MARKETING OBJECTIVES Based on current market standing, The North Face resides as the third largest shareholder for outdoor goods with a 16% share. With the top two shares belonging to Columbia Sportswear with a commanding share of 20% and Jarden Corporation with a 17% take of the whole. For the coming year we plan to increase our market share by 3% overtaking that of Jarden, a Fortune Five Hundred Company based out of Rye, New York. With the new share acquisition of 3%, The North Face not only assumes the second highest share, but also strategically places The North Face (a VF Corporation subsidiary) within striking distance of the market leader Columbia Sportswear, based out of Portland, Oregon. The 3% gain will be attributed to our new marketing objective, in which we will market to young upper middle class families. By means of new advertising campaigns through electronic and print based media. We feel that with this campaign being implemented early January 2012 and completed no later than January 2013, we will attain our projected 3% gain and assume our position as number two in Outdoor Wear. Upon completion, The North Face will assume a highly competitive second place position and set its sights on the market leader Columbia Sportswear 20%. TARGET MARKET The primary target market chosen for this campaign would be young, upper-middle class families. The heads of these households fall between the 25-34 age ranges. According to the MRI data, these are the second heaviest users of The North Face brand. Moreover, the largest percentage of brand users’ ethnicity is Caucasian. The heads of these families are also college educated and employed. These families would have an upper-middle class socio-economic status, given that the brand falls under one of the pricier sportswear options. In addition, married individuals are some of the heaviest users of The North Face brand, and targeting those with children has the potential to increase the sales of The North Face junior’s line. A target market that embodies all of these characteristics would create a balance of paying attention and catering to a large portion of users while still leaving room for growth. Age Gender Ethnicity 25-34 Male Female Caucasian Education Level College Job Status Employed Economic Class Uppermiddle class Marital Status Married Children Yes ADVERTISING OBJECTIVES To accomplish our marketing objectives, we created advertising objectives to raise brand awareness, to encourage brand switching and maintain customer relations. Raising brand awareness includes a stimulation of desire, appealing to target audiences with brand preference and boosting their intent to buy. This will directly encourage brand switching by appealing to our primary market. The North Face will also remind existing customers and maintain their customer base by advertising nationally. The rationale behind a national campaign is that we must support our nation-wide market, distribution and sales. POSITIONING STATEMENT The North Face is the best sportswear for young, upper-middle class families due to its quality, durability, and performance. The rationale for this positioning statement is that it encompasses all of the elements included in the campaign: the target market and all of the attributes of the brand. A campaign built around this positioning statement will ensure that all marketing and advertising objectives are met consistently. CREATIVE OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES The overall idea chosen for this campaign is that if The North Face is good enough for elite mountain climbers and outdoor sportsmen, it is good enough for you and your family. Focusing on the durability and high quality of the goods would be the best way to reach the chosen target market. An idea for a proposed television commercial would be something like this: A group of men are nearing the peak of one of the world’s tallest mountains. They’re all bundled up and are hauling some of the best mountain climbing gear. The narrator is describing the conditions of the terrain, such as mountain height and temperature. Then the camera zooms in on The North Face logo on one of the climber’s jackets. When the camera zooms out, the screen shows a little boy wearing a similar The North Face jacket. The announcer goes on to explain that if elite outdoorsmen trust the brand, then you can trust it too. GEOGRAPHIC OBJECTIVES To accomplish our geographic goals and to reach our target market, we created a national advertising campaign. We decided to focus our efforts toward colder climates such as the western and northern regions of the United States. In addition, we will be campaigning in the areas around the 8 North Face flagship stores in the United States. These stores are located in 8 of the Top 25 DMA markets, so it is vital to advertise frequently in these areas. SHCEDULING OBJECTIVES We will implement a flighting schedule. The North Face’s sales usually decline during the warmer months of the year, we will focus our advertising efforts throughout the months prior to and during the fall and winter seasons. PROMOTIONAL BUDGET The allocated Advertising budget for The North Face is $10,000,000 dollars (USD). The following graph demonstrates the projected budgets allocation of advertising dollars per medium (Special Interest Magazines, Cable TV, Spot TV, Internet website, Social Media, and Email) expressed as a percent of the whole ($10 Million). Advertising Budget Jan-Dec 2012 Email Social Network 7% 1% Internet Website 28% Syndicated TV 12% Special Interest Magazine 24% Cable TV 17% Spot TV 11% PROMOTIONAL MIX The North Face adheres to a multi-pronged approach to their promotional mix utilizing both printed based media and viral marketing. As far as viral marketing, The North Face was one of the top brands honored by outdoor USA Magazine 2010 Social Media Awards (Trans-world Business, 2011). The awards were given to outdoor brands who most successfully harnessed the power of modern day social networking. Facebook ranked their top ten most “liked” pages with The North Face coming in at the number two spot with an estimated 698,817 likes, and was ranked number one by Twitter with 23,264 followers. With this being said it is apparent that we are heavily versed in viral marketing. This being a market we see a lot of potential in, we plan on having a slight increase in the electronic media advertising for the coming year. We hope to attain both the number one spot for Twitter and Facebook alike. The North face also allocates a significant portion of their budget to print based media such as magazines, regular print ads, and its monthly catalogue. The free catalog generates stable returns for the VF Company, but The North Face is becoming very proficient with all types of electronic media. For it reaches a larger specific target audience and in relation to the catalogue is more cost efficient. With the profits for the print based media remaining constant. The North Face is allocating lots of time and money to electronic media. Which we expect should result in a boost in our market share by year-end. MEDIA SELECTION 1. Television Television is an ideal medium to reach a mass audience. Approximately 99% of the households in the U.S. own a television. In average, the U.S. (Lane et al) household television viewing is over 8 hours daily. (Lane et al) Studies show that American citizens spend more time watching TV than listening to the radio and reading newspapers. (Lane et al) The main advantage of television is the appeal to its audience’s senses with the combination of images, motion, and sounds. 1.1. Network Television Even though the cost of Network TV is expensive, it is worth to allocate part of our budget to it because of its large reach. Network television provides programming to different TV stations and providers. The largest TV Networks in the United States are ABC, CBS, NBC and more recently, Fox. The pricing of new network shows is very high but it also depends in a large part on their placement in the network schedule. (Lane et al) Strategy: We are aware that programs that follow proven hits have high probability of success so we will be advertising during those shows. Moreover we will be looking for those shows that are in between two popular returning programs such as Desperate Housewives during daytime and primetime. This strategy will allow us to target a large audience without necessarily having to pay the amount of money that advertising during the main popular show costs. The reason for advertising during daytime is because it is likely that children and their mothers are watching TV during this part of the day. 1.2. Cable Television Households with cable television are more likely to have disposable income which fits our target market socio-economic status of upper-middle class. Also cable television can appeal to niche audiences with similar demographic characteristics and interests such as a passion for sports and outdoor activities. (Lane et al) Cable’s penetration is 65% of 310,840,000 US TV households. (Nielsen Business Media) In average, the amount of time spent watching cable TV per week is 38.35 hours per household. (Nielsen Business Media) Strategy: Cable TV has a relatively low cost and tends to build frequency by reaching the same targeted audiences over a long period of time. (Lane et al) Approximately 30% of 127,544,000 cable TV owners, fall into our target market’s age group. (Nielsen Business Media) In order to reach young adults and children, we will heavily cover cable networks that account for a large percent of family viewership and special interest that relates to our target audience during the first six months of the campaign. Then, we will start using cable TV advertisements in October, November, and December. The networks with a large family viewership percentage being covered are Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, and ABC Family. We will also utilize ESPN 2, The Outdoor Channel and Fit TV in order to target our customers by special interests. Viewership percent of Cable TV networks 80 60 40 20 0 Age group 25-54 HH with children Nielsen Business Media 80 Viewership percent by special interest 60 Age Group 25-54 40 20 0 ESPN 2 Outdoor Channel Fit TV Nielsen Business Media 1.2 Spot Television Even though spot television is an extremely competitive market, it avoids that waste circulation of Network TV. It would be effective to advertise The North Face during local weather reports and sports news. Strategy Spot TV will be used in areas of the country with low brand awareness to increase the share of voice of The North Face. The message will be clear and simple and will ideally make the consumer relate our brand to technological innovation and quality. We will use daytime of Spot TV and Primetime Spot TV. Cost Per Thousand Homes Trend (30-second unit) Nielsen Business Media 1.3 Television Syndication Off network syndication reruns have already built-in audiences and can reach predictable demographic segments. (Lane et al) This segment of the TV industry is a good option for our brand because our target market involves young adults who are likely to watch shows that they used to watch in earlier stages of their lives. Another advantage of reruns is the known content. Young parents do not have to worry about inappropriate unexpected content while they watch TV around their children. Strategy Syndication Television will be effective in reaching young parents. According to Nielsen Business Media, 43% of adults fall into the age group 18-34 (which includes our 25-34 target market). Syndication Television will be used constantly throughout the year. We will advertise our brand during prime access shows that are likely to be viewed by young adults such as “Seinfield”, “Friends”, “Everybody Loves Raymond”, and “That’s 70’s Show”. Another show that we are interested in is “Lost” because it appeals to an “adventurous” kind of audience. These shows have a high percentage of Household TV coverage as well as high ratings. (Nielsen Business Media) Frequency and Rating 6 5 5 4 5 5 4.2 3.9 3 5 4.2 3.3 Times per week 2 2.5 Rating 1 Hours per day 0.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 Friends Lost King of Queens Seinfield Who wants to be a millionaire Shows chosen Nielsen Business Media 2. Special interest magazines Advertising in magazines allow companies to reach narrowly targeted audiences. (Lane et al) An important advantage of this medium is its portability and repeated exposure. Magazine’s strong visuals allow companies to show their products, enhance brand awareness, and deliver memorable messages. (Lane et al) Furthermore, subscribers of special interest magazines reflect a high socio-economic level which is a characteristic of our target market. Most extreme sports and outdoor activities require professional and expensive equipment. Magazines are also an effective medium to drive consumers to look for information related to the company and its products. Strategy We will utilize five different magazines that reach markets with interests in sports, fitness, and other outdoor activities: ESPN, Fitness, Outdoor Life, Sporting News and Skiing. Even though some of these magazine titles have little circulation, their audience represents a group of potential customers because they are already interested in the goods that companies like The North Face provide. We will advertise in Magazines from January to June and during the months of October, November and December which are the months prior to winter season. The following graph reveals the frequency and reach of the selected magazines. TITLE ESPN The Magazine Fitness Outdoor Life Sporting News Skiing Nielsen Business Media ISSUES PER YEAR 26 12 10 52 7 CIRCULATION 2,108,000 1,536,000 925,000 700,000 400 3. Internet Internet usage keeps rising, it is quick and easily available. It offers interactivity that is useful to engage the consumer with the brand. The internet is mostly used by younger generations with higher education and higher incomes. Young market segments tend to spend more time using the internet than any other medium. (Lane et al) The internet has become a source to generate direct sales rather than just advertising. 3.1. Internet Targeted Sites Strategy The North Face products and stores will be advertised on websites that relate to our products. Our display ads will consist of banners with static images of our products that link to our website. The images will call the customer’s attention and once they navigate to our website they will be able to search for more information that will potentially lead to a purchase. This is an excellent medium for branding. 3.2. Company’s official website These days it is essential that every company has its own website. Official websites have more credibility among consumers and are an ideal medium for product information, sales, stockholder relations and current company news. Strategy Our website strategy will consist in informing customers about our products and company in order to promote a purchase decision. Our website will have a link to look at our products and their prices online with a “check out” option. Besides providing the site, we will be in charge of keeping all the information and products availability up to date constantly every week. Through our website we will also offer online discounts once a week as long as the customers fill out a survey. 3.3. Social Networks As of today, the average time spent per person on social networks is about 5.5 hours per month. 47 % of adults who use the internet use social networking sites ( 73% of teenagers and young adults are members of at least one social network ( As a brand, having a presence on the most popular social networks has become a requirement. There are over 1.5 million businesses with active pages on Facebook. ( 11% of American adults who use the internet have a twitter account. Unique visitors per month Twitter 10% Linkedin 7% Myspace 23% Facebook 60% ( Strategy Having a company profile in the most used social networks will increase our share of voice and market share because our customers will be in frequent contact with our company. We will create a company profile in each of the social networks described above. Having a company profile will require updating information constantly and responding to consumers’ needs, and questions. Through our company’s profile page, we can also show our products and have information about the technological aspects of our products. 3.4. E-mail In order to maintain our market share, we will obtain email addresses from previous online and in-store customers and advertise to them throughout the year. It is a good way to keep a market that already has an interest in the brand’s products. Strategy We will use a pulsing strategy sending two emails per month to each customer throughout the year but we will increase the number of emails during the winter season and Christmas holidays. Given the high quality of our products, it is unlikely that consumers make purchases too frequently so one email every two weeks will not bother customers but will increase brand awareness and share of voice.