Midland Park Board of Recreation Meeting Minutes 4/6/15 Rec. Bd. Members Present: Jerry Ioannone, Ron Sgambati, John Meeks, Bob Sansone, John Reilly, Marianne Vannelli Rec. Coordinator, Kathy LaMonte, present Town Council Liaison, Mark Braunius, present Board of Ed. Liaison, Brian McCourt, present Public in attendance: Jack Romano from the Lions Club, Carl Krag Call to order: Jerry Ioannone called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. Approval of Minutes: Bob Sansone motioned to approve the 3/2/15 minutes, John Reilly seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Correspondence: John Meeks received a text from Mike Gerald regarding how excellent the Rec. Center is being run by Kathy LaMonte. Jack Romano, the MP Lions Club president, asked to speak with the Rec. Bd. about the possibility of starting a LEO Club (which is a community based club). The LEO Club would be using the Rec. Barn for some of their meetings, obviously with prior approval. The LEO Club is a leadership, experience and opportunity based organization for children between 12 and 18 years old. The club promotes Community Service. The experience can help children build confidence, leadership abilities, etc. There is no cost as the Lions Club pays for the charter. The Insurance Coverage was provided to the town for review. The club would need at least 20 students to start. The Rec. Bd. unanimously agreed it would be a great edition to Midland Park and it’s children. The Lions Club will need to set up an initial meeting to explain the organization and for sign ups. Sports Liaisons Baseball – per Bob Sansone there has been a number of times that the monthly meeting has been cancelled or changed without proper notice. The last scheduled meeting Bob Sansone showed up and no one was there; Bob then called Kyle Kuhnel, pres. to ask him to attend the meeting at the barn. There were no financials to report, which has been since 12/16/14. Kyle expressed a concern regarding the dwindling number of registrations in all age groups. There could be many reasons for this – increase in lacrosse teams, all year soccer. There was mention of the younger baseball teams not wanting to play Rec. as well as Travel. It was explained that the Rec. program would suffer too much if Travel didn’t play as well as the monies received for Rec. subsidize the Travel program. It was made clear that both are to be played up until the children are in the Middle School program. Kyle suggested getting all sports organizations together to discuss the dwindling numbers and try to come up with ideas to increase participation. There are 19 coaches that needed background checks, Rutgers card, etc. turned in to Kathy LaMonte prior to them taking the field. Kathy LaMonte is holding a Rutgers course next week and an umpire training class Sunday. 4/18 is the opening day parade A suggestion was made to hold a special meeting with all organizations once the Rec. Bd. is aware of the time frame for the Dairy St. construction. Softball – Per Brian McCourt they used Field a Team last season for registration and other capabilities and there were some kinks that needed to be taken care of by Mike Herlihy. Brian McCourt will ask the town to help with the field. Brian also asked landscaper, Ed Bell, to assist with getting the field ready. Brian McCourt is waiting for the baseball scheduling to be finalized as he can change some games from Tues/Thurs. to Mon/Wed. Football – Per Ron Sgambati there was a 3/9/15 meeting he did not attend. Kathy LaMonte did receive the minutes. Soccer – per John Reilly, who attended the 3/9/15 meeting, they have $34,454 in their account. They have not heard anything from Anthony Ascencio regarding the 501c3 or taxes. Registration is about to begin. The Code of Conduct and Incident Report was gone over by the board. Carl Krag, was contacted by the school (BOE) requesting that the soccer shed be moved. The school is rebuilding their shed and they need the space. Apparently the Soccer Assoc. will be reimbursed for moving the shed. Basketball – John Torry was not present Wrestling – no report Rec. Coordinator – Kathy LaMonte Summer Camp Registration has begun Winter Hours worked out wonderfully. The spring and summer hours will be changed based on usage and availability of staff. The hours for April are 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., it will then be decided if they are changing in May. Pre-K dance class has started Chef-it-up cooking class will start in May for K thru 5th graders Art and Science camp will be available after the Rec. Summer camp is over. Town Council Liaison – Mark Braunius The Town is expecting bid proposals this week to review. Mark will contact the Bd. of Rec. to meet prior to finalizing the approval. It was suggested that bumper pads be put on the wall that will be constructed for the safety of the football and baseball players. They are working on getting prices for the bumpers and DPW will be installing them. Board of Education – Brian McCourt Carl Krag asked Brian McCourt about the usage of the Sunset field for the Continuing Educ. Giants Camp in the middle of July. Carl advised that the usage of the field would do too much damage. It was also mentioned that the Varsity field should not be over used as it will also to too much damage. Old Business – Ron Sgambati attended the baseball meeting and was asking the Bd. of Rec. if it was ok for the Baseball Assoc. to use older children (5th grade and up) to help out with running Clinic. This was brought up before and Okayed as long as they are in 5th grade or up, wear their uniform, per Mark Braunius. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.