
By: Sarah R, Adam S,
Dan F, Casey G
 What are the ancient origins of your nation?
 Egypt was influenced by east. They have very rich soil which
makes it easier to grow crops.
 What Steps were taken to form the Nation ?
 The rich soil they had attracted people which helped them a
lot. As people started farming they started to become more
 How have the events of the modern world affected the
 They were taken over by Britain and became there main
defense. They couldn’t become allies with Germany because
the British wouldn’t allow it.
 Ethnic groups 99.6 % Egyptian.
 Gender Roles Male- responsible for food production, crafts, defense of state and
work relating to the temples.
 Men wear Galabayyas.
 Female- restricted to house, raising the children, producing cloths,
cooking food.
 Women wore caftans.
 Education
71.5 % can real (15<age)
Urban population- 48%
Urbanization- 1.8%
Because of rural economies farmers are forced to move to Cairo and
urban areas.
Galabayyas are the traditional
clothing for working men in
Egypt. They are simple and
immensely practical.
Consisting of little more than
a floor length tube of cotton
material with sleeves,
galabayyas allow for modesty
but at the same time give
plenty of circulation. They are
good for work clothing since
they are easily washed, and, if
desired, can be put over nicer
clothes to protect them from
getting dirty.
 Culture:
 Ancient Egyptians left well reserved wall paintings and
carvings that have been discovered on tombs and
 Food:
 Peas, beans, cucumbers, pigs, grapes, fish and poultry
are also popular in these times.
 Language:
 Back then they used to hieroglyphics which consists of
symbols, you read them in columns. mostly speak
 Monuments:
 Many monuments would be pyramids like the pyramid
of Giza and the sphynx. And tombs that came from
ancient pharaohs. The pyramids of Giza are one of the 7
wonders of the world.
 The unique thing about Egypt is that the Egyptians
made significant monumental places with very little
technology using “old school” tools levers and pulleys.
 Climate Desert land, with hot and dry summers and moderate
 Resources Petroleum, iron, ore phosphate , manganese , limestone,
gypsum talc, asbestos, lead and zinc.
 Boarder Conditions The Palestinian are continuing to cross into the boarder called the Gaza
strip of Egypt and they are getting mad about it, but they are agreeing to let
them continue this if it helps them stock up on supplies.
 The Gaza strip is roughly 4.7 miles long and the Egyptian side is patrolled
by 750 soldiers.
 Topography –
 The Nile valley and delta: It extends from north of the
valley to the Mediterranean Sea and is divided into
Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. The Nile River
 The Western Desert: It extends from the Nile Valley in
the East to the Libyan borders in the west, and from the
Mediterranean in the north to Egypt's Southern borders.
 The Eastern Desert: Extends from the Nile Valley in the
West to the Red Sea, Suez Gulf, and Suez Canal in the
East, and from Lake Manzala on the Mediterranean in
the North to Egypt's southern borders.
Flag of
Red- period before
1952 Revolution which
brought a group of
army officers to power
after deposing King
Farouk, then King of
White- the advent of
the 1952 Revolution
which ended the
monarchy without
Black- end of the
oppression of the
people of Egypt .
 GDP 158.3 billion
 GDP per capita $ 5,400
 Natural resources Coal, iron, ore, petroleum, natural gas, manganese ,
limestone, gypsum talc, asbestos, lead and zinc.
 Industries textiles, food processing, tourism, chemicals,
pharmaceuticals, hydrocarbons, construction, cement,
metals, light manufactures.
 Poverty Level Around 20% of Egypt's population is under the poverty
 Religious groups Muslim- 90%, Coptic- 9%, Christian- 1%
 Religious Festivals Ramadan- ninth month of the Islamic calendar and the
most important month in the Islamic Calendar for
Muslims, the majority religion in Egypt.
 Eid-Al-Adha- This holiday celebrates the sacrifice made
by Abraham when Allah told him to sacrifice his only
son Ishmael. It takes place on the 10th and last day of the
 Connection to the government Because they are a republic, meaning the people decide
what goes on. Also the Muslims have a open feeling
about there religion. Which mean they will be more
appt to speak out about the government decisions.
 What is Egypt's form of government?
 Republic.
 Government vs. Religion
 The religious holidays and values effect the
government’s decisions on certain laws and work
 Does religion effect international relations?
 The Gaza Strip is a coastal strip of land along the
Mediterranean Sea.
 Lately there have been many problems between Egypt
and the Gaza strip. Smuggling food and goods
between the boarder.
 Video : Of smuggling through the boarder and the
Gaza strip.
 Pressing issues Children are living on the
street and are living a
unhealthy life. They are
deprived of basic needs,
protection, guidance and
supervision. On the street they
are exposed to toxic substances
which come from their food
and environment.
Egyptians want Obama to
address human rights in Egypt.
They want him to talk about
freedom of speech and freedom
to dress. Even though they want
him this to happen they don't
want him to look down on the
Muslim world.
 Egypt." CIA world fact book. 14 may. 4 Jun 2009
 "Ancient Egypt." Egypt. 4 Jun 2009
 "Ancient Egypt." ancient Egypt. 16 jan. 4 Jun 2009
 "Hieroglyphics." egyptian hieroglyphics. 16 jan. 4 Jun
2009 <>.