Ioana Alexandra Du șe (MA)
Research Assistant
EDUCATION/TRAINING ( Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable.)
(if applicable)
“Babes Bolyai” University, Faculty of Political
Science, Administrative and Communication
Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
“Babes Bolyai” University, Faculty of Political
Science, Administrative and Communication
Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romani
“Mihai Viteazul” National College Sfantu-Gheorghe,
Covasna County, Romania
Research Design and
Data Analysis in Social
Baccalaureate 2003-2007 Social Science
2007-2010 Political Science
Main research interest: occupational and environmental health research, with a current focus on workplace injury surveillance systems and occupational diseases patterns across industries. Besides these research areas I am also interested on environmental health policy topics and social science studies.
2011 - Fogarty Scholarship (Fogarty International Training and Research in Rural, Environmental and
Occupational Health - University of Iowa, College of Public Health, USA)
2012 - Conference Grant University of Iowa’s International Training and Research in Rural, Environmental and Occupational Health (ICTREOH) Program, funded by the Fogarty International Center at the National
Institutes of Health (NIH), USA
Training and workshop participations
February 1-7 th 2014 th , training program for the project Research Training: Socio-Economics of Mental Health
Service Delivery in Southeastern Europe , Fogarty International Training Conference University of California
(UCLA, Berkeley), USA, Spring 2014
February 20-24th, 2013, Trento (Italy), Fourth Winter School on Methodological Issues in Comparative Electoral
Analysis” Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento, within COST Action IS0806 „True
European Voter: A strategy for Analysing the Prospects of Eurpean Electoral Democracy that includes the West, the South and the East of the Continent”
September 20-21th, 2012 Berlin, Germany, 2 nd Training Seminar in Berlin, Joint Action on Injury Monitoring in
Europe (JAMIE), representing Romania
May 17-18 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania - Summer Institute on the Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases in Romania: Identifying and mapping capacity building needs and opportunities , (Giving an individual presentation on “Magnitude and Trends of Injuries in Occupational Settings between 2001-2011, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania”.
May 10-11 2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania - Scientific Symposium for students “Jacques Delors”, ( Paper presentation “Increasing the number of EU Member States and Institutional Improvement”)
Conference Proceedings:
1. AlexandraIoana Dușe , Brînzaniuc A., Baba C., Sirlincan E., Policy Analysis Of The Romanian
Legislation On Smoking In Public Places - Case Study In Cluj-Napoca, 12th International Congress for
Medical Students and Young Health Professionals, May, 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2. Brînzaniuc A., Cherecheș R.M., Rus I.A., Suciu A.M., Dușe I.A
., Pop O.M. 2011. Are teens safe at home from second-hand tobacco smoke exposure? Evidence from Eastern Europe, Supplement of the
European Journal of Public Health, 21(1):154
3. Dușe I A , Suciu A, Rus D, Cherecheș R M, Magnitute and Trends of Injuries in Occupational Settings between 2001-2011 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Eur J Public Health (2012) 22(suppl 2): 126-295
4. Duse I A , Rus D, Chereches R, Baba C. Occupational Injury Surveillance System in Romania - The changing dynamics of work-related accidents between 2001-2010. Psychology & Health Volume 27,
Supplement 1, 2012 Special Issue: Abstracts Supplement: “Resiliance and Health” : 26th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Prague, Czech Republic, 21st -25th August 2012
5. Ioana A. Dușe , Diana Rus, Alexandru Suciu, Răzvan M. Cherecheș, Ovidiu T. Nagy, Cătălin O. Baba, A five year assessment of physical and psychological burden of occupational morbidity in Romania,
Psychology & Health, Special Issue Abstracts Supplement, “Well Being, Quality of Life and Caregiving”:
27th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Bordeaux, France, July 15th to 20 th , 2013
Accepted and Presented Papers:
1. Ioana Alexandra Du șe, Br înzaniuc A., Baba C., Sirlincan E., Policy Analysis Of The Romanian
Legislation On Smoking In Public Places - Case Study In Cluj-Napoca , 12 th International Congress for
Medical Students and Young Health Professionals, May, 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Presenting author:
Alexandra Ioana Du șe (oral presentation)
2. Ioana-Alexandra Duse , D.Rus, R. Chereches, C.Baba, Occupational Injury Surveillance System in
Romania - The changing dynamics of work-related accidents between 2001-2010, 26th European Health
Psychology Society (EHPS) Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August 21st -25th, 2012, Presenting author: Alexandra Ioana Du șe (poster presentation)
3. Ioana Alexandra Dușe , Diana Rus, M árton-Vásárhelyi Emanuela, Răzvan Cherecheș, Cătălin Baba,
Assessing the burden of workplace injuries in Romania: changing trends in occupational settings between
2005-2010 , International Conference on Trauma and Injury Prevention (ICTIP) Reducing the burden of
Injury in Bosnia& Herzegovina, 5-8 September 2012, Presenting author: Alexandra Ioana Du șe - (oral presentation)
4. Dușe I.A.
, Suciu A., Rus D., Cherecheș R.M., Magnitute and Trends of Injuries in Occupational Settings between 2001-2011 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania , European Public Health Conference (EUPHA), November
2012- Presenting author: Mara Timofe (poster presentation)
5. Dușe, Ioana Alexandra, Rus Diana, Cherecheș M. Răzvan, Baba Cătălin, "Risk Assessment of Backyard
Injuries in Farm-Workers - Health and Safety Implications in Agricultural Settings in Cluj County,
Romania" , 140th American Public Health Association Conference (APHA) Annual Meeting (October 27 -
October 31, 2012) in San Francisco, CA- - Presenting author: Erika Bărăgan (poster presentation)
6. Coman Alexandru, Cherecheș, Răzvan M., Șirlincan, Oana Emanuela, Pop, Oana M., Dușe, Ioana
Alexandra , Respiratory Health in Poultry Workers in Romania , " , 140th American Public Health
Association Conference (APHA) Annual Meeting (October 27 - October 31, 2012) in San Francisco, CA -
(poster presentation)
7. Dușe Ioana Alexandra , Diana Rus, Alexandru Suciu, Răzvan Cherecheș, Ovidiu Tiberiu Nagy and
Cătălin Baba, A five year assessment of physical and psychological burden of occupational morbidity in
Romania , 27th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Bordeaux, France, 16-21 July,
2013, Presenting author: Alexandra Ioana Du șe (poster presentation)
8. Dușe A. Ioana MA , Rus Diana PhD(c), Suciu Alexandru MA(c), Cherecheș M. Răzvan MD, PhD,
Assessing Regional Differences of Occupational Morbidity Patterns between 2005 and 2011, in Romania ,
International Conference on Trauma and Injury Prevention (ICTIP), Bosnia & Hertegovina, 12-15
September, 2013 Presenting author: Alexandra Ioana Du șe (oral presentation)
Selected publications in ISI/BDI journals /books
1. Salat, Levente; Mosteanu Olimpia; Ioana Alexandra Dușe , Eficiența aranjamentelor instituţionale în contextul acomodării comunităţilor etnoculturale din Europa Centrală și de Est (2010), in “Politică și etnicitate -
Identitate, comportament și instituții în contextul diversității etnoculturale”, Partea III (pag.288-334), 2011
Ongoing and Finalized Research Support
1. Magnitude and trends of injuries in occupational settings between 2001 and 2011 in Cluj-Napoca,
Romania- (finished project, 2012-2013)
The proposal aims was to describe the trend of work-related fatal and non-fatal injuries between 2001-2011 by employment status, occupation, type of industry, leading causes of death on occupational sites, injury characteristics and risk factors, age category and gender in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Role: Principal Investigator
2. Children’s Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke in Romania – a Pilot project in Cluj County- finalized, 2010-2011
The aim of this pilot project was to explore environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure among children in
Cluj County, Romania. The objectives of this pilot study were: (1) to determine prevalence of ETS exposure among children aged 11-12 years of age, in Cluj County, Romania, (2) to explore predictors for ETS exposure in urban and rural settings in Cluj County, to pilot test an i nstrument for assessing children’s exposure to ETS in Romania and (4) to develop a set of guidelines for developing a culturally-responsive intervention to promote ETS-free homes for children in Cluj County, with the potential for replication at a national level.
Role: Research Technician (data collector and data analyst)
3. Risk Assessment from Policy to Impact Dimension (RAPID)- (finalized, 2009-2012)
The aim of the project was to develop, pilot test and implement risk assessment methodology for full chain risk assessment (policy-determinants of health-risk factors-health effect). The specific objectives of the project were: (1) to establish a policy risk assessor database, (2) to conduct risk assessment case studies from policy to health effect and from health effect to policy, (3) to summarize the methodologies from national case studies and develop “common methodology guidance” via conducting a case study of selected EU policy and series of national workshops.
Role: Research Technician (in the 1 st phase of the study, 2009-2010)
4. One Health Center for Environmental and Occupational Research - GEOHealth Romania, (Project
period: 09/22/2012 - 08/31/2014)
The GEOHealth Hub project seeks to develop a research network between the academic centers located in 9 different countries: United States of America, Romania, Moldova, Albania, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia. Most of these center profiles are classified by the World Banks as being in the lower and middle income category (LMICs). The chief long-term objective of this project is to strengthen institutional
capacity for environmental and occupational research and training in areas specific for the participating academic institutions.
Role: Research Technician (February 2013- September 2013)
5. Assessment of psychiatrists' workplace preferences. A cross-sectional study in South-Eastern
European countries" (APPRAISE)
Healthcare systems in Albania, Bulgaria, and Romania are facing difficulties in planning their mental health workforce needs, as well as in motivating health care professionals to work in mental health, remain in the field once there, and motivating them to provide safe and high quality care for their patients. Building on these needs, the current proposal will increase the knowledge about the perceived needs of psychiatrists and the influence of job characteristics in choosing a workplace setting. Consequently, our data will help local/regional/national policy makers to improve workforce recruitment, retention and motivation.
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (March 1st 2014- March 31 2015)