
CSCE 431:
Some material from Bruegge, Dutoit, Meyer et al
How to deal with faults, erroneous states, and failures
Different kinds of testing
Testing strategies
Test automation
Unit testing
Mocks etc.
Estimating quality: Coverage
Using dataflow in testing
Mutation testing
Test management
Collaborative construction
Effectiveness of different quality assurance techniques
CSCE 431 Testing
Testing Truism
• Untested systems will not work
• Why?
• Requirements not correct
• Misunderstood requirements
• Coding errors
• Miscommunication
CSCE 431 Testing
Edsger W. Dijstra, in 1970
Program testing can be used to show the
presence of bugs, but never to show their
• It is impractical or impossible to exhaustively
test all possible executions of a program
• It is important to choose tests wisely
CSCE 431 Testing
Increasing System Reliability
• Fault avoidance
• Detect faults statically, without relying on executing any
system models
• Includes development methodologies, configuration
management, verification
• Fault detection
• Debugging, testing
• Controlled (and uncontrolled) experiments during
development process to identify erroneous states and their
underlying faults before system release
• Fault tolerance
• Assume that system can be released with faults and that
failures can be dealt with
• E.g., redundant subsystems, majority wins
• For a little extreme approach, see Martin Rinard:
Acceptability-Oriented Computing, Failure-Oblivious Computing
CSCE 431 Testing
Fault Avoidance and Detection
• Static Analysis
Hand execution: Reading the source code
Walk-Through (informal presentation to others)
Code Inspection (formal presentation to others)
Automated Tools checking for
• Syntactic and semantic errors
• Departure from coding standards
• Dynamic Analysis
• Black-box testing (Test the input/output behavior)
• White-box testing (Test the internal logic of the
subsystem or class)
• Data-structure based testing (Data types
determine test cases)
CSCE 431 Testing
test component
part of the system isolated for testing
test case
a set of inputs and expected results that exercises a test
component (with the purpose of causing failures or detecting
test stub
a partial implementation of a component on which a test
component depends
test driver
a partial implementation of a component that depends on a test
design or coding mistake that may cause abnormal behavior
erroneous state
manifestation of a fault during execution. Caused by one or more
faults and can lead to a failure
deviation between the observed and specified behavior
• When exact meaning not important, fault, failure, erroneous state
commonly called errors, defects, bugs
CSCE 431 Testing
How to deal with faults, erroneous states, and failures
Different kinds of testing
Testing strategies
Test automation
Unit testing
Mocks etc.
Estimating quality: Coverage
Using dataflow in testing
Mutation testing
Test management
Collaborative construction
Effectiveness of different quality assurance techniques
CSCE 431 Testing
What is This?
• A failure?
• An error?
• A fault?
• We need to describe specified
behavior first!
• Specification: “A track shall
support a moving train”
CSCE 431 Testing
Erroneous State (“Error”)
CSCE 431 Testing
• Possible algorithmic
fault: Compass
shows wrong
• Or: Wrong usage of
• Or: Communication
problems between
CSCE 431 Testing
Mechanical Fault
CSCE 431 Testing
Modular Redundancy
CSCE 431 Testing
Declaring the Bug as a Feature
CSCE 431 Testing
CSCE 431 Testing
CSCE 431 Testing
How to deal with faults, erroneous states, and failures
Different kinds of testing
Testing strategies
Test automation
Unit testing
Mocks etc.
Estimating quality: Coverage
Using dataflow in testing
Mutation testing
Test management
Collaborative construction
Effectiveness of different quality assurance techniques
CSCE 431 Testing
Typical Test Categorization
• Unit testing
• Integration testing
• System testing
• Reliability testing
• Stress testing
CSCE 431 Testing
Unit Testing
• Test each module individually
• Choose data based on knowing the source code
• “White-box” testing
• Desirable to try to cover all branches of a program
• Heuristics: choose input data
1. Well within acceptable input range
2. Well outside acceptable input range
3. At or near the boundary
• Usually performed by the programmer implementing
the module
• Purchases components should be unit tested too
• Goal: component or subsystem correctly implemented,
and carries out the intended functionality
CSCE 431 Testing
Integration Testing
• Testing collections of subsystems together
• Eventually testing the entire system
• Usually carried out by developers
• Goal: test interfaces between subsystems
• Integration testing can start early
• Stubs for modules that have not yet been
• Agile development ethos
CSCE 431 Testing
System Testing
• The entire system is tested
• Software and hardware together
• Black box methodology
• Robust testing
• Science of selecting test cases to maximize
• Carried out by developers, but likely a separate
testing group
• Goal: determine if the system meets its
requirements (functional and nonfunctional)
CSCE 431 Testing
Reliability Testing
• Run with same data repeatedly
• Finding timing problems
• Finding undesired consequences of changes
• Regression testing
• Fully automated test suites to run regression
test repeatedly
CSCE 431 Testing
Stress Testing
• How the system performs under stress
• More than maximum anticipated loads
• No load at all
• Load fluctuating from very high to very low
• How the system performs under exceptional
Longer than anticipated run times
Loss of a device, such as a disk, sensor
Exceeding (physical) resource limits (memory, files)
CSCE 431 Testing
Acceptance Testing
• Evaluates the system delivered by developers
• Carried out by/with the client
• May involve executing typical transactions on
site on a trial basis
• Goal: Enable the customer to decide whether
to accept a product
CSCE 431 Testing
Verification vs. Validation
• Validation: “Are you building the right thing?”
• Verification: “Are you building it right?”
• Acceptance testing about validation, other
testing about verification
CSCE 431 Testing
Another Test Categorization –
By Intent
• Regression testing
• Retest previously tested element after changes
• Goal is to assess whether changes have
(re)introduced faults
• Mutation testing
• Introduce faults to assess test quality
CSCE 431 Testing
Categorization by Process Phase
• Unit testing
• Implementation
• Integration testing
• Subsystem
• System testing
• System integration
• Acceptance testing
• Deployment
• Regression testing
• Maintenance
CSCE 431 Testing
How to deal with faults, erroneous states, and failures
Different kinds of testing
Testing strategies
Test automation
Unit testing
Mocks etc.
Estimating quality: Coverage
Using dataflow in testing
Mutation testing
Test management
Collaborative construction
Effectiveness of different quality assurance techniques
CSCE 431 Testing
Goal – Partition Testing
• Cannot test for all possible input data
• Idea: For each test, partition input data into equivalence classes,
such that:
• The test fails for all elements in the equivalence class; or
• The test succeeds for all elements in the equivalence class.
• If this succeeds:
• One input from each equivalence class suffices
• No way to know if partition is correct (likely not)
• Heuristics - could partition data like this:
Clearly good values
Clearly bad values
Values just inside the boundary
Values just outside the boundary
CSCE 431 Testing
Choosing Values From
Equivalence Classes
• Each Choice (EC):
• For every equivalence class c, at least one test
case must use a value from c
• All Combinations (AC):
• For every combination ec of equivalence classes, at
least one test case must use a set of values from ec
• Obviously more extensive, but may be unrealistic
• Think, e.g., testing a compiler (all combinations of all
CSCE 431 Testing
Example Partitioning
• Date-related program
• Month: 28, 29, 30, 31 days
• Year:
Standard non-leap
Special non-leap (x100)
Special leap (x400)
• Month-to-month transition
• Year-to-year transition
• Time zone/date line locations
• All combinations: some do not make sense
CSCE 431 Testing
About Partition Testing
• Applicable to all levels of testing
• unit, class, integration, system
• Black box
• Based only on input space, not the implementation
• A natural and attractive idea, applied by many
(most) testers
• No rigorous basis for assessing effectiveness, as
there is generally no way of being certain that
partition corresponds to reality
CSCE 431 Testing
How to deal with faults, erroneous states, and failures
Different kinds of testing
Testing strategies
Test automation
Unit testing
Mocks etc.
Estimating quality: Coverage
Using dataflow in testing
Mutation testing
Test management
Collaborative construction
Effectiveness of different quality assurance techniques
CSCE 431 Testing
Test Automation
• Testing is time consuming
• Should be automated as much as possible
• At a minimum, regression tests should be run
repeatedly and automatically
• Many tools exist to help
• E.g., automating test execution with “xUnit” tools
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XUnit
• It is possible to automate more than just test
CSCE 431 Testing
Test Automation
• Generation
• Test quality estimation
• Test inputs
• Selection of test data
• Test driver code
• Execution
• Running the test code
• Recovering from
• Coverage measures
• Other test quality
• Feedback to test data
• Management
• Save tests for
regression testing
• Evaluation
• Oracle: classify pass/no
• Other info about results
CSCE 431 Testing
Automated Widely
• Generation
• Test quality estimation
• Test inputs
• Selection of test data
• Test driver code
• Execution
• Running the test code
• Recovering from
• Coverage measures
• Other test quality
• Feedback to test data
• Management
• Save tests for
regression testing
• Evaluation
• Oracle: classify pass/no
• Other info about results
CSCE 431 Testing
Difficult to Automate
• Generation
• Test quality estimation
• Test inputs
• Selection of test data
• Test driver code
• Execution
• Running the test code
• Recovering from
• Coverage measures
• Other test quality
• Feedback to test data
• Management
• Save tests for
regression testing
• Evaluation
• Oracle: classify
pass/no pass
• Other info about results
CSCE 431 Testing
How to deal with faults, erroneous states, and failures
Different kinds of testing
Testing strategies
Test automation
Unit testing
Mocks etc.
Estimating quality: Coverage
Using dataflow in testing
Mutation testing
Test management
Collaborative construction
Effectiveness of different quality assurance techniques
CSCE 431 Testing
What to Unit Test?
• Mission critical: test or die
• Complex: test or suffer
• Everything non-trivial: test or waste time
• Everything trivial: test == waste of time
CSCE 431 Testing
Code Coverage Metrics
• Take a critical view
• E.g.: Java getters and setters usually trivial
• Not testing them results in low code coverage
metric (< 50%)
• But they can indicate poorly covered parts of
• Example: error handling
CSCE 431 Testing
• cppunit — C++
• JUnit — Java
• NUnit — .NET
• SUnit — Small Talk
• This was the first unit testing library
• pyUnit — Python
• vbUnit — Visual Basic
CSCE 431 Testing
How to deal with faults, erroneous states, and failures
Different kinds of testing
Testing strategies
Test automation
Unit testing
Mocks etc.
Estimating quality: Coverage
Using dataflow in testing
Mutation testing
Test management
Collaborative construction
Effectiveness of different quality assurance techniques
CSCE 431 Testing
Mock Objects
• Often (practically) impossible to include real objects,
those used in full application, into test cases
• To test code that depends on such objects, one often
uses mock objects instead
• Mock object simulates some part of the behavior of
another object, or objects
• Useful in situations where real objects
• Could provide non-deterministic data
• States of real objects are hard to reproduce (e.g. are result of
interactive use of software, erroneous cases)
• Functionality of real objects has not yet been implemented
• Real objects are slow to produce results
• Tear-up/tear-down requires lots of work and/or is time
CSCE 431 Testing
Knowing What is Being Tested
• Assume a failed test involves two classes/data
• Who to blame?
• One class’ defect can cause the other class to
• Essentially, this is not unit testing, but rather
integration testing
• “Mocking” one class makes it clear which class
to blame for failures
CSCE 431 Testing
Mocks and Assigning Blame in
Integration Testing
• Direct integration testing
• Code + database
• My code + your code
• Integration testing with mock objects
• Code + mock database
• My code + mock your code
• Mock my code + your code
• Mocks help to make it clear what the system under test (SUT) is
CSCE 431 Testing
Mocks and Assigning Blame in
Integration Testing
• Direct integration testing blame assignment unclear
• Code + database
• My code + your code
• Integration testing with mock objects blame assignment clear
• Code + mock database
• My code + mock your code
• Mock my code + your code
• Mocks help to make it clear what the system under test (SUT) is
• As with scientific experiments, only change the variable being
measured, control others
CSCE 431 Testing
Dummy object
Passed around, never used. Used for filling
parameter lists, etc.
Fake object
A working implementation, but somehow
simplified, e.g., uses an in-memory database
instead of a real one
Provides canned answers to calls made
during a test, but cannot respond to anything
outside what it is programmed for
Mock object
Mimic some of the behavior of the real object,
for example, dealing with sequences of calls
• The definitions are a bit overlapping and ambiguous, but the
terms are being used, and it is good to know their meaning,
even if imprecise
CSCE 431 Testing
How to deal with faults, erroneous states, and failures
Different kinds of testing
Testing strategies
Test automation
Unit testing
Mocks etc.
Estimating quality: Coverage
Using dataflow in testing
Mutation testing
Test management
Collaborative construction
Effectiveness of different quality assurance techniques
CSCE 431 Testing
White Box Testing
• White box – you know what is inside, i.e. the code
• Idea
• To assess the effectiveness of a test suite, measure how much
of the program it exercises
• Concretely
• Choose a kind of program element, e.g., instructions
(instruction coverage) or paths (path coverage)
• Count how many are executed at least once
• Report as percentage
• A test suite that achieves 100% coverage achieves the
chosen criterion. Example:
• “This test suite achieves instruction coverage for routine r ”
• Means that for every instruction i in r, at least one test executes i
CSCE 431 Testing
Coverage Criteria
• Instruction (or statement) coverage
• Measure instructions executed
• Disadvantage: insensitive to some control structures
• Branch coverage
• Measure conditionals whose paths are both/all executed
• Condition coverage
• How many atomic Boolean expressions evaluate to both
true and false
• Path coverage
• How many of the possible paths are taken
• path == sequence of branches from routine entry to exit
CSCE 431 Testing
Using Coverage Measures to
Improve Test Suite
• Coverage-guided test suite improvement
1. Perform coverage analysis for a given criterion
2. If coverage < 100%, find unexercised code sections
3. Create additional test cases to cover them
• Process can be aided by a coverage analysis tool
1. Instrument source code by inserting trace instructions
2. Run instrumented code, yielding a trace file
3. From the trace file, analyzer produces coverage report
• Many tools available for many languages
• E.g. PureCoverage, SoftwareVerify, BullseyeCoverage,
xCover, govc, cppunit
CSCE 431 Testing
Example: Source Code
class ACCOUNT feature
balance: INTEGER
withdraw(sum: INTEGER)
if balance >= sum then
balance := balance – sum
if balance = 0 then
io.put_string(“Account empty%N”)
io.put_string(“Less than “
io.put_string(“ $ in account%N)
CSCE 431 Testing
Instruction Coverage
class ACCOUNT feature
balance: INTEGER
withdraw(sum: INTEGER)
if balance >= sum then
balance := balance – sum
if balance = 0 then
io.put_string(“Account empty%N”)
io.put_string(“Less than “
io.put_string(“ $ in account%N)
-- TC1:
create a
-- TC2:
create a
CSCE 431 Testing
Condition and Path Coverage
class ACCOUNT feature
balance: INTEGER
withdraw(sum: INTEGER)
if balance >= sum then
balance := balance – sum
if balance = 0 then
io.put_string(“Account empty%N”)
io.put_string(“Less than “
io.put_string(“ $ in account%N)
-- TC1:
create a
-- TC2:
create a
create a
CSCE 431 Testing
How to deal with faults, erroneous states, and failures
Different kinds of testing
Testing strategies
Test automation
Unit testing
Mocks etc.
Estimating quality: Coverage
Using dataflow in testing
Mutation testing
Test management
Collaborative construction
Effectiveness of different quality assurance techniques
CSCE 431 Testing
Dataflow Oriented Testing
• Focuses on how variables are defined,
modified, and accessed throughout the run of
the program
• Goal
• Execute certain paths between a definition of a
variable in the code and certain uses of that
CSCE 431 Testing
Instruction coverage: all nodes in the control flow graph
Branch coverage: all edges in the control flow graph
Neither tests interactions
Could use path coverage, but it often leads to
impractical number of test cases
• Only a few paths uncover additional faults
• Need to distinguish “important” paths
• Intuition: statements interact through dataflow
• Value computed in one statement, used in another
• Faulty value in a variable revealed only when it is used, other
paths can be ignored
CSCE 431 Testing
Access Related Defect Candidates
• Dataflow information also helps to find
suspicious access related issues
• Variable defined but never used/referenced
• Variable used but never defined/initialized
• Variable defined twice before use
• Many of these defected by static analysis tools
• E.g. PCLint, Coverity, Klocwork, CodeSonar,
CSCE 431 Testing
Kinds of Accesses to a Variable
• Definition (def) - changing the value of a variable
• Initialization, assignment
• Use - reading the value of a variable (without changing)
• Computational use (c-use)
• Use variable for computation
• Predicative use (p-use):
• Use variable in a predicate
• Kill - any operation that causes the variable to be
deallocated, undefined, no longer usable
• Examples
a = b * c
if (x > 0)...
c-use of b; c-use of c; def of a
p-use of x
CSCE 431 Testing
Characterizing Paths in a
Dataflow Graph
• For a path or sub-path p and a variable v:
• def-clear for v
• No definition of v occurs in p
• DU-path for v
• p starts with a definition of v
• Except for this first node, p is def-clear for v
• v encounters either a c-use in the last node or a p-use
along the last edge of p
CSCE 431 Testing
Example: Control Flow Graph
for withdraw
class ACCOUNT feature
balance: INTEGER
withdraw(sum: INTEGER)
if balance >= sum then
balance := balance – sum
if balance = 0 then
io.put_string(“Account empty%N”)
io.put_string(“Less than “
io.put_string(“ $ in account%N)
CSCE 431 Testing
Data Flow Graph for sum in
CSCE 431 Testing
Data Flow Graph for balance
in withdraw
CSCE 431 Testing
Some Coverage Criteria
execute at least one def-clear sub-path
between every definition of every
variable and at least one reachable use
of that variable
execute at least one def-clear sub-path
from every definition of every variable to
every reachable p-use of that variable
execute at least one def-clear sub-path
from every definition of every variable to
every reachable c-use of the respective
CSCE 431 Testing
Some Coverage Criteria
all-c-uses/some-p-uses apply all-c-uses; then if any
definition of a variable is not
covered, use p-use
all-p-uses/some-c-uses symmetrical to all-c-uses/
execute at least one def-clear
sub-path from every definition
of every variable to every
reachable use of that variable
CSCE 431 Testing
Dataflow Coverage Criteria for sum
• all-defs - execute at least one
def-clear sub-path between
every definition of every variable
and at least one reachable use
of that variable
• all-p-uses - execute at least one
def-clear sub-path from every
definition of every variable to
every reachable p-use of that
• all-c-uses - execute at least one
def-clear sub-path from every
definition of every variable to
every reachable c-use of the
respective variable
(0,1,2); (0.1,2,3,4); (0,1,5)
CSCE 431 Testing
Dataflow Coverage Criteria for sum
• all-c-uses/some-p-uses - apply
all-c-uses; then if any definition
of a variable is not covered, use
(0,1,2); (0,1,2,3,4); (0,1,5)
• all-p-uses/some-c-uses symmetrical to all-c-uses/ somep-uses
• all-uses - execute at least one
def-clear sub-path from every
definition of every variable to
every reachable use of that
(0,1); (0,1,2); (0,1,2,3,4); (0,1,5)
CSCE 431 Testing
Subsumption of Dataflow
Coverage Criteria
CSCE 431 Testing
How to deal with faults, erroneous states, and failures
Different kinds of testing
Testing strategies
Test automation
Unit testing
Mocks etc.
Estimating quality: Coverage
Using dataflow in testing
Mutation testing
Test management
Collaborative construction
Effectiveness of different quality assurance techniques
CSCE 431 Testing
Who Tests the Tester?
• All tests pass. Is the software really that good?
• How does one know?
• Is the software perfect or is the coverage too
• Test the tests
• Intentionally introduce defects
• If tests find the defects, test suite good
• If no bugs are found, test suite insufficient
• Have to plan defect types and locations
• Random?
• Weight based on code criticality?
• Amount of coverage?
CSCE 431 Testing
Fault Injection Terminology
• Faulty versions of the program = mutants
• Only versions not equivalent to the original program
are considered to be mutants (even though the
original program was faulty)
• A mutant is
• Killed if at least one test case detects the injected
• What if injected fault is missed, but causes test to detect
previously undetected fault in original code?
• Alive otherwise
• A mutation score (MS) is associated to the test
set to measure its effectiveness
CSCE 431 Testing
Mutation Operators
• Mutation operator
• A rule that specifies a syntactic variation of the
program text so that the modified program still
• Maybe also require that it pass static analysis
• A mutant is the result of an application of a
mutation operator
• The quality of the mutation operators
determines the quality of the mutation testing
CSCE 431 Testing
Mutant Examples
• Original program
if (a < b)
b = b – a;
b = 0;
• Mutants
if (a
if (a
if (a
if (c
b =
b =
b =
b =
b =
a =
CSCE 431 Testing
< b)
<= b)
> b)
< b)
b - a;
b + a;
x - a;
Example Mutant Operators
Replace arithmetic operator by another
Replace relational operator by another
Replace logical operator by another
Replace a variable by another
Replace a variable (in use position) by a constant
Replace number by absolute value
Replace a constant by another
Replace while(...)\{...\} by do \{...\}
• Replace condition of test by the test’s negation
• Replace call to a routine by a call to another routine
• Language-specific operators: OO, AOP
CSCE 431 Testing
Test Quality Measures
S - system composed of n components denoted Ci
di - number of killed mutants after applying Ci ’s unit test sequence Ti to Ci
mi - total number of mutants of component Ci
Mutation score MS for Ci and its unit test sequence Ti
𝑀𝑆 𝐢𝑖 , 𝑇𝑖 =
• Test quality TQ is defined as MS
• System Test Quality
𝑖=1,𝑛 𝑑𝑖
𝑖=1,𝑛 π‘šπ‘–
• STQ is a measure of the quality of the entire test suite for the entire
CSCE 431 Testing
How to deal with faults, erroneous states, and failures
Different kinds of testing
Testing strategies
Test automation
Unit testing
Mocks etc.
Estimating quality: Coverage
Using dataflow in testing
Mutation testing
Test management
Collaborative construction
Effectiveness of different quality assurance techniques
CSCE 431 Testing
Testing Strategy
• Defining the process
• Test plan
• Input and output documents
• Who is testing?
• Developers / special testing teams / customer
• What test levels are needed?
• Unit, integration, system, acceptance, regression
• Order of tests?
• Top-down, bottom-up, combination (pertains to integration
• Running the tests
• Manually
• Use of tools
• Automatically
CSCE 431 Testing
Who Tests?
• Any significant project should have a separate QA
• Avoids self-delusion
• QA requires a skill-set of its own
• Unit tests
• Developers
• Integration tests
• Developers or QA team
• System test
• QA team
• Acceptance test
• Customer + QA team
CSCE 431 Testing
Testing Personnel
• Developing test requires
Detailed understanding of the system
Application and solution domain knowledge
Knowledge of the testing techniques
Skill to apply these techniques
• Testing is done best by independent testers
• We often develop a certain mental attitude that the
program should behave in a certain way when in fact it
does not
• Developers often stick to the data set with which the
program works
• Often the case that every new user uncovers a new class of
CSCE 431 Testing
Test Report Classification,
• Defined in advance
• Applied to every reported failure
• Analyzes each failure to determine whether it
reflects a fault, and if so, how damaging
• Example classification:
not a fault
CSCE 431 Testing
Test Report Classification,
• When a defect report finds its way around in the
bug database, its status changes reflecting the
state of the defect and its repairs
• For example:
CSCE 431 Testing
Example Responsibility
• Who runs each kind of test?
• Who is responsible for assigning severity and
• What is the procedure for disputing such an
• What are the consequences on the project of a
defect at each severity level?
• E.g. “the product shall be accepted when two
successive rounds of testing, at least one week
apart, have evidenced fewer than m serious faults
and no blocking faults”
CSCE 431 Testing
IEEE is Your Friend
• IEEE 829-2008
• Standard for Software and System Test
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_829
CSCE 431 Testing
Many Issue Tracking Systems
• Pick one and use it
• Example: Traq
• See Kode Vicious column comments on the
shortcomings of bug tracking systems
CSCE 431 Testing
Traq System (1)
CSCE 431 Testing
Traq System (2)
CSCE 431 Testing
When to Stop Testing?
• Complete testing is infeasible
• One needs a correctness proof (usually not
• Nevertheless, at some point, software testing
has to be stopped and the product shipped
• The stopping time can be decided by the trade-off
between time and budget
• Or testing can be stopped if an agreed-upon
reliability estimate meets a set requirement
• Set based on experience from earlier projects/releases
• Requires accurate record keeping of defects
CSCE 431 Testing
Full-Employment Theorem for
Software Testing Researchers
• The Pesticide Paradox:
• “Every method you use to prevent or find bugs leaves a
residue of subtler bugs against which those methods are
• Unlike real bugs, software bugs immune to current
testing methodologies do not evolve and multiply
• Instead, “killing” the “easy bugs,” allows the software to
grow with more features and more complexity, creating
new possibilities of these subtle defects to manifest
themselves as failures
• Therefore, the need for new software testing
technologies is guaranteed ad infinitum :)
Boris Beizer, Software Testing Techniques, 2nd edition, 1990
CSCE 431 Testing
How to deal with faults, erroneous states, and failures
Different kinds of testing
Testing strategies
Test automation
Unit testing
Mocks etc.
Estimating quality: Coverage
Using dataflow in testing
Mutation testing
Test management
Collaborative construction
Effectiveness of different quality assurance techniques
CSCE 431 Testing
Defects Can Be Found By
Inspecting Code
• Formal inspections
• Walkthroughs
• Code reading
• Pair programming
• All of these techniques have a collaborative
• More than one pair of eyes staring at the code
CSCE 431 Testing
Collaborative Construction
• Working on code development in close
cooperation with others
• Motivation
• Developers do not notice their own errors very
• Others will not have the same blind spots
• Thus, errors caught more easily by other people
• Takes place during construction process
• E.g. pair programming
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pair_programming
CSCE 431 Testing
• Can be more effective at finding errors than testing alone
• 35% errors found through low-volume beta testing
• 55-60% errors found by design/code inspection
• Finds errors earlier in process
• Reduces time and cost of fixing them
• Provides mentoring opportunity
• Junior programmers learn from more senior programmers
• Creates collaborative ownership
• No single “owner” of code
• People can leave team more easily, since others have seen
• Wider pool of people to draw from when fixing later errors in
CSCE 431 Testing
Code Reviews
• Method shown to be effective in finding errors
• Ratio of time spent in review vs. later testing and error
• Ranges from 1:20 to 1:100
• Reduced defect correction from 40% of budget to 20%
• Maintenance costs of inspected code is 10% of noninspected code
• Changes done with review: 95% correct vs. 20% w/o
• Reviews cut errors by 20% to 80%
• Several others (examples from Code Complete)
CSCE 431 Testing
Reviews vs. Testing
Finds different types of problems than testing
Unclear error messages
Bad commenting
Hard-coded variable names
Repeated code patterns
Only high-volume beta testing (and prototyping)
find more errors than formal inspections
• Inspections typically take 10-15% of budget, but
usually reduce overall project cost
• Reviews can provide input to test plan
CSCE 431 Testing
Example Method: Formal
Inspection, Some Rules
• Focus on detection, not correction
• Reviewers prepare ahead of time and arrive
with a list of what they have discovered
• Code reviews aren’t to sit and read code
• No meeting unless everyone is prepared
• Distinct roles assigned to participants
• No deviation from roles during review
• Data is collected and fed into future reviews
• Checklists focus reviewers’ attention to
common past problems
CSCE 431 Testing
• Moderator
• Keep review moving, handle details.
• Technically competent
• Author
• Minor role, design/code should speak for itself
• Reviewer(s)
• Focus on code, not author
• Find errors prior and during the meeting
• Scribe
• Record keeper, not moderator, not author
• Management
• Not involved
• 3 people min
• ˜6 people max
CSCE 431 Testing
• Overview
• Authors might give overview to reviewers to familiarize them
• Separate from review meeting
• Preparation
• Reviewers work alone to scrutinize code for errors
• Review rate of 100–500 lines per hour for typical code
• Reviewer’s can be assign perspectives
• API client view, user’s view, etc.
• Inspection meeting
• Reviewer paraphrases code
• Explains design and logic
Moderator keeps focus
Scribe records defects when found
No discussion on solutions
No more than 1 meeting per day, max 2 hours
• Possibly “Third hour meeting”
• Outline solutions
CSCE 431 Testing
How to deal with faults, erroneous states, and failures
Different kinds of testing
Testing strategies
Test automation
Unit testing
Mocks etc.
Estimating quality: Coverage
Using dataflow in testing
Mutation testing
Test management
Collaborative construction
Effectiveness of different quality assurance techniques
CSCE 431 Testing
Different Methods Catch
Different Defects
CSCE 431 Testing
• No technique >75%
• Average ~40%
• Human inspection seems more effective
• Code reading detected 80% more faults per
(human) hour than testing
• However, testing catches different kinds of bugs, so
still worthwhile
• V. Basili, R Selby, “Comparing the Effectiveness of Software Testing
Strategies”, IEEE Trans. SE, vol. SE-13, no. 12, Dec. 1987, pp. 1278-1296
CSCE 431 Testing
How Many Defects Are There?
• Industry average: 1-25 errors per 1000 LOC for
delivered software
• Microsoft’s application division: ~10-20 defects /
1kLOC during in-house testing, 0.5 / 1 kLOC in a
released product (Moore 1992)
• Code inspections, testing, collaborative development
• Space shuttle software
• 0 defects / 500 kLOC
• Formal systems, peer reviews, statistical testing
• Humphrey’s Team Software Process
• 0.06 defects / 1 kLOC (Weber 2003)
• Process focuses on not creating bugs to begin with
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_software_process
CSCE 431 Testing
How to deal with faults, erroneous states, and failures
Different kinds of testing
Testing strategies
Test automation
Unit testing
Mocks etc.
Estimating quality: Coverage
Using dataflow in testing
Mutation testing
Test management
Collaborative construction
Effectiveness of different quality assurance techniques
CSCE 431 Testing
• Paul Amman and Jeff Offutt, Introduction to
Software Testing, Cambridge University Press,
• Boris Beizer, Software Testing Techniques, 2nd
edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990
• Steve McConnell, Code Complete, 2nd edition,
Microsoft Press, 2004, Chapter 20-23
CSCE 431 Testing