Table of Contents Topicality ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Definitions: Above................................................................................................................................. 7 Ought: Stock Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 8 Ought implies Consequentialism .......................................................................................................... 9 Ought implies Contractarionism ......................................................................................................... 10 Ought Implies Kantian Ethics .............................................................................................................. 11 Ought Implies Naturalism (Meta Ethics) ............................................................................................. 12 Ought implies Rights ........................................................................................................................... 13 Definition of Pursuit ............................................................................................................................ 14 Definition of “Security Threat” ........................................................................................................... 15 “National Security” is Resisting Hostile Action ................................................................................... 16 National Security is Cybersecurity, terrorism, and nuclear weapons ................................................. 17 National Security includes Human Trafficking .................................................................................... 18 “Digital Privacy” .................................................................................................................................. 19 Citizens ................................................................................................................................................ 20 Aff ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 National Security ..................................................................................................................................... 22 National Security Does Not Outweigh Privacy .................................................................................... 23 Privacy ..................................................................................................................................................... 24 No Right to Privacy-Constitution......................................................................................................... 25 Limits In Place Prevent Loss of Digital Privacy .................................................................................... 26 Terrorism................................................................................................................................................. 27 Digital Surveillance Stops Inevitable Terrorist Attack ........................................................................ 28 Digital Surveillance Key to Stopping Al Qaeda .................................................................................... 29 Digital Surveillance Solves Terrorism (1/2) ......................................................................................... 30 Digital Surveillance Solves Terrorism (2/2) ......................................................................................... 31 Preventing Terrorism Necessitates Domestic Spying ......................................................................... 32 Terrorists Use the Internet to Plan Attacks (1/2)................................................................................ 33 Terrorists Use the Internet to Plan Attacks (2/2)................................................................................ 35 The Internet is Key to Terrorist Communication ................................................................................ 36 Internet Key to Terrorist Funding ....................................................................................................... 37 Internet Key to Terrorist Education .................................................................................................... 38 Terrorist Attack Coming ...................................................................................................................... 39 A2: Terrorists Are Not Tech Savvy ...................................................................................................... 40 A2: Digital Surveillance of Terrorists Outside of US ............................................................................ 41 Cyberattacks ........................................................................................................................................... 42 US Is Vulnerable to Cyberattacks ....................................................................................................... 43 Cyberattack Impacts: Laundry List ...................................................................................................... 44 Cyberattack Impacts: Terrorists are a Threat ..................................................................................... 45 Cyberattack Impacts: North Korea Is a Threat .................................................................................... 46 Cyberattack Impacts: Iran Is a Threat ................................................................................................. 47 Cyberattack Impact: US Retaliation .................................................................................................... 48 Cyberattack Impacts: Harms National Security .................................................................................. 49 Cyberattack Impacts: Economy........................................................................................................... 50 Cyberattack Impacts: Infrastructure ................................................................................................... 51 Cyberattack Impacts: Mass Death ...................................................................................................... 53 Cyberattack Impacts: Mass Death ...................................................................................................... 54 Cyberattack Impact: Prevents Retaliation .......................................................................................... 55 A2: Cannot Stop Cyberattack .............................................................................................................. 56 Hackers.................................................................................................................................................... 57 Hackers Destroy Privacy ...................................................................................................................... 58 A2: Hacktivism Good ........................................................................................................................... 59 Prism ....................................................................................................................................................... 60 Espionage ................................................................................................................................................ 62 Espionage-Russia................................................................................................................................. 63 Espionage-China.................................................................................................................................. 64 China Espionage Impact: Innovation .................................................................................................. 66 China Espionage Impact-Media .......................................................................................................... 68 Espionage-Iran .................................................................................................................................... 69 Patriot Act ............................................................................................................................................... 70 Patriot Act Balances National Security and Privacy ............................................................................ 71 Patriot Act Good – Computer Trespasser Exception Stops Hackers ................................................... 72 A2-“Patriot Act Violates Liberties” ...................................................................................................... 73 CIPSA ....................................................................................................................................................... 75 A2: Endless Invasion of Privacy ........................................................................................................... 76 Wire Taps ................................................................................................................................................ 78 Wiretaps Solve Terrorism ................................................................................................................... 79 Wiretaps Solve Crime .......................................................................................................................... 80 Human Trafficking ................................................................................................................................... 81 Mobile Phone Searches Solve Human Trafficking .............................................................................. 82 Crime Impacts ......................................................................................................................................... 83 Organized Crime Destroys Rule of Law ............................................................................................... 84 Drug Trade Impacts: Drugs & Crime Destroy Society – Laundry List .................................................. 85 Drug Trade Impacts: Drug Money Fuels Terrorism ............................................................................. 86 Drug Trade Impacts: Drug Trade Causes Latin American Instability .................................................. 88 Gangs Impacts: Gangs Cause Crime .................................................................................................... 89 Gangs Impacts: Gangs Key to Drug Trade ........................................................................................... 90 Wikileaks Harms National Security ......................................................................................................... 91 Wikileaks Threatens National Security ............................................................................................... 92 Wikileaks Threatens National Security ............................................................................................... 94 Wikileaks Helps Terrorists ................................................................................................................... 95 Wikileaks Hurts US-Pakistani Relations .............................................................................................. 96 A2: Wikileaks Solves For Transparency ............................................................................................... 97 A2: Wikileaks Solves For Transparency ............................................................................................... 98 Digital Surveillance Solvency................................................................................................................... 99 A2: Tor Prevents Digital Surveillance ................................................................................................ 100 Transparency......................................................................................................................................... 101 Uniqueness: Privacy Decreasing Now ............................................................................................... 102 Uniqueness: Privacy Violations Inevitable ........................................................................................ 104 Transparency Impacts: Key to Economy ........................................................................................... 106 Now is the Key Time for Transparency ............................................................................................. 107 Link: Pretending Privacy Exists Masks Surveillance (1/2) ................................................................. 109 Link: Pretending Privacy Exists Masks Surveillance (2/2) ................................................................. 111 Alternative Solvency: Transparency Checks Government Oppression (1/2) .................................... 112 Alternative Solvency: Transparency Checks Government Oppression (2/2) .................................... 115 A2: Leaks Bad – They’re Impossible to Stop ..................................................................................... 116 A2: Schneier/”Transparency Destroys Privacy” .............................................................................. 117 Neg ............................................................................................................................................................ 119 Privacy ................................................................................................................................................... 120 Constitution-Right to Privacy ............................................................................................................ 121 Privacy Viewed As A Societal Good ................................................................................................... 123 Privacy Must Be Preferred ................................................................................................................ 124 Privacy Impacts: Totalitarianism ....................................................................................................... 126 Privacy Impacts: Autonomy .............................................................................................................. 128 Privacy Impacts: Autonomy (2/2) ..................................................................................................... 129 Privacy Impacts: Normalization ........................................................................................................ 130 Electronic Surveillance ...................................................................................................................... 131 Browser Fingerprinting ..................................................................................................................... 132 Collecting Information ...................................................................................................................... 133 A2: “We Consent to Surveillance” .................................................................................................... 134 Autonomy ............................................................................................................................................. 135 Necessary for Morality ...................................................................................................................... 136 Autonomy-Protects Free Speech ...................................................................................................... 137 Autonomy-Individual ........................................................................................................................ 138 Autonomy-Consent Necessary for Morality ..................................................................................... 139 A2: Prefer Justice .............................................................................................................................. 141 Equal Prioritization................................................................................................................................ 142 Surveilance Ineffective-Terrorists ......................................................................................................... 143 Hackers.................................................................................................................................................. 144 No Impact to Hackers: Encryption Solves ......................................................................................... 145 Hackers Good-Anonymous ............................................................................................................... 146 Cyberattacks ......................................................................................................................................... 148 No Impact to Cyberattacks: Threat Overblown (1/2) ....................................................................... 149 No Impact to Cyberterror: Threat Overblown (2/2) ......................................................................... 150 Tech Bad................................................................................................................................................ 151 Patriot Act ............................................................................................................................................. 154 Patriot Act Violates Privacy – “Sneak & Peak Searches” .................................................................. 155 WikiLeaks .............................................................................................................................................. 156 A2: Threatens US Diplomacy............................................................................................................. 157 Shield Laws ............................................................................................................................................ 158 Shield Laws Key to First Ammendment ............................................................................................ 159 A2: Terrorism ........................................................................................................................................ 160 Islamic Terror is Not a Threat............................................................................................................ 161 Domestic Terrorism Is Not a Threat .................................................................................................. 162 Digital Surveillance Does Not Stop Terrorism ................................................................................... 163 Meta-Ethics ............................................................................................................................................... 164 Naturalism............................................................................................................................................. 165 Naturalism Determines Morality ...................................................................................................... 166 Hardwired For Survival...................................................................................................................... 167 Error Theory .......................................................................................................................................... 168 Error Theory Guides Morality ........................................................................................................... 169 Quasi- Realism....................................................................................................................................... 171 Legality .................................................................................................................................................. 172 Law Determines Morality.................................................................................................................. 173 Rule of Law ........................................................................................................................................ 174 Topicality Definitions: Above Above means to have a higher rank Merriam-webster.2013, “Above-Definition and More from the Merriam Webster Free dictionary.” 3¶ : in or to a higher rank or number <30 and above> Ought: Stock Definitions Ought implies Moral Obligation Merriuam Webster dictionary, 2013, ( Ought- used to express obligation Ought- moral obligation Reasons to prefer 1. Most common sense definition- First Known Use: 12th century, this tells us that this form of definition has been appropriate for a long time. 2. Meriam Webster is a total access dicitionairy- everybody can access it meaning that people have the ability to get the definition. 3. For more than 150 years, in print and now online, Merriam-Webster has been America's leading and most-trusted provider of language information. 4. All Merriam-Webster products and services are backed by the largest team of professional dictionary editors and writers in America, and one of the largest in the world. Ought is defined as mandatory. Black’s Law Dictionary. This word, though generally directory only, will be taken as mandatory if the context requires it. Life Ass’n v. SL Louis County Assessors, 49 Mo. 518. Ought implies Consequentialism Ought is a propositional operative that questions if a consequence from an action is desirable Wedgwood argues. (Ralph, English prof @ carniege melon, “modern day morals.” No date, “We can avoid all these problems if we treat ‘ought’ in as a propositional operator. Grammatically, ‘ought’ in English is an auxiliary verb, like the modal auxiliaries ‘can’ and ‘must.’ When an occurrence of ‘ought’ modifies the main verb of a sentence, it can be taken as a propositional operator applying to the proposition that would be expressed by the unmodified form of that sentence. Thus, the sentence drinking water ought to be clean and safe in ‘ought’ is a propositional operator applying to the proposition that would be expressed by the sentence ‘drinking water is clean and safe’” Ought implies Contractarionism The governmental obligation focuses on what the people want Terrence O. Moore, Professor of History at Hillsdale College, degree from u of Chicago, “What Ought Government to Do (and Not Do)?: Why We Need to Read John Locke” September 1, 2011, Locke’s considerable narrowing of the scope of government is famously echoed in the Declaration of Independence with these words: “That to secure these rights [Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness], Governments are instituted among Men.” Securing rights is what government is supposed to do. Whenever government exceeds the scope of its original compact or commission, people’s liberty is in danger. Now it is true that a people may consent to employ government to do any number of things which seem legitimate. But watch out! The oldest trick in the democratic playbook is for a larger group of people to get together and consent to take the smaller group’s property. ¶ The Lockean idea of limited government compels us to ask the question: what is government for—and what is it not for? Allowing for the fact that there may be any number of functions for government at the state and local levels (via the Founders’ invention of federalism), what ought thefederal government to do and what ought it not to do? Voters on the Right need to be specific about what their candidates should do (and undo) once elected lest vague promises of reduced government spending go nowhere and further electoral victories be wasted. Ought Implies Kantian Ethics Kant defines ought as requiring an imperative. Hurford, Peter. Political Science and Psychology Major at Denison University. November 4, 2011. The Meaning of Ought, Part I. Kant described “ought” as referring to an imperative, defining two types: a hypothetical imperative and a categorical imperative:¶ A hypothetical imperative is in the form “If you desire X, you ought to preform action Y”. For instance, “If you value the lives of others, you ought to not murder people” or “If you value freedom, you ought not to restrict the speech of others”. It is an ought statement characterized by a conditional.¶ A categorical imperative is in the form “You ought to preform action Y (regardless of what you believe or desire)”. For instance, “You ought not to lie” or “You ought not to steal”. It is a pure, unconditional ought statement. Ought Implies Naturalism (Meta Ethics) Ought does not imply morality, natural ethics are more clear. Beavers, Anthony F. Written for the International Digital Ethics Symposium, Center for Digital Ethics and Policy, School of Communication, Loyola University. Chicago, October 28th, 2011. Could and Should the Ought Disappear from Ethics? Terra Firma¶ In 2007, Anderson and Anderson wrote, “As Daniel Dennett (2006) recently stat-ed, AI ‘makes philosophy honest.’ Ethics must be made computable in order to make it clear exactly how agents ought to behave in ethical dilemmas” (16). To rephrase their sentiment, a computable system or theory of ethics serves to make ethics honest. As I have observed elsewhere (Beavers 2010), it is common among machine ethicists to note that research in computational ethics can help us better understand ethics in the case of human beings. This is because of what we must know about ethics in general to build machines that operate within normative pa-rameters. Unclear intuitions will not do where engineering specifications and computational clarity are required. So, machine ethicists are forced head on to en-gage in moral philosophy. Their effort, of course, hangs on a careful analysis of ethical theories, the role of affect in making moral decisions, relationships be-tween agents and patients, and so forth. But this is not all. There are other meta-ethical difficulties that must be addressed as well concerning, particularly, the nature of the moral ought and the necessary and sufficient conditions for moral agency. Every moral theory makes assumptions about these issues, but, to date, without the clarity that real-world, working specifications for practical application require. Thus, computational ethics provides us with the¶ terra firma¶ needed to get some solid footing in the otherwise vague and messy domain of ethics and helps us answer the question of whether (and if so, to what extent) we may have been duped by morality.¶ My conclusion here will be that yes, we have been duped, at least in part. As such, I am departing from Beavers 2009 & 2011, where I suggested that we¶ might ¶ (another past subjunctive) have been in order to argue for something more definite. This conclusion will be an unhappy one for many, since it will involve throwing out an age-old distinction between being good and merely acting so that has been at the heart of ethics (according to the dominant Western paradigm)from its inception. My argument will unfold in three parts: the first will address the question of moral agents (MAs) in general, after which I will examine what precisely¶ ought ¶ implies when viewed from a moral perspective to isolate what I will identify as the paradox of automated moral agency (P-AMA). Next to avoid the paradox we will need to define the¶ ought ¶ technically, not morally, a distinction I am partially borrowing from Kant and will make clear later, with the result that we are left with the sufficiency argument (SA), which states that moral interiority is a sufficient but not necessary condition for moral agency. If this argument holds, then the kind of moral interiority that allows an agent to be culpable for its actions is not necessary for ethics. It is rather a product of our biology that drives humans to be ethical, but it is not the only way this can be done. My motive in taking this approach is that the problems we are facing as a world are so great that it is time to put aside the “blame game” and confront them with some sort of no-fault ethics, the details of which have largely been worked out by Floridi (1999and 2002) and Floridi and Sanders (2001 and 2004), though more work needs to be done here to draw out the implications where blame and fault are concerned. Ought implies Rights Ought is derived from our rights, if we have the right, we have an obligation to act. Gewirth Alan, a professor of philosophy at the University of Chicago, “THE 'IS-OUGHT PROBLEM RESOLVED.”, Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, Vol. 47 (1973 -¶ 1974), pp. 34-61, jstor) I have here presented, then, a complex version of what I have ¶ called the internal model of the relation between 'ought' and 'is'. ¶ I have not directly defined 'ought' in terms of'is'; rather, I have ¶ held that the application of 'ought' is entailed by the correlative ¶ concept of having a right. The agent's application of this concept, ¶ in turn, has been derived from the concept of goods which are the ¶ necessary conditions of all his actions, since he necessarily claims ¶ that he has a right to at least these goods. And the agent's applica- ¶ tion of the concept of good, finally, has been derived from his ¶ acting for purposes. Since the agent's assertion that he acts for ¶ purposes is an empirical, descriptive statement, I have in this ¶ indirect way derived 'ought' from 'is'. Whether the derivation is at ¶ each point definitional or is rather of some other non-arbitrary ¶ sort does not materially affect my argument, so long as its neces- ¶ sary relation to the context of action is recognized. Definition of Pursuit Trying to Achieve Something Oxford Dictionary (2013, Oxford University Press, the action of trying to achieve something: Pursuit of Security includes Cost David A. Baldwin, 1997, Columbia University Department of Political Science, “The Concept of Security”, Review of International Studies, Jstor, The pursuit of security always involves costs, i.e., the sacrifice of other goals that could have been pursued with the resources devoted to security. Specification of this dimension of security policy is important because writers sometimes imply that costs do not matter. One writer, for example, defines national security in terms of the protection of core values, which he describes as 'interests that are pursued not withstanding the costs incurred'.55 From the standpoint of a rational policymaker, however, there are no such interests. Costs always matter. Definition of “Security Threat” Security threats include Natural Disasters. David A. Baldwin, 1997, Columbia University Department of Political Science, “The Concept of Security”, Review of International Studies, Jstor, In ordinary language, however, one often finds references to epidemics, floods, earth quakes, or droughts as 'threats' to acquired values. Ullman and others have argued hat the concept of security should be expanded to include such phenomena. There seems to be no reason not to use this more expansive concept of threats, especially since it comports with common usage. Those who wish to refer to conditional commitments to punish by social actors as security threats may make that clear when specifying this dimension of security. “National Security” is Resisting Hostile Action “National security” includes activities that threaten society Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. No Date (“national security”. Accessed 17 July 13. A collective term encompassing both national defense and foreign relations of the United States. Specifically, the condition provided by: a. a military or defense advantage over any foreign nation or group of nations; b. a favorable foreign relations position; or c. a defense posture capable of successfully resisting hostile or destructive action from within or without, overt or covert. See also security. National Security is Cybersecurity, terrorism, and nuclear weapons The 2013 national security strategy highlights security issues as cyber space, terrorism and nuclear weapons. NSSA writes 2013 (“National Security Strategy 2013” pg 6, DoP: 2013, DoA: 7/17/13, Final%20Draft).pdf) This document details the international environment the United States faces ¶ moving forward and depicts how we can navigate a peaceful and stable order in ¶ the future by leading the global economy, protecting critical global strategic ¶ interests, and maximizing the disposition and strength of our military. ¶ Furthermore, the analysis of emerging and persistent national security issues –¶ cyberspace, terrorism, and nuclear weapons – emphasizes the opportunity of ¶ American leadership. National Security includes Human Trafficking National security includes human trafficking ARTHUR RIZER, Arthur Rizer is a Trial Attorney with the United States Department of Justice. “Breach: The National Security Implications of Human Trafficking” 2011, Expanding on this concept, former government official Joseph Romm41¶ argues that national security relates to events that “(1) threaten drastically and ¶ over a relatively brief span of time to degrade the quality of life for the ¶ inhabitants of a state, or (2) threaten significantly to narrow the range of policy ¶ choices available to the government of a state.”42 “Consequently, Romm ¶ includes on the national security agenda issues of global warming [and] energy ¶ security” 43 and May even include, as this article argues, human trafficking. ¶ Anything could arguably affect the “way of life” of the American people. ¶ However, because President Clinton’s and Mr. Romm’s portrayal of national ¶ security focuses more on the people of the United States, rather than President ¶ Bush’s general “interests around the globe,” we believe that President ¶ Clinton’s and, more specifically, Mr. Romm’s definition of national security is ¶ more appropriate for the subject at hand. “Digital Privacy” Digital privacy is defined as a protection of citizens’ privacy WiseGeek Online. 2013. What Is Digital Privacy? The concept of digital privacy can best be described as the protection of the information of private citizens who use digital mediums. However, when people speak about digital privacy, they often are referring to it in terms of its relation to Internet usage. Despite it being a popular and often incendiary issue, the obstacle of defining what digital privacy really is can prevent resolution.¶ Digital privacy centers on the fact that using digital mediums to conduct affairs, whether personal or professional, can leave digital footprints. For example, many Internet users don't realize that information about them and their Internet usage habits are constantly being logged and stored. A computer's Internet Protocol (IP) address can be traced back to a specific user and, as such, his website viewing habits can be monitored. Information such as the date and time of his searches, what browser he used to access websites and even how long he viewed websites can be retained on a search engine's servers. Servers can vary in the length of time they store this information before deleting it. Citizens A citizen is defined as someone who is either born in the U.S. or is naturalized. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. 01/17/2013. Citizenship. 2ec6811264a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD&vgnextchannel=a2ec6811264a3210VgnVCM100000b 92ca60aRCRD If you meet certain requirements, you may become a U.S. citizen either at birth or after birth. ¶ To become a citizen at birth, you must:¶ Have been born in the United States or certain territories or outlying possessions of the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; OR ¶ had a parent or parents who were citizens at the time of your birth (if you were born abroad) and meet other requirements¶ To become a citizen after birth, you must:¶ Apply for “derived” or “acquired” citizenship through parents¶ Apply for naturalization¶ For more information, see USCIS Policy Manual Citizenship and Naturalization Guidance. ¶ The Naturalization Test¶ Most naturalization applicants are required to take a test on:¶ English¶ Civics (U.S. history and government) An American citizen is one who constitutionally belongs to the United States. Smith, Roger M. Alfred ¶ Cowles Professor of ¶ Government at Yale ¶ University. 1985. The Meaning of American Citizenship. What does it mean to say, "I am an American citizen?" The law supplies ¶ dry technical answers: the statement means that one falls under a ¶ constitutional or statutory category conferring full membership in the ¶ American polity. The chief ones are, with minor exceptions, birth within ¶ the United States, which confers citizenship under the Fourteenth ¶ Amendment, plus birth to American parents overseas, and ¶ naturalization, categories regulated by federal statutes. Aff National Security National Security Does Not Outweigh Privacy Officials exaggerate the importance of national security Greenwald, Glenn. JUNE 10, 2013. Glenn Greenwald on How NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Helped Expose a "Massive Surveillance Apparatus". Date Accessed 7/19/13. This is just the same playbook that U.S. government officials have been using for the last five decades whenever anything gets done that brings small amounts of transparency to the bad conduct that they do in the dark. They immediately accuse those who brought that transparency of jeopardizing national security. They try and scare the American public into believing that they’ve been placed at risk and that the only way they can stay safe is to trust the people in power to do whatever it is they want to do without any kinds of constraints, accountability or light of any kind. Privacy No Right to Privacy-Constitution There is no constitutional basis for the right to privacy. Harold R. DEMOSS JR, DeMoss practiced law in Houston for 34 years before being appointed in 1991 by former President George H.W. Bush to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, where he now serves., “Constitutional right to privacy a figment of imagination” DoP:January 15, 2006, DoA: 7/17/13, In this season of politicized and contentious confirmation hearings to fill vacancies on the U.S. Supreme Court, some of the sharpest debate and disagreement concerns a so-called "right of privacy" in the U.S. Constitution.¶ The advocates of a constitutional right of privacy speak as though that right were expressly stated and enumerated in the Constitution. But the text of the Constitution does not contain the word "privacy" or the phrase "right of privacy."¶ Consequently, in my view, a constitutional "right of privacy" could only be unenumerated and is therefore a figment of the imagination of a majority of the justices on the modern Supreme Court. Let me explain why.¶ Webster's Dictionary defines "enumerate" as "to name or count or specify one by one." Roget's Thesaurus states that the synonyms for "enumerate" are "to itemize, list, or tick off." Adding the negative prefix "un" reverses the definitions or synonyms so that "unenumerated" means not named, not counted, not specified, not itemized, or not listed.¶ The right of privacy is unenumerated because neither the word privacy nor the phrase right of privacy appears anywhere in the Constitution or its amendments. Nor does the text contain any words related to other rights the Supreme Court has found to derive from that right, including the right to an abortion and rights related to sexual preference. Neither "abortion" nor "sexual preference" appear anywhere in the text of the Constitution. Limits In Place Prevent Loss of Digital Privacy There are restraints placed upon how much digital privacy can be conceded Palin, Philip J, 9/18/11 , Homeland Security Watch, Brennan: Counterterrorism and the Law, , Date Accessed : 7/17/11 We’ve also worked to uphold our values and the rule of law in a second area—our policies and practices here at home. As I said, we will use all lawful tools at our disposal, and that includes authorities under the renewed PATRIOT Act. We firmly believe that our intelligence gathering tools must enable us to collect the information we need to protect the American people. At the same time, these tools must be subject to appropriate oversight and rigorous checks and balances that protect the privacy of innocent individuals.¶ As such, we have ensured that investigative techniques in the United States are conducted in a manner that is consistent with our laws and subject to the supervision of our courts. We have also taken administrative steps to institute additional checks and balances, above and beyond what is required by law, in order to better safeguard the privacy rights of innocent Americans.¶ Our democratic values also include—and our national security demands—open and transparent government. Some information obviously needs to be protected. And since his first days in office, President Obama has worked to strike the proper balance between the security the American people deserve and the openness our democratic society expects .¶ In one of his first acts, the President issued a new Executive Order on classified information that, among other things, reestablished the principle that all classified information will ultimately be declassified. The President also issued a Freedom of Information Act Directive mandating that agencies adopt a presumption of disclosure when processing requests for information. The President signed into law the first intelligence authorization act in over five years to ensure better oversight of intelligence activities. Among other things, the legislation revised the process for reporting sensitive intelligence activities to Congress and created an Inspector General for the Intelligence Community.¶ For the first time, President Obama released the combined budget of the intelligence community, and reconstituted the Intelligence Oversight Board, an important check on the government’s intelligence activities. The President declassified and released legal memos that authorized the use, in early times, of enhanced interrogation techniques. Understanding that the reasons to keep those memos secret had evaporated, the President felt it was important for the American people to understand how those methods came to be authorized and used.¶ The President, through the Attorney General, instituted a new process to consider invocation of the so-called “state secrets privilege,” where the government can protect information in civil lawsuits. This process ensures that this privilege is never used simply to hide embarrassing or unlawful government activities. But, it also recognizes that its use is absolutely necessary in certain cases for the protection of national security. I know there has been some criticism of the Administration on this. But by applying a stricter internal review process, including a requirement of personal approval by the Attorney General, we are working to ensure that this extraordinary power is asserted only when there is a strong justification to do so.¶ Terrorism Digital Surveillance Stops Inevitable Terrorist Attack Lack of digital surveillance leads to terrorist attacks Sorcher, Sara. Staff Editor. June 25, 2013. Insiders: NSA's Communications Surveillance Good Way to Target Terrorists. Accessed 7/16/2013. The National Security Agency's surveillance programs are effective tools for seeking out terrorists, according to 85.5 percent of National Journal's National Security Insiders.¶ "In the digital age, when every individual's digital trail increases year by year, there is no faster way to draw a picture of a network, or a conspiracy, than by piecing together different data streams," one Insider said. "This capability, in years to come, won't be a nice-to-have; it'll be critical."¶ Another Insider said that the NSA must have the tools necessary to root out terrorists or another 9/11 becomes not just possible, but certain. "If we eliminate the online- and phone-surveillance programs and a dirty bomb explodes in an American city, we have only ourselves to blame," the Insider said. "The days of gentlemen not reading other gentlemen's mail are over." Digital Surveillance Key to Stopping Al Qaeda US must monitor Al-Qaeda and its different initiatives to prevent terrorism from spreading. Evan F. Kohlmann, 2006, Terrorism Researcher, The Real Online Terrorist Threat, Foreign Affairs, Jstor, In truth, although catastrophic computer attacks are not entirely inconceivable, the prospect that militants will be able to execute them anytime soon has been overblown. Fears of such science-fiction scenarios, moreover, have led policymakers to overlook the fact that terrorists currently use the Internet as a cheap and efficient way of communicating and organizing. These militants are now dedicated to waging an innovative, low-intensity military campaign against the United States.Jihadists are typically organized in small, widely dispersed units and coordinate their activities online, obviating the need for a central command. Al Qaeda and similar groups rely on the Internet to contact potential recruits and donors, sway public opinion, instruct would-be terrorists, pool tactics and knowledge, and organize attacks. The RAND Corporation's David Ronfeldt andjohn Arquilla have called this phenomenon "netwar," which they define as a form of conflict marked by the use of "network forms of organization and related doctrines, strategies, and technologies." In many ways, such groups use the Internet in the same way that peaceful political organizations do; what makes terrorists' activity threatening is their intent. To counter terrorists, the U.S. government must learn how to monitor their activity online, in the same way that it keeps tabs on terrorists in the real world. Doing so will require a realignment of U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies, which lag behind terrorist organizations in adopting information technologies. At present, unfortunately, senior counterterrorism officials refuse even to pay lip service to the need for such reforms. That must change-and fast. Digital Surveillance Solves Terrorism (1/2) Digital monitoring is useful, empirically has worked and is relatively simple Tom Gjelten, NPR international correspondent, 6/15/13, The Case For Surveillance: Keeping Up With Terrorist Tactics, Date accessed 7/17/13 Since public revelations that the National Security Agency is collecting telephone records and reviewing Internet communications in the U.S. and abroad, officials have been making the case that the programs are vital. They argue that the tactics match the new ways terrorists are planning and communicating.¶ There was a time when America's enemies conspired face-to-face, or communicated through couriers, or by leaving messages for each other somewhere. But in the digital age, that has changed.¶ FBI Director Robert Mueller made that point back in 2008, as Congress considered whether to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.¶ "In this day and age, our ability to gain intelligence on the plans, the plots of those who wish to attack us is dependent on us obtaining information relating to cellphones, Internet, email, wire transfers, all of these areas," he said.¶ If all the action was in that electronic space five years ago, it's even more so today, as intelligence and security officials constantly point out.¶ Speaking in February, the NSA's general counsel, Rajesh De, threw out some figures on the explosive growth in communication data.¶ "More data crosses the Internet every second today than existed on the Internet 20 years ago. Global mobile traffic grew 70 percent last year alone," he said.¶ Officials say these trends highlight the challenge facing spy agencies: With so much communication now taking place in the digital world, intelligence officers have to be able to follow that communication.¶ James Bamford, the author of several books on the NSA, says spies used to focus on getting human sources inside an organization — agents who could report on what people in the organization were saying and doing. But human sources no longer matter so much, Bamford says. Intelligence officers use new approaches because their adversaries are interacting in new ways. ¶ "During the day, they're on cellphones, or they're on email, or they're on social-networking sites. By intercepting that information, you develop patterns and look at who these people might be involved with," he says. ¶ To justify the NSA's collection of telephone records and its selective monitoring of online communication overseas, U.S. officials cite these "revolutionary" changes in the information space. John Negroponte was the director of National Intelligence when wiretapping programs were expanded during the Bush administration. He defends the NSA's new emphasis. ¶ "I'd say it's a testament to how surveillance methods have kept up with the geometric progression of these communication methods," he says.¶ Congressional critics of the expanded surveillance operations say they're not convinced that these programs have really proved their value in fighting terrorism. They ask whether other types of intelligence gathering might be just as effective.¶ Negroponte, who served as U.S. ambassador to Iraq, says no one method is sufficient. He recalls how in 2006, the combination of different intelligence sources led the U.S. military to the head of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Musab alZarqawi.¶ "I believe his phone number was detected through human intelligence. Somebody gave us his phone number. Then, that phone number was monitored through signals intelligence. And then his movements were tracked by geo-spatial intelligence — drones and so forth," he says. "So it's actually the integration of these different methodologies that actually give you the best results." ¶ The expanded use of telephone and Internet surveillance is in part an adaptation to the information revolution. The NSA, the CIA and other agencies will defend these programs vigorously on that basis, despite concerns that Americans' privacy has been put at risk.¶ But that's not the whole story: It's also clear that the programs are popular in the spy business simply because they're convenient and efficient. They make intelligence gathering easier. Digital surveillance thwarted over 50 possible terrorist threats Kastrenakes, Jacob. Journalist. June 18, 2013. 'Over 50' terrorist plots were stopped by surveillance efforts, says NSA director. Accessed 7/16/2013. Speaking to a congressional committee this morning, General Keith Alexander revealed that government surveillance efforts have thwarted “over 50” possible terrorist threats since 9/11, including plans to bomb the New York Stock Exchange and NYC subway system. Alexander, who heads the NSA, specifically noted that programs like the Verizon metadata collection may have been able to stop 9/11 if they had been in place at the time. He suggested that this program as well as “other intelligence” — which he did not disclose — assisted in foiling the 50 or so threats. Digital Surveillance Solves Terrorism (2/2) The solution is not targeted takedowns which provide little intelligence; surveillance is critical to catching next-generation terrorists Congressional Research Service. 2007 (An office of the Library of Congress. “Terrorist Capabilities for Cyberattack: Overview and Policy Issues”. 22 Jan. Accessed 16 July 13. Some security experts do not think it is worthwhile to hijack or disrupt the web sites created by terrorists. This is because terrorists will usually find a way to quickly put their sites back up under different, multiple names, which may be even more difficult to monitor. Instead, U.S. intelligence sources can gain valuable information by simply monitoring the web sites they already know about. This may also include monitoring the Internet addresses of those who frequent these web sites. However, more skilled analysts are needed to help translate the communications and information that is posted on the many different terrorist web sites. Terrorists are using the internet to expand, the United States needs to monitor them. Richard A. Posner, 2008, Senior Lecturer in Law, The University of Chicago. “Privacy, Surveillance, and Law”, The University of Chicago Law Review, Jstor, Privacy is the terrorist's best friend, and the terrorist's privacy has been enhanced by the same technological developments that have both made data mining feasible and elicited vast quantities of per sonal information from innocents: the internet, with its anonymity, and the secure encryption of digitized data which, when combined with that anonymity, make the internet a powerful tool of conspiracy. The government has a compelling need to exploit digitization in defense of national security. But if it is permitted to do so, intelligence officers are going to be scrutinizing a mass of personal information about US citizens. And we know that many people do not like even complete strangers poring over the details of their private lives. But the fewer of these strangers who have access to those details and the more profes sional their interest in them, the less the affront to the sense of privacy. One reason people do not much mind having their bodies examined by doctors is that they know that doctors' interest in bodies is profes sional rather than prurient ; and we can hope that the same is true of intelligence professionals. Preventing Terrorism Necessitates Domestic Spying We need technology that can gather information against terrorists, even if it necessitates collecting that of US citizens. Glenn Sulmasy, 2013, Department of Humanities, Professor of Law, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, “Why We Need Government Surveillance”, Center for National Policy, Opinion: Edward Snowden is a hero The current threat by al Qaeda and jihadists is one that requires aggressive intelligence collection and efforts. One has to look no further than the disruption of the New York City subway bombers (the one being touted by DNI Clapper) or the Boston Marathon bombers to know that the war on al Qaeda is coming home to us, to our citizens, to our students, to our streets and our subways. This 21st century war is different and requires new ways and methods of gathering information. As technology has increased, so has our ability to gather valuable, often actionable, intelligence. However, the move toward "home-grown" terror will necessarily require, by accident or purposefully, collections of U.S. citizens conversations with potential overseas persons of interest. Where is NSA leaker Edward Snowden? What could authorities do with Snowden? Snowden's path to top secret clearance Where is Edward Snowden? An open society, such as the United States, ironically needs to use this technology to protect itself. This truth is naturally uncomfortable for a country with a Constitution that prevents the federal government from conducting "unreasonable searches and seizures." American historical resistance towards such activities is a bedrock of our laws, policies and police procedures. But what might have been reasonable 10 years ago is not the same any longer. The constant armed struggle against the jihadists has adjusted our beliefs on what we think our government can, and must, do in order to protect its citizens. However, when we hear of programs such PRISM, or the Department of Justice getting phone records of scores of citizens without any signs of suspicious activities nor indications of probable cause that they might be involved in terrorist related activities, the American demand for privacy naturally emerges to challenge such "trolling" measures or data-mining. The executive branch, although particularly powerful in this arena, must ensure the Congress is kept abreast of activities such as these surveillance programs. The need for enhanced intelligence activities is a necessary part of the war on al Qaeda, but abuse can occur without ensuring the legislative branch has awareness of aggressive tactics such as these. Our Founding Fathers, aware of the need to have an energetic, vibrant executive branch in foreign affairs, still anticipated checks upon the presidency by the legislature. Working together, the two branches can ensure that both legally, and by policy, this is what the citizens desire of their government -- and that leaks such as Snowden's won't have the impact and damage that his leaks are likely to cause. Terrorists Use the Internet to Plan Attacks (1/2) Terrorists use the internet to plan attacks Thomas, Timothy L. Lieutenant Colonel of U.S. Army. 2003. Al Qaeda and the Internet:¶ The Danger¶ of “Cyberplanning”. Date Accessed: 7/16/13 We can say with some certainty, al Qaeda loves the Internet. When the latter¶ first appeared, it was hailed as an integrator of cultures and a medium for¶ businesses, consumers, and governments to communicate with one another. It¶ appeared to offer unparalleled opportunities for the creation of a “global village.” Today the Internet still offers that promise, but it also has proven in some¶ respects to be a digital menace. Its use by al Qaeda is only one example. It also has ¶ provided a virtual battlefield for peacetime hostilities between Taiwan and¶ China, Israel and Palestine, Pakistan and India, and China and the United States¶ (during both the war over Kosovo and in the aftermath of the collision between¶ the Navy EP-3 aircraft and Chinese MiG). In times of actual conflict, the Internet¶ was used as a virtual battleground between NATO’s coalition forces and elements of the Serbian population. These real tensions from a virtual interface involved not only nation-states but also non-state individuals and groups either¶ aligned with one side or the other, or acting independently. Evidence strongly suggests that terrorists used the Internet to plan their¶ operations for 9/11. Computers seized in Afghanistan reportedly revealed that¶ al Qaeda was collecting intelligence on targets and sending encrypted messages¶ via the Internet. As recently as 16 September 2002, al Qaeda cells operating in¶ America reportedly were using Internet-based phone services to communicate¶ with cells overseas. These incidents indicate that the Internet is being used as a¶ “cyberplanning” tool for terrorists. It provides terrorists with anonymity, command and control resources, and a host of other measures to coordinate and integrate attack options. The internet is used by terrorists to recruit and plan attacks Mueller, Robert S. 2012 (Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. “Statement Before the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies”. 7 March. Accessed 16 July 13. The basis from which acts of terrorism are committed—from organizations to affiliates/surrogates to self-radicalized individuals—continue to evolve and expand. Of particular note is al Qaeda’s use of online chat rooms and websites to recruit and radicalize followers to commit acts of terrorism. And they are not hiding in the shadows of cyber space: al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has produced a full-color, English-language online magazine. Terrorists are not only sharing ideas; they are soliciting information and inviting communication. Al Shabaab, the al Qaeda affiliate in Somalia, uses Twitter to taunt its enemies—in English—and encourage terrorist activity. Terrorists use information on the internet to plan attacks Thomas, Timothy L. 2003. Lieutenant Colonel of U.S. Army. Al Qaeda and the Internet:¶ The Danger¶ of “Cyberplanning”. Date Accessed: 7/16/13 The Internet is used to gather information on potential targets. The¶ website operated by the Muslim Hackers Club reportedly featured links to US¶ sites that purport to disclose sensitive information like code names and radio frequencies used by the US Secret Service. The same website offers tutorials in viruses, hacking stratagems, network “phreaking” and secret codes, as well as links¶ to other militant Islamic and cyberprankster web addresses.17Recent targets that¶ terrorists have discussed include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention¶ in Atlanta; FedWire, the money-movement clearing system maintained by the¶ Federal Reserve Board; and facilities controlling the flow of information over¶ the Internet.18Attacks on critical infrastructure control systems would be particularly harmful, especially on a system such as the Supervisory Control and Data¶ Acquisition (SCADA) system. Thus any information on insecure network architectures or non-enforceable security protocols is potentially very damaging.¶ Terrorists have access, like many Americans, to imaging data on potential targets, as well as maps, diagrams, and other crucial data on important facilities or networks. Imaging data can also allow terrorists to view counterterrorist ¶ activities at a target site. One captured al Qaeda computer contained engineering¶ and structural architecture features of a dam, enabling al Qaeda engineers and¶ planners to simulate catastrophic failures.19 Terrorists Use the Internet to Plan Attacks (2/2) Terrorist groups can use the internet to infiltrate vital US networks and explore their flaws. Thomas, Timothy L. Lieutenant Colonel of U.S. Army. 2003. Al Qaeda and the Internet:¶ The Danger¶ of “Cyberplanning”. Date Accessed: 7/16/13 The Internet can be used to divert attention from a real attack scenario. Al Qaeda can plant threats on the Internet or via cell phones to mislead law¶ enforcement officials. Terrorists study how the United States collects and analyzes information, and thus how we respond to information.¶ Terrorists know when their Internet “chatter” or use of telecommunications increases, US officials issue warnings. Terrorists can thus introduce false¶ information into a net via routine means, measure the response it garners from the¶ US intelligence community, and then try to figure out where the leaks are in their¶ systems or what type of technology the United States is using to uncover their¶ plans. For example, if terrorists use encrypted messages over cell phones to discuss a fake operation against, say, the Golden Gate Bridge, they can then sit back¶ and watch to see if law enforcement agencies issue warnings regarding that particular landmark. If they do, then the terrorists know their communications are¶ being listened to by US officials.3 The Internet is Key to Terrorist Communication The internet is becoming the premier method of terrorist communication Congressional Research Service. 2007 (An office of the Library of Congress. “Terrorist Capabilities for Cyberattack: Overview and Policy Issues”. 22 Jan. Accessed 16 July 13. Just as people all over the world now use the Internet, terrorists also use it as a modern tool for communication. Terrorists and extremist groups have reportedly generated thousands of Internet web sites to support psychological operations, fund raising, recruitment, and coordination of activities. Recently, the Department of State’s Counterterrorism Director noted “the most worrisome scenario of another attack in the homeland is lone operatives who slip into the country and take directions through cyberspace.” A significant concern is that some of these web sites used for the suspected terrorist activity are hosted on Internet Service Providers inside the United States. The level of technical sophistication of the extremist groups that use and operate these web sites has also increased. In 2006 it was reported that an organization linked to al-Qaeda produced a 26-page manual providing instructions on the use of the Google search engine to further the goals of global jihad. Recently British forces in Iraq have found print-outs of Google-Earth pictures that reportedly were to be used for targeting of coalition forces. Internet Key to Terrorist Funding Terrorists can transfer funds digitally, and there is nothing we can do to stop them Bucci, Steven. 2009 (Director of the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies. "The Confluence of Cyber Crime and Terrorism". 12 Jun. A new wrinkle that is developing is the use of virtual worlds. There is hard evidence of money transfers having been made within these worlds. This is done by using real cash to buy virtual currency, conducting various transactions within the virtual environment, and then converting it back into real cash again in a completely different temporal location. It is all safe, clean, legal, and nearly impossible to trace. Internet Key to Terrorist Education Digital terrorist libraries contain detailed instructions on how to conduct sophisticated cyber attacks Congressional Research Service. 2007 (An office of the Library of Congress. “Terrorist Capabilities for Cyberattack: Overview and Policy Issues”. 22 Jan. Accessed 16 July 13. The Washington Times has reported that Islamic extremists are calling for creation of an Islamist hackers’ army to plan cyberattacks against the U.S. government and that postings on the extremist bulletin board, al-Farooq, carry detailed cyberattack instructions, and include spyware programs for download that can be used to learn the passwords of targeted users. Other extremist websites reportedly resemble online training camps that may offer instructions for how to create a safe-house, how to clean a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, or what to do if captured. Terrorist organizations are building out digital libraries with resources on how to conduct attacks Congressional Research Service. 2007 (An office of the Library of Congress. “Terrorist Capabilities for Cyberattack: Overview and Policy Issues”. 22 Jan. Accessed 16 July 13. Senior leadership of al-Qaeda, who reportedly have access to the most modern technology equipment, and other terrorist groups are reportedly building a massive and dynamic online library of training materials, many of which are supported by subject matter experts who answer questions on message boards or in chat rooms. This online library covers such areas as how to mix poisons for chemical attacks, how to ambush U.S. soldiers, how to coordinate a suicide bomb attack, and how to hack computers. One discussion forum popular with supporters of terrorism is called Qalah, or Fortress, where potential al Qaeda recruits can find links to the latest in computer hacking techniques in a discussion area called “electronic jihad.” Terrorist Attack Coming Terrorist attack against the United States is imminent Jenkins, Brian Michael. senior adviser to the RAND president. July 10, 2013. Could Terrorists Pull Off a Mumbai-Style Attack in the U.S.? Date Accessed 7/17/13. The event provided the latest evidence that the means of an armed terrorist attack are certainly available in the United States. We've seen it over and over again, in Newtown, Connecticut; Aurora, Colorado; on the campus of Virginia Tech, to name just a few.¶ Although these killings involved a single shooter without a terror agenda, they demonstrate that one person, with little or no training, can acquire and effectively use firearms to achieve high body counts. A review of the most deadly mass killings in the United States, going back to the Columbine High School murders in 1999, show that an average of 15 people died per attack. That's close to what each of the trained terrorist teams achieved in Mumbai.¶ [Read the U.S. News Debate: Should People Be Allowed to Carry Guns Openly?]¶ But acquiring the firepower needed to carry out a mass murder is only one part of the equation. An armed terrorist attack along the lines of that carried out in Mumbai presents a series of logistical challenges, starting with recruiting and training a willing and able suicide assault force.¶ In Mumbai, there were 10 terrorists, armed with assault rifles, pistols, grenades and improvised explosives. They carried out coordinated attacks across the city, paralyzing a metropolis of 14 million people for 60 hours while mesmerizing the world's media. It was a complex operation and likely the culmination of months of training.¶ There are two ways a Mumbaistyle attack could be carried out in the United States. Terrorist planners could assemble and train a team of attackers abroad and attempt to infiltrate them into the United States, or homegrown terrorists could assemble and launch a Mumbai-style attack. So far, neither has happened in the modern history of terrorism in the United States.¶ Bringing a team of trained terrorists into the United States would be extremely difficult today, an audacious endeavor even by al-Qaida standards. Improved intelligence worldwide has degraded the operational capabilities of al-Qaida and has made its operating environment more hostile. And any large mobilization of terrorist personnel would likely be noticed by intelligence gatherers. A2: Terrorists Are Not Tech Savvy Terrorists are more capable with technology than the United States government Congressional Research Service. 2007 (An office of the Library of Congress. “Terrorist Capabilities for Cyberattack: Overview and Policy Issues”. 22 Jan. Accessed 16 July 13. A recent study of more than 200,000 multimedia documents on 86 sample websites concluded that extremists exhibited similar levels of web knowledge as U.S. government agencies, and that the terrorist websites employed significantly more sophisticated multimedia technologies than U.S. government websites. The study concluded that these extremist websites support advanced Internetbased communication tools such as online forums and chat rooms more frequently than U.S. government web sites. Because of perceived anonymity, terrorist likely feel safer when working together on the Internet. A2: Digital Surveillance of Terrorists Outside of US Many terrorist websites are hosted on servers within the United States Congressional Research Service. 2007 (An office of the Library of Congress. “Terrorist Capabilities for Cyberattack: Overview and Policy Issues”. 22 Jan. Accessed 16 July 13. Just as people all over the world now use the Internet, terrorists also use it as a modern tool for communication. Terrorists and extremist groups have reportedly generated thousands of Internet web sites to support psychological operations, fund raising, recruitment, and coordination of activities. Recently, the Department of State’s Counterterrorism Director noted “the most worrisome scenario of another attack in the homeland is lone operatives who slip into the country and take directions through cyberspace.” A significant concern is that some of these web sites used for the suspected terrorist activity are hosted on Internet Service Providers inside the United States. The level of technical sophistication of the extremist groups that use and operate these web sites has also increased. In 2006 it was reported that an organization linked to al-Qaeda produced a 26-page manual providing instructions on the use of the Google search engine to further the goals of global jihad. Recently British forces in Iraq have found print-outs of Google-Earth pictures that reportedly were to be used for targeting of coalition forces. Cyberattacks US Is Vulnerable to Cyberattacks Director of National Intelligence agrees US is vulnerable to cyberattacks; we are compromising information to foreign countries. James R. Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, 2011, “Statement for the Record on the Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence”, As we expand our ability to create and share knowledge, maintain our society and produce economic goods, we are developing new vulnerabilities and enabling those who would steal, corrupt, harm or destroy public and private assets vital to our national interests. In the past year, we have seen a dramatic increase in malicious cyber activity targeting US computers and networks; almost two-thirds of US firms report that they have been the victim of cybersecurity incidents or information breaches, while the volume of malicious software (“malware”) on American networks more than tripled from Industry estimates that the production of malware has reached its highest levels, with an average of 60,000 new pieces identified per day. Almost half of all US computers have been compromised, according to another industry survey. This current environment favors those who desire to exploit our vulnerabilities with the trend likely getting worse over the next five years because of the slow adoption of defensive best practices and rapid advances in offensive vulnerability discovery and In April a large number of routing paths to various Internet Protocol addresses were redirected through networks in China for 17 minutes due to inaccurate information posted by a Chinese Internet Service Provider. This diversion of data would have given the operators of the servers on those networks the ability to read, delete, or edit e-mail and other information sent along those paths. This incident affected traffic to and from U.S. Government and military sites, including sites for the Senate, the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, and the office of the Secretary of Defense, as well as a number of Fortune 500 firms. information technology supply chain can hide many risks. Such vulnerability was demonstrated by employees at a US firm who were convicted for supplying counterfeit computer hardware to U.S. Last year some of our largest information technology and defense contractor companies discovered that throughout much of 2009 they had been the targets of a systematic effort to penetrate their networks and acquire proprietary information. The intrusions attempted to gain access to and potentially modify Our identities are increasingly vulnerable. Cyber criminals are stalking prospective victims on social networking sites, acquiring personal information to tailor „spear phishingā emails to gather 28 more information that can be used to facilitate identity theft. They are intercepting messages exchanged by mobile devices to validate transactions, and masquerading as their victims to steal funds from their bank accounts. Further, the consolidation of data captured in emails, social networks, Internet search engines, and geographic location of mobile service subscribers increases the potential for identification and targeting of government personnel by criminals, or by intelligence organizations. In the last year, we have witnessed the emergence of foreign military capabilities in cyber space. This formalization of military cyber capabilities creates another tool that foreign leaders may use to undermine critical infrastructures that were previously assumed secure before or during conflict. The IC is reaching out to the private sector to ensure current understanding of the dynamic cyber environment. More government-private sector and international cooperation is still required across the cybersecurity landscape. Cyberattack Impacts: Laundry List Cyber attacks by terrorist organizations are happening in the status quo, and they are become increasingly dangerous, with some groups gaining the capacity to cripple the economy and kill millions of civilians by attacking infrastructure Panetta, Leon. 2012 (United States Secretary of Defense. Published by the United States Department of Defense online as "Remarks by Secretary Panetta on Cybersecurity to the Business Executives for National Security, New York City". 11 Oct. Accessed 16 July 13. I know that when people think of cybersecurity today, they worry about hackers and criminals who prowl the Internet, steal people's identities, steal sensitive business information, steal even national security secrets. Those threats are real and they exist today.¶ But the even greater danger [is] -- the greater danger facing us in cyberspace goes beyond crime and it goes beyond harassment. A cyber attack perpetrated by nation states or violent extremist groups could be as destructive as the terrorist attack on 9/11. Such a destructive cyber-terrorist attack could virtually paralyze the nation.¶ Let me give you some examples of the kinds of attacks that we have already experienced.¶ In recent weeks, as many of you know, some large U.S. financial institutions were hit by so-called Distributed Denial of Service attacks. These attacks delayed or disrupted services on customer websites. While this kind of tactic isn't new, the scale and speed with which it happened was unprecedented.¶ But even more alarming is an attack that happened two months ago when a very sophisticated virus called Shamoon infected computers in the Saudi Arabian State Oil Company Aramco. Shamoon included a routine called a ‘wiper’, coded to self-execute. This routine replaced crucial systems files with an image of a burning U.S. flag. But it also put additional garbage data that overwrote all the real data on the machine. More than 30,000 computers that it infected were rendered useless and had to be replaced. It virtually destroyed 30,000 computers.¶ Then just days after this incident, there was a similar attack on RasGas of Qatar, a major energy company in the region. All told, the Shamoon virus was probably the most destructive attack that the private sector has seen to date.¶ Imagine the impact an attack like that would have on your company or your business.¶ These attacks mark a significant escalation of the cyber threat and they have renewed concerns about still more destructive scenarios that could unfold.¶ For example, we know that foreign cyber actors are probing America's critical infrastructure networks. They are targeting the computer control systems that operate chemical, electricity and water plants and those that guide transportation throughout this country.¶ We know of specific instances where intruders have successfully gained access to these control systems.¶ We also know that they are seeking to create advanced tools to attack these systems and cause panic and destruction and even the loss of life.¶ Let me explain how this could unfold. An aggressor nation or extremist group could use these kinds of cyber tools to gain control of critical switches. They could, for example, derail passenger trains or even more dangerous, derail trains loaded with lethal chemicals. ¶ They could contaminate the water supply in major cities or shutdown the power grid across large parts of the country.¶ The most destructive scenarios involve cyber actors launching several attacks on our critical infrastructure at one time, in combination with a physical attack on our country. Attackers could also seek to disable or degrade critical military systems and communication networks.¶ The collective result of these kinds of attacks could be a cyber Pearl Harbor; an attack that would cause physical destruction and the loss of life. In fact, it would paralyze and shock the nation and create a new, profound sense of vulnerability. Cyberattack Impacts: Terrorists are a Threat Terrorists, given the capability, would launch full-scale cyberattacks Mueller, Robert S. 2012 (Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. “Statement Before the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies”. 7 March. Accessed 16 July 13. To date, terrorists have not used the Internet to launch a full-scale cyber attack, but we cannot underestimate their intent. Terrorists have shown interest in pursuing hacking skills. And they may seek to train their own recruits or hire outsiders, with an eye toward pursuing cyber attacks. These adaptations of the terrorist threat make the FBI’s counterterrorism mission that much more difficult and challenging. Terrorist organization are capable of cyberattacks against both United States government targets and infrastructure, and they are aware of the value those strikes hold for their cause Congressional Research Service. 2007 (An office of the Library of Congress. “Terrorist Capabilities for Cyberattack: Overview and Policy Issues”. 22 Jan. Accessed 16 July 13. A recent study of more than 200,000 multimedia documents on 86 sample websites concluded that In April 2002, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) stated in a letter to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that cyberwarfare attacks against the U.S. critical infrastructure will become a viable option for terrorists as they become more familiar with the technology required for the attacks. Also according to the CIA, various groups, including Al Qaeda and Hizballah, are becoming more adept at using the Internet and computer technologies, and these groups could possibly develop the skills necessary for a cyberattack. In February 2005, FBI director Robert Mueller, testified before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that terrorists show a growing understanding of the critical role of information technology in the U.S. economy and have expanded their recruitment to include people studying math, computer science, and engineering. Cyberattack Impacts: North Korea Is a Threat US and South Korean military secrets are at risk from hackers. Associated Press, 2013, “Hackers targeting U.S., South Korea are after military secrets, cybersecurity experts say”, CBS News, The hackers who knocked out tens of thousands of South Korean computers simultaneously this year are out to do far more than erase hard drives, cybersecurity firms say: They also are trying to steal South Korean and U.S. military secrets with a malicious set of codes they've been sending through the Internet for years. The identities of the hackers, and the value of any information they have acquired, are not known to U.S. and South Korean researchers who have studied line after line of computer code. But they do not dispute South Korean claims that North Korea is responsible, and other experts say the links to military spying add fuel to Seoul's allegations. Researchers at Santa Clara, California-based McAfee Labs said the malware was designed to find and upload information referring to U.S. forces in South Korea, joint exercises or even the word "secret." McAfee said versions of the malware have infected many websites in an ongoing attack that it calls Operation Troy because the code is peppered with references to the ancient city. McAfee said that in 2009, malware was implanted into a social media website used by military personnel in South Korea. "This goes deeper than anyone had understood to date, and it's not just attacks: It's military espionage," said Ryan Sherstobitoff, a senior threat researcher at McAfee who gave The Associated Press a report that the company is releasing later this week. He analyzed code samples shared by U.S. government partners and private customers. McAfee found versions of the keyword-searching malware dating to 2009. A South Korean cybersecurity researcher, Simon Choi, found versions of the code as early as 2007, with keyword-searching capabilities added in 2008. It was made by the same people who have also launched prior cyberattacks in South Korea over the last several years, Choi said. Versions of the code may still be trying to glean military secrets from infected computers. Sherstobitoff said the same coded fingerprints were found in an attack on June 25 - the anniversary of the start of the 1950-53 Korean War - in which websites for South Korea's president and prime minister were attacked. A day later the Pentagon said it was investigating reports that personal information about thousands of U.S. troops in South Korea had been posted online.’ Cyberattack Impacts: Iran Is a Threat Iranian Hackers have the ability to steal information and use it to shut down energy and infrastructure. Dana Liebelson, 2013, reporter for MotherJones, “Why Iran's Hackers Might Be Scarier Than China's”, May was a grim month for American cybersecurity. First, the Obama administration accused China of hacking government computers, potentially to exploit weaknesses in the US military. Then, US officials announced that hackers, believed to be sponsored by the Iranian government, had successfully broken into computer networks that run US energy companies, giving Iran the means to sabotage power plants. This week, the Washington Post reported that Chinese cyberspies had hacked more than two dozen big-name US weapons programs, including the F-35 fighter jet, an army program for downing ballistic missiles, and the Navy's Littoral Combat ship. Not all cyberthreats are equal, but one question remains: Who poses the greater danger—Chinese or Iranian hackers? To date, Chinese hackers have gotten more public attention, thanks to a February 2013 New York Times investigation of a top-secret government hacking operation based in Shanghai, and high-profile attacks, originating from China, on US media outlets. But experts point out that though China has greater capabilities for cyberwarfare and is actively stealing US military secrets, Iran's attacks could ultimately be more worrisome, because its hackers are targeting critical infrastructure and developing the ability to cause serious damage to the United States' power grid. "The Chinese are engaged in cyberespionage, which is more or less understood," says Richard Bejtlich, the chief security officer at Mandiant, a company that offers cybersecurity services for Fortune 100 companies. "We know what lines they will and will not cross. But a country like Iran is much more willing to be destructive. They go ahead and delete computers, they corrupt them, and they cause a lot of trouble." James Lewis, a cybersecurity specialist at the Center for Strategic and International Studies who frequently advises the White House, agrees that Iran's "attacks on critical infrastructure are probably the bigger threat…Iran is much more unstable." Hackers directly backed by the Iranian government have demonstrated the capability to destroy critical information and an interest in causing damage to US computer systems, not simply hacking them to collect information. According to the Wall Street Journal, in their most recent campaign, Iranian-linked hackers broke into computer systems to gain information on how US energy companies run their operations, acquiring the means to "disrupt or destroy them in the future." Iranian hackers were also blamed by US officials for erasing thousands of hard drives owned by Saudi Aramco, the world's biggest oil company, in August 2012. Cyberattack Impact: US Retaliation Security Leader Says U.S. Would Retaliate Against Cyberattacks Mark Mazzetti and David E. Sanger.(Authors of New York Times.)"Security Leader Says U.S. Would RetaliateAgainstCyberattacks."March12,2013.NewYorkTimes. intelligence-official-warns-congress-that-cyberattacks-pose-threat-to-us.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 The chief of the military’s newly created Cyber Command told Congress on Tuesday that he is establishing 13 teams of programmers and computer experts who could carry out offensive cyberattacks on foreign nations if the United States were hit with a major attack on its own networks, the first time the Obama administration has publicly admitted to developing such weapons for use in wartime.¶ “I would like to be clear that this team, this defend-the-nation team, is not a defensive team,” Gen. Keith Alexander, who runs both the National Security Agency and the new Cyber Command, told the House Armed Services Committee. “This is an offensive team that the Defense Department would use to defend the nation if it were attacked in cyberspace. Thirteen of the teams that we’re creating are for that mission alone.”¶ General Alexander’s testimony came on the same day the nation’s top intelligence official, James R. Clapper Jr., warned Congress that a major cyberattack on the United States could cripple the country’s infrastructure and economy, and suggested that such attacks now pose the most dangerous immediate threat to the United States, even more pressing than an attack by global terrorist networks.¶ Cyberattack Impacts: Harms National Security Cyberattacks are a serious threat to our national security, lives, infrastructure, and economy Dorgan, Byron L. 2013 (Former United States Senator. “Cyber Terror is a New Language Of War We Barely Understand”. 16 July 13. Accessed 16 July 13. A new novel I’ve just co-authored with David Hagberg titled Gridlock is a story about a computer virus created in Russia, stolen by the Iranians and used to shut down the electric power grid in the U.S. It causes chaos, loss of life, and brings our economy to its knees … all done by an enemy we can’t see using digital weapons rather than firearms. Our [the] book is fiction, but that scenario and many others now constitute real and serious threats to our country every day. Those threats are to our personal identity, our bank accounts and the information we store on our computers. Most importantly, the threats are to our country and the vital services and national security interests that are essential to the functioning of our economy. Cyberattack Impacts: Economy Cyberterrorism will cripple the economy Jarzemsky, Matthew. 2012 (Reporter for the Wall Street Journal. "'Fat-Finger' Error Caused Oil-Stock Price Swings". 19 Sep. A trader placing an order to buy or sell a basket of stocks accidentally entered the wrong size for the transaction, said the person familiar with the situation. Such incidents are sometimes referred to as fatfinger events, likening them to an instance when a trader hits a button unintentionally. Exchanges operated by NYSE, Euronext, Nasdaq OMX Group Inc., and Direct Edge Holdings LLC reviewed the trades late Tuesday, flagging them as “potentially clearly erroneous,” but later said they would stand. Traders noted the activity and searched for an explanation, with some speculating the cause was faulty trading software or a mistake by a broker trying to offset a position taken on behalf of a client. “People have a heightened sense of awareness toward these things, given the ‘flash crash’ and the Knight issues,” said Dave Lutz, managing director at Stifel Nicolaus. “When you have large amounts of volume in a basket of securities that are moving quickly, people are going to try to figure out what happened.” In the May 2010 “flash crash,” the Dow Jones Industrial Average quickly lost nearly 1,000 points before recovering much of the drop. This past August, glitches in the electronic trading system at Knight Capital Group Inc., one of the biggest facilitators of stock trading in the U.S., caused price swings in dozens of stocks and led to a $440 million loss for the brokerage. Cyberattack Impacts: Infrastructure Cyber attack could shut down the US for weeks, us infrastructure relies on data run systems Llewellyn King,executive producer and host of "White House Chronicle", 6/10/12, The Devastating Effects of a Cyber-Attack Against a Country's Energy Grid,, date of access- 7/21/13 Computer war has grown up. It has moved from the age of the equivalent of black powder to the equivalent of high-explosive shells -- not yet nuclear devices but close.¶ Enemies with sophisticated computer technology, money and determination can now contemplate the possibility of taking down the electrical systems of large swaths of the nation. Just a small interruption in power supply is devastating; as has been demonstrated by the recent power outages in 10 states, caused by severe weather.¶ The world as we know it stops when power fails; gasoline cannot be pumped, air conditioning and all other household appliances cannot be used, plunging us into a dark age without the tools of a dark age – candles, firewood, horses and carts.¶ At the center of this vulnerability is a device most of us have never heard of but is an essential part of modern infrastructure. It is the programmable logic controller (PLC).¶ In appearance the PLC is usually a small, black box about the size of a woman's purse. It came on the scene in the 1960s, when microprocessors became available and has grown exponentially in application and deployment ever since. The full computerization of the PLC put it silently but vitally in charge of nearly every commercial/industrial operation, from assembly lines to power dispatch.¶ These devices are the brain box of everything from air traffic systems to railroads. They replaced old-fashioned relays and human commands, and made automation truly automatic.¶ The revolution brought on by the PLC is an “ultra-important part” of the continuing story of technological progress, according to Ken Ball, an engineering physicist who has written a history of these devices.¶ Now the PLC -- this quiet workhorse, this silent servant -- is a cause of worry; not so much from computer hackers, out for a bit of fun through manipulating a single controller, but from the wreckage that can be achieved in a government-sponsored cyberattack with planning and malice aforethought.¶ Such an attack could be launched for diverse purposes against many aspects of our society. But the most paralyzing would be an attack on the electrical system; on the controllers that run power plant operations and the grid, from coal to nuclear to natural gas to wind turbines and other renewables.¶ Such a coordinated attack could bring the United States to its knees for days or weeks with traffic jams, abandoned cars, closed airports and hospitals reliant on emergency generators while fuel supplies last.¶ Cyber attack devastating, it would take out important infrastructure necessary to prevent deaths. FRANCIS, DAVID. Staff analyst for the fiscal times,3/11/13, The Coming Cyber Attack That Could Ruin Your Life, The fiscal times,, date access- 7/21/13 Last month, a private security firm announced that Chinese military hackers had launched attacks on the U.S. government and private companies nearly 147 times in the last seven years, a formal declaration of a secret cyber war that’s been going on for decades.¶ This war has not yet had a major impact on the lives of average American citizens: Attacks have resulted in minor service disruptions only, such as not being able to log into online accounts. ¶ But experts warn these kinds of service breaks are just a small symptom of the serious damage cyber terrorists and hackers can cause. Officials have said that hackers could cause a cyber 9/11 – an attack could cause widespread turmoil, including the disappearance of money, electrical failure, and even death. And America could be the battlefield in which these new techniques of war are tested. ¶ “An adversary looking to cause chaos could pick any part of critical infrastructure, from banking to power to health care,” said Jeffrey Carr, chief executive officer of Taia Global, a cyber security firm. “All of those are vulnerable to cyber attack.” ¶ The most harmful cyber attacks have the ability to impact nearly every part of American life, putting lives and essential privacy at risk. Without increased vigilance, experts say it’s only a matter of time before a worst-case scenario becomes a reality. ¶ Hackers have attempted to infiltrate critical infrastructure components like mass transit and power grids, although few Americans are aware of it. Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says they have had limited success. But all it takes it one breach to cause chaos.¶ “We know of specific instances where intruders have successfully gained access to these [critical infrastructure] systems," Panetta said last October in New York. "We also know that they are seeking to create advanced tools to attack these systems and cause panic and destruction and even the loss of life. ”¶ Attacks like the one Panetta described could turn off the power to large parts of the country. Public transportation systems could malfunction and operators to lose control of systems that prevent crashes. Attackers could also take down communication systems and Internet access.¶ According to Tom Kellermann, vice president of cyber security for Trend Micro, attacks on infrastructure could also provide false information to people making life and death decisions. For instance, hackers could target air traffic control systems, providing false information that could cause planes to crash. “Everyone implicitly trusts his or her computer,” he said. “A cyber attack can corrupt this information.”¶ So far, cyber attacks have had limited access to bank accounts for short periods of time, and some personal information has been stolen. But according to Larry Ponemon, founder of the Ponemon Institute, a think tank that studies data privacy, hackers want to do more than disrupt: they want to make money disappear. ¶ “In a successful attack against a bank, credentials and passwords are gone,” he said. “Hackers are trying to go into accounts to steal large sums of money.” Maybe, but imagine, for example, that cyber thieves were able to steal just 1 percent or less from JP Morgan’s $2 trillion in assets . ¶ Health care systems are also vulnerable to these kinds of attacks. Many doctors and hospitals are now keeping electronic medical records. Hackers can get access to this information, making changes that could potentially lead to deadly instances where doctors prescribe unnecessary drugs or order irrelevant procedures for the patient. ¶ “I have never seen an industry with more gaping security holes,” Avi Rubin, a computer scientist and technical director of the Information Security Institute at Johns Hopkins University, told the Washington Post last year. “If our financial industry regarded security the way the health-care sector does, I would stuff my cash in a mattress under my bed."¶ According to Ponemon, hackers can target individuals without the person ever knowing it. “An attack could be occurring if you computer is running weird and slow,” he said. “Often times, hackers will attack computers at time when the user is most likely sleeping.” When the system is shut down, of course, hackers can’t get in. Once a system has been infiltrated, there’s no limit to what hackers can steal.¶ “Hackers have the ability to capture info from your devices. They can steal your password, your documents and your spreadsheets,” Ponemon said. “You can buy dozens of antivirus programs that usually stop most of the bad stuff out there. But there are always some malware programs that have no signature and can bypass security.” Equally troubling is the hacker’s ability to conduct surveillance on a victim, Ponemon said.¶ “They turn on and off your camera,” Ponemon said, referring to the Web cameras that are standard in today’s computers. “They can hack into the voice part of your phone and wiretap a real conversation or use your phone to listen in on real-time conversations.”¶ Or as Taia Global’s Carr said, “I don’t think there is a limit on the imagination on how much harm could be done.” Cyberattack Impacts: Mass Death Cyber attack could devastate us- defense secretary agrees. Tapping into infrastructure would shut down the US and lead to mass death. ELISABETH BUMILLER, staff analyst, 10/11/12, Panetta Warns of Dire Threat of Cyberattack on U.S., New York times,, date access- 7/21/13 Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta warned Thursday that the United States was facing the possibility of a “cyber-Pearl Harbor” and was increasingly vulnerable to foreign computer hackers who could dismantle the nation’s power grid, transportation system, financial networks and government. In a speech at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum in New York, Mr. Panetta painted a dire picture of how such an attack on the United States might unfold. He said he was reacting to increasing aggressiveness and technological advances by the nation’s adversaries, which officials identified as China, Russia, Iran and militant groups. ¶ “An aggressor nation or extremist group could use these kinds of cyber tools to gain control of critical switches,” Mr. Panetta said. “They could derail passenger trains, or even more dangerous, derail passenger trains loaded with lethal chemicals. They could contaminate the water supply in major cities, or shut down the power grid across large parts of the country.” ¶ Defense officials insisted that Mr. Panetta’s words were not hyperbole, and that he was responding to a recent wave of cyberattacks on large American financial institutions. He also cited an attack in August on the state oil company Saudi Aramco, which infected and made useless more than 30,000 computers. ¶ But Pentagon officials acknowledged that Mr. Panetta was also pushing for legislation on Capitol Hill. It would require new standards at critical private-sector infrastructure facilities — like power plants, water treatment facilities and gas pipelines — where a computer breach could cause significant casualties or economic damage. ¶ In August, a cybersecurity bill that had been one of the administration’s national security priorities was blocked by a group of Republicans, led by Senator John McCain of Arizona, who took the side of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and said it would be too burdensome for corporations. ¶ The most destructive possibilities, Mr. Panetta said, involve “cyber-actors launching several attacks on our critical infrastructure at one time, in combination with a physical attack.” He described the collective result as a “cyber-Pearl Harbor that would cause physical destruction and the loss of life, an attack that would paralyze and shock the nation and create a profound new sense of vulnerability.” ¶ Mr. Panetta also argued against the idea that new legislation would be costly for business. “The fact is that to fully provide the necessary protection in our democracy, cybersecurity must be passed by the Congress,” he told his audience, Business Executives for National Security. “Without it, we are and we will be vulnerable.” ¶ With the legislation stalled, Mr. Panetta said President Obama was weighing the option of issuing an executive order that would promote information sharing on cybersecurity between government and private industry. But Mr. Panetta made clear that he saw it as a stopgap measure and that private companies, which are typically reluctant to share internal information with the government, would cooperate fully only if required to by law. ¶ “We’re not interested in looking at e-mail, we’re not interested in looking at information in computers, I’m not interested in violating rights or liberties of people,” Mr. Panetta told editors and reporters at The New York Times earlier on Thursday. “But if there is a code, if there’s a worm that’s being inserted, we need to know when that’s happening.” ¶ Cyberattack Impacts: Mass Death Cyberattacks could gridlock society and kill millions Pogatchnik, Shawn. 2013 (Reporter for the Associated Press. “AP Interview: Ex-FBI Chief on Risk of Cyber Terror”. 7 July. Accessed 16 July 13. Speaking to The Associated Press ahead of the Global Intelligence Forum starting Monday in Ireland, Freeh said hackers seeking to take control of, or take down, key pieces of U.S. infrastructure could do more damage than the attackers of 9/11. He said computer systems controlling power plants, the navigation of aircraft and ships, and even the switching of street lights could be hijacked to gridlock societies and kill large groups of people. "People traditionally think of this threat as somebody stealing their identity or their credit card number, or making it inconvenient to go to the ATM (cash machine). That's a very benign view of the potential for what cyber terrorism really is," Freeh said. "You could manipulate transportation systems, aviation guidance systems, highway safety systems, maritime operations systems. You could shut down an energy system in the northeast U.S. in the middle of winter. The potential for mass destruction in terms of life and property is really only limited by (the attackers') access and success in penetrating and hijacking these networks," he said. Cyberattack Impact: Prevents Retaliation When coupled with a traditional attack, a cyberattack would allow a terrorist organization to pre-emptively cripple response Bucci, Steven. 2009 (Director of the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies. "The Confluence of Cyber Crime and Terrorism". 12 Jun. If the attacker has used weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives) in the kinetic part of the attack, the cyber component can also hinder the ability to rally consequence-management assets. The victim will have suffered a catastrophic attack and will be unable to respond effectively to the results. The continued cyber intrusions will not only keep them from striking back with any real effect, but may make them ineffectual in mobilizing their firstresponder forces. A2: Cannot Stop Cyberattack Successful cyber defense is possible Dorgan, Byron L. 2013 (Former United States Senator. “Cyber Terror is a New Language Of War We Barely Understand”. 16 July 13. Accessed 16 July 13. It is certain that those who wish America ill will continue these attacks. Our new novel describes a scenario of what could happen if we don’t take these new cyber-terror threats seriously. But if we understand the threat and work hard with the best and brightest in the public and private sectors, we can successfully defend America and its citizens against this new weapon used by terrorists. Hackers Hackers Destroy Privacy Lack of cyber security turns digital privacy- hackers can steal your private information otherwise. Steve Largent and Rick Boucher, congressmen, “Good cybersecurity means better privacy – opinion” March 2013, DoA: 7/17/13 Such views are nonsense. Quite simply, digital privacy cannot exist without cybersecurity. Weak security equals weak privacy. Want better privacy? Raise your security game to prevent hackers from stealing private data. Let the experts from the private sector and government communicate with each other so when they see threats, they can alert others and work together to create a solution.¶ Despite this common-sense connection, a seemingly never-ending debate drags on about how our nation can improve its cybersecurity. There is lots of talk, but little action to support privacy's enabler.¶ That could change if Congress passes The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) and the President signs it into law. CISPA passed the House (248-168) about a year ago, and since then has been the subject of considerable discussion, with no discernible progress.¶ Critics don't like the fact that CISPA enables information sharing between the federal government and the private sector in order to prevent cyberattacks and to pursue cybercriminals, hackers, fraudsters and others intent on harm. As they see it, such cooperation constitutes a potential privacy invasion that is so egregious as to merit no further consideration.¶ Their concerns are, no doubt, well intended. But they are also out of touch with reality and risk unintended consequences that only serve to allow cybercriminals to operate with impunity.¶ The breadth and scale of the threat of cyberattacks on our nation's critical infrastructure -- financial institutions, electric and water utilities and air traffic control systems, to name just a few -- to say nothing of consumers' personal data, is no longer in debate. Meanwhile, the avenues and opportunities by which hackers have to penetrate our networks are growing hand in hand with our increasingly mobile communications ecosystem. On the consumer side, for example, a recent study concludes more than 40% of U.S. smartphone users will click on unsafe links this year, potentially spreading malware that can steal data and dollars to their friends, family and colleagues.¶ Related story: Wake up, America! China is attacking¶ Hackers destroy Digital Privacy and violate Constitutional liberties. Rogers, Mike, Member of the House of Representatives and Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Ruppersburg, Dutch, also a member of the House of Reps, andn a ranking member on Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. 4/16/13 Protecting Internet freedom is a priority Date Accessed; 7/20/13 The privacy and civil liberties rights enshrined in the Constitution that we swore to protect are threatened daily as foreign hackers steal unfathomable amounts of information from our computer networks. These networks contain our most important personal information, including our banking, medical and family records. Secure computer networks are vital to ensuring that the Internet remains a key and open forum for individual expression — America simply cannot turn a blind eye to this threat any longer. A2: Hacktivism Good “Hacktivism” is overblown and doesn’t cause social change Dorothy E. Denning, 2001, Georgetown University, “ACTIVISM, HACKTIVISM, AND CYBERTERRORISM: THE INTERNET AS A TOOL FOR INFLUENCING FOREIGN POLICY”, In the area of hacktivism, which involves the use of hacking tools and techniques of a disruptive nature, the Internet will serve mainly to draw attention to a cause, since such incidents are regularly reported by news media. Whether that attention has the desired effect of changing policy decisions related to the issue at hand is much less certain. Hacktivists may feel a sense of empowerment, because they can control government computers and get media attention, but that does not mean they will succeed in changing policy. So far, anecdotal evidence suggests that for the majority of cases, they will not. Prism Prism is necessary to search for terrorists Schmitt, Eric, Sanger, David E., Savage, Charlie. June 7, 2013. Administration Says Mining of Data Is Crucial to Fight Terror. Date Accessed: 7/16/13. [Obama] argued that “modest encroachments on privacy” — including keeping records of phone numbers called and the length of calls that can be used to track terrorists, though not listening in to calls — were “worth us doing” to protect the country. The programs, he said, were authorized by Congress and regularly reviewed by federal courts. ¶ But privacy advocates questioned the portrayal of the program’s intrusion on Americans’ communications as modest. When Americans communicate with a targeted person overseas, the program can vacuum up and store for later searching — without a warrant — their calls and e-mails, too. ¶ Mr. Obama acknowledged that he had hesitations when he inherited the program from George W. Bush, but told reporters that he soon became convinced of its necessity. “You can’t have 100 percent security and also then have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience,” he said. “We’re going to have to make some choices as a society.” ¶ To defenders of the N.S.A., the Zazi case underscores how the agency’s Internet surveillance system, called Prism, which was set up over the past decade to collect data from online providers of e-mail and chat services, has yielded concrete results. ¶ “We were able to glean critical information,” said a senior intelligence official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “It was through an e-mail correspondence that we had access to only through Prism.” ¶ John Miller, a former senior intelligence official who now works for CBS News, said on “CBS This Morning,” “That’s how a program like this is supposed to work.” ¶ Veterans of the Obama intelligence agencies say the large collections of digital data are vital in the search for terrorists. “If you’re looking for a needle in the haystack, you need a haystack,” Jeremy Bash, chief of staff to Leon E. Panetta, the former C.I.A. director and defense secretary, said on MSNBC on Friday.¶ Under the program, intelligence officials must present Internet companies with specific requests for information on a case-by-case basis, showing that the target is a foreigner and located outside the United States, a senior law enforcement official said Friday. If the N.S.A. comes across information about an American citizen during the search, it turns over that material to the F.B.I. for an assessment, the official said. Obama argues there are limits to the surveillance allowed under Prism. Hennessey, Kathleen. June 19, 2013. Obama defends NSA digital surveillance programs.,0,3630725.story. Date Accessed 7/17/13. BERLIN -- President Obama tried to reassure skeptical Europeans about sweeping U.S. digital surveillance programs expanded under his watch, arguing that the programs are circumscribed, overseen by a court and effective.¶ "What I can say to everybody in Germany and everybody around the world is this applies very narrowly," Obama said Wednesday after a meeting in which German Chancellor Angela Merkel pressed the president on whether the programs were violating the privacy rights of German citizens.¶ "This is not a situation in which we are rifling through the ordinary emails of is not a situation where we can go on to the Internet and start searching any way we want."¶ Obama argued that the collection of bulk data on phone German citizens or American citizens or French citizens or anybody else," he said. "This records and Internet activity has averted "at least 50 threats," repeating claims made by other administration officials since details about the programs were disclosed two weeks ago. Patriot Act and surveillance of citizens enables NSA to thwart dozens of terrorist attacks Cohen, Tom, Staff writer cnn, 6/13/13, CNN, NSA director: Data mining follows law, thwarts terror,, Date Accessed: 7/17/13 Phone records obtained by the government through a secret surveillance program disclosed last week helped to prevent "dozens" of terrorist acts, the director of the National Security Agency told a Senate hearing on Wednesday.¶ Army Gen. Keith Alexander provided the most detailed account so far from a government official of the program in which the agency collects phone records that then can be accessed under federal court permission to investigate suspected terrorists.¶ The scope of the secret program – potentially [involved] involving phone records of every American -- set off a political firestorm when details emerged with publication of a leaked document.¶ Further leaks revealed other secret programs that collect computer activity and other information.¶ Critics on the right and left accused the government of going well beyond the intended reach of the Patriot Act enacted after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States.¶ Questioned by senators from both parties at a hearing on broader cybersecurity issues, Alexander provided a spirited defense for the programs he described as critical to counter-terrorism efforts.¶ "I think what we're doing to protect American citizens here is the right thing," he said. "Our agency takes great pride in protecting this nation and our civil liberties and privacy, and doing it in partnership with this committee, with this Congress, and with the courts."¶ Alexander added that he welcomed a public debate over protecting America while preserving civil liberties.¶ "To date, we've not been able to explain it because it's classified, so that issue is something that we're wrestling with," he said. "... This isn't something that's just NSA or the administration doing that and so on. This is what ... our nation expects our government to do for us. So, we ought to have that debate. We ought to put it out there."¶ In the end, he said, some aspects of the giant surveillance apparatus created after 9/11 would have to remain classified.¶ "And they should be, because if we tell the terrorists every way that we are going to track them, they will get through and Americans will die," he said.¶ Alexander also rejected the claim that former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who admitted leaking the topsecret documents on electronic surveillance programs and is now in hiding, could tap into any American's phone or e-mail.¶ "I know of no way to do that," he said, calling Snowden's statement "false."¶ In an exchange with Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Alexander said he believed the program under Section 215 of the Patriot Act was "critical" in helping the intelligence community corroborate information on possible threats.¶ "It is dozens of terrorist events that these have helped prevent," Alexander said of the Section 215 program and another that collects information on foreign computer use.¶ He would not discuss specific disrupted plots, saying they were classified, but he told Leahy that the two programs together played a role in helping to stop a planned attack on the New York subway system.¶ Information developed overseas was passed along to the FBI, which was able to identify suspect Najibullah Zazi in Colorado and ultimately uncover a plot, he said. Zazi pleaded guilty to terror-related charges in 2010.¶ In response to questions from senators about why the Section 215 program needed to collect billions of U.S. phone records, Alexander explained that the agency held the records for five years in the event that an investigation uncovered an overseas terrorist link to a specific area in the United States.¶ With a database of phone records, the agency can go "back in time" to figure out the number and date that a suspect called, he said.¶ "We won't search that unless we have some reasonable, articulable suspicion about a terroristrelated organization," Alexander said.¶ Once permission is granted, "we can now look and say, 'who was this guy talking to in the United States and why?'"¶ "The system just gives us back who he was talking to," Alexander explained. "But if you didn't collect it, how do you know who he was talking to?"¶ Obtaining further information, such as the content of the call, would require a court order, he said.¶ GOP Sen. Mike Johanns of Nebraska pressed Alexander on the issue, asking if the search could span "the breadth of telephone records."¶ "The American public is fearful that in this massive amount of data you get that there's the ability of the federal government to synthesize that data and learn something more than maybe what was ever contemplated by the Patriot Act," Johanns said.¶ Alexander will return to the panel on Thursday to give a classified briefing on the programs in order to provide more information, and he pledged to work with the committee to come up with more detailed explanations for the American public.¶ He explained his caution on Wednesday by saying revelations such as the classified documents about the secret programs were harmful to national security efforts.¶ "I would rather take a public beating and people think I am hiding something than to jeopardize the security of this country," Alexander said.¶ Espionage Espionage-Russia Russian-US Cold War Espionage still a threat Ross, Brian (Staff Writer ABC News) Jun 2013 Edward Snowden Steps Into Secret U.S.-Russia Spy Scuffle Date Accessed: 7/16/13 An ABC News review of public reports shows that in the past 16 months alone, at least six people have been accused or convicted of spying for the U.S. in Russia, including two Americans who were kicked out of the country and four Russians purportedly recruited by U.S. intelligence -- all sent to prison. Another American, a lawyer, was reportedly expelled from Russia this May because he rebuffed Russian agents' attempt to recruit him to spy for them.¶ "Espionage is alive and well" between the old Cold War foes, said David Major, a former senior FBI counter-intelligence officer and now President of the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, which tracks spy cases the world over.¶ Some of the cases, like that of blown CIA agent Ryan Fogle, splashed across headlines the world over. But several others, like the case of a Russian intelligence colonel who worked with the CIA and got 18 years behind bars for it, barely made a ripple in American media.¶ Prior to 2012, the whole world took notice in 2010 when the FBI rounded up 10 undercover Russian agents in America – including the "SoHo Spy" Anna Chapman – but far fewer heard in 2011 when it was revealed a Russian intelligence official in Moscow had given the spy ring up and then fled to the U.S. That man, Col. Alexander Poteyev, reportedly had been recruited by the CIA.¶ Now with Snowden, a former contractor for the National Security Agency with a head and, reportedly, laptops full of U.S. secrets, Major said the Russians have been handed a victory, even if Snowden insists he's not working with any governments.¶ "One of the highest targets [for foreign intelligence agencies] has always been the NSA, one of the hardest targets for them ever to penetrate," Major said. "[Russian intelligence] is going to look at this case as an opportunity, as a treasure trove of intelligence that [will be] exploited to the extent that they can, and then when they decide, they'll move on." Espionage is a difficult to manage, yet growing problem to the U.S Lewis, James A(Director of Technology at CSIS) December 2002 Assessing the Risks of Cyber Terrorism, Cyber War and Other Cyber Threats Date Accessed: 7/16/2013 Espionage opportunities created by a greater reliance on internet-accessible computer ¶ networks will create greater risk for national security than cyber attacks. Terrorist groups ¶ are likely to use the Internet to collect information on potential targets, and intelligence¶ services can not only benefit from information openly available on the web but,14 more¶ importantly, can benefit from the ability to clandestinely penetrate computer networks¶ and collect information that is not publicly available. This is very different from hacking, ¶ in that in the event of a successful penetration of a hostile network, a terrorist group or an ¶ intelligence service will want to be as unobtrusive as possible. A sophisticated opponent ¶ might hack into a system and sit there, collecting intelligence and working to remain ¶ unnoticed. It will not disrupt essential services or leave embarrassing messages on ¶ websites, but remain quietly in the background collecting information. Collection ¶ techniques for the Internet differ significantly from earlier signals and communications ¶ intercept techniques, and while different kinds of data will be collected, the overall effect ¶ may be to make some espionage activities much more rewarding. This topic, the ¶ implications for espionage of the greater use of computer networks and Internet ¶ protocols, deserves further study. Espionage-China Espionage is top threat to the US- China has been accused of espionage Hosenball, Mark. (Investigative Producer NBC, Staff Writer on Reuters) Mar 2012 Cyber-attacks leading threat against U.S.: Spy Agencies Date Accessed: 7/15/13 (Reuters) - Intelligence leaders said for the first time on Tuesday that cyber attacks and cyber espionage have supplanted terrorism as the top security threat facing the United States. That stark assessment, in an annual "worldwide threat" briefing that covered concerns as diverse as North Korea's belligerence and Syria's civil war, was reinforced in remarks by the spy chiefs before the Senate Intelligence Committee. They expressed concern that computer technology is evolving so quickly it is hard for security experts to keep up. "In some cases, the world is applying digital technologies faster than our ability to understand the security implications and mitigate potential risks," James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, told the committee. In written testimony, Clapper softened his analysis somewhat, playing down the likelihood of catastrophic attacks on the United States in the near term - either through digital technologies, or from foreign or domestic militants employing traditional violence. But this year's annual threat briefing underscored how, a decade after the Iraq war began and nearly two years after the killing of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, digital assaults on government and computer networks have supplanted earlier security fears. On Monday, White House national security adviser Tom Donilon, citing complaints from U.S. businesses about alleged Chinese cyber espionage, said the issue is a growing challenge to economic relations between the United States and China. China cyber attacks are growing and the us needs to actively search for hackers. David Feith, an editorial page writer for The Wall Street Journal Asia in Hong Kong “Timothy L. Thomas: Why China Is Reading Your Email” DoP: 2013 March, DoA: 7/17/13 For several years, Washington has treated China as the Lord Voldemort of geopolitics—the foe who must not be named, lest all economic and diplomatic hell break loose. That policy seemed to be ending in recent weeks, and Timothy Thomas thinks it’s about time.¶ The clearest sign of change came in a March 11 speech by Tom Donilon, President Obama’s national security adviser, who condemned “cyber intrusions emanating from China on an unprecedented scale” and declared that “the international community cannot tolerate such activity from any country.” Chinese cyber aggression poses risks “to international trade, to the reputation of Chinese industry and to our overall relations,” Mr. Donilon said, and Beijing must stop it.¶ “Why did we wait so long?” wonders Mr. Thomas as we sit in the U.S. Army’s Foreign Military Studies Office, where the 64-year-old retired lieutenant colonel has studied Chinese cyber strategy for two decades. More than enough evidence accumulated long ago, he says, for the U.S. to say to Beijing and its denials of responsibility, “Folks, you don’t have a leg to stand on, sorry.” Beijing's cyber attacks are rooted in military strategy, says one of America's foremost experts. The best way to combat them is for the U.S. to go on the cyber offensive too. The US is developing Cyber defense teams to monitor data to protect from cyber attacks. Robertson Adi, Adi RobertsonWa is a reporter for The Verge.,“NSA head says 13 'offensive teams' being trained for cyberwarfare” DoP: 3/13/13, DoA: 7/16/13,¶ As Director of National Intelligence James Clapper discussed the "remote" threat of a major cyberattack within the next two years, NSA and US Cyber Command director Gen. Keith Alexander told Congress that the US was training its own cyberwarriors as well. In yesterday's hearing before the House Armed Services Committee, Alexander emphasized that "this team, this defend-the-nation team, is not a defensive team... This is an offensive team that the Defense Department would use to defend the nation if it were attacked in cyberspace. 13 of the teams that we’re creating are for that mission alone."¶ As The New York Times reports, Alexander says 27 additional teams are dedicated to training and surveillance, and more will be able to "defend our networks in cyberspace." He did not go into detail about the projects, but he said that training was the most important task at hand, and that defense was best served by monitoring incoming traffic to the US with systems that could check for attacks. Current fears about cyberwarfare have focused on China, which is considered responsible for recent attacks on The New York Times and other papers, but Clapper has said that "isolated state or nonstate actors" are more likely to launch high-stakes campaigns that could take out critical infrastructure.¶ China Espionage Impact: Innovation China cyber attacks on threaten innovation by top companies McGarry, Brendan, staff analyst and writer, 5/21/13, China’s Cyber Attacks Threaten Social Order: Analyst, Defense Tech,, date access- 7/21/13 China’s communist party that its cyber attacks against Western targets threaten to undermine the Chinese economy and social order, an analyst said.¶ When asked what President Barack The U.S. president should tell the leader of Obama should say to President Xi Jinping at their next meeting in June, James Mulvenon, a vice president at Defense Group Inc., a technology company in Vienna, Va., was blunt.¶ “This is imperiling your own economic development, which is imperiling your social stability, which is your No. 1 priority,” Mulvenon said May 21 during a panel discussion at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank in Washington, D.C. “The only message that will get through to a general secretary of the Chinese communist party is that economic development and social stability are threatened by the brazen scope and scale of this intrusion.”¶ China was a frequent topic of discussion during the discussion, part of an event called “Threat and Response: Combating Advanced Attacks and Cyber-Espionage,” which drew a roomful of academics, executives, government and military officials, and reporters.¶ A Chinese espionage group since 2006 has stolen hundreds of terabytes of information from at least 141 companies across 20 major industries, including aerospace and defense, according to a February report from Mandiant, a closely held company based in Alexandria, Va., which sells information-security services.¶ Obama should tell Xi that such actions “are undermining that last remaining pillar of strategic cooperative Sino-U.S. relations,” Mulvenon said. “The trade and business community are some of the loudest critics of what’s going on the Chinese side who traditionally have been the strongest proponents of cooperative Sino-U.S. relations.”¶ Mulvenon also criticized China’s official response to the report.¶ “The Chinese, in my view, have always been terrible strategic communicators but they reached a new low recently when their response to the Mandiant report was — and this is an official spokesman at the Ministry of National Defense said — there is no Unit 61398,” he said. “We have hundreds of pieces of open-source data identifying that unit is public knowledge,” he added. “Their literally response at the official level is to deny reality.”¶ U.S. companies are already being hurt by the theft of intellectual property, according to Shawn Henry, president of CrowdStrike Services, a security technology firm based in San Francisco, and former executive assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A biotechnology company that typically takes five years to take an idea to market has noticed Chinese competitors churning out similar products in 18 months, Henry said.¶ “It’s not because they’ve come up with some newfangled manufacturing process,” he said during the panel. It’s because concept and engineering resources are “being stolen, and they’re going right from manufacturing and to market.”¶ Chief executive officers must be responsible for the security of their companies’ networks, according to Chris Inglis, deputy director of the National Security Agency, the Pentagon’s code-breaking wing.¶ “We need to hold CEOs or the appropriate parties accountable for the resilience, the security, integrity of those things that generate revenue or generate whatever the business is of that particular organization,” he said in separate remarks at the event.¶ Similar to the way they pay attention to finances under Sarbanes-Oxley, the 2002 legislation designed to protect investors from fraudulent accounting practices, executives may “spend an equal amount of time to the integrity and the resilience of their networks because it’s not just a commodity whose fate may have an effect on their bottom line, it’s a foundation for their business,” Inglis said.¶ A bill sponsored by Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, would make it easier for intelligence agencies to share information with the private sector. The legislation, Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, H.R. 624, has been referred to the Senate Intelligence Committee.¶ The U.S. Defense Department in a report released May 5 for the first time blamed China directly for targeting its computer networks. The attacks were focused on extracting information, including sensitive defense technology.¶ “In 2012, numerous computer systems around the world, including those owned by the U.S. government, continued to be targeted for intrusions, some of which appear to be attributable directly to the Chinese government and military,” it states. “The accesses and skills required for these intrusions are similar to those necessary to conduct computer network attacks.”¶ China called the accusations “groundless” and “not in line with the efforts made by both sides to strengthen mutual trust and cooperation,” according to a May 9 article published on the state-run website, “People’s Daily Online.” The country is a “victim itself of cyberattacks,” it states.¶ The U.S. faces a dilemma in talks with China because the U.S. has tried to make a distinction between types of spying in cyberspace, including traditional espionage, which it says cannot be legislated or governed through treaty, and commercial espionage, which it says can, Mulvenon said.¶ “This has been a real clangor with the Chinese because they don’t see the distinction because in their system the same people are doing both,” he said. China has single, large-scale, state-owned companies in each sector of the economy, making it easy for government spies to pass intelligence to corporate executives, he said.¶ “They don’t believe us when we tell them we are statutorily precluded from doing commercial espionage and we even give them a very practical reason: We say if the United States conducted commercial espionage on behalf of its companies, we wouldn’t know how to share the proceeds without somebody who didn’t get it suing us in the U.S. government for anti-trust violations,” Mulvenon said.¶ Russia is much stealthier than China when it comes to cyberspace espionage, Mulvenon said. “They use a lot more crypto,” he said, referring to cryptography. China Espionage Impact-Media The Chinese Govermennt is hacking into American computers to try to intimidate the media. Rogers, Mike, Member of the House of Representatives and Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Ruppersburg, Dutch, also a member of the House of Reps, andn a ranking member on Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. 4/16/13 Protecting Internet freedom is a priority Date Accessed; 7/20/13 Most associate cybersecurity with the protection of government, utility, transportation and financial systems. But cybersecurity is not limited to military information and energy grids. National news organizations including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post recently all reported that they were subject to cyberattacks. The recent cyberattacks on media outlets were an attempt to intimidate and harass newspapers that dared publish information critical of the Chinese government. Cyberattackers have hacked into American think tanks that have published papers critical of the Chinese government, in an attempt to squash any dissent. The Chinese are very good at squashing internal political dissent, and they are now attempting to bring those threats across the ocean to our shores. Espionage-Iran Iran is a serious cyber threat J. Nicholas Hoover.Senior editor for InformationWeek Government.April 26, 2012.Congress RaisesAlarmOnIranianCyberThreat. InformationWeek. July 17, 2013 The Iranian cyber threat to the United States is on the rise, lawmakers and foreign policy observers warned in a House Homeland Security Committee hearing Thursday. "There should be little doubt that a country that kills innocent people around the world, guns down its own people, and threatens Israel would not hesitate to carry out a cyber-attack against the U.S.," said counterterrorism and intelligence subcommittee chairman Patrick Meehan, R-Pa., whose subcommittee held a joint hearing with the cybersecurity, infrastructure protection, and security technologies subcommittee. Warnings about the threat of an Iranian attack came from all angles during the hearing, but the hearing did not include participation by a single intelligence or military official. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper recently testified to Iran's improvement in the cyber arena. Meehan called Iran's growing cyber capabilities a "real and genuine challenge and threat to the United States and its interests," noting the recent attack of a proIranian group called the Iranian Cyber Army on the government news agency Voice Of America. A Meehan-penned op-ed titled "Iranian Cyber Threat Cannot Be Underestimated" appeared on the website of Congressional news site The Hill on Thursday. Panelists called to attention recent media reports about Iranian diplomats involved in planned cyber-attacks against nuclear power plants and other targets. The country also recently claimed that the downing of a drone inside the country was thanks to a hack of the drone's GPS signals. "They're taking their gloves off right now in the cyber environment," said Frank Cilluffo, associate VP and director of the Homeland Security Policy Institute and a former Bush administration homeland security official. Panelists at the session were quick to point out that Iran does not yet pose the same level of technical threat as Russia and China, but said that Iran's intentions help make it dangerous. "As yet, Iran has not shown itself to be a similarly advanced or persistent threat" as Russia and China, Cilluffo said. "The bad news is that what they lack in capability, they make up for in intent and are not as hesitant as other countries may be." Ilya Berman, VP of the hawkish and conservative American Foreign Policy Council, agreed with Cilluffo's assessment, adding that Iran poses a potentially significant threat in the asymmetric world of cyberspace. "Cyberspace is a field that advantages asymmetric actors," he said. "As a result, the capabilities are an issue, but intent is even more of an issue. Unlike in Russian and China, where conflicts exist but at least we have diplomatic relations with those countries, there are a number of threats on the table with Iran." Berman recommended that the United States government create a stronger deterrence strategy against Iranian cyber-attacks. "We have had an abject lack of a deterrent strategy in facing Iran, and [the cyber world] is crying out for a deterrence strategy so that the Iranian regime recognizes that there are redlines that they can't cross," he said. Patriot Act Patriot Act Balances National Security and Privacy Homeland Security says it prioritizes national security at the expense of Privacy while preserving both – States Secret Privilege proves Palin, Philip J, 9/18/11, Homeland Security Watch, Brennan: Counterterrorism and the Law, , Date Accessed : 7/17/11 We’ve also worked to uphold our values and the rule of law in a second area—our policies and practices here at home. As I said, we will use all lawful tools at our disposal, and that includes authorities under the renewed PATRIOT Act. We firmly believe that our intelligence gathering tools must enable us to collect the information we need to protect the American people. At the same time, these tools must be subject to appropriate oversight and rigorous checks and balances that protect the privacy of innocent individuals.¶ As such, we have ensured that investigative techniques in the United States are conducted in a manner that is consistent with our laws and subject to the supervision of our courts. We have also taken administrative steps to institute additional checks and balances, above and beyond what is required by law, in order to better safeguard the privacy rights of innocent Americans.¶ Our democratic values also include—and our national security demands—open and transparent government. Some information obviously needs to be protected. And since his first days in office, President Obama has worked to strike the proper balance between the security the American people deserve and the openness our democratic society expects.¶ In one of his first acts, the President issued a new Executive Order on classified information that, among other things, reestablished the principle that all classified information will ultimately be declassified. The President also issued a Freedom of Information Act Directive mandating that agencies adopt a presumption of disclosure when processing requests for information. The President signed into law the first intelligence authorization act in over five years to ensure better oversight of intelligence activities. Among other things, the legislation revised the process for reporting sensitive intelligence activities to Congress and created an Inspector General for the Intelligence Community.¶ For the first time, President Obama released the combined budget of the intelligence community, and reconstituted the Intelligence Oversight Board, an important check on the government’s intelligence activities. The President declassified and released legal memos that authorized the use, in early times, of enhanced interrogation techniques. Understanding that the reasons to keep those memos secret had evaporated, the President felt it was important for the American people to understand how those methods came to be authorized and used.¶ The President, through the Attorney General, instituted a new process to consider invocation of the so-called “state secrets privilege,” where the government can protect information in civil lawsuits. This process ensures that this privilege is never used simply to hide embarrassing or unlawful government activities. But, it also recognizes that its use is absolutely necessary in certain cases for the protection of national security. I know there has been some criticism of the Administration on this. But by applying a stricter internal review process, including a requirement of personal approval by the Attorney General, we are working to ensure that this extraordinary power is asserted only when there is a strong justification to do so.¶ Patriot Act Good – Computer Trespasser Exception Stops Hackers The Patriot Act allows the Government to search a company’s computer system after an attack. Nancy J. King, 2003, College of Business, Oregon State University, Electronic Monitoring to Promote National Security Impacts Workplace Privacy, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal The USA PATRIOT Act also [created] some new employer rights that relate to electronic monitoring of the workplace. The most important new right arises from Section 217 of the USA PATRIOT Act, which creates a new “computer trespasser” exception to the ECPA.12 This exception authorizes law enforcement to assist employers who are providers of electronic communications systems when hackers or other unauthorized persons have accessed the employers’ computer systems. Before the USA PATRIOT ACT, law enforcement agencies needed a search warrant to intercept the contents of Internet communications sent by a computer trespasser (for example, a computer hacker), even if the owner of the computer system under attack gave its consent for law enforcement to intercept electronic communications on that system. Delays in obtaining a warrant often impaired law enforcement efforts to apprehend the hacker. Now, employers can permit law enforcement to intercept communications on the employers’ computer systems. A2-“Patriot Act Violates Liberties” Patriot Act vital; safeguards in place to protect liberties Sales, Nathan A. SEPTEMBER 8, 2011. A Vital Weapon. Date Accessed 7/17/13. America needs the Patriot Act because it helps prevent terrorism while posing little risk to civil liberties. The law simply lets counterterrorism agents use tools that police officers have used for decades. And it contains elaborate safeguards against abuse.¶ Consider the three provisions Congress renewed last May.¶ 1. Congress authorized “roving wiretaps” back in 1986 -- court orders that allow police to monitor criminals even if they switch phones. The Patriot Act allows the same thing in terrorism investigations. The law levels the playing field: If a roving wiretap is good enough for Tony Soprano, it’s good enough for Mohamed Atta.¶ The Patriot Act features strict safeguards. Agents can’t eavesdrop unless they get a judge’s permission. They must demonstrate that the suspect is a terrorist. And they must notify the judge when they go up on a new phone.¶ 2. Grand juries in criminal cases routinely subpoena “business records” from companies like banks and retailers. The Patriot Act lets counterterrorism agents get the same documents.¶ The law simply lets counterterrorism agents use tools that police officers have used for decades.¶ The act’s protections are even stronger than the grand jury rules. Prosecutors issue subpoenas unilaterally, but the Patriot Act requires the F.B.I. to get a judge’s approval. Americans can’t be investigated on the basis of First Amendment activities, and special limits apply to sensitive materials like medical or library records.¶ 3. Before 9/11, it was difficult for authorities to monitor “lone wolves” with murky ties to overseas terrorist groups. The F.B.I. suspected that Zacarias Moussaoui was a terrorist, but agents hadn’t connected him to Al Qaeda, so it wasn’t clear they could search his apartment. Congress fixed that problem. Now, agents can monitor a terrorist even if they haven’t yet found evidence he belongs to a foreign terrorist organization.¶ Again, the Patriot Act has robust safeguards. Agents have to convince a judge to let them track a lone wolf. This tool can only be used to investigate international terrorism, not domestic. And it doesn’t apply to Americans, only to temporary visitors like tourists. Citizens trade off digital privacy for security to prevent terror under the patriot act Zarka, Heater, Staff writer, 5/8/07, Yahoo, How the Patriot Act Helps United States Citizens,, Date accessed: 7/17/13 Many people believe that most terrorist attacks are spontaneous and random. However, the attacks are methodical and wellplanned. Generally, the terrorists commit numerous crimes before an attack actually occurs. For example, they may use false student visas to obtain entry, trafficking of drugs, provide material support to terrorist organizations, and steal weapons and explosives prior to the attack. When all this activity is going on is when officials need to "pounce" on the terrorists.¶ The PATRIOT Act was established to "deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes" (Bullock, Haddow, & Coppola, 2006, pg.519). And in order to deter terrorist acts, the PATRIOT Act allows the government a variety of "tools". Some of the tools are as follows: permits the seizure of voicemails, permits execution of a search warrant with delayed notification (sneak and peek warrants), as well as other procedures.¶ Creates new laws regarding the financing of terrorist organizations. Permits detention of suspected terrorists for up to seven days without charges or without initiating deportation. Relaxes the restrictions on information sharing between agencies. Grants access to internet and computer information. The government can check medical records, student records, and credit records secretly and without permission. They are also able to monitor financial activities and records (Bullock, Haddow, & Coppola, 2006). The above is a list of only a few of the tools available for law enforcement officials concerning terrorism. Most if not all of the above list, will actually allow officials to notice terrorist activity before an attack occurs. Some of the terrorist activities include false visas, theft, money laundering, extortion, financial support to terrorist organizations, and selling drugs. The terrorists commit those activities in order to support themselves, their group, and their mission (the attack). As mentioned above a terrorist attack is well planned out. With the Patriot Act, we are able to monitor suspected terrorists without many prior restrictions. The Patriot Act also created new legislation as well as strengthened some penalties for terrorist related crimes, so instead of 10 years imprisonment they get 15 (example). According to Howard & Sawyer, 2006, "The radicals conclude that the United States has strategically killed Muslims to terrorize the Islamic nation" (Sawyer, & Howard, 2006, pg.221). Therefore, Al-Qaeda justifies the killing of as many American citizens as possible as Bin Laden declared war on the U.S. and her allies. That means that the United States should be granted extensive authority to monitor terrorist activity. However, as the years have passed since 9/11 many people are in an uproar about constitutional freedoms and rights concerning the Patriot Act. It seems like another devastating attack will have to occur on U.S. soil before they realize the severity of terrorism.¶ CIPSA A2: Endless Invasion of Privacy Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act has limitations in place to place to prevent it from invading your privacy. Rogers, Mike, Member of the House of Representatives and Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Ruppersburg, Dutch, also a member of the House of Reps, andn a ranking member on Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. 4/16/13 Protecting Internet freedom is a priority Date Accessed; 7/20/13 These attackers have stolen Americans’ most personal information, including banking and health records, which can be used for identity theft or blackmail purposes. Using sophisticated distributed denial of service attacks, foreign cyberattackers are also shutting down websites critical to Americans’ everyday lives, such as banking websites — compromising not only your bank account, but also the freedom of the Internet. CISPA was drafted to protect individuals’ privacy and civil liberties while still enabling effective cyber threat information-sharing. At the suggestion of several privacy and civil liberties groups, we made numerous changes to the act to further narrow its scope and purpose to ensure protection of these liberties. CISPA does not allow the federal government to read your email or your Facebook posts or monitor your Internet activity. The definitions in the bill were narrowed on the House floor to better ensure the bill’s authorities could not be misinterpreted or misused for broader purposes. CISPA was also amended to restrict how the government can use the threat information shared by industry to four narrow categories: cybersecurity; investigation and prosecution of cybersecurity crimes; protection of individuals from the danger of death or physical injury; and protection of minors from physical or psychological harm such as child pornography. CISPA can keep the government in check Rogers, Mike. Ruppersburg, Dutch.(House of Representatives). 4/16/13 Protecting Internet freedom is a priority Date Accessed; 7/20/13 Contrary to some assertions, CISPA does not provide any new authorities for the government to monitor private networks. Moreover, a private company can restrict the information it shares, to minimize or anonymize any personal information before sharing the cyber threat information. CISPA is also designed to prevent companies from sharing information about an individual customer or subscriber. Finally, the bill also requires an annual report from the intelligence community’s inspector general to ensure that none of the information provided to government is mishandled or misused. Making the Internet more secure will itself protect Americans’ privacy, civil liberties and Internet freedoms, which are presently being whittled away with each successful foreign cyberattack. Few of us can imagine life without the Internet. We believe this bill is necessary to protect the very freedom and openness that created the immeasurable benefits the Internet has provided to the world. Wire Taps Wiretaps Solve Terrorism Wire Tapping has been instrumental in preventing terrorist attacks Michael Hewitt, Liberty University, 2008, Running head: WIRETAPPING: A NECESSITY, Wiretapping: A Necessity for Effectively Combating Terrorism in the 21st Century, In analyzing post 9-11 wiretapping, it is necessary to analyze the effects that its¶ use has had on national security and domestic society in the realm of National Security,¶ wiretapping has proven to be instrumental in the identification and prosecution of terrorists, effectively helping to diminish this threat. In the domestic realm, wiretapping¶ has proven to be an effective means of preventing terrorist attacks in the U.S., and of¶ putting Americans at ease. The most obvious evidence that the use of wiretapping has been successful in¶ protecting American national security is the "fact that there has been no serious terrorist¶ incident on American shores since its passage in 2001" (Spangler, 2005, para. 13).¶ Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and a staunch defender of the Patriot Act and its¶ wiretapping provisions, has pointed out that “because of necessary secrecy laws, we may¶ never know the full positive effects the Patriot Act is having on terrorism” (Spangler,¶ 2005, para. 13). Hatch did however note that the Justice Department has credited key¶ provisions of the Patriot Act with playing a role in the terrorism-related convictions of¶ hundreds of suspects. It has largely been the tools of wiretapping and other forms of¶ electronic surveillance, which have received the credit for the success of hundreds of¶ anti-terrorism operations since 2001. Most notable among these operations was the¶ "recent apprehension in England of scores of suspects, who were charged with making¶ plans to blow up as many as ten airliners traveling to the United States" (Criminal, 2006,¶ para. 24). In this operation, electronic surveillance played an instrumental part in¶ allowing British agents to monitor the activities of a terrorist cell. "'We have been¶ looking at meetings, movement, travel, spending and the aspirations of a large group of¶ people' said Peter Clarke, head of Scotland Yard's antiterrorism branch" (ABCNews,¶ 2006, para. 2). In this case, British agents substantially monitored the terrorist cell before ¶ making the arrests. (ABCNews, 2006, para. 24) Another such situation was the¶ uncovering of "evidence indicating that a Pakistani charity was diverting funds originally contributed for earthquake relief to finance the planned terrorism attacks on these jumbo¶ jets" (Criminal, 2006, para. 16). It is, however, difficult to attain the exact details of the¶ results of these operations, because in these investigations, "details leading up to the¶ filing of formal charges is not usually revealed" (Criminal, 2006, para. 16). It is known¶ however, that since September 11, 2001 thousands of individuals classified as terrorists¶ have been subjected to electronic surveillance procedures. The surveillance, specifically¶ wiretapping, of individuals suspected of terrorist activities, has resulted in nearly a 20%¶ conviction rate (Criminal 2006). Wiretaps Solve Crime Wiretaps are instrumental in taking down domestic drug trafficking operations Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. 2012 (“Wiretap Report 2012”. Accessed 17 July 13. Federal and state prosecutors often discuss the importance of wiretap surveillance as an investigative tool. A wiretap in the Eastern District of California uncovered incriminating cellular telephone communications and text messages that led to the arrest of 32 individuals and the seizure of 19 vehicles, 35 firearms, $650,000 in cash, approximately 5,000 marijuana plants, and about 200 pounds of processed marijuana. At the state level, a wiretap in Orange County, California, was instrumental in solving a cold homicide case that occurred in 1988. Without the interceptions, the targeted subjects probably would not have been arrested and would have escaped prosecution. A wiretap reported for a previous year in a larceny investigation in Queens County, New York, revealed that a "sophisticated" group of individuals were counterfeiting checks, money orders, and credit cards that were then used to commit grand larceny and fraud. Credit-card making machines and counterfeit credit cards were seized, and 12 individuals were apprehended. Several separate state jurisdictions reported that interceptions were instrumental in uncovering drug-trafficking organizations operating in the United States. Wiretaps are key to getting criminals to cooperate with law enforcement Chang, Alisa. 2012 (Congressional reporter for NPR. “Wall Street Wiretaps: Investigators Use Insiders’ Own Words To Convict Them”. 26 Dec. Accessed 17 Dec 13. But the problem was, most of these people they confronted would just lawyer up and resist. What the feds needed was something to make people cooperate. And in early 2008, they decided, let's do a wiretap. Many of them, like Carroll, were longtime organized crime and narcotics investigators. They knew, in those worlds, when you needed leverage to make someone cooperate, you recorded them planning something criminal. Human Trafficking Mobile Phone Searches Solve Human Trafficking Mobile phones searches solve Human trafficking. Mark Latonero, The Research Director at the University of southern California on Communication Leadership & Policy., “Rise of phones in human trafficking” DoP: 2012 DoA: 7/17/13, Based on the evidence gathered in the previous section, a key finding of this report is that mobile phones play a central role in facilitating potential cases of DMST [ Domestic Minor Sexual Trafficking]. Online advertisements for potential DMST victims commonly contain a mobile phone contact number. Logistical information such as time, place, pricing, and types of services are communicated through phone calls or text messages on mobile phones. As an increasing number of websites develop mobile applications, posting of advertisements can be done primarily via mobile phone, as can viewing and responding to these advertisements.¶ Because the social actors involved in trafficking can use mobile phones to communicate, coordinate, organize, advertise, etc., the information transmitted across mobile networks could serve multiple evidentiary and investigatory purposes. The widespread use of mobile phones can also be utilized for social outreach and interventions.¶ Scant research or policy attention to date has focused on the issue of mobile phone use in DMST. The intersection of mobility, digital technologies, and minor sex trafficking brings new challenges and opportunities that require careful research and analysis.¶ For example, technology-facilitated sex trafficking networks often rely upon the anonymity or contrived identities of victims and traffickers in order to operate.[1] According to Samantha Doerr, public affairs manager at Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit:¶ “Child sex trafficking is simply a very different problem than other technology-facilitated child sexual exploitation … We need to look at the methods and language used for advertising—how johns go about searching, the use of mobile phones in child sex trafficking, and how a transaction is coordinated.”[2]¶ Although the field of technology forensics is exploring ways to disrupt human trafficking online by using trace data to identify perpetrators, mobile technology is already shifting the spaces from which we can collect those traces.¶ Crime Impacts Organized Crime Destroys Rule of Law Organized crime undermines rule of law United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime. 2013 (“Transnational organized crime threat assessments”. Accessed 17 July 13. The world population grows every year, and so does the volume of exchanges among people. The vast majority of these exchanges are legitimate and beneficial, but a significant share is not. Transnational criminal markets crisscross the planet, conveying drugs, arms, trafficked women, toxic waste, stolen natural resources or protected animals' parts. Hundreds of billions of dollars of dirty money flow through the world every year, distorting local economies, corrupting institutions and fuelling conflict. Transnational organized crime has become a central issue in international affairs, an important factor in the global economy, and an immediate reality for people around the world. Aside from the direct effects - drug addiction, sexual exploitation, environmental damage and a host of other scourges organized crime has the capacity to undermine the rule of law and good governance, without which there can be no sustainable development. Drug Trade Impacts: Drugs & Crime Destroy Society – Laundry List Drugs and crime destroy economies, erode social relations, undermine democracy, and result in vigilantism Office of the President of the United Nations General Assembly’s 66th Session. 2012 (“Thematic Debate of the 66th session of the United Nations General Assembly on Drugs and Crime as a Threat to Development On the occasion of the UN International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking”. 26 Jun. Accessed 17 July 13. Drugs and crime undermine[s] development by eroding social and human capital. This degrades quality of life and can force skilled workers to leave, while the direct impacts of victimisation, as well as fear of crime, may impede the development of those that remain. By limiting movement, crime impedes access to possible employment and educational opportunities, and it discourages the accumulation of assets. Crime is also more “expensive” for poor people in poor countries, and disadvantaged households may struggle to cope with the shock of victimisation . Drugs and crime also undermine[s] development by driving away business. Both foreign and domestic investors see crime as a sign of social instability, and crime drives up the cost of doing business. Tourism is a sector especially sensitive to crime issues. Drugs and crime, moreover, undermine[s] the ability of the state to promote development by destroying the trust relationship between the people and the state, and undermining democracy and confidence in the criminal justice system. When people lose confidence in the criminal justice system, they may engage in vigilantism, which further undermines the state. Drug Trade Impacts: Drug Money Fuels Terrorism The drug trade is a major source of terrorist income McCraw, Steven C. 2003 (Assistant Director of the FBI Office of Intelligence. Testimony given before the Senate Judiciary Committee. 20 May. Accessed 17 July 13. In framing the issue, the Committee astutely recognizes these links and the threat they present to the American people. That is why all aspects of the terrorist enterprise including funding and support must be attacked. The criminal nexus to terrorism including drug trafficking is why our local, state, and federal law enforcement partners throughout the U.S. and the world are essential to combating global terrorism. They constitute an army of dedicated professionals who bring tremendous resources and capabilities to the war on terrorism. In fact, the successes of the Joint Terrorism Task Forces are in large part to their unwavering commitment to the safety of our nation and its citizens.¶ Today's Committee meeting focuses on the ties of drug trafficking and international terrorism which is clearly a problem. Drug trafficking is a highly lucrative enterprise generating billions of dollars in profit that terrorist organizations can easily tap into. The ties between international terrorist organizations and drug trafficking varies greatly from organization to organization. For example, the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), aka the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, is strongly tied to drug trafficking in Colombia. The objective of the FARC is to overthrow the established order in Colombia and replace it with a socialist dictatorship. In its attempts to destabilize the Government of Colombia, the FARC conducts bombings, extortions, selective assassinations, kidnappings, and armed confrontations with Colombian police and military forces. In an effort to finance its agenda, the FARC has conducted countless kidnappings for ransom of Colombian and foreign nationals, including the most recent kidnaping/capture of American citizens in Colombia. They have also forced businesses to pay "war taxes" in exchange for FARC protection. However, drug trafficking profits are the FARC's principal source of funding. Moreover, it appears much of their agenda is based upon protecting and exploiting drug trafficking operations in Colombia and the region.¶ Historically, Afghanistan has been a major source of heroin throughout the world. Recently, al-Qa'ida and Sunni extremists have been associated through a number of investigations with drug trafficking. We have observed elements of the Taliban shipping and selling illegal drugs into the US. A recent joint FBI and DEA investigation resulted in the arrests of 16 Afghan and Pakistani subjects for involvement in a drug ring that was possibly linked to Al-Qa'ida and the Taliban. The investigation determined that heroin, grown and processed in Afghanistan and Pakistan, was being shipped to the U.S. Profits from the sale of the heroin were laundered through Afghan and Pakistani owned businesses and then sent back to associates of terrorist organizations. Criminal and financial links to the Taliban regime and their involvement with Al-Qa'ida were established. The subjects were also involved in a number of other criminal activities including document/mail fraud, operating an illegal money transmitting business, and other white collar crimes.¶ Historically, Hizballah's direct involvement in narcotics trafficking has been limited, and the group's leaders have condemned the drug trade on religious grounds. However, we have seen individuals with suspected Hizballah ties involved in drug related activities and we believe that funds from these activities eventually make their way to Hizballah coffers in Lebanon. The FBI has investigated and continues to investigate, efforts by individuals and entities associated with Hizballah to traffic illegal drugs in the U.S. Acts of terrorism attributed to Hizballah have little or no connection to narcotic issues. Rather, these acts were intended to further their political and terrorist agendas. Hizballah utilizes funds from drug trafficking as one of many methods to fund these agendas.¶ By way of example, the FBI conducted an investigation which employed an undercover operation to target Hizballah cells in the U.S. ¶ The investigation has focused on distinct, but related, criminal enterprises which have participated in a host of criminal activity from fraud schemes to drug trafficking to fund their activities and provide funds to the overall Hizballah organization. A number of the subjects have been indicted and the investigation is continuing.¶ The Al-Ittihad al-Islami, or AIAI, Somalia's largest militant Islamic organization, is suspected of smuggling an illegal narcotic leaf known as Khat ("cot") into the United States. Arrests and shipment seizures indicate a sharp increase in demand for the drug. Proceeds from East African Khat sales are likely remitted to Middle Eastern banks via Hawala network and wire services. It is likely that these funds pass through the hands of suspected AIAI members and other persons with possible ties to terrorist groups.¶ The bottom line is that terrorists and terrorist groups will resort to any method or means to fund and facilitate their terrorist agendas. As state sponsorship of terrorism has come under greater international condemnation, the tremendous profit potential associated with drug trafficking make it an attractive from the perspective of terrorist groups. This is further evidence that the prospect of terrorist-related drug trafficking represents a continuing and significant threat to our national security. Drug Trade Impacts: Drug Trade Causes Latin American Instability Drug trafficking breeds instability in Latin America Williams, Phil. Felbab-Brown, Vanda. 2012 (Phil Williams is the Director of the Matthew B. Ridgway Center for International Security Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, and Vanda Felbab-Brown is a fellow at the Latin American Initiative and 21st Century Defense Initiative in Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institute. April. Accessed 17 July 13. Burgeoning and unconstrained drug production and other illicit economies thus have profound negative consequences for states and local stability. Most fundamentally, illicit economies provide an opportunity for belligerent groups to increase their power along multiple dimensions not simply by gaining control of physical resources, but also [and] by obtaining support from local populations. Such belligerents hence pose a serious security threat to local governments and, depending on the objectives of the group, to regional and global security and U.S. interests as well. With large financial profits, the belligerent groups improve their fighting capabilities by increasing their physical resources, hiring greater numbers of better paid combatants, providing them with better weapons, and simplifying their logistical and procurement chains. Crucially and frequently neglected in policy considerations, such belligerents derive significant political capital—legitimacy with and support from local populations—from their sponsorship of the drug economy. They do so by protecting the local population’s reliable (and frequently sole source of) livelihood from the efforts of the government to repress the illicit economy. They also derive political capital by protecting the farmers from brutal and unreliable traffickers, by bargaining with traffickers for better prices on behalf of the farmers, by mobilizing the revenues from the illicit economies to provide otherwise absent social services such as clinics and infrastructure, as well as other public goods, and by being able to claim nationalist credit if a foreign power threatens the local illicit economy. In short, sponsorship of illicit economies allows nonstate armed groups to function as security providers and economic and political regulators. They are thus able to transform themselves from mere violent actors to actors that take on proto-state functions. Gangs Impacts: Gangs Cause Crime Gangs are a major source of crime within the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation. 2011 (“2011 National Gang Threat Assesment”. Acessed 17 July 13. There are approximately 1.4 million active street, prison, and OMG gang members comprising more than 33,000 gangs in the United States. Gang membership increased most significantly in the Northeast and Southeast regions, although the West and Great Lakes regions boast the highest number of gang members. Neighborhood-based gangs, hybrid gang members, and national-level gangs such as the Sureños are rapidly expanding in many jurisdictions. Many communities are also experiencing an increase in ethnic-based gangs such as African, Asian, Caribbean, and Eurasian gangs.¶ Gangs are responsible for an average of 48 percent of violent crime in most jurisdictions and up to 90 percent in several others, according to NGIC analysis. Major cities and suburban areas experience the most gang-related violence. Local neighborhood-based gangs and drug crews continue to pose the most significant criminal threat in most communities. Aggressive recruitment of juveniles and immigrants, alliances and conflict between gangs, the release of incarcerated gang members from prison, advancements in technology and communication, and Mexican Drug Trafficking Organization (MDTO) involvement in drug distribution have resulted in gang expansion and violence in a number of jurisdictions.¶ Gangs are increasingly engaging in non-traditional gang-related crime, such as alien smuggling, human trafficking, and prostitution. Gangs are also engaging in white-collar crime such as counterfeiting, identity theft, and mortgage fraud, primarily due to the high profitability and much lower visibility and risk of detection and punishment than drug and weapons trafficking.¶ US-based gangs have established strong working relationships with Central American and MDTOs to perpetrate illicit cross-border activity, as well as with some organized crime groups in some regions of the United States. US-based gangs and MDTOs are establishing wide-reaching drug networks; assisting in the smuggling of drugs, weapons, and illegal immigrants along the Southwest Border; and serving as enforcers for MDTO interests on the US side of the border. ¶ Many gang members continue to engage in gang activity while incarcerated. Family members play pivotal roles in assisting or facilitating gang activities and recruitment during a gang members’ incarceration. Gang members in some correctional facilities are adopting radical religious views while incarcerated.¶ Gangs encourage members, associates, and relatives to obtain law enforcement, judiciary, or legal employment in order to gather information on rival gangs and law enforcement operations. Gang infiltration of the military continues to pose a significant criminal threat, as members of at least 53 gangs have been identified on both domestic and international military installations. Gang members who learn advanced weaponry and combat techniques in the military are at risk of employing these skills on the street when they return to their communities.¶ Gang members are acquiring high-powered, military-style weapons and equipment which poses a significant threat because of the potential to engage in lethal encounters with law enforcement officers and civilians. Typically firearms are acquired through illegal purchases; straw purchases via surrogates or middle-men, and thefts from individuals, vehicles, residences and commercial establishments. Gang members also target military and law enforcement officials, facilities, and vehicles to obtain weapons, ammunition, body armor, police gear, badges, uniforms, and official identification.¶ Gangs on Indian Reservations often emulate national-level gangs and adopt names and identifiers from nationally recognized urban gangs. Gang members on some Indian Reservations are associating with gang members in the community to commit crime. ¶ Gangs are becoming increasingly adaptable and sophisticated, employing new and to facilitate criminal activity discreetly, enhance their criminal operations, and connect with other gang members, criminal organizations, and potential recruits nationwide and even worldwide. advanced technology Gangs Impacts: Gangs Key to Drug Trade U.S.-based gangs are integral to international drug trade operations Schmidt, Mark. 2012 (Staff writer for the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point. “U.S. Gang Alignment with Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations”. 22 Mar. Accessed 17 July 13. MDTOs were in search of U.S.-based partners who would not cooperate with law enforcement. Accordingly, the loyalty and discipline attributes of gangs made them ideal partners. Theoretically, the loyalty and discipline of U.S. gangs would hinder cooperation with law enforcement, and thus better protect the drug trafficking operation. The success of their working relationship is, in part, because gangs and Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs) are likeminded organizations. As criminal enterprises, loyalty, discipline, and territoriality are cornerstone philosophies on how gangs and MDTOs manage their respective organizations. This is because criminal enterprises must function in a covert capacity if they wish to survive law enforcement intervention and rival criminal takeover. Without loyalty to the organization, whether a gang or a DTO, rivals and law enforcement could easily infiltrate and dismantle the organization from the inside. Discipline is paramount to keep members inline so that their actions do not disrupt the organization or its operations. Controlling and expanding one’s territory is also important to the survivability of the organization as it protects the economic area of operation from competitors. Drug Trade Wikileaks Harms National Security Wikileaks Threatens National Security Wikileaks is a threat to national security and it is necessary to find the anonymous sources posting classified information Montabalno, Elizabeth (Staff Writer Information Weekly)Mar 2010 Army: Wikileaks A National Security Threat Date Accessed: 7/16/13 is considered a threat to national security because it posts classified intelligence information, according to a 2008 U.S. Army document Wikileaks posted Monday.¶ The document, attributed to the Army Counterintelligence Center and titled " -- An Online Reference to Foreign Intelligence Services, Insurgents, or Terrorist Groups?", cited the leaking of classified Army materials as the chief reason Wikileaks is harmful to national security.¶ "Such information could be of value to foreign intelligence and security services (FISS), foreign military forces, foreign insurgents, and foreign terrorist groups for collecting information or for planning attacks against U.S. force, both within the United States and abroad," the document says.¶ The Army has tried to sniff out a possible mole within its own ranks who might be leaking materials to Wikileaks, doubting the site's assertion that it receives classified materials from former government agency employees, according to the document.¶ "These claims are highly suspect, however, since states that the anonymity and protection of the leakers or whistleblowers is one of its primary goals," according to the document.¶ Because anyone can post to the site and there is no editorial oversight, the public may use Wikileaks as a source of misinformation, or to create lies or propaganda to promote a positive or negative image of a targeted audience, according to the document. ¶ The Army has sought not only to identify anyone within its own ranks leaking documents to the site, but also to encourage other organizations to do the same to try to take the site down.¶ "Web sites such as have trust as their most important center of gravity by protecting the anonymity and identity of the insider, leaker, or whistleblower," the document stated. "Successful identification, prosecution, termination of employment, and exposure of persons leaking the information by the governments and businesses affected by information posted to would damage and potentially destroy this center of gravity and deter others from taking similar actions." Wikileaks harms national security and caused the death of foreign intelligence officers Hoth, Jim (Author of Gateway Pundit, and Washington Post) May 2012 Horrible… Wikileaks Document Led to Hanging Death of Western Spy This Week in Tehran The leaked US documents by far left hero Bradley Manning and Wikileaks website led to the hanging death this week of Western spy Majid Jamali Fashi in Tehran. The Wikileaks scandal led to the hanging death of Western spy Majid Jamali Fashi in Tehran Times of Israel reported, via OrbusMax: WikiLeaks may have been responsible for exposing Majid Jamali Fashi, the 24-year-old kickboxer who was hanged in Tehran on Tuesday morning after “confessing” to assassinating a nuclear scientist on behalf of Israel, a British media report said. The Times of London reported Wednesday that a document from the US Embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan, seemingly drew attention to Fashi. The September 2009 US diplomatic document — identified by the code 09BAKU687 — quotes an Iranian source who was a licensed martial arts coach and trainer as describing to his American contacts pressure from the Iranian regime to train soldiers and militiamen in martial arts. Fashi was reportedly in Baku for an international martial arts competition only days before the US Embassy document was written. The suggestion is that the Iranian authorities identified Fashi as someone who was in illicit contact with the West on the basis of the document. He was arrested days after the publication of the document by WikiLeaks in December of 2010 and charged with carrying out the January 2010 assassination of nuclear scientist Masoud AliMohammadi on behalf of the Mossad. Wikileaks is a specific threat to national security and is only the tip of the iceberg – more groups and people will follow their example Eric Sterner,āØFellow, The George C. Marshall Institute, February 2011, Date Accessed July 16,2013, “Wikileaks and Cyberspace Cultures in Conflict”, The George C. Marshall Institute, Wikileaks and Assange represent a mindset as much as a specific security threat to the United States. The mindset raises long-term challenges for U.S. national security. Even should the United States successfully deny Wikileaks access to cyberspace and punish it in some fashion for harming U.S. national security, other individuals and organizations will spring up and perform the same function. Indeed, multiple mirror websites sprung up with archived Wikileaks data when the latter’s web presence declined. Former Wikileaks associates have already started a new entity under the moniker “OpenSecrets.Org.” Writing in The Washington Post, Tim Hwang calls them expansionists, “who hold that the Web should remake the rest of the world in its own image. They believe that decentralized, transparent and radically open networks should be the organizing principle for all things in society, big and small.”9 One often finds a belief that cyberspace also liberates the individual, that it empowers people to rise above the artificial constraints that social institutions place upon them. Thus, for expansionists, it becomes essential to the spread of human liberty. Expansionists subscribe to a certain worldview and often ascribe to themselves some higher responsibility to a principle that should exempt them from state authority.10 Thus, some give little thought to “hacktivism” against entities that do not share their worldview, ranging from corporations to governments. In other words, Wikileaks only represents a surge in the tide of an expansionist worldview. Of course, it is not possible to define a group that calls itself “expansionist” and subscribes to a specific doctrine. Rather, expansionism as used here reflects a strain of loosely consistent thought when it comes to discussions of cyberspace and its relation to society. Wikileaks Threatens National Security Wikileaks hurts diplomacy efforts, while justifying weapons proliferation and war HEATHER HURLBURT, Executive Director of the National Security Network, November 30th, 2010, Date Accessed July 16, 2013, “Why Wikileaks Is Bad for Progressive Foreign Policy”, But underlying all those discrete policy positions is a common set of assumptions and values: that we live in a complex world where posturing, rigid ideology, and indiscriminate use of force will not get us, as a society or a global commons, to where we need to go; that quiet talk is much more effective than loud threats; that, in the long run, America’s national interests will be best served if we see and act on them as inextricably linked with the interests of others. I’ve called them progressive, because they are. They’re also, with a bit less emphasis on the global good, realist. Or you might simply say they are sane and reasonable. But if we can’t conduct quiet diplomacy and have it stay quiet, it’s a lot harder to make this approach work. Could Sadat and Begin have gotten to Camp David without months of quiet preparation? Could Nixon have gone to China? And back here within the U.S., you can count upon the opponents of progressive policies to use the Wikileaks dumps to advance their agenda. They'll take items out of context and use them to justify ideas like bombing Iran, rejecting the START treaty, and god-knows-what to North Korea. The Wikileakers claim to promote the politics of peace and moderation. But this latest dump could very easily have the opposite effect, by giving the absolutists a chance to spread their stereotypes and illusions of a black and white world. Wikileaks Helps Terrorists Wikileaks is detrimental to the government and helps terrorists plan and coordinate attacks Leanord, Tom (Staff writer The Telegraph) Mar 2010 Pentagon deems Wikileaks National Security Threat WikiLeaks, a non-profit organization which tries to offer a means of anonymously exposing confidential documents, has become a thorn in the side of governments and private corporations. Its latest revelation concerns itself, namely a 2008 document attributed to the Army Counterintelligence Centre which concluded that the site constitutes a threat to military operations and US security. The information could be used by foreign intelligence, insurgents or terrorists for "planning attacks", the report added. Its authors warned that the lack of editorial oversight over what could be posted could lead to it being used to spread lies and propaganda. Their report also revealed that the army had tried to discover the identity of a possible mole leaking information to the site. An army spokesman confirmed to the New York Times that the document, which provided no specific evidence to support its fears, was genuine. Leaks to the site that might have alarmed military chiefs include details of military equipment, troop strengths and its publication in 2007 of almost the entire order of battle for US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wikileaks also published a copy of "standard operating procedures" at the Guantánamo Bay detention centre which purportedly revealed the use of "extreme psychological stress" on detainees. The website, which relies on donations, almost closed down this year because it ran out of money. It has also faced attempts by governments such as those of North Korea and Thailand to block access to its site. Wikileaks Places Lives at Risk; Gives Terrorists a ‘hit list’. Robert Winnett, Political Editor for the Daily Telegraph, July 30, 2010, Date Accessed July 16, 2013, The Telegraph (UK), , “Wikileaks Afghanistan: Taliban ‘hunting down informants,” More dire, the most recent release included information that identified critical infrastructure vulnerabilities. Earlier mass releases of classified information and unfiltered military reports from Iraq and Afghanistan placed the lives of U.S. allies and pro-democracy forces at risk by, among other things, giving terrorist groups a “hit list.”2 Wikileaks Hurts US-Pakistani Relations Wikileaks hurts U.S. Pakistani Relations; Released Information Fuels Anti-American sentiment Jayshree Bajoria, South Asia researcher at Human Rights Watch, December 6, 2010, Date Accessed July 16th,2013, How WikiLeaks Hurts U.S.-Pakistan Ties, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR),, The release of thousands of U.S. diplomatic cables (NYT) by has further shaken Washington's already strained relations with Pakistan, a strategic ally central to any success in Afghanistan and the fight against terrorism. The cables discuss U.S. concerns over Pakistan's continued support for certain militant groups, its nuclear program, the country's fragile civil-military relations, human rights abuses by Pakistan's security services, and more. Pakistani media has been covering the cable leaks extensively, and some stories have further fueled anti-U.S. sentiment (Reuters), with Pakistan's right-wing Islamist party Jamaat-e-Islami staging a rally Dec. 5 to protest Pakistan's alliance (AFP) with the United States. A2: Wikileaks Solves For Transparency Wikileaks does not increase transparency – Bypassing the legal framework creates a governmental backlash that leads to even more secrecy Fenster, Mark. (Professor at the University of Florida) March 2012. Disclosure's Effects: WikiLeaks and Transparency. Date Accessed: 7/17/2013 First, WikiLeaks’ ability to receive and distribute leaked information cheaply, quickly, and seemingly unstoppably allows it to bypass the legal framework that would otherwise permit courts and officials to consider and balance disclosure’s effects. For this reason, WikiLeaks threatens to make transparency’s balance irrelevant.238 Second, its recent massive disclosures of U.S. military and diplomatic documents, and the uneven and unpredictable effects they have had to date, should force us to reconsider and test the assumption that disclosure produces effects that can serve as the basis for judicial and administrative prediction, calculation, and balancing. For this reason, WikiLeaks threatens transparency’s balance by disproving its assumption that disclosure guarantees measurable consequences that can be estimated ex ante. Turn: Wikileaks decreases transparency by creating a government backlash and increased digital surveillance Päivikki Karhula. (Staff Writer for International Federation of Libraries Association) Jan 2011 What is the effect of WikiLeaksfor Freedom of Information? Date Accesed: 7/17/13 What is the possible impact of WikiLeaks? Is it going to increase or restore the space of free speech or advance transparency of public documents? Or is it going to have the opposite effect and make governments strengthen their restrictions and increase different forms of Internet censorship? There are several valid concerns and evident signs about stricter legislation and more in depth surveillance practices which may find their grounds on WikiLeaks. Shortly after cable leaks three US senators (Ensign, Lieberman, Brown) introduced a bill aimed at stopping WikiLeaks by making it illegal to publish the names of military or intelligence community informants. According to Brown, The Securing Human Intelligence and Enforcing Lawful Dissemination Act (SHIELD) would prevent anyone from compromising national security in the future in a similar manner to WikiLeaks.17 Another bill under discussion would give the US government extended rights to wiretap all online communication and Internet traffic including foreign-based service providers. The wiretapping bill would also require software developers which enable peer-to-peer communication to redesign their service to allow interception.18 Concerns have been raised if WikiLeaks is used to gain support for this legislation.19 A2: Wikileaks Solves For Transparency Wikileaks hurts national security; slows declassification and openness in Gov’t HEATHER HURLBURT, Executive Director of the National Security Network, November 30th, 2010, Date Accessed July 16, 2013, “Why Wikileaks Is Bad for Progressive Foreign Policy”, In the last few years, there has been some progress toward classifying fewer documents and using the more rarefied classifications less frequently. This series of leaks will almost surely reverse that progress. A top-secret classification would have kept any of these documents off the shared network from which they were allegedly downloaded by a very junior soldier. You can bet that the intelligence community will make that point—not only to justify stronger classification of new documents but also to slow the declassification of old ones. Civilian administrations at least since Clinton’s have been trying to speed up those efforts. Now they will go even more slowly, making it harder to learn the whole story of how our government analyzed an issue, treated an individual, or reacted to a crisis. And make no mistake: You can't get the comprehensive history of a diplomatic episode from Wikileaks any more than someone could learn the comprehensive truth about you by downloading the top 20 emails from your inbox right now. Digital Surveillance Solvency A2: Tor Prevents Digital Surveillance You can reveal the identity of Tor users by scanning data carefully Biryukov, Alex. Pustogarov, Ivan. Weinmann, Ralf-Philipp. 2013 (Security researchers at the University of Luxembourg. "Trawling for Tor Hidden Services: Detection, Measurement, Deanonymization". Accessed 15 July 2013. We have analyzed the security properties of Tor hidden services and shown that attacks to deanonymize hidden services at a large scale are practically possible with only a moderate amount of resources. We have demonstrated that collecting the descriptors of all Tor hidden services is possible in approximately 2 days by spending less than USD 100 in Amazon EC2 resources. Running one or more guard nodes then allows an attacker to correlate hidden services to IP addresses using a primitive traffic analysis attack. Furthermore, we have shown that attackers can impact the availability and sample the popularity of arbitrary hidden services not under their control by selectively becoming their hidden service directories. Transparency Uniqueness: Privacy Decreasing Now No Privacy Now-Social Media Palmer, Shelly. 06/16/2013. PRISM: There Simply is No Privacy... None. Being an active member of a social networking community - whether it's Facebook, Twitter, or anything else - means ceding a fair amount of privacy. The information, photos and check-ins you share are already public information (to an extent), even if your security settings are maxed out. Nothing you do on the Internet is truly private, and nothing you put on the Internet will ever really be deleted. Surrendering your right to privacy is the price of living an Internet-based "connected" life. There is an immense lack of digital privacy protection regarding mobile phones Hubert A.-M. Moik. CEO of MobiDigger, a cell phone digital privacy company. August 2012. Protect your privacy:¶ Mobile & Digital Privacy and Awareness. Date Accessed 7/17/13. Contrary to conventional wisdom, privacy concerns are not limited to the Internet. It also ¶ encloses mobile phones, which penetration in America reached 104.6% in 2011 (totaling 331.6 ¶ million subscribers) therefore exceeding the US population1¶ . Even one-third of American ¶ households now have wireless device only2¶ . Users are largely unaware that cell phone ¶ messages -even simple text messages- ultimately can end up in the hands of strangers and ¶ even on the Internet. Worse, for example, new “smart phones” send information about the ¶ phone’s location to databases. Though such databases usually are not public, they also are not ¶ private; this information, then can pose a danger to the person who uses their phone to ¶ communicate with strangers or other acquaintances, to whom they normally would not reveal ¶ their locations. Private cell-phone information can also be revealed through a “reverse search,” ¶ in which anyone can search a cell phone number to find the owner’s name and address. Digital privacy has largely dissappeared Amy Joi O'Donoghue. Writer for Deseret news.June 7 2013."Addressing the illusion of digital privacy."Deseret News. Date Retrieved: July 17, 2013. “You can’t have 100 percent security and then also have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience,” President Barack Obama said. “You know, we’re going to have to make some choices as a society.”¶ Some say that choice has already been made in the aftermath of 9/11, with the approval of the Patriot Act that followed, and the pursuit of security at a time of free-flowing information of all types that gives the nation's enemies — from individuals to organizations to nations — the ability to cause catastrophic harm.¶ But it's a choice and policy being assessed this week in the halls of Washington, D.C., as well as in the burgs and hamlets of the nation by individuals and families who increasingly use technology to navigate their lives.¶ "Digital privacy is an illusion," said Eric Swedin, a professor at Weber State University who teaches history, particularly the history of technology. Swedin has also taught computer science and has specialized in information security — such as how hacking works and how to defend a system against hackers.¶ "When you do something digitally, it can be monitored and copied. Corporations do this all the time," Swedin said.¶ He said Google, for example, keeps track of searches.¶ "Google cares not about you as an individual, they care about you as a marketing category … and this gives you ads that are discerned from your personal searches."¶ Swedin said digital eavesdropping into cellphone records should not be a surprise given the wide-open nature of the Internet and the domestic security urgency that gripped the nation in the wake of 9/11.¶ "You can learn a lot really fast about a person just from looking at that information," he said. "My suspicion, and it is just a suspicion, is that the intelligence community since 9/11 has been totally enamored with something called 'total information awareness.' It is this belief that if you have enough data and the right kind of computer programs, you can find criminal behavior before it happens." Surveillance happening now, and Citizens like it James Vlahos Contributing writer at The New York Times Contributing Editor at Popular Mechanics Contributing Editor at Popular Science October 1, 2009. “Surveillance Society: New High-Tech Cameras Are Watching You Popular mechanics”, Most Americans would probably welcome such technology at what clearly is a marquee terrorist target. An ABC News/Washington Post poll in July 2007 found that 71 percent of Americans favor increased video surveillance. What people may not realize, however, is that advanced monitoring systems such as the one at the Statue of Liberty are proliferating around the country. High-profile national security efforts make the news—wiretapping phone conversations, Internet moniÂtoring—but state-of-the-art surveillance is increasingly being used in more every-day settings. By local police and businesses. In banks, schools and stores. There are an estimated 30 million surveillance cameras now deployed in the United States shooting 4 billion hours of footage a week. Americans are being watched, all of us, almost everywhere. We have arrived at a unique moment in the history of surveillance. The price of both megapixels and gigabytes has plummeted, making it possible to collect a previously unimaginable quantity and quality of data. Advances in processing power and software, meanwhile, are beginning to allow computers to surmount the greatest limitation of traditional surveillance—the ability of eyeballs to effectively observe the activity on dozens of video screens simultaneously. Computers can't do all the work by themselves, but they can expand the capabilities of humans exponentially. ¶ Uniqueness: Privacy Violations Inevitable Violations of our privacy are inevitable, the proliferation of security technology is increasing rapidly. Brin, David. Doctor of Philosophy in space science, 2010 fellow at the Institute of Ethics. 1998. The Transparent Society. “Chapter One: The Challenge of an Open Society.” Alas, they do appear to be our only options. For the cameras are on their way, along with data networks that will send a myriad images flashing back and forth, faster than thought. ¶ In fact, the future has already arrived. The trend began in Britain a decade ago, in the town of King's Lynn, where sixty remote-controlled video cameras were installed to scan known "trouble spots," reporting directly to police headquarters. The resulting reduction in street crime exceeded all predictions; in or near zones covered by surveillance, crime dropped to one seventieth of the former amount. The savings in patrol costs alone paid for the equipment in a few months. Dozens of cities and towns soon followed the example of King's Lynn. Glasgow, Scotland, reported a 68 percent drop in crime citywide, while police in Newcastle fingered over 1,500 perpetrators with taped evidence. (All but seven pleaded guilty, and those seven were later convicted.) In May 1997, a thousand Newcastle soccer fans rampaged through downtown streets. Detectives studying the video reels picked out 152 faces and published 80 photographs in local newspapers. In days, all were identified. ¶ Today over 300,000 cameras are in place throughout the United Kingdom, transmitting round-the-clock images to a hundred constabularies, all of them reporting decreases in public misconduct. Polls report that the cameras are extremely popular with citizens, though British civil libertarian John Wadham and others have bemoaned this proliferation of snoop technology, claiming, "It could be used for any other purpose, and of course it could be abused." ¶ Visitors to Japan, Thailand, and Singapore will see that other countries are rapidly following the British example, using closed circuit television (CCTV) to supervise innumerable public areas.*¶ This trend was slower coming to North America, but it appears to be taking off. After initial experiments garnered widespread public approval, the City of Baltimore put police cameras to work scanning all 106 downtown intersections. In 1997, New York City began its own program to set up twenty-four-hour remote surveillance in Central Park, subway stations and other public places. ¶ No one denies the obvious and dramatic short-term benefits derived from this early proliferation of surveillance technology. That is not the real issue. Over the long run, the sovereign folk of Baltimore and countless other communities will have to make the same choices as the inhabitants of our two mythical cities. Who will ultimately control the cameras?¶ Consider a few more examples:¶ How many parents have wanted to be a fly on the wall while their child was at day care? This is now possible with a new video monitoring system known as Kindercam, linked to high-speed telephone lines and a central Internet server. Parents can log on, type "," enter their password, and access a live view of their child in day care at any time, from anywhere in the world. Kindercam will be installed in two thousand daycare facilities nationwide by the end of 1998. Mothers on business trips, fathers who live out of state, as well as distant grandparents can "drop in" on their child daily. Drawbacks? Overprotective parents may check compulsively. And now other parents can observe your child misbehaving! ¶ Some of the same parents are less happy about the lensed pickups that are sprouting in their own workplaces, enabling supervisors to tune in on them the same way they use Kindercam to check up on their kids.¶ That is, if they notice the cameras at all. At present, engineers can squeeze the electronics for a video unit into a package smaller than a sugar cube. Complete sets half the size of a pack of cigarettes were recently offered for sale by the Spy Shop, a little store in New York City located two blocks from the United Nations. Meanwhile, units with radio transmitters are being disguised in clock radios, telephones and toasters, as part of the burgeoning "nannycam" trend. So high is demand for these pickups, largely by parents eager to check on their babysitters, that just one firm in Orange County, California, has recently been selling from five hundred to one thousand disguised cameras a month. By the end of 1997, prices had dropped from $2,500 to $399.¶ Cameras aren't the only surveillance devices proliferating in our cities. Starting with Redwood City, near San Francisco, several police departments have begun lacing neighborhoods with sound pickups that transmit directly back to headquarters. Using triangulation techniques, officials can now pinpoint bursts of gunfire and send patrol units swiftly to the scene, without having to wait for vague phone reports from neighbors. In 1995 the Defense Department awarded a $1.7 million contract to Alliant Techsystems for its prototype system SECURES, which tests more advanced sound pickup networks in Washington and other cities. The hope is to distinguish not only types of gunfire but also human voices crying for help.¶ So far, so good. But from there, engineers say it would be simple to upgrade the equipment, enabling bored monitors to eavesdrop through open bedroom windows on cries of passion, or family arguments. "Of course we would never go that far," one official said, reassuringly.¶ Consider another piece of James Bond apparatus now available to anyone with ready cash. Today, almost any electronics store will sell you night vision goggles using state-of-the-art infrared optics equal to those issued by the military, for less than the price of a video camera. AGEMA Systems, of Syracuse, New York, has sold several police departments imaging devices that can peer into houses from the street, discriminate the heat given off by indoor marijuana cultivators, and sometimes tell if a person inside moves from one room to the next. Military and civilian enhanced-vision technologies now move in lockstep, as they have in the computer field for years.¶ In other words, even darkness no longer guarantees privacy.¶ Nor does your garden wall. In 1995, Admiral William A. Owens, then Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, described a sensor system that he expected to be operational within a few years: a pilotless drone, equipped to provide airborne surveillance for soldiers in the field. While camera robots in the $1 million range have been flying in the military for some time, the new system will be extraordinarily cheap and simple. Instead of requiring a large support crew, it will be controlled by one semi-skilled soldier and will fit in the palm of a hand. Minuscule and quiet, such remote-piloted vehicles, or RPVs, may flit among trees to survey threats near a rifle platoon. When mass-produced in huge quantities, unit prices will fall.¶ Can civilian models be far behind? No law or regulation will keep them from our cities for contraptions will get smaller, very long. The rich, the powerful, and figures of authority will have them, whether legally or surreptitiously. The cheaper, and smarter with each passing year.¶ So much for the supposed privacy enjoyed by sunbathers in their own back yards. ¶ Moreover, surveillance cameras are the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Other entrancing and invasive innovations of the vaunted information age abound. Will a paper envelope protect the correspondence you send by old-fashioned surface mail when new-style scanners can trace the patterns of ink inside without ever breaking the seal? ¶ say you correspond with others by email and use a computerized encryption program to ensure that your messages good will all the ciphers and codes do, if some adversary has bought a "back door" password to your encoding program? Or if a wasp-sized camera-drone flits into your room, sticks to Let's are only read by the intended recipient. What the ceiling above your desk, inflates a bubble lens and watches every key-stroke that you type? (A number of unnerving techno-possibilities will be discussed in chapter 8.)¶ In late 1997 it was revealed that Swiss police had secretly tracked the whereabouts of mobile phone users via a telephone company computer that records billions of movements per year. Swisscom was able to locate its mobile subscribers within a few hundred meters. This aided several police investigations. But civil libertarians expressed heated concern, especially since identical technology is used worldwide.¶ The same issues arise when we contemplate the proliferation of vast databases containing information about our lives, habits, tastes and personal histories. As we shall see in chapter 3, the cash register scanners in a million supermarkets, video stores, and pharmacies already pour forth a flood of statistical data about customers and their purchases, ready to be correlated. (Are you stocking up on hemorrhoid cream? Renting a daytime motel room? The database knows.) Corporations claim this information helps them serve us more efficiently. Critics respond that it gives big companies an unfair advantage, enabling them to know vastly more about us than we do about them. Soon, computers will hold all your financial and educational records, legal documents, and medical analyses that parse you all the way down to your genes. Any of this might be examined by strangers without your knowledge, or even against your stated will. Transparency Impacts: Key to Economy Reciprocal transparency is key to economic growth and prosperity Field, Chris., Western Australian Ombudsman, June 10, 2013, Promoting Accountable and Transparent Decision Making in the Public Sector, In short, there are very many reasons why accountability and transparency in ¶ government is important and very many good reasons to be thankful that we largely take ¶ that importance as a universal truth. For today’s purposes I simply want to focus on one ¶ reason why accountable and transparent government is important. Accountable and ¶ transparent government is, in my view, an integral step on the path to creating the most ¶ prosperous, productive economies - economies that allow individuals, businesses and ¶ governments to create the highest possible standard of living for the highest possible ¶ number of people. ¶ In its recent 2009 Prosperity Index, the Legatum Institute assessed 104 countries, ¶ representing approximately 90% of the world’s population, in terms of a series of measures, such as whether a country possesses “an honest and effective government ¶ that preserves order and encourages productive citizenship” or whether it features ¶ “transparent and accountable governing institutions that promote economic growth”. Now is the Key Time for Transparency The rise of Technological Surveillance Era is among us, and the result will determine our future. Brooke, Heather (Campaigning Journalist and Writer for The Guardian) Nov 2010 WikiLeaks: the revolution has begun – and it will be digitized. Date Accessed: 7/17/13 But data has a habit of spreading. It slips past military security and it can also leak from WikiLeaks, which is how I came to obtain the data. It even slipped past the embargoes of the Guardian and other media organizations involved in this story when a rogue copy of Der Spiegel accidentally went on sale in Basle, Switzerland, on Sunday. Someone bought it, realised what they had, and began scanning the pages, translating them from German to English and posting updates on Twitter. It would seem digital data respects no authority, be it the Pentagon, WikiLeaks or a newspaper editor.¶ Individually, we have all already experienced the massive changes resulting from digitisation. Events or information that we once considered ephemeral and private are now aggregated, permanent, public. If these cables seem large, think about the 500 million users of Facebook or the millions of records kept by Google. Governments hold our personal data in huge databases. It used to cost money to disclose and distribute information. In the digital age it costs money not to.¶ But when data breaches happen to the public, politicians don't care much. Our privacy is expendable. It is no surprise that the reaction to these leaks is different. What has changed the dynamic of power in a revolutionary way isn't just the scale of the databases being kept, but that individuals can upload a copy and present it to the world . In paper form, these cables equate, on the Guardian's estimate, to some 213,969 pages of A4 paper, which would stack about 25m high – not something that one could have easily slipped past security in the paper age.¶ To some this marks a crisis, to others an opportunity. Technology is breaking down traditional social barriers of status, class, power, wealth and geography – replacing them with an ethos of collaboration and transparency.¶ The former US ambassador to Russia James Collins told CNN the disclosure of the cables, "will impede doing things in a normal, civilised way". Too often what is normal and civilised in diplomacy means turning a blind eye to large-scale social injustices, corruption and abuse of power. Having read through several hundred cables, much of the "harm" is embarrassment and the highlighting of inconvenient truths. For the sake of a military base in a country, our leaders accept a brutal dictator who oppresses his population. This may be convenient in the short term for politicians, but the long-term consequences for the world's citizens can be catastrophic.¶ Leaks are not the problem; they are the symptom. They reveal a disconnect between what people want and need to know and what they actually do know. The greater the secrecy, the more likely a leak. The way to move beyond leaks is to ensure a robust regime for the public to access important information.¶ Thanks to the internet, we have come to expect a greater level of knowledge and participation in most areas of our lives. Politics, however, has remained resolutely unreconstructed. Politicians, see themselves as parents to a public they view as children – a public that cannot be trusted with the truth, nor with the real power that knowledge brings.¶ Much of the outrage about WikiLeaks is not over the content of the leaks but from the audacity of breaching previously inviolable strongholds of authority. In the past, we deferred to authority and if an official told us something would damage national security we took that as true. Now the raw data behind these claims is increasingly getting into the public domain. What we have seen from disclosures like MPs' expenses or revelations about the complicity of government in torture is that when politicians speak of a threat to "national security", often what they mean is that the security of their own position is threatened.¶ We are at a pivotal moment where the visionaries at the vanguard of a global digital age are clashing with those who are desperate to control what we know. WikiLeaks is the guerrilla front in a global movement for greater transparency and participation. There are projects like Ushahidi that use social networking to create maps where locals can report incidents of violence that challenge the official version of events. There are activists seeking to free official data so that citizens can see, for example, government spending in detail .¶ Ironically, the US state department has been one of the biggest cheerleaders for technical innovation as a means of bringing democracy to places like Iran and China. President Obama has urged repressive regimes to stop censoring the internet, yet a bill before Congress would allow the attorney general to create a blacklist of websites. Is robust democracy only good when it's not at home?¶ It used to be that a leader controlled citizens by controlling information. Now it's harder than ever for the powerful to control what people read, see and hear. Technology gives people the ability to band together and challenge authority. The powerful have long spied on citizens (surveillance) as a means of control, now citizens are turning their collected eyes back upon the powerful (sousveillance).¶ This is a revolution, and all revolutions create fear and uncertainty. Will we move to a New Information Enlightenment or will the backlash from those who seek to maintain control no matter the cost lead us to a new totalitarianism? What happens in the next five years will define the future of democracy for the next century, so it would be well if our leaders responded to the current challenge with an eye on the future. Link: Pretending Privacy Exists Masks Surveillance (1/2) We can never go back to an age with complete privacy, governments that claim to do so are simply making surveillance more hidden. The only option is to encourage accountability through complete transparency. Brin, David. Doctor of Philosophy in space science, 2010 fellow at the Institute of Ethics. 1998. The Transparent Society. “Chapter One: The Challenge of an Open Society.” The issue of threatened privacy has spawned a flood of books, articles and media exposés — from Janna Malamud Smith's thoughtful Private Matters, and Ellen Alderman and Caroline Kennedy's erudite Right to Privacy all the way to shrill, paranoiac rants by conspiracy fetishists who see Big Brother lurking around every corner. Spanning this spectrum, however, there appears to be one common theme. Often the author has responded with a call to arms, proclaiming that we must become more vigilant to protect traditional privacy against intrusions by faceless (take your pick) government bureaucrats, corporations, criminals, or just plain busybodies.¶ That is the usual conclusion — but not the one taken here.¶ For in fact, it is already far too late to prevent the invasion of cameras and databases. The djinn cannot be crammed back into its bottle. No matter how many laws are passed, it will prove quite impossible to legislate away the new surveillance tools and databases. They are here to stay.¶ Light is going to shine into nearly every corner of our lives.¶ The real issue facing citizens of a new century will be how mature adults choose to live — how they might compete, cooperate and thrive — in such a world. A transparent society.¶ Regarding those cameras for instance — the ones topping every lamppost in both city one and city two — we can see that very different styles of urban life resulted from just one decision, based on how people in each town answered the following question.¶ Will average citizens share, along with the mighty, the right to access these universal monitors? Will common folk have, and exercise, a sovereign power to watch the watchers?¶ Back in city number one, Joe and Jane Doe may walk through an average day never thinking about those microcameras overhead. They might even believe official statements claiming that all the spy eyes were banished and dismantled a year or two ago, when in fact they were only made smaller, harder to detect. Jane and Joe stroll secure that their neighbors cannot spy on them (except the old-fashioned way, from overlooking windows). In other words, Jane and Joe blissfully believe they have privacy.¶ The inhabitants of city number two know better. They realize that, out of doors at least, privacy has always been an illusion. They know anyone can tune in to that camera on the lamppost — and they don't much care. They perceive what really matters: that they live in a town where the police are efficient, respectful, and above all accountable. Homes are sacrosanct, but out on the street any citizen, from the richest to the poorest, can walk both safely and use the godlike power to zoom at will from vantage point to vantage point, viewing all the lively wonders of the vast but easily spanned village their metropolis has become, as if by some magic it had turned into a city not of people but of birds.¶ Sometimes, citizens of city number two find it tempting to wax nostalgic about the old days, before there were so many cameras, or before television invaded the home, or before the telephone and automobile. But for the most part, city number two's denizens know those times are gone, never to return. Above all, one thing makes life bearable: the surety that each person knows what is going on, with a say in what will happen next. And has rights equal to those of any billionaire or chief of police Link: Pretending Privacy Exists Masks Surveillance (2/2) People have been calling for individuals to retain absolute privacy online, but these merely cover up the inevitability of surveillance. Brin, David. Doctor of Philosophy in space science, 2010 fellow at the Institute of Ethics. 1998. The Transparent Society. “Chapter One: The Challenge of an Open Society.” Recent years have witnessed widespread calls to "empower" citizens and corporations with tools of encryption — the creation of ciphers and secret codes — so that the Internet and telephone lines may soon fill with a blinding fog of static and concealed messages, a haze of habitual masks and routine anonymity. Some of society's best and brightest minds have begun extolling a coming "golden age of privacy," when no one need ever again fear snooping by bureaucrats, federal agents, or in-laws. The prominent iconoclast John Gilmore, who "favors law 'n' chaos over law 'n' order," recently proclaimed that computers are literally extensions of our minds, and that their contents should remain as private as our inner thoughts. Another activist, John Perry Barlow, published a widely discussed "A Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace" proclaiming that the mundane jurisdictions of nations and their archaic laws are essentially powerless and irrelevant to the Internet and its denizens (or "netizens"). Among the loose clan of self-proclaimed "cypherpunks," a central goal is that citizens should be armed with broad new powers to conceal their words, actions, and identities. The alternative, they claim, will be for all our freedoms to succumb to a looming tyranny.¶ In opposing this modern passion for personal and corporate secrecy, I should first emphasize that I like privacy! Outspoken eccentrics need it, probably as much or more than those who are reserved. I would find it hard to get used to living in either of the cities described in the example at the beginning of this chapter. But a few voices out there have begun pointing out the obvious. Those cameras on every street corner are coming, as surely as the new "privacy laws" really prevent hidden eyes from getting tinier, more mobile and clever? In software form they will cruise the data highways . "Antibug" technologies will arise, but the resulting surveillance arms race can hardly favor the "little guy." The rich, the powerful, police agencies, and a technologically skilled elite will always have an advantage. millennium.¶ Oh, we may agitate and legislate. But can Alternative Solvency: Transparency Checks Government Oppression (1/2) Transparency solves-only by instilling the need for openness can we adequately be aware of what’s going on to adequately criticize the government and make them accountable Brin, David. Doctor of Philosophy in space science, 2010 fellow at the Institute of Ethics. 1998. The Transparent Society. “Chapter One: The Challenge of an Open Society.” What distinguishes society today is not only the pace of events but also the nature of our tool kit for facing the future. Above all, what has marked our civilization as different is its knack for applying two extremely hard-won lessons from the past.¶ In all of history, we have found just one cure for error — a partial antidote against making and repeating grand, foolish mistakes, a remedy against self-deception. That antidote is criticism.¶ Scientists have known this for a long time. It is the keystone of their success. A scientific theory gains respect only by surviving repeated attempts to demolish it. Only after platoons of clever critics have striven to come up with refuting evidence, forcing changes, do a few hypotheses eventually graduate from mere theories to accepted models of the world.¶ Another example is capitalism. When it works, under just and impartial rules, the free market rewards agility, hard work and innovation, just as it punishes the stock prices of companies that make too many mistakes. Likewise, any believer in evolution knows that death is the ultimate form of criticism, a merciless driver, transforming species over time.¶ Even in our private and professional lives, mature people realize that improvement comes only when we open ourselves to learn from our mistakes, no matter how hard we have to grit our teeth, when others tell us we were wrong. Which brings up a second observation.¶ Alas, criticism has always been what human beings, especially leaders, most hate to hear.¶ This ironic contradiction, which I will later refer to as the "Paradox of the Peacock," has had profound and tragic effects on human culture for centuries. Accounts left by past ages are filled with woeful events in which societies and peoples suffered largely because openness and free speech were suppressed, leaving the powerful at liberty to make devastating blunders without comment or consent from below.¶ If neo-Western civilization* has one great trick in its repertoire, a technique more responsible than any other for its success, that trick is accountability. Especially the knack — which no other culture ever mastered — of making accountability apply to the mighty. True, we still don't manage it perfectly. Gaffes, bungles and inanities still get covered up. And yet, one can look at any newspaper or television news program and see an eager press corps at work, supplemented by hordes of righteously indignant individuals (and their lawyers), all baying for waste or corruption to be exposed, secrets to be unveiled, and nefarious schemes to be nipped in the bud. Disclosure is a watchword of the age, and politicians have grudgingly responded by passing the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), truth-in-lending laws, open-meeting rules, then codes to enforce candor in real estate, in the nutritional content of foodstuffs, in the expense accounts of lobbyists, and so on.¶ Although this process of stripping off veils has been uneven, and continues to be a source of contention, the underlying moral force can be clearly seen pervading our popular culture, in which nearly every modern film or novel seems to preach the same message — suspicion of authority. The phenomenon is not new to our generation. Schoolbooks teach that freedom is guarded by constitutional "checks and balances," but those same legal provisions were copied, early in the nineteenth century, by nearly every new nation of Latin America, and not one of them remained consistently free. In North America, constitutional balances worked only because they were supplemented by a powerful mythic tradition, expounded in story, song, and now virtually every Hollywood film, that any undue accumulation of power should be looked on with concern.¶ Above all, we are encouraged to distrust government.¶ The late Karl Popper pointed out the importance of this mythology in the dark days during and after World War II, in The Open Society and its Enemies. Only by insisting on accountability, he concluded, can we constantly remind public servants that they are servants. It is also how we maintain some confidence that merchants aren't cheating us, or that factories aren't poisoning the water. As inefficient and irascibly noisy as it seems at times, this habit of questioning authority ensures freedom far more effectively than any of the older social systems that were based on reverence or trust.¶ And yet, another paradox rears up every time one interest group tries to hold another accountable in today's society.¶ Whenever a conflict appears between privacy and accountability, people demand the former for themselves and the latter for everybody else.¶ The rule seems to hold in almost every realm of modern life, from special prosecutors investigating the finances of political figures to worried parents demanding that lists of sex offenders be made public. From merchants anxious to see their customers' credit reports to clients who resent such snooping. From people who "need" caller ID to screen their calls to those worried that their lives might be threatened if they lose telephone anonymity. From activists demanding greater access to computerized government records in order to hunt patterns of corruption or incompetence in office to other citizens who worry about release of personal information contained in those very same records. Alternative Solvency: Transparency Checks Government Oppression (2/2) Transparency is key to government accountability when it comes to digital privacy Notley, Tanya. Journalist. 4 August 2011. Why digital privacy and security are important for development. Date Accessed 7/17/13. If you believe an over-arching ambition of development should be to ensure the benefits of progress and plenty are shared fairly among citizens, then you will likely agree it's important to have a government willing to create policies that attempt to remedy existing inequities. To do this in a democratic way, these policies, and the practices to implement them, need to be transparent to ensure people can assess how government and development money is being spent, where it is being distributed and if it achieves what was intended.¶ Access to information technologies – such as mobile phones, the internet, social networking sites and video – can play a critical role in helping people hold governments and development agencies accountable. When used to collect, monitor and assess information about needs, spending, activities and impacts, technologies support not only accountability but also – by allowing people to participate in their own governance – freedom of expression and civic participation. A2: Leaks Bad – They’re Impossible to Stop The United States government does not store data securely enough; Snowden proves Pogatchnik, Shawn. 2013 (Reporter for the Associated Press. “AP Interview: Ex-FBI Chief on Risk of Cyber Terror”. 7 July. Accessed 16 July 13. He said the NSA gave Snowden system-wide access with "the ability to extract and copy top-secret documents detailing secured and elaborate programs." He noted that a recent PricewaterhouseCoopers survey found that employee insiders committed around a third of all breaches of sensitive data. And that, he [Freeh] said, was the biggest issue for government agencies and corporations: What should be accessible on its own internal intranet connections, and who should be cleared to see it? As things stand now, he said, "too many people have too much access" to sensitive documents in companies and government agencies. He suggested that a group's most confidential information might have to be left without an electronic fingerprint at all and be kept, old school, like the Coca-Cola company's recipe for its soft drinks once was under lock and key in a safe. A2: Schneier/”Transparency Destroys Privacy” Transparency upholds privacy, by checking the surveillance power of the elites and while creating a mutual respect for the privacy of others David Brin is a physicist and author of best-selling novels, 08 (“David Brin Rebuts Schnier in Defense of a Transparent Society,”, 03.12.08, How did we get the freedom we already have, becoming the first civilization in history to (somewhat) defy ancient patterns? Yes, it's imperfect, always under threat. We swim against hard currents of human nature. But reciprocal accountability is the innovation that lets us even try.¶ Schneier claims that The Transparent Society doesn't address "the inherent value of privacy." But several chapters do, and I conclude that privacy is an inherent human need, too important to leave in the hands of state elites, who are themselves following ornate information-control rules written by other elites -- rules, by the way, that never work. (Robert Heinlein said "'privacy laws' only make the bugs smaller.")¶ Attacking a caricature of my position, Schneier suggests that transparency would end privacy, making everyone walk around naked. It does take some mental flexibility to realize how a generally open society will be privacy friendly. But it was a generally open society that invented modern privacy.¶ Look around. Today, the person who most capably defends your privacy is ... you. But you can't catch Peeping Toms and busybodies if everyone is shrouded in clouds of secrecy.¶ Try the "restaurant analogy." People who are nosey, leaning toward other diners in order to snoop, are caught by those other diners. Moreover, our culture deems such intrusion to be a worse sin than anything that may be overheard.¶ Now try setting up a restaurant where customer tables are separated by paper shoji screens. ¶ This provides the surface illusion of greater privacy, but peepers can press their ears against the screen and peer through little slits with impunity.¶ Which approach better protects privacy? Which have people overwhelmingly chosen?¶ Continuing, Schneier poses a thought experiment: "Think of your existing power as the exponent in an equation that determines the value of information. The more power you have, the more additional power you derive from the new data."¶ But this is precisely the age-old problem that Enlightenment civilization was invented to solve! Just take Schneier's formulation and replace the words "information" and "new data" with "secrets." Now, it can be argued that both versions are true. But which version gives you a worse case of the creeps? If civilization becomes a cloud of secrecy (as some are now trying to achieve), that's when elites can really exploit disparities of power.¶ How have we fought this? One early Enlightenment trick was to divide the elites. Sic 'em on each other! Unions versus management, tort lawyers versus megacorporations, regulators versus moguls and activist nongovernmental organizations against any power center you can name. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the boomer innovation, let citizens clump en masse, pooling influence to increase their common "Schneier exponent" and use information advantageously. It's an Enlightenment method of great power and flexibility. Each person can find and join an NGO suited to any passion or interest.¶ But the next step in people empowerment is even more impressive -- those burgeoning "smart mobs" Howard Rheingold and Vernor Vinge talk about, recently joined by Clay Shirky in Here Comes Everybody. It's agile. It's wired. Every generation innovates, or the enlightenment dies.¶ Oh, I can hear cynical snorts. Yes, it's flawed! Elites keep rediscovering tricks of secret collusion. Still, if it's hopeless, how come we're having this conversation?¶ Almost monthly, we hear of some angry cop arresting a citizen on trumped "privacy violations," for using a cellphone camera or MP3 recorder to capture an interaction with authority. And each month, judges toss the arrests, forcing police to apologize. Every time. So much for those power exponents.¶ Schneier even cites this trend, swerving his essay at the end, from doubt into a paean for "sousveillance" or citizens shining light upward upon the mighty.¶ Or ... a transparent society.¶ How to explain this veer? I suppose that he meant light should shine in one direction, from masses onto elites, not the other way. Sounds nice. But who defines which other person is a dangerous elite? Won't the definitions be controlled by, well, elites, who then exploit every exception?¶ And can you show me once, in history, when elites let themselves be blinded?¶ This flaw erupts in most anti-transparency arguments. "Light should shine on power groups I worry about, but not at me or mine." Yes, that's human. I'm human too.¶ But look around the restaurant some time (discreetly) and see your fellow citizens in action -- mostly minding their own business, enjoying privacy while seldom having to enforce it, needing no screens or vigilant authorities to protect them, or to make them behave. Privacy is good! And, guess what? It happens when we empower people to see. ¶ Sure, it ain't perfect. We'll still need protectors. There are countless quibbles. We've a long way to go.¶ Still, please, consider how we got what we already have. Neg Privacy Constitution-Right to Privacy The constitution has the right to privacy engrained inside of it. Ralph F. Gaebler, professor of law at Indiana state university, “Is There a Natural Law Right to Privacy?” DoP: 1992, THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF JURISPRUDENCE, Walter Murphy has recently argued that "the nature of the American¶ Constitution requires recognition of a thick and powerful right to be¶ let alone."' What is more, he believes this right is so deeply embedded¶ in the Constitution that society cannot remove it, even through¶ formally permissible means, such as amendment, without abrogating¶ the Constitution altogether.¶ In general, there is nothing particularly surprising about the claim¶ that the Constitution includes a right of privacy. And in Murphy's¶ case, in particular, the claim rests upon thirty years of scholarship.¶ Viewed as a whole, this body of work looms as one of the more¶ passionate, and at the same time formidably coherent contributions¶ to the literature of judicial politics. 2 As developed in his many articles¶ and books, Murphy's claim for the existence of a right of privacy¶ emerges from his conviction that, since all Constitutional decision makers must adopt a judicial philosophy with substantive¶ consequences, academic critics, in judging the judges, must in fairness do the same.' His is essentially a pragmatic claim, justified on the¶ ground that it constitutes the best constitutional policy in a world of¶ judicial politics where many legitimate and contradictory claims are¶ possible The constitution implies the right to privacy through the as citizens bring in the natural right for a zone of autonomy Ralph F. Gaebler, professor of law at Indiana state university, “Is There a Natural Law Right to Privacy?” DoP: 1992, THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF JURISPRUDENCE, Murphy makes two distinct arguments to support his conclusion¶ that the Constitution must be interpreted to include a broad right of¶ privacy. He describes the first argument as based on "constitutional¶ content." It begins with the assertion that the American Constitution¶ rests upon, or possibly even includes, two political theories, which¶ he calls "constitutionalism" and "representational democracy."¶ Constitutionalism denotes the view that the Constitution primarily¶ embodies personal liberties. Representational democracy denotes the¶ view that the Constitution primarily embodies a structure of¶ government based on popular sovereignty. Although poised in¶ opposition to each other, both of these sub-texts are necessary to¶ make sense of the Constitution, or as Murphy puts it, to render the¶ document more than "the political version of a seed catalogue." In¶ other words, the Constitution is a balancing act; it employs the device of checks and counter-checks not only in its provisions for the¶ structure of government, but even in its philosophical outlook. However, constitutionalism is clearly the more important philosophy¶ of the two, at least for the purpose of establishing the right of¶ privacy.' 2 "The essence of constitutionalism," according to Murphy,¶ "is that citizens bring rights with them into societ y." These rights¶ comprise a "zone of autonomy," within which "each individual¶ should be immune from governmental regulation, even regulation¶ that an overwhelming majority of society considers wise and just."¶ Thus, the right to privacy is implied by the political theory of¶ constitutionalism, which in turn is part of the Constitution. Murphy¶ also argues that the right of privacy is implied by the theory of¶ representational democracy, a claim that I will take up later. The constitution provides a right to privacy by the use of wording such as free and autonomous Ralph F. Gaebler, professor of law at Indiana state university, “Is There a Natural Law Right to Privacy?” DoP: 1992, THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF JURISPRUDENCE, Murphy's second argument, which he describes as based on¶ "constitutional function," is equally direct. It begins with his¶ commitment to the ideas that the Constitution is a "binding statement¶ of a people's aspirations for themselves and their nation." In Constitution is not merely a charter for government, but¶ serves as the foundation of a moral community as well. From this¶ premise Murphy argues that the Constitution must include a right of¶ privacy because "the notion of a people as free and autonomous as¶ they can be in an interdependent world is and has been among the¶ values, goals, and aspirations of U.S. society. "¶ other¶ words, the .Murphy finds evidence of the Constitution's "aspirational" character¶ in its Preamble and in the Declaration of Independence, which he¶ also regards as a foundational document. Thus, Murphy really regards¶ the U.S. as bound by a constitution, that includes the Constitution¶ of 1787, as amended, the Declaration of Independence, the two¶ political philosophies already mentioned, and possibly other¶ foundational documents or ideas as well.' 3 This is not to say that we can understand Murphy's argument simply by reading, phrase by¶ phrase, his admittedly expanded constitution. In a sense, this argument¶ denies that the Constitution can be read at all; rather, it is a¶ continuing compact, some of whose evidence is composed of written¶ documents. Privacy Viewed As A Societal Good We ought to protect Privacy as a Social good rather than an individual right. DANIEL J. SOLOVE, 2002, Assistant Professor, Seton Hall Law School, DIGITAL DOSSIERS AND THE DISSIPATION OF FOURTH AMENDMENT PRIVACY, Protecting privacy through an architecture of power differs from protecting it as an individual right . Privacy is often viewed as an individual right.185 It is seen as an individual possession, and its value is defined in terms of its worth to the individual. This view is severely flawed. John Dewey astutely critiqued the “conception of the individual as something given, complete in itself, and of liberty as a ready-made possession of the individual, only needing the removal of external restrictions in order to manifest itself.”186 According to Dewey, the individual is inextricably connected to society,187 and rights are not immutable possessions of individuals, but are instrumental in light of “the contribution they make to the welfare of the community.”188 The problem with viewing rights in purely individualistic terms is that it pits individual rights against the greater good of the community, with the interests of society often winning out because of their paramount importance when measured against one individual’s freedom In contrast, an architecture of power protects privacy differently and is based on a different conception of privacy. Privacy is not merely a right possessed by individuals, but is a form of freedom built into the social structure. It is thus an issue about the common good as much as it is about individual rights. It is an issue about social architecture, about the relationships that form the structure of our society. Privacy Must Be Preferred We should promote supporting privacy over the national security interests, or a hybrid of both. We must err on the side of privacy because governments are likely to abuse their power. Lisa Nelson, 2004, University of Pittsburg, Privacy and Technology: Reconsidering a Crucial Public Policy Debate in the Post-September 11 Era, Public Administration Review, The origin of liberty in democratic theory is best de- scribed by John Stuart Mill as "the civil or social liberty which exists within the nature and limits of the power which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual" (Mill 1956, 2). As Mill explains, the balance between lib- erty and authority is struck by guaranteeing certain immu- nities that cannot be violated by those holding political authority. If violated, those in positions of authority have breached their duty as leaders. As a secondary check on political authority, constitutional checks that are established by the consent of the community are a necessary condition of the acts of governing power (Mill 1956, 4). In practice, this means the exercise of political authority is mediated by the immunities of the citizenry and the consent of the governed. The liberty interest in privacy is construed similarly. To paraphrase Justice Robert H. Jackson in his concurring opinion on the 1952 Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer (343 U.S. 579) decision, "the Fourth Amendment protects more than privacy; it ensures that governmental invasions of individual privacy are based upon rules estab- lished by the people, rules our rulers must follow in order to engage in surveillance." Jackson's description of pri- vacy mirrors that of Mill. The conditions of our liberty interest in privacy are created by the immunities of the citizenry and the consent of the governed. Each serves as a limit on political authority. Yet, the analysis is not quite so simple. The equilibrium of this balance between political authority and the liberty interests of individuals is changed in the face of harm. As Mill explains, government should be established on the harm principle: "That the sole end for which mankind is warranted, individually or collec- tively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection. That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others" (Mill 1956, 4). The authority to interfere with a member of a civilized community in defense of liberty occurs when there is a need to prevent harm. In fact, as Mill argues, "it is one of the undisputed functions of government to take precau- tions against crime before it has been committed, as well as to detect and punish it afterwards" (Mill 1956, 116). Liberty, augmented in our constitutional framework by the principles of privacy, is mediated by the exercise of political authority to protect against harm. What is left unanswered is the type and form of political authority that is ideal for preserving our liberty interests in privacy. In theory, the answer seems quite simple: The exercise of political authority is justified when the political will nec- essary for the prevention of harm is warranted. Yet, as a practical matter, the perception of harm-and the justifi- cation of political authority necessary to combat it-is often problematic. As Mill warns, "the preventative func- tion of government, however, is far more liable to be abused, at the prejudice of liberty, than the punitive func- tion" (Mill 1956, 116). This concern is particularly acute in the post-September 11 environment because it is not only the assertion of political authority, but also the architecture of it that potentially threatens our liberty interest in privacy. Far-reach- ing regulations that enable the gathering and sharing of information, the concentration of power in the hands of the intelligence community, and the extensive power granted to the executive branch in the name of the "war on terrorism" is seen as altering the structural balance between political authority and social and civil liberties at the expense of democratic principles. The call for increased political authority to protect privacy in the wake of the information age, however, faces similar criticisms. Here, it is argued that under the limits of the Constitution, there is insufficient legal basis for the exercise of political author- ity to protect privacy. In this sense, protective legislation is seen as potentially overstepping the appropriate constitu- tional boundaries of political authority and squelching free enterprise and innovation in the information age. Though it seems to be at the other end of the spectrum, the question of whether the Constitution allows for the power of government to adopt and enforce laws to protect private information from intrusion by the private sector is not unlike the question of whether the events of Septem- ber 11 justify increased intelligence gathering and surveil- lance. Each is a question of enhanced political authority and its relationship to the liberty interests of privacy. Yet, the answer is not so easily discerned from either constitu- tional doctrine or public sentiments. Rather, the public policy debate must account for the interplay between each, because one is not separate from the other. Interestingly, the war on terror coincides with the ac- celeration of the information age and, as a result, affects the direction of policy debates regarding each. Perhaps the war on terror seems less intrusive and less threatening to our privacy because our notions of privacy have been al- tered in an unprecedented age of information. Surveillance is becoming commonplace, frequent, and innocuous. More- over, the information age has altered the traditional physi- cal divide between the public and the private with the age of the Interet and other technologies. Physical locale is no longer the definitional quality of privacy, and, as a re- sult, the traditional demarcation of privacy is no longer apt in either legal doctrine or societal perceptions. Similarly, the events of September 11 and the subsequent prominence of surveillance and information gathering may have caused us to be overly sensitized to information sharing in both the government and private sectors. The events of September 11 and the rise of the informa- tion age challenge the previous balance between political authority and liberty, but it does not follow that a new bal- ance cannot be struck. Yet, it is necessary to move the de- bate beyond its current dichotomy, which tends to view the rise of technology and the information age as intruding on privacy. The dichotomy is not helpful because it is im- possible to eliminate the specter of terrorism and turn back the clock on the information age. Instead, each is a new factor to be weighed in the quest for a balance between liberty and the exercise of political authority. For this, let us return to Mill. As Mill advocates, the balance is secured by the guar- antee of certain immunities that cannot be violated by those holding political authority. As a secondary check on po- litical authority, constitutional checks that are established by the consent of the community are a necessary condition for the acts of governing power. Thus, as a point of depar- ture, the proper course of policy development to protect privacy while fostering the appropriate exercise of politi- cal authority requires us to turn to the necessary immuni- ties, which cannot be trammeled, and to the constitutional checks that must remain intact Privacy Impacts: Totalitarianism Violations of privacy are the basis for governmental totalitarianism- the German Democratic Republic proves. Ron Watson, Department of Political Science, Washington University., “The Ethics of Domestic Government Spying” March 2013¶ Although states can hardly do without spies if they wish to remain secure, there is, of¶ course, a darker, more sinister picture of government spying. This darker picture is one of¶ the government using spying to control every aspect of people's lives, compelling them to¶ act and think only in ways sanctioned by the state. Nowhere is this picture painted more¶ vividly than in Orwell's 1984. Winston, the protagonist, remarks:¶ There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any¶ given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on¶ any wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody¶ all the time . . . You had to live { did live, from habit that became instinct { in the¶ assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness,¶ every movement scrutinized. (Orwell 2007, 3)¶ This darker picture of spying cannot be dismissed as unrealistic, merely a dystopian night-¶ mare. States have often controlled and continue to control their citizens with spying.¶ Nowhere was this kind of control more complete than in the German Democratic Republic ¶ (GDR) during the Cold War, however. Historian Hubertus Knabe summarizes the control¶ exacted by the GDR's secret police (Stasi) as follows: \Precisely the hidden, but for every¶ citizen tangible omni-presence of the Stasi, damaged the very basic conditions for individual¶ and societal creativity and development: sense of one's self, trust, spontaneity." (Bruce¶ 2010, 12) Violation of privacy leads to a totalitarian state Daniel J. Solove. Associate professor of law at the George Washington University Law School."The Digital Person: Technology And Privacy In The Information Age"New York: New York University Press, 2004. Orwell's Totalitarian World. Journalists, politicians, and jurists often describe the problem created by databases with the metaphor of Big Brother--the harrowing totalitarian government portrayed in George Orwell's 1984. Big Brother is an allknowing, constantly vigilant government that regulates every aspect of one's existence. In every corner are posters of an enormous face, with "eyes [that] follow you about when you move" and the caption "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU." ¶ Big Brother demands complete obedience from its citizens and controls all aspects of their lives. It constructs the language, rewrites the history, purges its critics, indoctrinates the population, burns books, and obliterates all disagreeable relics from the past. Big Brother's goal is uniformity and complete discipline, and it attempts to police people to an innermost thoughts. Any trace of individualism is quickly suffocated.¶ This terrifying totalitarian state achieves its control by targeting the private life, employing various techniques of power to eliminate any sense of privacy. Big Brother views solitude as dangerous. Its techniques of power are predominantly methods of surveillance. Big Brother is constantly monitoring and spying; uniformed patrols linger on street corners; helicopters hover in the skies, poised to peer into windows. The primary surveillance tool is a device unrelenting degree--even their called a "telescreen" which is installed into each house and apartment. The telescreen is a bilateral television--individuals can watch it, but it also enables Big Brother to watch them.¶ Privacy needs to be protected in order to retain a balance of power between parties DANIEL J. SOLOVE, 2002, Assistant Professor, Seton Hall Law School, DIGITAL DOSSIERS AND THE DISSIPATION OF FOURTH AMENDMENT PRIVACY, The dangers discussed above illustrate why privacy is integral to freedom in the modern state. Privacy must be protected by establishing an architecture of power. The word “architecture” emphasizes that the protection of privacy must be achieved through establishing a particular social structure that distributes power in our various relationships. Certain kinds of legal regulation can be readily analogized to architecture. Typically, we view architecture as the design of buildings and edifices. Buildings structure the way people feel and interact; they form and shape human relationships.182 Neal Kumar Katyal provides a fascinating account of how physical architecture—the way that neighborhoods and buildings are designed—can affect criminal behavior.183 Law resembles architecture in many respects, especially in the way that certain forms of regulation affect social practices. If we think of law as creating a structure, we can better understand the different forms that modern regulation must take to protect liberty in the modern state. We have freedom not simply because we have rights. Our liberty is constructed by various regulatory structures that regulate the safety of the products we buy, the conditions of the apartments we live in, the way that companies must interact with us, and the sanctity of the environment, among others. An architecture of power protects a number of social practices of which privacy forms a significant part. It protects privacy by providing a regulatory structure that shapes relationships and safeguards individual liberties. At the center of my view is the fact that privacy is an aspect of social practices, which involve relationships with other people and entities.184 The need for privacy emerges from within a society, from the various social relationships that people form with each other, with private sector institutions, and with the government. We do not need privacy on a deserted island; rather, the need for privacy is engendered by the existence of society, from the fact that we must live together. Relationships involve some balance of power between the parties. Power is not necessarily a zerosum good, where more power to one party necessarily means less to another. However, certain configurations of power in these relationships have profound effects on the scope and extent of freedom, democracy, equality, and other important values. In the modern world, we are increasingly finding ourselves in a new type of relationship with public and private institutions. These relationships are different because our institutions are more bureaucratic in nature. Bureaucracies use more information and often exercise power over people through the use of personal data. Collecting and using personal information are having an intensifying influence on the effects of power in our social relationships. Therefore, protecting privacy is critical to governing these relationships, and consequently, to regulating the tone and tenor of life in the Information Age. Privacy Impacts: Autonomy In a world with spying we damage autonomy. Ron Watson, Department of Political Science, Washington University., “The Ethics of Domestic Government Spying” March 2013¶ So widespread intuitions support the principle of just cause for DGS. Let us turn to the¶ consequentialist case for just cause. The sophisticated consequentialist, I suggested in the ¶ introduction, would endorse a simple set of principles for DGS. But which principles would¶ she endorse? She obviously could not endorse a principle permitting all DGS, since the con-¶ sequences would be dire. If government agents were always at liberty to spy, people could¶ not develop stable expectations about where, when, and by whom they are being observed¶ without expending considerable resources on countermeasures, nor could they conceal their¶ personal information. People's enjoyment of goods requiring even a modicum of privacy¶ would rapidly diminish. People's autonomy would be gravely threatened, since the pressures¶ to conform to social norms would be virtually unchecked. The liberal democratic culture of¶ free thought, free speech, and free action would be stifled.¶ Further, the bene ts of such a permissive policy would be minimal. Some grave harms¶ might be prevented. But permitting all spying is more likely to lead to ineffective and even¶ harmful spying. Spying for political gain and to protect bureaucratic turfs, for example,¶ would likely be rampant. Privacy hinges on autonomy- it focuses on the control over limitations and confidentiality Casman Susanne, professor at UNLV “The Right to Privacy in Light of the Patriot Act and Social Contract Theory”, DoP: 5-1-2011 DoA: 7/15/13 Pg 17-18 It is differentiated from the total field by virtue of the fact the self is in ¶ some degree involved in excluding in some (or possibly all) circumstances, some (or ¶ possibly all), other persons from knowledge of the person’s possession. (Bates, 1964). ¶ Ruth Gavison’s into three personal basic elements: Solitude: ¶ control over one’s interpersonal interactions with other people, Confidentiality: control ¶ over other people’s access to information about oneself, and Autonomy: control over ¶ what one does, i.e. freedom of will. (Boyle, 2003). ¶ What all of these definitions have in agreement is that privacy is about control, ¶ the amount we wish to divulge to those around us. They also have as part of their ¶ definition that privacy is both a moral and legal right. There is a fundamental aspect to ¶ human nature that defines privacy as a basic component. We assume that privacy is a ¶ moral right, rather than simply a constitutional or legal right. We assume that decomposition of privacy privacy is a 18¶ fundamental right, rather than a right that can be explicated in terms of other fundamental ¶ rights (e.g. life, liberty, or property). (Alfino and Mayes, 2002). Privacy is an elastic ¶ concept. The limited-access view proposes that privacy represents control over unwanted ¶ access, or alternatively, the regulation of, limitations on, or exemption from scrutiny, ¶ surveillance, or unwanted access. Privacy, as a whole or in part, represents control over ¶ transactions between person (s) and other(s), the ultimate aim of which is to enhance ¶ autonomy and /or minimize vulnerability. (Margulis, 2005). Privacy protects Autonomy and individuality. Michael R. Curry, 1997, Department of Geography, University of California, “The Digital Individual and the Private Realm”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Yet a bit of reflection suggests the difficulty with all of these positions. The difficulty is, put- ting the matter simply, that the private realm performs important functions in the life of the individual and the group. It is in private that people have the opportunity to become individu- als in the sense that we think of the term. People, after all, become individuals in the public realm just by selectively making public certain things about themselves. Whether this is a matter of being selective about one's religious or political views, work history, education, income, or complexion, the important point is this: in a complex society, people adjust their public identities in ways that they believe best, and they develop those identities in more private settings. Privacy Impacts: Autonomy (2/2) Invasions of privacy causes loss of autonomy. Ron Watson, Department of Political Science, Washington University., “The Ethics of Domestic Government Spying” March 2013¶ This line of argument is supported by a further set of responses that people might have¶ to learning how their government regulates domestic spying. When principles unfairly or¶ unequally target certain groups, they can demean, humiliate, and disrespect members of¶ those groups when they become public. Principles can also have these e ects if they signal¶ to people their chosen pursuits are unworthy, shameful, or depraved. People's self-respect¶ often depends on the existence of spaces for action free from government intrusion. Further,¶ when citizens worry that they are under covert observation by their government, there are a¶ range of activities that can become less enjoyable because they are less private. Finally, when¶ citizens suspect that the government spies on them, they may lose trust in their government¶ and its institutions Privacy is needed in order to retain autonomy DANIEL J. SOLOVE, 2002, Assistant Professor, Seton Hall Law School, DIGITAL DOSSIERS AND THE DISSIPATION OF FOURTH AMENDMENT PRIVACY, government information-gathering can severely constrain democracy and individual selfdetermination. Paul Schwartz illustrates this with his theory of “constitutive privacy.”99 According to Schwartz, privacy is essential to both individuals and communities: “[C]onstitutive privacy seeks to create boundaries about personal information to help the individual and define terms of life within the community.”100 As a form of regulation of information flow, privacy shapes “the extent to which certain actions or expressions of identity are encouraged or discouraged.”101 Schwartz contends that extensive government oversight over an individual’s activities can “corrupt individual decision making about the elements of one’s identity.” Further, inadequate protection of privacy threatens deliberative democracy by inhibiting people from engaging in democratic activities. This can occur unintentionally; even if government entities are not attempting to engage in social control, their activities can have collateral effects that harm democracy and self-determination. Privacy Impacts: Normalization Invasions of privacy causes a normalizing effect on society. Ron Watson, Department of Political Science, Washington University., “The Ethics of Domestic Government Spying” March 2013¶ Notice that the dragnet case could plausibly meet all of the four principles discussed¶ above. The problem with cases like Dragnet is that ordinary people reasonably fear abuse¶ when their personal information is collected in droves; they also worry that their harmless¶ counter-normative activities will be exposed, punished, or leveraged against them. They¶ want law enforcement oficials and intelligence agents to possess thick les on suspected terrorists and criminals, but they worry about these same government agents having dossiers on¶ law abiding citizens. The temptations to misuse information for prudential or political gain,¶ they think, are too high. So too are the temptations to police norms prohibiting harmless or¶ even beneficial behavior. Indeed, the more innocents believe that the government possesses¶ detailed dossiers on them, the more likely they will be to self-censor, especially when the¶ conduct challenges the government or its officials. Principles that permit operations like¶ Dragnet, then, are not strategic, since they discourage people from engaging in a range of¶ harmless or beneficial behaviors. They further risk humiliating or disrespecting those who¶ engage in harmless but counternormative activities, fomenting paranoia, undermining trust¶ in the government, and diminishing people's enjoyment of a range of private activities. Electronic Surveillance Electronic surveillance is inconsistent with a free society ACLU. A nonpartisan non-profit organization whose stated mission is "to defend and preserve the individual rights.March 1, 1998."Electronic surveillance is inconsistent with a free society."American Civil Liberties Union. Date Retrieved: July 7, 2013. The cryptography debate offers the nation an opportunity to confront the issue of electronic surveillance anew. If we do not do so in a fully informed and careful way, there will be no limit to the sweep of new technological opportunities for total surveillance potential. Without the right to strong, non-key recovery encryption, the black strips on the backs of our credit, cash and identity cards, the electronic keys being distributed by gasoline companies to enable the purchase of gas with the wave of a wand, the E-Z passes for paying tolls electronically, and the imminent arrival of compact digital cell phones that also function as computers, e-mailers and pagers, will all be vulnerable to both governmental and nongovernmental spying, both authorized and unauthorized. The American Civil Liberties Union has historically opposed all forms of electronic surveillance by the government, and therefore supports the free and unfettered development, production and distribution of the strongest possible encryption technology. Electronic surveillance, whether through bugging devices, wiretaps, or ready access to encryption keys, is fundamentally at odds with personal privacy. It is the worst sort of general search, which necessarily captures not only the communications of its specific targets, but those of countless others who happen to come in contact with the targets or use the same lines. Free citizens must have the ability to conduct direct, instantaneous, spontaneous and private communication using whatever technology is available. Without the knowledge and assurance that private communications are, indeed, private, habits based upon fear and insecurity will gradually replace habits of freedom. The right to privacy has already been severely compromised in this country. Telephones have been tapped by police at least since 1895, and in the past century there has been a constant tug of war between the government's impulse to eavesdrop and the public's desire to resist further encroachments. Although its powers have been limited by both statute and court decision, for all practical purposes the government has prevailed in this struggle. According to statistics compiled by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, surreptitious government surveillance is now at record levels.5 From 1985 to 1995, more than 12 million conversations were intercepted through law enforcement wiretaps, and all but a relative handful were completely innocent (in 1995 alone, nearly two million innocent conversations were intercepted). Although government agents must obtain a warrant, their requests for wiretaps are almost never turned down by judges or magistrates. In fact, only one request by law enforcement for an intercept has been rejected in the last eight years. As will be explained below, all of this wiretapping has produced little in the way of results for law enforcement and yet the expansive surveillance capabilities being sought today through the control of encryption and digital telephony will give the government unprecedented access to all communications -- with or without a warrant. Browser Fingerprinting Browser fingerprinting infringes on digital privacy Larkin, Erik. Mar 26, 2010. Browser Fingerprints: A Big Privacy Threat. Forget cookies--even the ultrasneaky, Flash-based "super cookies." A new type of tracking may identify you far more accurately than any cookie--and you may never know it was there.¶ The method pulls together innocuous data about your browser, such as plug-ins, system fonts, and your operating system. Alone, they don't identify you. Together, they're a digital fingerprint.¶ It's like describing a person. Just saying "brown hair" won't identify anyone. But add in "5 feet, 10 inches tall," "chipped right front tooth," "size 12 shoes," and so on, and soon you have enough information to pull someone out of a crowd, even without their name, Social Security number, or any other of the usual identifiers.¶ Test your browser for unique identifiers without the risk: The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a privacy advocacy group, has set up an interesting online experiment at Panopticlick gathers little details about your browser and computer, mostly using Javascript. In my case, the information it gathered about my browser was enough to uniquely identify my surfing software out of more than 650,000 visitors. Peter Eckersley, a staff technologist with the EFF, says he and his colleagues de--cided to create the site when he heard rumors about this kind of tracking. He wanted to see how accurate it might be.¶ Well, it's pretty accurate. And as it turns out, its use is more than a rumor.¶ Browser fingerprinting was developed for banks to employ to prevent fraud. But now one company, Scout Analytics, offers it as a service to Web sites, and it collects not just browser data but also data about how you type--things like your typing speed and typing patterns.¶ This biometric signature, like the identifiers collected from the browser and the computer, can be gathered using JavaScript alone, making this form of tracking hard to block. Matt Shanahan, senior vice president of strategy at Scout Analytics, says that the company sells its service primarily to paid subscription sites, such as those offering real estate listings, and that it is keen to expand into marketing and advertising by helping sites track visitors in a way that, as he notes, is more accurate than using cookies. (Cookies can be deleted, which makes a repeat visit look like a new. Collecting Information There are wide sweeping programs to collect our information; this is a violation of privacy in a new technological age. Daniel J. Solove. Associate professor of law at the George Washington University Law School."The Digital Person: Technology And Privacy In The Information Age"New York: New York University Press, 2004. The government has recently been exploring ways to develop technology to detect patterns of behavior based on dossiers. In 2002, it was revealed that the Department of Defense was developing a program called Total Information Awareness (since renamed Terrorism Information Awareness). The program begins with the government amassing personal information from private-sector sources into a massive database of dossiers on individuals. Profiling technology is then used to detect those who are likely to be engaged ¶ in criminal activity. When Congress learned of Total Information Awareness, it halted the program because of its threat to privacy. However, the same type of collection and use of data envisioned by those who dreamed up Total Information Awareness is already being carried out by the government. The digital dossiers that continue to grow in the private sector and in public records are now becoming a tool for the government to monitor and investigate people. The Secret Paradigm. In another way of understanding privacy that I refer to as the "secrecy paradigm," privacy is invaded by uncovering one's hidden world, by surveillance, and by the disclosure of concealed information. The harm such invasions cause consists of inhibition, self-censorship, embarrassment, and damage to one's reputation. The law is heavily influenced by this paradigm. As a result, if the information isn't secret, then courts often conclude that the information can't be private. However, this conception of privacy is not responsive to life in the modern Information Age, where most personal information exists in the record systems of hundreds of entities. Life today is fueled by information, and it is virtually impossible to live as an Information Age ghost, leaving no trail or residue. ¶ The Invasion Conception. Under the traditional view, privacy is violated by the invasive actions of particular wrongdoers who cause direct injury to victims. Victims experience embarrassment, mental distress, or harm to their reputations. The law responds when a person's deepest secrets are exposed, reputation is tarnished, or home is invaded. This view, which I call the "invasion conception," understands privacy to be a kind of invasion in which somebody invades and somebody is invaded. However, digital dossiers often do not result in any overt invasion. People frequently don't experience any direct injury when data about them is aggregated or transferred form one company to another. Moreover, many of the problems of digital dossiers emerge from the collaboration of a multitude of different actors with different purposes. Each step along the way is relatively small and innocuous, failing to cause harm that the invasion conception would recognize as substantial. A2: “We Consent to Surveillance” Even giving consent to surveillance doesn’t solve the violation, you don’t know when where or how they will spy on you. Ron Watson, Department of Political Science, Washington University., “The Ethics of Domestic Government Spying” March 2013¶ The conclusion that we cannot assent to being spied upon might strike some as counterintuitive, however. They might point to cases in which someone agrees in advance to¶ be spied on, but the agreement does not specify when, where, or how the spying will take¶ place, thereby leaving open the possibility that the spy can in particular instances conceal¶ her observation from her target. Suppose, for example, a homeowner in crime ridden¶ neighborhood consents to being spied on by his local police department. One can, he agrees,¶ can observe him and his property and conceal this fact from him and others. This case and¶ others like it suggest that one can assent to be spied upon. Autonomy Necessary for Morality Autonomy is necessary for morality, autonomy gives us the power to self determine morals Daniel Callahan, Senior Research Scholar and President Emeritus of the Center, Senior Lecturer at the Harvard Medical School and is now a Senior Scholar at Yale. He received his B.A. from Yale and a Ph.D in philosophy from Harvard. 10/1986, A Moral Good, Not a Moral Obsession, The Hastings Center, Vol. 14, No. 5, Autonomy, Paternalism, and Community, Date Accessed- 7/21/2013 A major attraction of the concept of autonomy is that it helps to establish moral independence. Not only does it entail that, as an individual, I am to be treated by others as a moral end rather than a moral means, it also requires that they allow me to pursue my own moral goods. Autonomy can thus be understood as the basis for moral enfranchisement, establishing my standing as an equal in the community and my liberty to pursue my own ends. In the context of medicine, it is a value that has served to establish the rights of patients over physicians, and the right to be spared the paternalistic interventions of those who think they understand my welfare better than I do. The purpose of autonomy is to make me my own moral master. But if autonomy may serve me in some fundamental ways, what would it be like to live in a community for which autonomy was the central value? What kind of a medical practice might emerge with patient autonomy as the sole goal? Let me try to answer that question by first reviewing some of the benefits of giving moral priority to autonomy. Among them are a recognition of the rights of individuals and of their personal dignity; the erection of a powerful bulwark against moral and political despotism; a becoming humility about the sources or certainty of moral claims and demands; and a foundation for the protection of unpopular people and causes against majoritarian domination. Those are powerful benefits, to be meddled with only at our peril. Nonetheless, I believe that if autonomy is made the moral goal of a society, or of medical care within that society, then we are equally at peril in our common life together. Autonomy-Protects Free Speech Autonomy recognizes and preserves free speech. Daniel J. Solove, 2003, Associate Professor, Seton Hall Law School, The Virtues of Knowing Less: Justifying Privacy Protections against Disclosure, Duke Law Journal, One of the most frequently articulated rationales for the value of free speech is that it promotes individual autonomy.94 As one commentator observes, the "value of free expression..,. rests on its deep relation to self-respect arising from autonomous self-determination."95 The disclosure of personal information about others certainly falls within the autonomy of the speaker. Respect for autonomy requires recognition of strong rights of selfexpression. Disclosure protections thus impair the autonomy of speakers who desire to speak about others. Additionally, free speech can be justified in terms of the autonomy of the listener.96 Under this view, free speech protects people's freedom of information consumption. Disclosure protections prevent people from hearing information that they want to know. Autonomy-Individual Autonomy is to be preferred in an individual sense, societal autonomy goals are problematic Daniel Callahan, Senior Research Scholar and President Emeritus of the Center, Senior Lecturer at the Harvard Medical School and is now a Senior Scholar at Yale. He received his B.A. from Yale and a Ph.D in philosophy from Harvard. 10/1986, A Moral Good, Not a Moral Obsession, The Hastings Center, Vol. 14, No. 5, Autonomy, Paternalism, and Community, Date Accessed- 7/21/2013 If we ask what system of values might be best for our individual welfare and desires, then autonomy is a prime candidate. But if we ask what system of values might be best for our life in community, for sustaining a viable society and culture, then autonomy may fare less well. We need to give some thought to that latter question. Yet, in doing so, we may well grant that the notion of autonomy, especially patient autonomy, has hardly become triumphant in the daily life of medicine; in fact, it is probably still more curtailed or denied than honored. We may also grant the powerful tendency of technological medicine to dehumanize and depersonalize, to efface or erase individuality, to attend to our organs and parts rather than our persons. Nor need we deny that, faced with budget pressures and cuts, individual welfare and freedom of choice are likely to be the first victims. In short, it may seem churlish or precious to question the value of autonomy in a medical system that only precisely because autonomy has so often been held up as the value of the future, the ideal yet to be achieved, it is well to ask what that future might look like. The trouble with wanting one's dreams to come true is that they may come true. yesterday first heard of the idea and even today tends to neglect it. Yet Autonomy-Consent Necessary for Morality Moral obligations can only be self accepted Daniel Callahan, Senior Research Scholar and President Emeritus of the Center, Senior Lecturer at the Harvard Medical School and is now a Senior Scholar at Yale. He received his B.A. from Yale and a Ph.D in philosophy from Harvard. 10/1986, A Moral Good, Not a Moral Obsession, The Hastings Center, Vol. 14, No. 5, Autonomy, Paternalism, and Community, Date Accessed- 7/21/2013 Let us¶ grant that others should honor my¶ autonomy and that I should honor theirs.¶ Yet if I should have (or believe I have)¶ moral¶ obligations toward others, could I be¶ relieved of them¶ by their declaration of au-¶ tonomy in the face of my obligations? If,¶ for example, a physician believes that he¶ or she has an obligation to save the life of¶ another, but that person wants to die, is¶ that¶ obligation nullified or overridden by¶ the¶ patient's declaration? The common autonomy doctrine would say it is. For if patients are to be their own moral¶ agents,¶ choosing their own moral good, then no¶ one, it would seem, could have moral obligations to them that they did not choose to¶ allow. If that is the case, we are still left¶ with a troubling puzzle. Are we to under-¶ stand that the physician's obligation vanishes once autonomy has been declared, or¶ that it continues to exist but has been over-¶ ridden by a higher value? If the former is¶ the case, the¶ obligation seems to have no¶ basis whatsoever; if the latter is the case,¶ then the conscience of the¶ physician seems¶ a fragile, disposable matter.¶ There is no absolute morality, rather it is determined by ourselves with our autonomy. Further, only a consenting agreement can create moral obligations outside of respecting others autonomy. Daniel Callahan, Senior Research Scholar and President Emeritus of the Center, Senior Lecturer at the Harvard Medical School and is now a Senior Scholar at Yale. He received his B.A. from Yale and a Ph.D in philosophy from Harvard. 10/1986, A Moral Good, Not a Moral Obsession, The Hastings Center, Vol. 14, No. 5, Autonomy, Paternalism, and Community, Date Accessed- 7/21/2013 If (to be reminded of Wittgenstein) we look not for the meaning of autonomy but for its social uses, what do we see? 1. As moral agents, we are essentially independent of each other and isolated; we are not social animals, but morally self-en- closed, self-encompassing animals. 2. There can be no moral truth or wisdom about individual moral goods and goals and few if any about communal ends; morality is inherently subjective and relativistic. 3. The ideal relationship among human beings is the voluntary, contractual relationship of consenting adults; the community has no standing to say what is good or bad in such relationships. 4. In any weighing of the relative interests of individual and community, the bur- den of proof is always upon the community to prove its case for restricting the liberty of individuals. 5. The only moral obligations I have toward others are those I voluntarily under- take; there can be no such thing as an in- voluntary moral obligation. 6. The only moral obligations that oth- ers have toward me are those that autonomously I allow them to have; all I am owed by others is respect for my autonomy. 7. Respect for the autonomy of others is sufficient ground for overriding my own conscience. Moral obligations can must be agreed to by all other parties involved, if one disagrees, they are an coercive attempt to violate their autonomy Daniel Callahan, Senior Research Scholar and President Emeritus of the Center, Senior Lecturer at the Harvard Medical School and is now a Senior Scholar at Yale. He received his B.A. from Yale and a Ph.D in philosophy from Harvard. 10/1986, A Moral Good, Not a Moral Obsession, The Hastings Center, Vol. 14, No. 5, Autonomy, Paternalism, and Community, Date Accessed- 7/21/2013 To¶ go one step further, does a respect for autonomy mean that we are not allowed to¶ imagine a good for others beyond that¶ which¶ they imagine for themselves? Or¶ that we are not allowed to¶ persuade others¶ that their autonomous moral choices are¶ wrong, or defective, or less valuable than¶ they might be? Of course we are allowed¶ to do those¶ things. The moral autonomy of¶ others does not rule out noncoercive attempts to persuade them to think or act differently. What we cannot do is to impose¶ our values, or the dictates of our con-¶ science, upon them against their will.¶ Does it then follow that the¶ only moral¶ obligations we can owe to autonomous¶ moral agents are those¶ formally agreed to¶ by them in some contractual manner? Apparently so. We can talk with them, exhort¶ them, attempt to persuade them. What we¶ cannot do, under the¶ implicit mutual contract, is to go one step beyond the contract,¶ however¶ powerful our sense of obligation¶ might be or however powerful our alternative notions of what would serve the moral¶ interests of another. The very point of the¶ moral¶ autonomy of another is to empower¶ his or her¶ personal liberty and to restrict¶ that of others toward him or her.¶ Only a¶ voluntary ceding or suspension of autonomy rights can change the nature of that¶ relationship with others. A2: Prefer Justice Autonomy supersedes justice- justice is based off of the idea of self preference Daniel Callahan, Senior Research Scholar and President Emeritus of the Center, Senior Lecturer at the Harvard Medical School and is now a Senior Scholar at Yale. He received his B.A. from Yale and a Ph.D in philosophy from Harvard. 10/1986, A Moral Good, Not a Moral Obsession, The Hastings Center, Vol. 14, No. 5, Autonomy, Paternalism, and Community, Date Accessed- 7/21/2013 It is sometimes said that¶ justice is powerful¶ enough to supersede autonomy, and¶ it is true that most theories of¶ justice allow¶ the¶ suppression or overriding of individual¶ liberty under some circumstances. Yet the¶ most popular and influential¶ contemporary¶ theories of justice (at least in the United¶ States) see the source of a theory of justice¶ in individual needs and¶ desires, and the¶ outcome of a¶ reign of justice as the enthronement of individual¶ autonomy. Justice becomes little more than a¶way station¶ on the road to self-determination.¶ Equal Prioritization Achieving a balance of national security objectives and digital privacy is necessary. Giuseppe, Vaciago is a lecturer in IT Law at University of Milan, focusing his research on cybercrime and computer forensics. 2013. “Privacy vs. Security? A Dilemma of the Digital Era¶ ”Freedom from Fear magazine.” acy-vs-security-a-dilemma-of-the-digital-era&catid=50:issue-7&Itemid=187 First and foremost, there are no winners or losers in the efforts to strike a balance between personal rights and public order and security, as these two following examples illustrate. On the one side, Europe adopted a data retention policy necessitating clearer definitions of the types of offences in connection to which stored personal data may be subjected to disclosure. On the other side, during the Bush administration the National Security Agency struck a deal with the main national telecommunications carriers to set up a database of the records of all the phone calls and online activities of American citizens.¶ Secondly, the EU-US joint statement released in Washington on 28 October 2009, as well as the Stockholm Program of 2 December 2009, are and must be treated as urgent calls for the active implementation of the Cybercrime Convention. Without wishing to belittle the importance of this Convention, however, it is clear that in an area such as Internet which connects the entire world, Intergovernmental Organizations also need to intervene, endeavouring to include as many countries as possible.¶ The third and last conclusion is more of a hope: the huge potential of the Internet cannot be exploited merely to keep in touch with old classmates or make free video calls to family and friends. It is precisely as a result of the global interconnectivity it offers, allowing people from different countries and backgrounds to share information and exchange ideas, that the Internet must serve as the starting point for setting up a framework of rules that reconciles privacy protection with the public interest in detecting, investigating and preventing crime both online and offline, in a manner satisfactory to all. We managed to draw up the Universal Declaration of Human Rights without the benefit of the Internet as a universal instrument of peace. Imagine what we can now do, with it. Surveilance Ineffective-Terrorists The US surveillance progams aren’t effective at stopping terrorists-they can’t gain access to their covert communications. Bershidsky, Leonid. Staff Editor. Jun 23, 2013. U.S. Surveillance Is Not Aimed at Terrorists. Accessed 7/16/2013. “People who radicalise under the influence of jihadist websites often go through a number of stages,” the Dutch report said. “Their virtual activities increasingly shift to the invisible Web, their security awareness increases and their activities become more conspiratorial.” ¶ Radicals who initially stand out on the “surface” Web quickly meet people, online or offline, who drag them deeper into the Web underground. “For many, finally finding the jihadist core forums feels like a warm bath after their virtual wanderings,” the report said. ¶ When information filters to the surface Web from the core forums, it’s often by accident. Organizations such as al-Qaeda use the forums to distribute propaganda videos, which careless participants or their friends might post on social networks or YouTube. ¶ Communication on the core forums is often encrypted. In 2012, a French court found nuclear physicist Adlene Hicheur guilty of, among other things, conspiring to commit an act of terror for distributing and using software called Asrar al-Mujahideen, or Mujahideen Secrets. The program employed various cutting-edge encryption methods, including variable stealth ciphers and RSA 2,048-bit keys. ¶ The NSA’s Prism, according to a classified PowerPoint presentation published by the Guardian, provides access to the systems of Microsoft Corp. (and therefore Skype), Facebook Inc., Google, Apple Inc. and other U.S. Internet giants. Either these companies have provided “master keys” to decrypt their traffic - - which they deny -- or the NSA has somehow found other means. Even complete access to these servers brings U.S. authorities no closer to the core forums . These must be infiltrated by more traditional intelligence means, such as using agents posing as jihadists or by informants within terrorist organizations. ¶ Similarly, monitoring phone calls is hardly the way to catch terrorists. They’re generally not dumb enough to use Verizon. Granted, Russia’s special services managed to kill Chechen separatist leader Dzhokhar Dudayev with a missile that homed in on his satellite-phone signal. That was in 1996. Modern-day terrorists are generally more aware of the available technology. ¶ At best, the recent revelations concerning Prism and telephone surveillance might deter potential recruits to terrorist causes from using the most visible parts of the Internet. Beyond that, the government’s efforts are much more dangerous to civil liberties than they are to al-Qaeda and other organizations like it. Digital Surveillance is ineffective at stopping terrorism Bershidsky, Leonid. Staff Editor. Jun 23, 2013. U.S. Surveillance Is Not Aimed at Terrorists. Accessed 7/16/2013. The infrastructure set up by the National Security Agency, however, may only be good for gathering information on the stupidest, lowest-ranking of terrorists. The Prism surveillance program focuses on access to the servers of America’s largest Internet companies, which support such popular services as Skype, Gmail and iCloud. These are not the services that truly dangerous elements typically use. Hackers No Impact to Hackers: Encryption Solves Encrypted communications are practically impossible to crack Ou, Geore. 2006 (Network engineer. “Is encryption really crackable?”. 30 Apr. Accessed 17 July 13. The problem is compounded by the fact that much of the misinformation out there actually sounds somewhat believable and many people just don't know what to believe. So to settle this once and for all, let's look at the facts. One of the things that make these myths plausible is the fact that "128-bit" WEP encryption used in 802.11 Wireless LANs is so pathetically weak. The inside scoop is that WEP was designed during the late 90s during a time when USA export laws were extremely tight. Fearing 802.11 devices would be banned by US export laws, good encryption algorithms were deliberately passed up by the 802.11 group in favor of a weaker one. The WEP algorithm was fundamentally flawed and the 802.11 standards body knew full well that it wasn't a strong encryption algorithm when they selected it. However, WEP's glaring weaknesses are not characteristic of any properly implemented symmetric encryption algorithms used in SSL or VPN implementations. To give you an idea of how good something like DES is, DES is 30 years old and no one has found any weakness or shortcut for cracking it yet though it can be brute forced. Brute force techniques are considered impractical because modern encryption algorithms are 128 to 256 bits long.¶ Further propelling the myth that encryption is worthless is that I often hear people saying that they heard that a 512 bit RSA key was broken. The truth of the matter is that 512 bit (and recently even 660 bit) RSA keys have been broken by the University of Bonn in Germany but that is has absolutely nothing to do with the type of encryption that's used for ordinary bulk encryption. Furthermore, RSA's inventors were well aware of the fact that it takes a much larger key to be secure which is why typical implementations are at a minimum 768 bits and can easily go up to 2048 bits and beyond. To give you an idea what it takes to break an RSA 1620 bit key, you would need a computer with 120 Terabytes of memory before you can even think about attempting it and the memory requirement virtually rules out massively distributed cracking methods. Some may ask why use RSA keys when it's many orders of magnitude slower and requires so many more bits to be secure, the reason is that RSA encryption has the special property of being able to do secure key exchanges in plain sight of an adversary who is trying to break in but still remain safe. For this reason, RSA keys are strictly used for the initial phases of a secure communication session for the purpose of Authentication (where one entity proves who they are) and for secure key exchanges (used for bulk symmetric encryption). Once the initial transaction is complete, the key that was exchanged during the initial RSA phase can now be used for SSL or VPN bulk encryption with algorithms like RC5, 3DES, or AES.¶ The last big factor in encryption myths and bit size inflation is salesmen and marketers because bigger numbers always sound nicer. I've had salesmen come in to my office and try to tell me that RSA or AES encryption was worthless and that I should be using their product which uses some kind of 1000 bit wonder-crypto solution. All it takes is one company to try and out do their competitors and pitch their products using 4096-bit RSA and the next company will come along and pitch 16384-bit RSA keys in their product. Many IT consultants will shy away from quoting smaller bit sizes because they're afraid to be out done by their competitors.¶ Ah, but what about the dreaded massively distributed cracking brute force method for attacking something like 128 bit RC5 encryption? There are massive zombie farms of infected computers throughout the world and some may have gotten as big as 1 million infected computers. What if that entire army was unleashed upon the commonly used 128 bit RC5 encryption? Surprisingly, the answer is not much. For the sake of argument, let's say we unleash 4.3 billion computers for the purpose of distributed cracking. This means that it would be 4.3 billion or 2 to the 32 times faster than a single computer. This means we could simply take 2 to the 128 combinations for 128-bit encryption and divide it by 2 to the 32 which means that 2 to the 96 bits are left. With 96 bits left, it's still 4.3 billion times stronger than 64 bit encryption. 64 bit encryption happens to be the world record for the biggest RC5 bit key cracked in 2002 which took nearly 5 years to achieve for a massive distributed attack.¶ Now that we know that the distributed attacks will only shave off a few bits, what about Moore's law which historically meant that computers roughly doubled in speed every 18 months? That means in 48 years we can shave another 32 bits off the encryption armor which means 5 trillion future computers might get lucky in 5 years to find the key for RC5 128-bit encryption. But with 256-bit AES encryption, that moves the date out another 192 years before computers are predicted to be fast enough to even attempt a massively distributed attack. To give you an idea how big 256 bits is, it's roughly equal to the number of atoms in the universe!¶ Once some of these basic facts on encryption become clear, "is encryption crackable" isn't the right question because the real question is "when can it be cracked and will it matter then". This is just like Bank safes which are rated by the time it takes an attacker to crack it open and never sold as "uncrackable". Encryption strength and the number of bits used are selected based on how many decades the data needs to be kept safe. For a secure ECommerce transaction, the data being transmitted is moot after a few decades which is why 128-bit encryption is perfectly suitable since it's considered unbreakable for the next few decades. For top secret classified data that needs to remain secret for the next 100 years, the Government uses NIST certified 256-bit AES encryption. So the next time someone tells you that encryption is crackable, ask him if he'll be around on this earth to see it demonstrated. Hackers Good-Anonymous Anonymous is good for society because it keeps governments and agencies in check. Ivanov, Georgi (MA, HBA in Political Science) Jan 2013 What is Anonymous? Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Shadowy Internet Group. Date Accessed: 7/18/13 Understanding Anonymous begins with an overview of their history, beginning with 4chan, and evolving into a movement whose primary tools of the trade became denial of service and hacking attacks, accompanied by the public release of sensitive information, including the personal data of individuals involved with the organization placed in the cross-hairs. The public arm of Anonymous consists of press releases and videos that are as much information about its activities as they are about its principles, but also provide commentary on current events. The group does act out against cases where miscarriage of justice or corruption is concerned, and these are actions that, while controversial, have merit. While hacking attacks are done to symbolize opposition to one issue or another, leaking information is a practice that predates Anonymous, but still remains a potent tool in revealing how organizations and governments that would not otherwise release their information, operate. The consequent fallout creates a public relations disaster for the affected parties, but it is a reminder that society works best when there is a degree of accountability and trust between governments and governed. Encrypted communications are practically impossible to crack Ou, Geore. 2006 (Network engineer. “Is encryption really crackable?”. 30 Apr. Accessed 17 July 13. The problem is compounded by the fact that much of the misinformation out there actually sounds somewhat believable and many people just don't know what to believe. So to settle this once and for all, let's look at the facts. One of the things that make these myths plausible is the fact that "128-bit" WEP encryption used in 802.11 Wireless LANs is so pathetically weak. The inside scoop is that WEP was designed during the late 90s during a time when USA export laws were extremely tight. Fearing 802.11 devices would be banned by US export laws, good encryption algorithms were deliberately passed up by the 802.11 group in favor of a weaker one. The WEP algorithm was fundamentally flawed and the 802.11 standards body knew full well that it wasn't a strong encryption algorithm when they selected it. However, WEP's glaring weaknesses are not characteristic of any properly implemented symmetric encryption algorithms used in SSL or VPN implementations. To give you an idea of how good something like DES is, DES is 30 years old and no one has found any weakness or shortcut for cracking it yet though it can be brute forced. Brute force techniques are considered impractical because modern encryption algorithms are 128 to 256 bits long.¶ Further propelling the myth that encryption is worthless is that I often hear people saying that they heard that a 512 bit RSA key was broken. The truth of the matter is that 512 bit (and recently even 660 bit) RSA keys have been broken by the University of Bonn in Germany but that is has absolutely nothing to do with the type of encryption that's used for ordinary bulk encryption. Furthermore, RSA's inventors were well aware of the fact that it takes a much larger key to be secure which is why typical implementations are at a minimum 768 bits and can easily go up to 2048 bits and beyond. To give you an idea what it takes to break an RSA 1620 bit key, you would need a computer with 120 Terabytes of memory before you can even think about attempting it and the memory requirement virtually rules out massively distributed cracking methods. Some may ask why use RSA keys when it's many orders of magnitude slower and requires so many more bits to be secure, the reason is that RSA encryption has the special property of being able to do secure key exchanges in plain sight of an adversary who is trying to break in but still remain safe. For this reason, RSA keys are strictly used for the initial phases of a secure communication session for the purpose of Authentication (where one entity proves who they are) and for secure key exchanges (used for bulk symmetric encryption). Once the initial transaction is complete, the key that was exchanged during the initial RSA phase can now be used for SSL or VPN bulk encryption with algorithms like RC5, 3DES, or AES.¶ The last big factor in encryption myths and bit size inflation is salesmen and marketers because bigger numbers always sound nicer. I've had salesmen come in to my office and try to tell me that RSA or AES encryption was worthless and that I should be using their product which uses some kind of 1000 bit wonder-crypto solution. All it takes is one company to try and out do their competitors and pitch their products using 4096-bit RSA and the next company will come along and pitch 16384-bit RSA keys in their product. Many IT consultants will shy away from quoting smaller bit sizes because they're afraid to be out done by their competitors. ¶ Ah, but what about the dreaded massively distributed cracking brute force method for attacking something like 128 bit RC5 encryption? There are massive zombie farms of infected computers throughout the world and some may have gotten as big as 1 million infected computers. What if that entire army was unleashed upon the commonly used 128 bit RC5 encryption? Surprisingly, the answer is not much. For the sake of argument, let's say we unleash 4.3 billion computers for the purpose of distributed cracking. This means that it would be 4.3 billion or 2 to the 32 times faster than a single computer. This means we could simply take 2 to the 128 combinations for 128-bit encryption and divide it by 2 to the 32 which means that 2 to the 96 bits are left. With 96 bits left, it's still 4.3 billion times stronger than 64 bit encryption. 64 bit encryption happens to be the world record for the biggest RC5 bit key cracked in 2002 which took nearly 5 years to achieve for a massive distributed attack. ¶ Now that we know that the distributed attacks will only shave off a few bits, what about Moore's law which historically meant that computers roughly doubled in speed every 18 months? That means in 48 years we can shave another 32 bits off the encryption armor which means 5 trillion future computers might get lucky in 5 years to find the key for RC5 128-bit encryption. But with 256-bit AES encryption, that moves the date out another 192 years before computers are predicted to be fast enough to even attempt a massively distributed attack. To give you an idea how big 256 bits is, it's roughly equal to the number of atoms in the universe!¶ Once some of these basic facts on encryption become clear, "is encryption crackable" isn't the right question because the real question is "when can it be cracked and will it matter then". This is just like Bank safes which are rated by the time it takes an attacker to crack it open and never sold as "uncrackable". Encryption strength and the number of bits used are selected based on how many decades the data needs to be kept safe. For a secure ECommerce transaction, the data being transmitted is moot after a few decades which is why 128-bit encryption is perfectly suitable since it's considered unbreakable for the next few decades. For top secret classified data that needs to remain secret for the next 100 years, the Government uses NIST certified 256-bit AES encryption. So the next time someone tells you that encryption is crackable, ask him if he'll be around on this earth to see it demonstrated. Cyberattacks No Impact to Cyberattacks: Threat Overblown (1/2) A cyberattack would not be that severe and countries aren’t likely to launch them against each other. Lewis, James, author of over 90 papers since becoming director of the technology and public policy program at the center for strategic and international studies. December of 2002.“Assessing the Risks of Cyber Terrorism, Cyber War, and Other Cyber Threats” center for strategic and international studies, Washington DC and Steptoe publications. Date Accessed: July 16, 2013 Cyber crime is a serious and growing threat, but the risk to a nation-state in deploying cyber-weapons against a potential opponent’s economy are probably too great for any country to contemplate these measures. For example, writers in some of China’s military journals speculated that cyber attacks could disable American financial markets. The dilemma for this kind of attack is that China is as dependent on the same financial markets as the United States, and could suffer even more from disruption. With other critical infrastructures, the amount of damage that can be done is, from a strategic viewpoint, trivial, while the costs of discovery for a nation state could be very great. These constraints, however, do not apply to non-state actors like Al Qaeda. Cyber attacks could potentially be a useful tool (albeit not a fatal or determinative tool) for nonstate actors who reject the global market economy Cyberterrorism is an overblown threat. Dorothy E. Denning, 2001, Georgetown University, “ACTIVISM, HACKTIVISM, AND CYBERTERRORISM: THE INTERNET AS A TOOL FOR INFLUENCING FOREIGN POLICY”, As previously discussed, terrorist groups are using the Internet extensively to spread their message and to communicate and coordinate action. However, there have been few, if any, computer network attacks that meet the criteria for cyberterrorism. The 1998 email bombing by the Internet Black Tigers against the Sri Lankan embassies was perhaps the closest thing to cyberterrorism that has occurred so far, but the damage cause by the ļ¬ood of email, for example, pales in comparison to the deaths of 240 people from the physical bombings of the U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam in August of that year. Threat of Cyberterror is overblown – too little payoff for terrorists Ronald Deibert, 2003, Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of The Citizen Lab, Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Black Code: Censorship, Surveillance, and the Militarisation of Cyberspace, Journal of International Studies, Accompanying electronic surveillance has been the largely undebated militarization of cyberspace. A great deal of attention has focused on the question of cyberterrorism, particularly in the wake of 9/11 and fears of potential terrorist use of electronic networks.55 While some see the possibility of an ‘electronic Pearl Harbour’ being unleashed by terrorists, skilled individuals and non-state actors, many others believe these fears are largely overdrawn and ignore the redundancies built into the architecture of the Internet as well as the relatively low pay-off for groups whose ultimate aim is violence.56 In spite of the alarm, there are no empirical examples of cyber-terrorism to date, unless the term is used so broadly as to encompass politically motivated hacks on websites and occasional inconveniences caused by denial of service attacks. Rather than tools of mass destruction, threats from terrorist actors employing the Internet appear to bode little more than periodic disruptions to Internet traffic. No Impact to Cyberterror: Threat Overblown (2/2) Cyberterrorism is not a threat Green, Joshua. November 2002. The Myth of Cyberterrorism. Date Accessed 7/20/13. There's just one problem: There is no such thing as cyberterrorism--no instance of anyone ever having been killed by a terrorist (or anyone else) using a computer. Nor is there compelling evidence that al Qaeda or any other terrorist organization has resorted to computers for any sort of serious destructive activity. What's more, outside of a Tom Clancy novel, computer security specialists believe it is virtually impossible to use the Internet to inflict death on a large scale, and many scoff at the notion that terrorists would bother trying. "I don't lie awake at night worrying about cyberattacks ruining my life," says Dorothy Denning, a computer science professor at Georgetown University and one of the country's foremost cybersecurity experts. "Not only does [cyberterrorism] not rank alongside chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons, but it is not anywhere near as serious as other potential physical threats like car bombs or suicide bombers." Cyberattacks have not occurred Fisher, Dennis. October 23, 2009. Report: Cyberterror Not a Credible Threat. Date Accessed 7/20/13. A new report by a Washington policy think tank dismisses out of hand the idea that terrorist groups are currently launching cyber attacks and says that the recent attacks against U.S. and South Korean networks were not damaging enough to be considered serious incidents.The report, written by James Lewis of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, looks at cyberwar through the prism of the Korean attacks, which many commentators have speculated originated in North Korea. However, there has been little in the way of proof offered for this assessment, and Lewis doesn’t go down that road. Instead, he focuses on whether the attacks constituted an act of war and whether they could have been the work of a terrorist group.¶ The answer is no on both counts. “The July event was not a serious attack. It was more like a noisy demonstration. The attackers used basic technologies and did no real damage. To date, we have not seen a serious cyber attack. That is only because the political circumstances that would justify such attacks by other militaries have not yet occurred and because most non-state actors have not yet acquired the necessary capabilities. As an aside, this last point undermines the notion of cyber terrorism. The alternative to the conclusion that terrorist groups currently lack the capabilities to launch a cyber attack is that they have these capabilities but have chosen not to use them. This alternative is nonsensical,” Lewis writes. Tech Bad Technopoly creates an endless cycle of dependence, sickening the psyche of the dependent Postman, Neil. Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, New York, Vintage Books, pp. 71-72. 1992 Date accessed- 7/16/13 Technopoly is a state of culture. It is also a state of mind. It consists in the deificaiton of technology, which means that the culture seeks its authorization in technology, finds its satisfactions in technology, and takes its orders from technology. This requires the development of a new kind of social order, and of necessity leads to the rapid dissolution of much that is associated with traditional beliefs. Those who feel most comfortable in Technopoly are those who are convinced that technical progress is humanity's superhuman achievement and the instrument by which our most profound dilemmas may be solved. They also believe that information is an unmixed blessing, which through its continued and uncontrolled production and dissemination offers increased freedom, creativity, and peace of mind. The fact that information does none of these things -- but quite the opposite -- seems to change few opinions, for unwavering beliefs are an inevitable product of the structure of Technopoly. In particular, Technopoly flourishes when the defenses against information break down. ¶ The relationship between information and the mechanisms for its control is fairly simple to describe: Technology increases the available supply of information. As the supply is increased, control mechanisms are strained. Additional control mechanisms are needed to cope with new information. When additional control mechanisms are themselves technical, they in turn further increase the supply of information. When the supply of information is no longer controllable, a general breakdown in psychic tranquillity and social purpose occurs. Without defenses, people have no way of finding meaning in their experiences, lose their capacity to remember, and have difficulty imagining reasonable futures. ¶ One way of defining Technopoly, then, is to say it is what happens to society when the defenses against information glut have broken down. It is what happens when institutional life becomes inadequate to cope with too much information. It is what happens when a culture, overcome by information generated by technology, tries to employ technology itself as a means of providing clear direction and humane purpose. The effort is mostly doomed to failure. Though it is sometimes possible to use a disease as a cure for itself, this occurs only when we are fully aware of the processes by which disease is normally held in check. My purpose here is to describe the defenses that in principle are available and to suggest how they have become dysfunctional. Computers and technology create a shield of ignorance to the real threats by hiding it behind the need for technological advancement and speed. Postman, Neil. Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, New York, Vintage Books, pp. 118-20. 1992 Date accessed- 7/16/13 Because of what computers commonly do, they place an inordinate emphasis on the technical processes of communications and offer very little in the way of substance. With the exception of the electric light, there never has been a technology that better exemplifies Marshall McLuhan's aphorism "The medium is the message." The computer is almost all process. There are, for example, no "great computerers," as there are great writers, painters, or musicians. [I can't resist interjecting here: there are no great "pencilers" or "brushers" either. What is this guy thinking?] There are "great programs" and "great programmers," but their greatness lies in their ingenuity either in simulating a human function or in creating new possibilities of calculation, speed, and volume. Of course, if J. David Bolter is right, it is possible that in the future computers will emerge as a new kind of book, expanding and enriching the tradition of writing technologies. Since printing created new forms of literature when it replaced the handwritten manuscript, it is possible that electronic writing will do the same. But for the moment, computer technology functions more as a new mode of transportation than a as new means of substantive communication. It moves information -- lots of it, fast, and mostly in calculating mode. The computer, in fact, makes possible the fulfillment of Descartes' dream of the mathematization of the world. Computers make it easy to convert facts into statistics and to translate problems into equations. And whereas this can be useful (as when the process reveals a pattern that would otherwise go unnoticed), it is diversionary and dangerous when applied indiscriminately to human affairs. So is the computer's emphasis on speed and especially its capacity to generate and store unprecedented quantities of information. In specialized contexts, the value of calculation, speed, and voluminous information may go uncontested. But the "message" of computer technology is comprehensive and domineering. The computer argues, to put it baldly, that the most serious problems confronting us at both personal and professional levels require technical solutions through fast access to information otherwise unavailable. I would argue that this is, on the face of it, nonsense. Our most serious problems are not technical, nor do they arise from inadequate information. If a nuclear catastrophe occurs, it shall not be because of inadequate information. Where people are dying of starvation, it does not occur because of inadequate information. If families break up, children are mistreated, crime terrorizes a city, education is impotent, it does not happen because of inadequate information. Mathematical equations, instantaneous communication, and vast quantities of information have nothing whatever to do with any of these problems. And the computer is useless in addressing them. Tech pollutes the traditional sense of learning calling into question true learning. Postman, Neil. Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, New York, Vintage Books, pp. 16-19. 1992 Date accessed- 7/16/13 We can imagine that Thamus would also have pointed out to Gutenberg, as he did to Theuth, that the new invention would create a vast population of readers who "will receive a quantity of information without proper instruction...[who will be filled] will the conceit of wisdom instead of real wisdom"; that reading, in other words, will compete with older forms of learning. This is yet another principle of technological change we may infer from the judgment of Thamus: new technologies compete with old ones -- for time, for attention, for money, for prestige, but mostly for dominance of their world-view. This competition is implicit once we acknowledge that the medium contains an ideological bias. And it is a fierce competition, as only ideological competitions can be. It is not merely a matter of tool against tool -- the alphabet attacking ideographic writing, the printing press attacking the illuminated manuscript, the photograph attacking the art of painting, television attacking the printed word. When media make war against each other, it is a case of world-views in collision. In the United States, we can see such collisions everywhere -- in politics, in religion, in commerce -- but we see them most clearly in the schools, where two great technologies confront each other in uncompromising aspect for the control of students' minds. On the one hand, there is the world of the printed word with its emphasis on logic, sequence, history, exposition, objectivity, detachment, and discipline. On the other there is the world of television with its emphasis on imagery, narrative, presentness, simultaneity, intimacy, immediate gratification, and quick emotional response. Children come to school having been deeply conditioned by the biases of television. There, they encounter the world of the printed word. A sort of psychic battle takes place, and there are many casualties -- children who can't learn to read or won't, children who cannot organize their thought into logical structure even in a simple paragraph, children who cannot attend to lectures or oral explanations for more than a few minutes at a time. They are failures, but not because they are stupid. They are failures because there is a media war going on, and they are on the wrong side -- at least for the moment. Who knows what schools will be like twenty-five years from now? Or fifty? In time, the type of student who is currently a failure may be considered a success. They type who is now successful may be regarded as a handicapped learner -- slow to respond, far too detached, lacking in emotion, inadequate in creating mental pictures of reality. Consider: what Thamus called the "conceit of wisdom" -- the unreal knowledge acquired through the written word -- eventually became the pre-eminent form of knowledge valued by the schools. There is no reason to suppose that such a form of knowledge must always remain so highly valued. To take another example: In introducing the personal computer to the classroom, we shall be breaking a four-hundred year-old truce between the gregariousness and openness fostered by orality and the introspection and isolation fostered by the printed word. Orality stresses group learning, cooperation, and a sense of social responsibility.... Print stresses individualized learning, competition, and personal autonomy. Over four centuries, teachers, while emphasizing print, have allowed orality its place in the classroom, and have therefore achieved a kind of pedagogical peace between these two forms of learning, so that what is valuable in each can be maximized. Now comes the computer, carrying anew the banner of private learning and individual problem-solving. Will the widespread use of computers in the classroom defeat once and for all the claims of communal speech? Will the computer raise egocentrism to the status of a virtue? These are the kinds of questions that technological change brings to mind when one grasps ... that technological competition ignites total war, which means it is not possible to contain the effects of a new technology to a limited sphere of human activity.... What we need to consider about the computer has nothing to do with its efficiency as a teaching tool. We need to know in what ways it is altering our conception of learning, and how, in conjunction with television, it undermines the old idea of school. Patriot Act Patriot Act Violates Privacy – “Sneak & Peak Searches” Under the Patriot Act, the government is allowed to search companies without warning the subject of the search. Nancy J. King, 2003, College of Business, Oregon State University, Electronic Monitoring to Promote National Security Impacts Workplace Privacy, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal Second, an employer may be called upon to assist the government in secret searches of the workplace under “delayed notiļ¬cation” rules. Section 213 of the USA PATRIOT Act permits searches and seizures by the government without prompt notice to the subject of the search and seizure when the government is seeking evidence of a criminal offense. Section 213 searches and seizures have been characterized as “sneak and peek” because they authorize surreptitious searches and seizures (147 Cong. Rec., 2001). Prior to the USA PATRIOT Act, “sneak and peek” searches and seizures had only been permitted in two jurisdictions under court rulings by the 2nd and 9th Circuit Courts of Appeals (U.S. v. Freitas, 1986; U.S. v. Villegas, 1990). Now “sneak and peek” searches and seizures are lawful across the nation (147 Cong. Rec., 2001). Applying Section 213 to the workplace, employers may be required to secretly monitor an employee’s electronic communications as part of a government search and seizure and be prohibited from disclosing its action to the employee under investigation. WikiLeaks A2: Threatens US Diplomacy Wikileaks is not a threat to National Security, Diplomacy between nations will still continue. Helller, Kevin J. (Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne) Dec 2010 Why the Benefits of WikiLeaks Far Outweigh Its Dangers Date Accessed: 7/18/13 I have no doubt that some diplomats may respond to WikiLeaks’ disclosures by self-censoring and by avoiding written communications. But it is difficult to believe that WikiLeaks will have any significant or lasting effect on the US’s ability to engage in diplomacy with friendly or unfriendly governments; after all, this is hardly the first time in U.S. history that diplomatic secrets have been disclosed. Robert Gates, the Secretary of Defense, said it best a couple of days ago: Let me just offer some perspective as somebody who’s been at this a long time. Every other government in the world knows the United States government leaks like a sieve , and it has for a long time. And I dragged this up the other day when I was looking at some of these prospective releases. And this is a quote from John Adams: ‘How can a government go on, publishing all of their negotiations with foreign nations, I know not. To me, it appears as dangerous and pernicious as it is novel.’ Now, I’ve heard the impact of these releases on our foreign policy described as a meltdown, as a game-changer, and so on. I think those descriptions are fairly significantly overwrought. The fact is, governments deal with the United States because it’s in their interest, not because they like us, not because they trust us, and not because they believe we can keep secrets. Many governments — some governments — deal with us because they fear us, some because they respect us, most because they need us. We are still essentially, as has been said before, the indispensable nation. So other nations will continue to deal with us. They will continue to work with us. We will continue to share sensitive information with one another. Is this embarrassing? Yes. Is it awkward? Yes. Consequences for U.S. foreign policy? I think fairly modest. Shield Laws Shield Laws Key to First Ammendment Digital surveillance of journalists has a chilling effect on the first amendment, further reducing our freedoms Conyers, John Poe, Ted (Congressmen) July 2013 [“A shield law is essential to a robust press.” Date Accessed: 7/17/13] A free and robust press is essential to the transparent and effective functioning of our government. Freedom of the press is enshrined in the First Amendment as a foundational freedom upon which our other freedoms — including speech and privacy — are premised. An unfettered press can inform the public about government abuses that threaten our citizens’ rights. This is not a conservative or liberal principle. It’s an American principle. A free press can hold both Democratic and Republican administrations accountable, as we’ve seen throughout our history, from Watergate and the Pentagon Papers to the recent Internal Revenue Service and National Security Agency scandals. Current events have brought renewed urgency to the need for federal press shield legislation. On May 13, we learned that the Department of Justice had secretly subpoenaed phone records, stemming from a leak investigation, for more than 20 telephone lines of Associated Press offices and journalists over a two-month period. A week later, we learned that in connection with a leak investigation concerning a possible North Korean missile launch, the DOJ had been tracking Fox News reporter James Rosen’s dealings with the State Department and went so far as to label him a “co-conspirator” in order to access his personal emails. Such actions sent a chilling signal to both reporters and their sources. A2: Terrorism Islamic Terror is Not a Threat Terrorism is not the greatest threat to the United States Shimron, Yonat. 2011. Islamic Terrorism Threat May Be Overblown, Expert Says. Date Accessed 7/20/13. “In many ways," said Kurzman, "Islamic terrorism is simply the latest form of transnational revolutionary violence to grab global attention."¶ Put another way: This too shall pass.¶ While mindful of the pain and suffering terrorism has caused, Kurzman has written a book challenging the dominant narrative that worldwide terrorism is out of control.¶ In "The Missing Martyrs: Why There Are So Few Muslim Terrorists," Kurzman argues that Islamic terrorism has accounted for a miniscule number of murders compared with violent death tolls from other causes.¶ In the United States, for example, fewer than 40 people died at the hands of terrorists in the 10 years since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. That compares with about 140,000 other murders during the same time. Terrorism is not a threat, it is only magnified to persecute Muslims June 10, 2013. ISNA: “Muslim Terrorism is Not a Threat After 9/11″. Date Accessed 7/20/13. The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity, said that “Muslim terrorism is not a threat after 9/11” in the May/June issue of its magazine, Islamic Horizons. The Boston bombings, committed by Muslim terrorists, happened on April 15. Instead, ISNA characterizes anti-Muslim discrimination as the real threat.¶ The magazine includes an article titled “New York Police Need Strict Oversight” that slams the NYPD’s counter-terrorism intelligence-gathering operations as an infringement upon Muslims’ rights. The ISNA article makes the absurd statement:¶ “Despite being proved by reports such as the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security that Muslim terrorism is not a threat after 9/11, [the] NYPD continues to insist that if Muslims have nothing to hide, they should overlook the violation of their rights.” Domestic Terrorism Is Not a Threat Homegrown terrorism is declining, less risk of attack Brooks, Risa. APRIL 27, 2013. Homegrown terrorism is not on the rise. Date Accessed 7/20/13. Consider the pattern of Muslims arrested on terrorist-related charges in the United States since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. From 2002 to 2008, annual arrests of suspects charged with terrorist-related offenses ranged from nearly two dozen in 2003 to fewer than five in 2008. In 2009 the number of arrests spiked to more than 40.¶ Analysts and political officials began to warn that we were finally witnessing the insidious effects of Al Qaeda’s propaganda on American Muslim citizens and residents. The 2009 arrests were cited as evidence that homegrown terrorism was emerging as a serious threat. In 2010, however, the number of terrorism-related arrests fell, only to decline further in 2011, and then again in 2012. In retrospect, the 2009 spike could be explained by several unrelated factors, including the clustering of arrests of individuals long suspected of having militant sympathies and the phenomenon of groups of Somalis, primarily from Minnesota, seeking to travel to the Horn of Africa to join the militant group al-Shabaab. Digital Surveillance Does Not Stop Terrorism Terrorists use Tor to avoid digital surveillance and conduct their online activities Markay, Lachan. 2013 (Former investigative journalist for the Heritage Foundation and current staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. “Anonymous Jihad”. 1 July 13. Accessed 16 July 13. The Tor network has become a go-to means for jihadists and criminals to communicate, raise money, and buy and sell illicit goods and services without fear of being identified or traced by intelligence or law enforcement officials. The network uses technology called “onion routing” (Tor is an acronym for The Onion Router), which refers to layers of encryption that prevent governments or other users from obtaining information about users or websites hosted on the network. Tor uses volunteers’ computers to route traffic through thousands of “nodes” worldwide, obscuring users’ locations and the sources of data hosted on the network. The technology makes it nearly impossible to trace or identify the network’s roughly 500,000 daily users. Meta-Ethics Naturalism Acting in accordance with natural facts is the meta-ethic for the round, and as such all moral argumentation must be consistent with it. Moreover, naturalism best responds to moral claims. Papineau [Papineau, David, (Professor of Philosophy of Science at King's College) "Naturalism", (The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)] Realist moral naturalism also seems better off than non-naturalist realism in two further respects. The first relates to is hard to see how non-natural moral facts could have any motivating force: after all, if such facts are incapable of having effects of any kind, they will a fortiori be incapable of motivating human beings. True, moral motivation is not a straightforward matter for naturalist moral realists either: if moral facts the motivating force of moral facts. It are natural, then won't it be possible for someone to recognize their existence, yet not be correspondingly moved to action in any way? However, there are various responses naturalist realists can make to this challenge. (Ridge 2006 Section 5, Lenman 2006 Section 2.) The other point on which naturalist moral realists seem better placed than non-naturalists has to do with [in] explaining the supervenience of moral facts on other facts. As noted earlier, intuition seems to demands that two situations that are identical with respect to physical properties will also be morally identical. For naturalists, this will follow from general naturalist principles. Non-naturalists, by contrast, would seem to lack any obvious explanation of why moral facts should so supervene on physical facts Naturalism Determines Morality Naturalism best responds to moral claims Papineau [Papineau, David, (Professor of Philosophy of Science at King's College) "Naturalism", (The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)] Realist moral naturalism also seems better off than non-naturalist realism in two further respects. The first relates to the motivating force of moral facts. It is hard to see how non-natural moral facts could have any motivating force: after all, if such facts are incapable of having effects of any kind, they will a fortiori be incapable of motivating human beings. True, moral motivation is not a straightforward matter for naturalist moral realists either: if moral facts are natural, then won't it be possible for someone to recognize their existence, yet not be correspondingly moved to action in any way? However, there are various responses naturalist realists can make to this challenge. (Ridge 2006 Section 5, Lenman 2006 Section 2.) The other point on which naturalist moral realists seem better placed than non-naturalists has to do with [in] explaining the supervenience of moral facts on other facts. As noted earlier, intuition seems to demands that two situations that are identical with respect to physical properties will also be morally identical. For naturalists, this will follow from general naturalist principles. Non-naturalists, by contrast, would seem to lack any obvious explanation of why moral facts should so supervene on physical facts Heredity play a major role in our decision and moral actions as people based on how it effects our environment. Fontanilla Conrado , Staff analist, 8/26/12, Does Heredity Influence How Our Life Would Be? It is difficult to separate the effect of heredity or genetics from that of environment. But let's assume that that can be done. A person may have the genes to enable him to grow 6 ft tall but due to poverty and inadequacy of food he grew only to 5.5 ft tall. The food is part of his environment. Other parts of his environment are: relationship with parents, brothers or sisters if he has any, classmates, members of his congregation. He learns moral values from them.¶ The phrase "would be" in the question pertains to moral values. A crocodile eats any smaller animal in its pond thus he dominates the pond. Let's say it does not care whether its diet suffers of not. The crocodile is amoral. A man/woman may be imbued with moral values. He knows what is good or bad according to his/her environment. His/her genetics affect his/her capacity to learn and to adapt to his/her environment. But his/her morals guide him/her what s/he "would be." His/her genetics makes him/her what s/he "is." His/her environment makes him/her what s/he "would be."¶ For example, Einstein, derived from his genetic make up, had the capacity to come up with the formula E = mc2.. During World War II he feared that Hitler's Germany might have used this formula to develop a powerful bomb as demonstrated by the V-2 rockets that Germany used to bomb London in 1944. He wrote a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the U.S. and urged him to develop a bomb for use in retaliation against Hitler's Germany in case it unleashed an atomic bomb.¶ Then the atomic bombs developed by the U.S were dropped over Nagasaki and Hirosima killing thousands of Japanese civilians (not combatant soldiers) on the spot and maiming several others for life. Einstein was horrified. He said that had he known that the atomic bomb would be used on civilians he would not have urged President Roosevelt to make them (Einstein, A. Ideas and Opinions. 1954).¶ There is duality in man/woman. One part biological; the other moral. ¶ His/her genetics enables him to adapt to the environment. S/he is incapable of making his/her own food, unlike plants. So s/he must eat plants to live. To live is part of "would be." That leads us to consider morality as scaled in degrees. Eating plant may not arouse some sense of guilt, as a plant is also a creature. Or munching seeds of peanut may give us some pleasure when in fact we are killing germinal life. Up the ladder, if there is such a moral ladder, consider the consumption of chicken meat. We kill the chicken when we prepare it for cooking and consumption. Yet we, except some people, do not feel a moral compunction about it. Hardwired For Survival Humans are naturally aware of biological survival risks Jeanna Bryner, staff analyst and editor, 9/24/07, Modern Humans Retain Caveman Survival Instincts, live science, Date accessed- 7/16/13 Like hunter-gatherers in the jungle, modern humans are still experts at spotting predators and prey, despite the developed world's safe suburbs and indoor lifestyle, a new study suggests. ¶ The research, published online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , reveals that humans today are hard-wired to pay attention to other people and animals much more so than non-living things, even if inanimate objects are the primary hazards for modern, urbanized folks. ¶ The researchers say the finding supports the idea that natural selection molded mechanisms into our ancestors' brains that were specialized for paying attention to humans and other animals. These adaptive traits were then passed on to us. ¶ "We're assuming that natural selection takes a long time to build anything anew and that's why this is left over from our past," said study team member Leda Cosmides, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). ¶ Ancestor's eyes ¶ Immersed in a rich, biotic environment, it would have been imperative for our ancestors to monitor both humans and non-human animals. Predators and prey took many different forms—lions, tigers and bears—and they changed often, so constant eyeballing was critical. ¶ While the environment has changed since then, with high-rises emerging where forests once took root and pampered pets taking the place of stalking beasts, our instinct-driven attention has not followed suit. ¶ "Having this pop-out attentional bias for animals is sort of a vestigial behavior," said study team member Joshua New of Yale University's Perception and Cognition Lab. ¶ In the study, groups of undergraduate students from UCSB, watched images displayed on computer monitors. The flashing images alternated between pairs of various outdoor scenes, with the first image showing one scene and the next an alternate version of that scene with one change. Participants indicated each time whether they detected a change. ¶ The photographs included animate categories, such as people and other animals, as well as inanimate ones, such as plants, artifacts that can be manipulated (stapler or wheelbarrow) and fixed artifacts, such as landmarks (windmill or house). ¶ Modern hunter-gatherers ¶ Overall, the subjects were faster and more accurate at detecting changes involving all animals compared with inanimate objects. They correctly detected nearly 90 percent of the changes to "living" targets compared with 66 percent for inanimate objects. ¶ In particular, the students spotted changes in elephant and human scenes 100 percent of the time, while they had a success rate of just over 75 percent for photos showing a silo and 67 percent for those with a coffee mug. ¶ Though we are more likely to meet death via an SUV than a charging wildebeest, the results indicated subjects were slower and less successful at detecting changes to vehicles than to animals. ¶ The researchers compare our attentional bias toward animals to the appendix, an organ present in modern humans because it was useful for our ancestors, but useless now. ¶ These results have implications for phobias and other behaviors that involve focus toward specific categories of objects over others. ¶ "People develop phobias for spiders and snakes and things that were ancestral threats. It's very infrequent to have somebody afraid of cars or electrical outlets," New told LiveScience . "Those statistically pose much more of a threat to us than a tiger. That makes it an interesting test case as to why do tigers still capture attention." Error Theory Error Theory Guides Morality ERROR THEORY DEMANDS THE EPISTEMIC REASON BE SEPARATE FROM MORALITY Rowland, Richard., Journal on Ethics on Social Philosophy, January 2013, Moral Error Theory and the Arguments from Epistemic Reasons, Error theorists are not skeptical of hypothetical reasons.10 But they hold ¶ that if there are only hypothetical reasons, our understanding of morality ¶ is radically mistaken, because our understanding of morality entails that ¶ there are categorical reasons.¶ 11 However, our understanding of epistemic ¶ reasons and justification also entails that there are categorical reasons. As ¶ I said, it seems that there is reason for everyone to believe that dinosaurs ¶ once roamed the earth regardless of what they want to believe; there ¶ would still be reason for me to believe that I am in my office writing right ¶ now even if believing this made me extremely unhappy or did not promote any of my desires. Two agents in the same epistemic situation seem ¶ to have the same epistemic reasons, regardless of their desires or goals or the roles that they find themselves in, just as two people who see a child ¶ drowning seem to have moral reasons to save the child regardless of their ¶ desires, goals or roles. So, if there are only hypothetical reasons for belief, ¶ our understanding of epistemic reasons is just as badly mistaken as our ¶ understanding of morality and moral reasons is if there are only hypothetical reasons for action. There is a nuanced difference between nihilism and Error Theory, the later concedes that we try to make moral jdugements. Joyce, Richard., Entry for Encyclopedia of Ethics, 2013, “NIHILISM”, Encyclopedia, Even restricting attention to “moral nihilism,” matters remain indeterminate. Its most ¶ prominent usage in the field of metaethics treats it as a synonym for “error theory,” therefore ¶ an entry that said only “Nihilism: see ERROR THEORY” would not be badly misleading. ¶ This would identify moral nihilism as the metaethical view that moral discourse consists of ¶ assertions that systematically fail to secure the truth. (See Mackie 1977; Joyce 2001.) ¶ A broader definition of “nihilism” would be “the view that there are no moral facts.” This ¶ is broader because it covers not only the error theory but also noncognitivism (see¶ NONCOGNITIVISM). Both these theories deny that there are moral facts—the difference ¶ being that the error theorist thinks that in making moral judgments we try to state facts (but ¶ fail to do so, because there are no facts of the type in question), whereas the noncognitivist ¶ thinks that in making moral judgments we do not even try to state facts (because, for ¶ example, these judgments are really veiled commands or expressions of desire). (In ¶ characterizing noncognitivism in this way, I am sidelining various linguistic permissions that ¶ may be earned via the quasi-realist program (see QUASI-REALISM).) While it is not ¶ uncommon to see “nihilism” defined in this broader way, few contemporary noncognitivists ¶ think of themselves as “nihilists,” so it is reasonable to suspect that the extra breadth of the ¶ definition is often unintentional. NEITZSCHE SUPPORTS ERROR THEORY Joyce, Richard., Entry for Encyclopedia of Ethics, 2013, “NIHILISM”, Encyclopedia, Various eighteenth- and nineteenth-century continental philosophers (e.g., Schopenhauer, Feuerbach, Fichte, Kierkegaard) are associated in one way or another with nihilism, though their nihilistic streaks tend to be each so sui generis as to defy easy categorization. Even Nietzsche, who is often treated as a kind of grandfather of European nihilism, is extremely different to classify (see NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH). In certain moods he seems to be clearly advocating an error theory (moral nihilism). In Twilight of the Idols he writes: There are absolutely no moral facts. What moral and religious judgments have in common is the belief in things that are not real. Morality is just an interpretation of certain phenomena or (more accurately) a misinterpretation. (1889, VIII.1 / 2005: 182) MORAL ERROR THEORY REJECTS FIRST-ORDER MORAL CLAIMS Olson, Jonas., Department of Philosophy at Stockholm University, 2010, Error Theory and Reasons to Believe, according to moral error theory, first-order moral claims are uniformly false. First-order moral claims are claims that entail something about what some agent morally ought to do or not to do, what would be morally permissible or impermissible for some agent to do or not to do, what there is moral reasons for some agent to do or not to do, and the like; or what would be morally good (bad) or morally (un)desirable, and the like. Hence, if error theory is correct, the claim that, e.g., torture is wrong is false. But the law of the excluded middle entails that if it is false that torture is wrong, it is true that torture is not wrong. And the negative claim that torture is not wrong appears to entail that torture is morally permissible, which is clearly a first-order moral claim. This suggests that contrary to the contentions of many moral error theorists, moral error theory does have distinctive first-order moral implications. And rather vulgar ones at that; anything turns out to be morally permissible! I shall not attempt to resolve this issue here. I note merely that one possible strategy for sidestepping this problem is to opt for a version of moral error theory that says that first-order moral claims rest on false presuppositions and are therefore uniformly neither true nor false. In order not to exclude this version of moral error theory, I shall take moral error theory to be the view that no first-order moral claim is true. Analogously, I shall take epistemic error theory to be the view that no first-order epistemic claim is true, where first-order epistemic claims are claims to the effect that there are epistemic reasons for some agent to believe or not to believe some proposition or that believing some proposition is or would be permissible or impermissible, and the like. Before I get started I need to make a brief preliminary remark about formulations of error theories. It is routinely said that Quasi- Realism QUASI-REALISM BAD BECAUSE IT LEGITAMIZES CONTRADICTING ETHICS Moore, A.W., Philosopher of Philosophy at St. Hugh’s College, July 2002, Quasi-Realism and Relativism, If it is true that ‘an ethic is the propositional reflection of the dispositions ¶ and attitudes, policies and stances, of people,’ as Simon Blackburn says in ¶ summary of the quasi-realism that he champions in this excellent and wonder- ¶ fully provocative book (p. 310), then it seems to follow that different dispo- ¶ sitions, attitudes, policies and stances-different conative stares, for ¶ short-will issue in different ethics, each with an equal claim to truth; and ¶ this in turn seems to be one thing that could be reasonably meant by that ¶ slippery polyseme ‘relativism’. If such relativism does follow, a good deal ¶ remains to be said about how much force it has. At the limit it might do no ¶ more than signal the abstract possibility of an ethic rivalling that of humans. ¶ More potently, it might somehow legitimize the different ethics of different ¶ groups of humans in actual conflict with one another. But without the possibility of some such variability of ethic to match a possible variability of ¶ conative state, the quasi-realist’s claim that an ethic ‘reflects’ a particular ¶ combination of conative states appears hollow. OUR COGNATIVE STATES EFFECT OUR MORAL STANDARDS Moore, A.W., Philosopher of Philosophy at St. Hugh’s College, July 2002, Quasi-Realism and Relativism, The relativism in question is not the view that, had our conative states been different, different ethical standards might have applied; Blackburn has persistently and persuasively argued that he is not committed to anything like that. Nor is it the view that, had our conative states been different, we might have applied different ethical standards; that is a platitude (and scarcely merits the label ‘relativism’). The view is something lying subtly between these, ¶ namely that, had our conative states been different, we might have applied different ethical standards and it might have been right for us to do so; we might have had different ethical beliefs and those different ethical beliefs ¶ might have been true. Legality Law Determines Morality Legality is the base of societal morals George C. Christie. ON THE MORAL OBLIGATION TO OBEY THELAW. Duke Law Journal December, 1990. There is, however, an epistemologically more basic point that can be made here. The stark separation between law and morality-the assumption that the law does not affect morality-is simply untenable. In particular, I wish to assert that the prevailing public morality of any society is very definitely influenced by the law. 2 4 No serious observer of American society over the past thirty years, and certainly no one who has spent a substantial portion of that time in the South, can have any doubt that decisions like Brown v. Board of Education 25 and federal civil rights legislation have profoundly influenced public perceptions as to the morality of segregation. Furthermore, notions as to what constitutes "theft," "fraud," or "stealing" are profoundly influenced by legal analysis-indeed, "theft" and "fraud" are legal terms of art. My argument, of course, is not that we should go to the opposite extreme and deny the force of morality in the law; instead, I wish to argue that the two are inseparable: It is a chicken-and-egg situation. Many of the writers I have mentioned, for example, use the act of promising as an illustration of the kind of activity that generates moral obligations. Yet, in their often extended discussions as to when promises create binding moral obligations, they curiously fall back on the analysis used by lawyers to determine whether contracts are legally binding. To demonstrate that promises create moral obligations in certain circumstances, these writers sometimes cite actual legal decisions and legal treatises, and they even cite the Uniform Commercial Code and the Restatement of Contracts. 2 6 Some of them even expressly adopt the legal position that promissory obligations are ultimately created by the reasonable objective expectations of the other parties to the transaction and not by the actual subjective intent of the alleged promisor 2 7 If the critics of legal obligation are telling us anything, it appears to be that if a promise creates a legal obligation, it also creates a moral obligation. The example of promising also shows that the separation of morally significant matters (in which moral obligations supply the needed direc- tion) from the problems of social coordination in a complex world (in which law sometimes shows the way) is simply untenable. In a complex world, everything is a matter of social coordination, as the practice of promising demonstrates. The point can be made even more decisively by taking a situation that would appear to provide one of the paradigmatic examples of morality, in and of itself, providing a sufficient basis of obli- gation, namely, the circumstances under which the killing of another human being is permissible. It is instructive to note that, when Raz dis- cusses this situation, he talks of "laws prescribing behaviour which is morally obligatory independently of the law (e.g. prohibiting murder, The example of promising also shows that the separation of morally significant matters (in which moral obligations supply the needed direction) from the problems of social coordination in a complex world (in which law sometimes shows the way) is simply untenable. In a complex world, everything is a matter of social coordination, as the practice of promising demonstrates. The point can be made even more decisively by taking a situation that would appear to provide one of the paradigmatic examples of morality, in and of itself, providing a sufficient basis of obli- gation, namely, the circumstances under which the killing of another human being is permissible. It is instructive to note that, when Raz discusses this situation, he talks of "laws prescribing behaviour which is morally obligatory independently of the law (e.g. prohibiting murder, Rule of Law The rule of is necessary to limit abuses of the majority. Michael Meyer-Resende is a director of Democracy Reporting International, a Berlin-based group promoting political participation. 09 Democracy Reporting International date accessed 7/20/13 Democracy Reporting International There are few definitions of the rule of law in the context of international instruments related to ensuring democratic practices within states.30 Nonetheless, its core meaning is clear. That is, the rule of law commits all public authorities to comply with independently and impartially administered legal and justice systems, such that states make continuous efforts ¶ ‘[g]uaranteeing that no individual or public or private institution is above the law’.31 Sometimes the rule of law is narrowly construed as an efficient and effective system of justice and law enforcement. Beyond that, it is also interpreted to imply certain standards for ¶ the legislative process, namely that this should be an open and transparent process that reflects the will of the people and the outcomes of which are public and freely available. Increasingly, the rule of law is seen through a broader conceptual framework ¶ that links it to human rights and democratic order; e.g., UN Human Rights Commission resolution on democracy and the rule of law (resolution 2005/32), the OSCE Copenhagen 1990 commitments and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe. ¶ As an inherent element of democracy, the rule of law therefore indicates that the will of the majority has clear and certain limits, not only in the form of universal human rights, but also in relation to the constitutional framework of a state. Consequently, for example, public referenda should not be used to overrule constitutional provisions. Rule of law ensures security and democracy Gabriel Marcella, teaches strategy in the Department of National Security and Strategy of the United States Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The Imperative of the Rule of Law in the Democratic State.¶ DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE AND THE RULE ¶ OF LAW:¶ LESSONS FROM COLOMBIA. December 2009 date accessed 7/20/13 ¶ Any discussion of democratic governance in conflicted societies must begin with security and the ¶ rule of law. Although security, state presence, and social and economic progress are all important mutually ¶ reinforcing elements in establishing a government’s authority and legitimacy, it is the rule of law and its ¶ acceptance by the people that binds them all together. Democracy is not possible without security, and ¶ security without the rule of law is a Hobbesian hell. Achieving security and the rule of law requires political ¶ will, resources, and time to repair and build institutions and develop the rules of democratic community that ¶ are generally accepted by the populace. That is why the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration ¶ of Independence are such singular documents. They codified a long process of institutional and political ¶ development that began before the Magna Carta in 1215 and ultimately transformed 13 colonies into a ¶ democratic state that survived a great civil war and is still evolving in the 21st century. Indeed, the Magna ¶ Carta was itself the result of the security and enforcement of the King’s Law, established by English monarchs as early as Henry II (1154-89). Within the security provided by the Magna Carta, the barons took the first steps towards what eventually became widespread parliamentary democracy. The rule of law makes democracy work because law is the collective will of society, making possible the monopoly on the legitimate use of force, equal rights, and social order. Six elements comprise the rule of law: order and security, legitimacy, and checks.