11-1-1-A-1 Cashbox Management Policy

To track patient fees taken in during the course of a clinic day.
The staff person responsible for the cashbox and receiving funds from the clients should
not sign checks, make deposits or use the Quick Books accounting system.
Beginning of Day Cash Count
1. The cashbox should be in a secure place before and after clinic when applicable.
2. Each day the cashbox should be balanced before the first appointment. The
money in the box should be verified by two persons and recorded on the
beginning of day sheet
1. On the top portion of the sheet, fill out the quantities of coins and bills that are in
the cashbox. One person counts the cash and fills in the quantity amount.
2. Write the total amount of the money’s worth in the second blank for all the coins
and bills.
3. Add up the amounts found on the second column and write the result on the total
4. If for any reason there is cash short or over record it. If you know the reason why
write the reason on the notes section and initial it.
5. Fill out the date and sign.
6. Have a second staff member review the money and sign the form as well. .
When taking in Patient Fees
Reproductive Health Clinic
1. Cash and checks are to be receipted in the computer. If the computer is down then
use the receipt books. One book is for donations and the other book is for Fees.
All transactions recorded in a receipt book.should contain.
 The date_ The payees name or company
 The client’s medical record number
 The amount received in numbers and written long hand
 The signature of the one taking in the money
2. All clients are to get receipt. All transactions require that a receipt is made out.
3. All cash or checks are to be kept in the cashbox, locked at all times. The cashbox
is to never be left unattended or left with anyone who is not authorized to take
patient payments or donations.
Good Neighbor Community Health Center
1. Cash and checks are to be receipted in the computer. If the computer is down then
use the receipt books. One book is for donations and the other book is for Fees.
All transactions are to be recorded in a receipt book. Each transaction should
 The date
 The patients name or company
 The client’s account number
 The amount received in numbers and written long hand
 The signature of the one taking in the money
2. All clients are to get receipt. All transactions require that a receipt is made out.
3. All cash or checks are to be kept in the cashbox, locked at all times. The cashbox
is to never be left unattended or left with anyone who is not authorized to take
patient payments or donations.
End of the Day Cash Count
Reproductive Health Clinic
1. At the end of the day from the Ahlers Report, “Interim End of Day Sheet” and
cashbox collect the following:
 The total of all the receipts listed in both the donation and patient feebooks.
 The total of all checks and their listing
2. Each day the cash in the cashbox should be balanced after the last appointment.
The money in the box should be verified by two persons and recorded on the “end
of day” sheet.
3. On the top portion of the sheet, fill out the quantities of coins and bills that are in
the cashbox. One person counts the cash and fills in the quantity amount.
4. Write the total amount of the money’s worth in the second blank for all coins and
5. Add up the amounts found on the second column and write the result on the total
6. The amount of money in cash and checks should equal the total amount receipts
plus what was available at the beginning of the day.
a. Verify with receipt book the amount of cash and checks received for the
day and write down in corresponding lines.
7. If there was any cash short or over, circle the appropriate word to which the result
corresponds and write the amount on the blank. Report any shortages or overages
to your supervisor at that time.
8. Write the date and sign form.
9. Have a second staff member review the form and sign below the first counter.
10. Secure the cash box for the evening
Store the cash box in a locked filing cabinet in the accounting area.
Before the cash box is checked out again:
1. Cash count is verified by the Accounts Receivable person who will make the
deposit slip
2. Cash box is returned to drawer minus the amount received the previous day.
Cash box should contain $100.00 for the next day’s clinic transactions.
Good Neighbor Community Health Center
1. At the end of the day from the receipt book and cashbox collect the following:
 The total of all the cash receipts listed for patient payments or donations.
 The total of all checks and their listing
2. Each day the cashbox should be balanced after the last appointment. The money
in the box should be verified by two persons and recorded on the “end of day”
3. On the top portion of the sheet, fill out the quantities of coins and bills that are in
the cashbox. One person counts the cash and fills in the quantity amount.
4. Write the total amount of the money’s worth in the second blank for all coins and
5. Add up the amounts found on the second column and write the result on the total
6. The amount of money in cash and checks should equal the total amount of
receipts plus what was available at the beginning of the day.
a. Verify with receipt book the amount of cash and checks received for the
day and write down in corresponding lines.
7. If there was any cash short or over, circle the appropriate word to which the result
corresponds and write the amount on the blank. Report any shortages or overages
to the your supervisor at that time.
8. Write the date and sign form.
9. Have a second staff member review the form and sign below the first counter
10. Secure the cash box for the evening
Store the cash box in the accounting area.
Before the cash box is checked out again:
 Cash count is verified by the Accounts Receivable person who will make the
deposit slip
 Cash box is returned to drawer minus the amount received the previous day. Cash
box should contain $200.00 for the next day’s clinic transactions. The Mental
Health Clinic cash box should contain $100.00 for the next day’s transactions.