rice, Texas A&M, UT Austin, Washington, Wayne State, Yale Helen Caines STAR STRANGENESS!(Preliminary) L W-+ W + K f + K 0s L X + STAR XK* Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Introduction Chemical content – Yields When is Strangeness Produced – Flow – How much and when does it start? Resonances Chemical Freeze-out Ratios STAR Stony Brook 2001 Thermal Freeze-out – Radii and Inverse slopes Helen Caines Previous Strangeness Highlights WA97 Multi- Strange Particles appear to freeze out at a cooler temperature/ earlier or have less flow STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines The Phase Space Diagram TWO different phase transitions at work! Deconfinement transition – Particles roam freely over a large volume Chiral transition – Masses change Calculations show that these occur at approximately the same point Two sets of conditions: High Temperature High Baryon Density Lattice QCD calc. Predict: STAR Tc ~ 150-170 MeV ec ~ 0.5-0.7 GeV/fm Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines STAR Pertinent Facts Field: 0.25 T (Half Nominal value) (slightly worse resolution at higher p, lower pt acceptance) TPC: Inner Radius – 50cm (pt>75 MeV/c) Length – ± 200cm ( -1.5< h < 1.5) Events: ~300,000 “Central” Events –top 8% multiplicity ~160,000 “Min-bias” Events STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines The STAR Detector (Year-by-Year) Magnet Coils TPC Endcap & MWPC Time Projection Chamber Silicon Vertex Tracker * FTPCs (1 + 1) ZCal ZCal Endcap Calorimeter Barrel EM Calorimeter RICH Vertex Position Detectors Central Trigger Barrel + TOF patch * yr.1 SVT ladder • Year 2000, year 2001, year-by-year until 2003, STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines installation in 2003 Triggering/Centrality • “Minimum Bias” ~30K Events |Zvtx| < 200 cm ZDC East and West thresholds set to lower edge of single neutron peak. • “Central” CTB threshold set to upper 15% REQUIRE: Coincidence ZDC East and West REQUIRE: STAR Min. Bias + CTB over threshold Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Particle ID Techniques - dE/dx 12 dE/dx (keV/cm) dE/dx p 8 d K 4 e 0 dE/dx PID range: ~ 0.7 GeV/c for K/ ~ 1.0 GeV/c for K/p STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines High Pt K+ & K- Identification Via “Kinks” +/- n K+/STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Particle ID Techniques - Topology Decay vertices L Ks + + L p + L p + + Vo X- L + X+ L + + W L +KX+ “kinks”: K + n STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Finding V0s proton Primary vertex pion STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines In case you thought it was easy… Before STAR After Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Particle ID Techniques Combinatorics K* combine all K+ and - Combinatorics dn/dm Ks + + - f K+ + K- L p + - L p + + pairs (x 10-5) f from K+ K- pairs background subtracted m inv (GeV) m inv dn/dm K+ K- pairs same event dist. mixed event dist. Breit-Wigner fit Mass & width consistent w. PDG m inv STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Particle Freeze-out Conditions 3. freeze-out time Kinetic Freezeout: elastic scattering 2. hot / dense stops 1. formation Chemical Freezeout: inelastic scattering stops STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines _ p/p Ratio Ratio is flat as function of pt and y Slight fall with centrality Phys. Rev. Lett March 2001 Ratio = 0.65 ±0.03(stat) ±0.03(sys) STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Strange Baryon Ratios Reconstruct:_ ~0.84 L/ev, ~ 0.61 L/ev Reconstruct: _ ~0.006 X-/ev, ~0.005 X+/ev STAR Preliminary Ratio = 0.73 ± 0.03 (stat) STAR Ratio = 0.82 ± 0.08 (stat) Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Preliminary L/L Ratio Central events _ L/L= 0.73 0.03 (stat) |y|<0.5 STAR Ratio is flat as a function of pt and y Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Anti-baryon/Baryon Ratios versus s _ Baryon-pair production increases dramatically with s – still not baryon free _ _ _ _ _ _ STAR preliminary ¯ Ypbar Ypair 0.65 Yp Ypair + YTr Y pair 2 Y Tr Pair production is larger than baryon transport 2/3 of protons from pair production , yet pt dist. the same STAR Stony Brook of 2001 – Another indication thermalization Helen Caines L and L from mixed event Studies Good cross-check with _ L/L= 0.77 0.07 (stat) standard V0 analysis. Low pt measurement where there is no V0 analysis High efficiency (yields are ~10X V0 analysis yields) Background determined by mixed event The ratio is in agreement with “standard” analysis STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines K+/K- vs pt STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines K+/K- Ratio - Nch Kinks dE/dx •K+/K-= 1.08±0.01(stat.)± 0.06(sys.) (dE/dx). (The kink method is systematically higher.) •K+/K- constant over measured centrality. STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines K-/- Ratios STAR preliminary SP S STAR Stony Brook 2001 K-/- ratio is enhanced by almost a factor of 2 in central collisions when compared to peripheral collisions Helen Caines Simple Model Assume fireball passes through a deconfined state can estimate particle ratios by simple quark-counting models No free quarks so all quarks have to end up confined within a hadron L L X X ud s u s p * * uds u s p us s u s L uss u * s * L + uu d p D* p uud Predict ud s L D* L uds Predict u s K us D * - u s K us STAR D=1.12 D=1.12 Measure D=1.08± 0.08 System consistent with having a de-confined phase Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines _ K0* and K0* Identification First measurement in heavy ion collisions Short lifetime (ct =4fm) – sensitive to the evolution of the system? STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines K0*/h- Represents a 50% increase compared to K0*/ measured in pp at the ISR. Aim to measure in pp ourselves this year. STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Comparing to SPS K+/K-(kink) = 1.2 ± K+/K-(dE/dx) = 1.08 ±0.01 (stat.)± 0.06 (sys.) K-/- = 0.15 ± 0.02 (stat.) ¯K*/h- = 0.06 ± 0.006 (stat.)± 0.01 (sys.) K*/h- = 0.058 ± 0.006 (stat.)± 0.01 (sys.) = 0.6 0.02 (stat.) 0.06 (sys.) = 0.73 ± 0.03 (stat.) 0.82 ± 0.08 (stat.) ¯p/p STAR L̄/L X/X ¯ Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Particle Ratios and Chemical Content - N i g je E j j ji j= Quark Chemical Potential T = Temperature Ej – Energy required to add quark gj– Saturation factor Use ratios of particles to determine , Tch and saturation factor STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines T Chemical Fit Results Not a 4-yields fit! gs 1 2 1.4 Thermal fit to preliminary data: Tch (RHIC) = 0.19 GeV Tch (SPS) = 0.17 GeV q (RHIC) = 0.015 GeV << q (SPS) = 0.12-0.14 GeV s (RHIC) < 0.004 GeV s (SPS) STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Chemical Freeze-out early universe P. Braun-Munzinger, nucl-ex/0007021 Chemical Temperature Tch [MeV] 250 RHIC 200 quark-gluon plasma SPS 150 AGS Lattice QCD deconfinement chiral restauration thermal freeze-out 100 SIS hadron gas 50 neutron stars atomic nuclei 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Baryonic Potential B [MeV] STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines “Kink” Rapidity Distribution Mid-y K+ dN/dy = 35 ±3(stat.)±5(sys.) STAR Mid-y K- dN/dy = 30±2.5(stat.)±4(sys.) Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines “Kink” mt Distributions STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines K- Inverse Slope Results Kink dE/dx Increasing centrality h- mid rapidity dN/dh STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines mt slopes vs. Centrality mid-rapidity Tp = 565 MeV TK = 300 MeV T = 190 MeV • Increase with collision centrality • consistent with radial flow. STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Radial Flow: mt - slopes versus mass Naïve: T = Tfreeze-out + m r 2 where r = averaged flow velocity Increased radial flow at RHIC ßr (RHIC) = 0.6c Tfo (RHIC) = 0.1-0.12 GeV STAR ßr (SPS/AGS) = 0.4 - 0.5c Tfo (SPS/AGS) = 0.12-0.14 GeV Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines f Identification STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Radial Flow and the f Central collisions NA49 – 290 MeV NA50 – MeV STAR Doesn’t follow “radial flow systematics” early kinetic freezeout? Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines K0s-K0s Correlations •No coulomb repulsion •No 2 track resolution •Few distortions from resonances •K0s is not a strangeness eigenstate unique interference term that provides additional space-time information l = 0.7 ±0.5 R = 6.5 ± 2.3 K0s Correlation will become statistically meaningful once we have ~10M events STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines Conclusions • Mapping out “Soft Physics” Regime Net-baryon 0 at mid-rapidity! ( y = y0-ybeam ~ 5 ) Chemical parameters Chemical freeze-out appears to occur at same ~T as SPS Strangeness saturation similar to SPS Kinetic parameters Higher radial flow than at SPS Thermal freeze out same as at SPS f The f does not seem to flow with the other particles. Reduced rescattering for the kaons from f decay and/or f feels less flow STAR More than we ever runCaines !!! Stony hoped Brook 2001 for after the first Helen This Year – RICH,TOF Patch, SVT, FTPC RICH and TOF: Increase K identification in pt over a limited geometric acceptance Centered at mid-rapidity they provide complimentary pt coverage TOF patch 0.3< pt <1.5 GeV/c RICH 1.1 < pt < 3.0 GeV/c Overlaps with the TPC kink and dE/dx measurement kink pt < 5 GeV, dE/dx pt < 0.8 GeV SVT: Increased efficiency for all strange particles and resonaces due to improved tracking Should measure spectra for all particles this year. HBT with strange particles Exotica FTPC: Strange particles at high y STAR Stony Brook 2001 Helen Caines