National Historic Preservation Act of 1966

NHPA; Public Law 89-665; 16 U.S.C. 470 et seq
“There is a need in every generation to
study the past, to absorb its spirit, to
preserve its messages…it’s a
collaboration of ourselves and our
ancestors, the result is a deeper
understanding for individuals and in
consequence, a broader culture for the
 The National Historic Preservation Act is legislation
intended to preserve historical and archaeological sites
in the United States of America.
 The spirit of the Nation are founded and
reflected in its historic heritage.
 The historical and cultural foundation of the
Nation should be preserved and be a living part
of community life.
 Significant properties to history are being lost.
 The preservation of this irreplaceable heritage
is in the public interest so its vital legacy can be
incorporated cultural development of society.
 With increasing urban development, there is lack
of genuine opportunity for future generations to
enjoy the heritage of our Nation.
 Better means of identifying and administering
historic recourses will assist economic growth and
 The Federal Government has the responsibility to
accelerate historic preservation.
 The Federal Government shall provide leadership in
historic preservations.
Property will be evaluated if it meats criteria, proposals can
be made and reviewed for historic preservation.
A record of historic places will be kept.
Nominations for additions to the National Register of
Historic Places can be proposed.
Professional methods and techniques for preserving,
improving, restoring and maintaining historic properties
will be available for federal agencies.
 The National Register of Historic Places is nation’s
official list of districts, sites, buildings, structures and
objects worthy of preservation.
 To be eligible for listing, a property must meet one of
four criteria and have sufficient integrity.
 To retain diverse elements of past
 To perpetuate the distinctive identities of places
 To involve amateurs in landscape care
 To practice a conservation approach to environmental