Teton Conservation District Monthly Board Meeting May 21, 2013

Teton Conservation District
Monthly Board Meeting
May 21, 2013 @ 4PM
420 West Pearl Ave., Jackson, WY
TCD Board Members: Tom Segerstrom, Tom Campbell, Scott Pierson, and Sandy Shuptrine
TCD Associate Board Members: Darrell Hoffman and Tom Breen
TCD Staff Members: Randy Williams, Dan Leemon, Robb Sgroi, Rachel Daluge & Emily
Guests in Attendance: Bill Wotkyns (Flat Creek Resident)
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:03 by Chairman Tom Segerstrom
Minutes from the last Meeting: Some typos were noted and those changes were corrected on
the signature copy. After review, a motion was made by Tom C to accept the minutes as
corrected and the motion was seconded by Scott Pierson. The motion passed a vote of the
group. Sandy had a question about the date of the next board meeting and June 26 @ 4PM was
Treasurer’s Report from the previous month: Scott Pierson reviewed the April Treasurer’s
report highlights with the group. The report of TCD's financial condition as of April 30, 2013
included: Checks - $62,238.31 Credit Cards – $993.56, net Deposits - $44,774.31, Reserves $498,747.28 and the Checking Account Balance - $463546.58. Blanket voucher signature sheet:
Checks numbered #13,725 through #13,768 and dated April 1, 2013 through April 30, 2013 were
Tom C had a question about the difference between “checks” and “vouchers” as noted on the
Treasurer’s report. Scott responded that there wasn’t really a difference and Emily agreed. She
said that the term “voucher” came in to the vernacular because technically the total checks for a
month are covered by liability by a “blanket voucher” which is signed by a majority of the board,
so the board is approving the checks for a month as “the vouchers”. Tom C asked about the
check to Fremont County and Randy responded that it was the remainder of the financial
obligation for the Shoshone Forest Plan. Scott asked about the Weed & Pest check for $12,750
and Emily responded that that was for the administration of the cost-share program by Weed &
Pest (this is paid quarterly). There were a few more questions about charges. Sandy moved to
accept the Treasurer’s report and the motion was seconded by Tom C. The motion passed
a vote of the group.
Agency Report: Gary Blazejewski was unable to attend, but submitted a written report. He had
sent a copy of the 2008 TCD/NRCS MOU for review and update, upon the board’s wishes. It
will be reviewed at the July TCD board meeting.
Old Business: None at this time.
New Business (project proposals/guests):
Bill Wotkyns came in to give a review of the Flat Creek Watershed Improvement District’s
progress. He said that it was going a little slow and the group was working with a couple of
lawyers to review the State Statutes that pertain to WIDs. Bill said that they had experience with
WIDs and were helping the group to understand the unique situation with the proposed WID in
regard to its presence in an urban setting. Bill has been working on the WID application, WID
boundaries and landowner education (for those within the boundaries). Because 25% of the
landowners within the boundary must sign petition, this would mean that about 40 parcel owners
representing $20M of land value would be required in order to have a successful application.
Bill said that the WID group was exploring the concept of eminent domain and whether the WID
would have that authority. The motivating factor for the WID is the possibility of flooding next
winter (with the TOJ backing out of flood control this year, landowners are left to their own
defenses). Scott asked about the WID’s authority with regard to irrigators. Bill said that there
was an occurrence recently on Flat Creek and the WID group has yet to sit down and discuss the
situation with the irrigator. Bill invited the board to call him (413-5577) if they have any
questions. The initial WID group includes: Mike Halpin, Bill Wotkyns, Bill Klein, Lance Ash
and Paul Perry. There was a question about the boundary of the WID and Bill said it had
changed slightly because of different types of ownership (private and public land ownership
within the boundaries have different rules for work proposed to be done on the properties). Bill
said that the Town Engineer’s office should have the WID boundary map, with valuations
attributed to parcels, completed soon and Bill said he should be at the TCD June meeting with
the signed application for review.
Technical Assistance Cost-Share Grant Applications: 12 applications had been received. Tom
Campbell asked about assigning board liaisons to the application at this time. Staff and board
contacts were assigned for each application. Tom C suggested that the board liaison meet with
the staff assigned to the application about the project prior to contacting the applicant. Scott
suggested that a special meeting be held for applicants to pitch their project (10 minutes each).
The group discussed how to process the applications and how they fit into the budget for
FY2014. Sandy said that she would suggest that the staff and board liaisons meet and then report
back to the board at the next board meeting (when we decide whether to fund the application).
Rachel suggested that the staff and board liaisons make sure to follow-up on the back end of
these projects (requesting a final report and pictures from successful grant applicants). Tom S
asked about scheduling a meeting the week of June 10 for the applicants to come in and make
presentations. Sandy proposed the 11th @ 4PM (10 minute presentations and Q&A). Out of
town people could present by phone and it would be optional, just if they want to and/or have
new information.
Board Report: Tom Campbell asked about board liaisons. Randy said each program has a
board liaison as well as staff assigned to each project.
Staff Reports:
Emily – The board reviewed the GTNP contract for the USGS Gaging Station 5 year contract.
Sandy made a motion to approve Tom Segerstom signing the contract. Scott seconded the
motion and it passed a vote of the group. Emily will get a signature copy ready for Tom to
sign. NRCS MOU – Randy will review the MOU and make suggestions for updates that are
applicable. Tom Breen mentioned that there are various standards for fencing and no agreement
on a single set of characteristics (will be address in later staff reports). The board said to thank
the landlord for offering to help out with heated mat & electrical circuit costs. Emily will get in
touch with the landlord about the gutter heat tape to see if his local contact has looked at the roof,
but the board said that it wasn’t TCD’s responsibility to maintain the gutters/roof with heat tape
(that is on the landlord – and to let him know there have been several falls).
Rachel – She has been working on looking into wildlife fence standards. Tom Breen commented
that different entities have different standards (WY, NRCS, Teton County, etc. all have different
regulations). Sandy commented that it would be very helpful to have a single source of
consolidated information for fencing regulations. The group discussed the various sources of
information and how to coordinate fencing information for landowners. Staff and board
members added their experiences and concerns. Rachel and Randy will work with the JH
Wildlife Foundation to encourage them to look into this issue and possible solutions. Rachel
presented options for the parking lot area by the portico for improvement. The area would be
used for the demonstration of xeriscaping, a nice outdoor demonstration area and outside break
area for staff use. Sandy moved to approve improvement to the parking area up to $1500
with the possibility of approving more to create a demonstration area with break
capabilities. No second was made and the motion died. Tom S thought it would be a
diversion from other work. Tom C said he didn’t relate to the intent of the project. Scott said
that he would appreciate a more specific request and how these items would specifically be used.
Tom S said he appreciated the creativity of the project. Tom C asked about a survey from the
Native Species Seminar and Rachel said she is working on that currently. Sandy asked about the
Ranch Day and Rachel said she is making contacts for the project. Tom S suggested contacting
the Snake River Ranch or Glen Taylor about the possibility of using their properties for the tours.
Rachel said that being involved in ranch project might be nice for attendees. Randy asked if
there should be speakers on ranch topics (manure management, animal health, or general small
parcel management). Tom S asked about the stipulation that for reimbursement, applicators
other than the landowner, must have a license. Rachel will check into this with Weed & Pest.
Robb – TAC Deadline Extension for Teton County Planning and Development request. TCP&D
is putting together a proposal for a “Focal Habitat Features” application when they have the
information to one put together (possibly by July 5). They would like to submit this application
as part of this round of grant funding, but they could not meet the May 10 deadline. Tom C
asked about their budget and if they already have it in the Teton County budget. Tom S said they
probably do, but their staff members were probably directed to find additional funding if
possible. Scott moved that TCD not extend the deadline. No second and the motion died.
The board had several members that had to recuse themselves because of conflicts of interest
with the project and NRTAB. Tom S said that the RFP is possibly a 14 month program and
wouldn’t need funding right away, so perhaps they could apply for a TAC grant during a later
grant cycle. Tom C suggested that we shouldn’t begin making exceptions and Scott agreed with
that sentiment. Scott said to write a nice letter and suggest that they apply later and we are open
to $2500 grants throughout the year. Darrel said that he thought the project was a good one and
we should stay involved with them. Tom S asked Randy about the NRTAB MOU. This is an
item which will be covered in Randy’s staff report. Robb had been in touch with Kim Clark
about cattle guard replacement. Kim Clark submitted a request for $2500 to repair and improve
the cattle guards to TCD. Kim would like to hear back ASAP so they can make repairs before
they turn out their cattle. Sandy said that this should be considered as a Small TAC and decided
at this meeting. Tom Breen said he supported the project. Sandy said that based on Tom B’s
thoughts on the project, she made a motion to approve up to $2500 for the project. Tom C
seconded the motion and it passed a vote of the group. Robb asked about making a map of
dilapidated fence for the JHWF (about 2-4 hours of Robb’s time would be necessary to complete
the map project). The board said that Robb could begin the project. The fences would be
improved or removed. Tom C asked about getting some funding from other sources for the 1955
layer. Robb hadn’t received any other fund commitments other than the $500 from the National
Elk Refuge and $1500 from GTNP.
Dan – Snake River Ranch Stream Flow Gaging Station Cost-Share request. The total cost is
$8612, so our half would be $4306 for the year (FY 2014). Scott asked if Bill Resor has done a
bid process for the estimate. Scott moved to approve the 50/50 cost-share split with Snake
River Ranch for up to $4306 for the flow gaging. Sandy seconded the motion. Tom S
offered a friendly amendment for Snake River Ranch to submit TAC applications in the
future. The group accepted the friendly amendment and passed a vote of the group.
Dan had been approached about TCD possibly funding an individual system for septic treatment.
Scott suggested that TCD doesn’t want to start funding individual septic systems right now and
advised Dan to tell them that we probably wouldn’t entertain an application for the project at this
time. We are in the process of developing a strategy for dealing with individual septic systems.
Rich Greenwood had some questions for Dan about the septic map and is working on the project.
Tom C had a question about the use of barley straw for algal control in ponds and he said that his
company uses a product that may be more effective and tidy than the submerged barley bales.
Dan gave a brief overview of the recent meetings regarding the Fish Creek Study with the
USGS. Dan updated the group on DEQ’s intentions to de-list Flat Creek from the 303 (d) list
(Threatened and Impaired List). DEQ and Dan will be setting up sampling sites and monitoring
the results for evidence to de-list the stream.
There had recently been some flooding from Flat Creek on the community pathway in the Russ
Garamin Park in Jackson (near the Lockhart headgate). Dan had been contacted by Kelly
Lockhart regarding the area by his headgate with flooding following, especially when the Gros
Ventre flows reached the area. In early May, possibly before the Gros Vente flow reached the
area, the flow was at 90cfs and on the 14th of May, the flow was as 125cfs it continued to
increase to 150cfs when the flooding was active. Dan suggested that anchor rocks placed in
TCD’s Flat Creek Project structures (for frazil ice mitigation) might be effective in helping with
flow control and keeping enough water in the pipe for Kelly Lockhart’s water right. Shawn
O’Mally had contacted Dan on May 6 regarding a conversation between Kelly Lockhart and
Shawn about Kelly not getting his full water right last year. Kelly said he had not been getting
his full water right because of changes to the stream from the structures placed as a part of the
Flat Creek Enhancement Project. Kelly said that he would be putting in his own structure to
ensure the water he needed, if the existing structures were not redesigned so that he would
receive his full water right.
Tom C suggested that this could be a learning experience in a number of ways. He said that the
process of doing work in the creek needs to be clarified, specifically consulting the board before
actions are taken. He said that determining flooding-prone conditions before hand and having
the area fully surveyed would be useful. He felt that the responsibility of doing the work should
have been a factor in making the decision to do the work. Tom C asked if it is TCD’s
responsibility to deliver the water or is it Kelly’s responsibility to get the water (i.e. putting in his
own structures for water delivery). Scott suggested that it is possible that the work we did could
have changed the amount of water delivered in his pipe. Tom C said that it was speculation
whether we changed the amount of water that he was getting. The impacts associated with the
structure were unknown. Based on observations by Dan and Tom C, they both said that it
probably would flood in that area. Tom C said he was worried about ongoing potential impact to
the riparian area. He was also concerned about the costs to mitigate the situation and it may have
been better for Kelly to do the work himself and then ask TCD for reimbursement if in fact
TCD’s structures did have an impact on the amount of water Kelly received. Dan responded that
he consulted with the TOJ, Bodie Barney (Water Master) and other parties involved.
Kelly’s water right dates from 1910 and pre-dates all FEMA and other regulations related to Flat
Creek. Dan explained that his priorities were to assist the landowner and do what he could do at
the time with TCD resources. Scott added that this area floods regularly, so it is hard to tell if
our work made any difference in flooding activity or if the pathway is just poorly situated and
floods independently of our work. Scott suggested that we look at our process of making this
kind of decision. Kelly had flooding problems last winter and had a hard time getting help from
the TOJ. Scott agreed with Tom C’s evaluation that we didn’t adequately study the situation and
probably should have let Kelly Lockhart handle the situation on his own. Tom S said we/Dan
were probably trying to help and Kelly wouldn’t have done an elevation study before doing any
work on his own.
Scott asked about what we do when the water comes up again. Scott asked about managing the
Gros Ventre levels so that we can keep the pathway from flooding. Tom S said the
communicating with Community Pathways and knowing that the area will flood occasionally
may be out best long term plan. Randy suggested that we might talk to the TOJ about cleaning
out the Kelly’s tube which delivers his water right (which the TOJ constructed and agreed to
clean/maintain - but it has not done the maintenance). Dan asked about protocol for problems
that may need to be addressed by Randy and/or the TCD board. Tom C suggested that if he had
been consulted on this situation, he would have advised against doing any work in the creek.
Dan said that he/TCD has always worked in the interest of the irrigator and that was his intention
in this situation. Tom S suggested that our heart was in the right place on this project, but we
may not have had all the information necessary and we need to find a strategy for the near and
long term. Tom C suggested that it may only take moving some of the top rocks to allow for
Kelly to get his water and not disrupt the whole structure. Scott asked if the TOJ had the
responsibility to the irrigator for the water right, and if that is the case, Kelly needs to provide the
documentation and provide that to the TOJ so they can recognize their responsibility in the
situation. Scott said that he would be willing to talk with Kelly directly.
Tom B had questions about the filling the irrigation tube and what would be necessary to create
that situation, and if it would always take flood conditions to make that happen. Tom C
suggested that TCD remove itself from the situation as much as possible, allowing Kelly to
mitigate the situation if he feels that is necessary. Scott said we so have a stake in the situation
because of our involvement and structure placement in Flat Creek. Tom S said we should try to
do a little mitigation if possible, and keep in contact with Kelly. Sandy said there wasn’t a clear
win/win scenario. Randy added that Tom Wesche was available to help us, and the reason he
had to disengage from the Flat Creek Enhancement Project was primarily due to difficulty in
working with the TOJ as a partner. Randy offered to facilitate a meeting with the parties
involved. Several suggestions were made by the group for mitigation practices. Tom S
suggested fine tuning the structure and to tell Kelly that we’ve done what we can do and leave it
to him to decide his next move. Dan suggested that we not make adjustments and let Kelly make
his decision.
Tom S suggested getting something in writing from Shawn/TOJ in regarding their responsibility
to Kelly about his water right/tube maintenance. We would then contact Kelly saying we aren’t
able to do any mitigation at this point, and we would advise him about getting Bodie Barney
involved and ask the TOJ to fix the problem. Sandy asked about the accuracy of the “full pipe”
water right and if we are sure that is what he should get. Tom C said he gets 1cf per 70 acres
plus an additional 1 cf per 70 acres because he is in the flood plain. Sandy suggested that we
should tell Kelly that we don’t have the authority, information or ability to do anything on our
part and to seek help from Bodie and TOJ to remedy the issue of his lack of water in the pipe.
Randy will set up a meeting with Bob McLauren to explain our situation and the TOJ should
take some responsibility.
Tom C suggested returning the structure to its original state by taking out the work we did last
Tuesday. Sandy said we shouldn’t alter the creek and talk to people first before any actions are
taken. Scott thought we should talk to our partners first before tinkering with the structure. Tom
Breen agreed with Scott, but also liked Tom C’s view and rationale. Randy and Dan thought that
we had an obligation to keep to our conversation with Kelly by which we made some structure
changes. Tom C added that we shouldn’t work on Kelly’s structure, but he could submit a
funding request if he did have to do some work.
Randy – Randy has not received a copy of the NRTAB MOU for signatures, but is expecting to
receive it soon. Tom C asked about the term of Tom S’s chairmanship and if when that expires
in November, another TCD member will be on the NRTAB Executive Board. Scott had a
question about the effective date of the MOU – whether it starts 3 years from the day we sign it,
or if it started in 2010. Sandy suggested that the resolution (dated June 14, 2010) be attached to
the NRTAB MOU (it outlines how the NRTAB was formed and its initial phase). Sandy moved
that Tom S be authorized to sign the MOU for NRTAB and with the final signature, the
resolution referred to in the document be attached and official copies disseminated to the 3
We had received word from the USGS that they would like to extend the end date of the Fish
Creek Study from May 31, 2013 to September 30, 2013. Scott moved to approve the extension
of the Fish Creek Study (extends the date only, no money) Sandy seconded the motion and
it passed a vote. Tom C asked if we had heard back regarding the AG letter. Randy responded
that we hadn’t heard anything, but had received confirmation that the letter had been delivered
(certified mail confirmation). Tom C asked Randy about legal representation of Conservation
Adjournment: The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:58pm and the board entered into
Executive Session. Following the Executive Session, the board moved back into the regular
meeting and adjourned at 9:53pm. Scott made the motion to adjourn and Sandy seconded.
Minutes submitted on June 26, 2013.
Submitted by:_____________________________
Emily Hagedorn
Tom Segerstrom
Scott Pierson
Staff Report to the TCD Board for the May 21 Board Meeting
Emily Hagedorn, Administrative Manager for the May 21, 2013 Board Meeting:
Action Items:
1. Approval of electrical work for heated door mats and copier. I recently spoke with Dick Wheeler
(our landlord) and he said that he would pay ½ of the copier circuit, ½ of the mats and he has a guy
looking into whether heat tape would be effective for our roof/gutter situation (Bill Woodward is the
guy who is looking at it for him). The quote from 98 Electric for heat tape on the gutters and a little on
the roof edge for the north side of the office entrance came in at $1285. Should we go ahead with the
circuits for the mats ($1605) and wait to hear back from Mr. Wheeler?
2. NRCS MOU – Would TCD like to update an MOU with NRCS? (tabled until July)
3. GTNP Contract – Requesting approval of TCD/GTNP contract for reimbursement of gaging station
costs (we’ve already signed a 5 year contract with the USGS)
Information Items:
1. Working on as a Group:
Grant Reporting – WDA RHAP Rangeland Grant – invoices are coming in
Pass-Through Projects – Game & Fish Pass through – project is complete
TCD Website – Working with Kristen/Rachel and staff to develop new web site
WACD Convention – we’ve had our first working meeting and are strategizing
June 25 Board Meeting – Guests? Topics Decisions? Suggestions?
2. Working on individually:
Accounting –David Toran is doing our cash reconciliations, we installed QB pro 2013.
Assoc. TCD Member – I have yet to receive any communication from Boyd Bowles
Training – reviewing HR updates/ DVD and other Admin-related materials
USGS – I need to update our USGS spreadsheet and pre-bill USGS for 2nd Qtr 2013
Events /Fieldtrips – I will be working a booth at the Eco-Fair on Sat. May 11.
3. Calendar:
May 11th – Eco-Fair
May 21st – TCD Board Meeting
June 25th – TCD Board Meeting
4. Miscellaneous:
Health & Safety – We are still working on the icing issue on the steps.
Rachel Daluge, Natural Resources Specialist:
Action Items:
1. Wildlife Fencing Meeting– Sandy has asked me to look into organizing a Wildlife Fencing meeting/forum
with area agencies, organizations, and the community. We’d like to discuss what types of information each
entity is presenting and where we might be missing collaborating efforts. Specifically what TCD should
advocate for. We would like to do a meeting sometime between June 5th and 7th. Please let us know which
day and time works best for you. I am currently working on suggestions received from Christen Page,
developer of A Landowners Guide to Fencing and Wildlife.
TCD Parking Lot Cleanup – Please see pictures below. I’ve spoken to staff about this and we thought it
would be best to talk with the Board regarding support and funding for cleaning up the offices back parking
area. Our intention is to have this area be an educational spot where we can invite the public to and do
demos (compost, Edible Aquifer, etc.). Emily has said that there is currently money in the budget for us to
do something like this. We can go big or small and some of my ideas include:
 Planting a few native shrubs/trees in the ground and/or potted
 Raking, putting down soil/compost/mulch, and/or a native grass/forb seed mix
 Xeriscaping with rocks and drought-resistant plants
 Rain barrel and/or garden hose and reel (there is a faucet out there)
 Potted veggies and/or native plants, grasses, etc.
 Picnic table with umbrella (one that can be brought to other events)
 Properly placed bird feeder and/or other backyard wildlife tools
 Homemade Composter and bike rack
 Storage shed for these summer items and for dirty/heavy TCD tools
Please let us know if you approve of this and if so how much we can spend and if you have any other ideas for
the outside area and/or future events to be held there.
Information Items:
1. 5th Annual Native Plant Species Seminar – The 5th Annual Native Plant Species Seminar that was held
on Friday, May 3rd was a total success! 75 community members attended and 13 speakers talked about
topics related to native plants at no cost to us. TSS, CRC let us use their venue and also provided coffee,
hot water, and staff assistance for free. The Wyoming Native Plant Society volunteered by organizing
speakers, topics, and helping throughout the day. We received $100 in sponsorship from Agrostics Inc. and
$500 in donations from attendees. Thank you to Tom S. and Emily for speaking and helping throughout the
day. I spoke about Native Plant Tools, helped organize, advertise, sent out a press release, was interviewed
for an article in the JH News and Guide, and lead the day. Currently I am working on correlating the survey
results and I will have those available with pictures of the day at our next Board meeting. As always, thank
you for supporting this wonderful community event!
Alta/Teton Basin Community Workshop – Please see the included survey results and pictures. The Teton
Basin Workshop and Open House that was held on Wednesday, April 24 th went very well. Over 30
community members attended and many local agencies, organizations, and community members from both
sides of the Tetons presented and discussed rural living/small acreage, wildfire, natural resources and other
topics. JH Fire/EMS gave $200, TCWP gave $250, and TCS&WCD gave $125 to help with costs for this
event. Thank you to Randy and Robb for speaking and helping throughout the evening. I helped to organize
the event, advertise (including door to door), sent out a news release, set up food, made and put up
signs/flyers, spoke to community members, and ran the welcome table.
Coffee/Tea with the Conservation District (CC) – Robb spoke at our third CC which was held on April
24th and I was unable to attend as I was preparing for the Alta/Teton Basin Workshop that was held that
evening. Our next and final CC for the year will be May 29 th and Randy will discuss Alternative Energy
and Natural Gas Options. All CCs are open to the public, held at our office at 10a, each will be about 1
hour long, and on the last Wednesday of every month February – May 2013.
Community Wildfire Protection Plan Open House and Education Committee –The CWPP Open
House that we helped to host on April 18th went well. Attendance was low but many organizations were
represented. I helped to organize the event, helped with a news release, and ran the welcome and
educational tables. I am continuing to provide assistance with this group’s education committee and we’re
looking into having a Fuels Reduction Day this summer where a chipper and Fire wise information will be
available to the community.
Exploring Energy Efficiency and Alternatives (E3A) – Please see included flyer. Save the date and plan
to attend our upcoming Exploring Energy Efficiency & Alternatives (E3A) Workshops. I’ve contacted JH
Energy Sustainability Project, Lower Valley Energy, Creative Energies, and other businesses and
nonprofits to help support this event. At this 3 part series, Hudson Hill from the University of Wyoming
will be discussing with the public the benefits and challenges of using alternative energy options. The
workshops will be located at the University of WY 4H/Extension Building. At the 1st workshop we will
discuss General Energy Management for Home, Farm, & Ranch on Wednesday, May 22nd 2013 from 10am
– 12pm, at the second workshop we will discuss Solar Hot Water and Electricity for Home, Farm & Ranch
on Thursday, May 30th 2013 from 1 – 3pm, and at the 3rd workshop we will discuss Biodiesel, Microhydropower, and Small Wind Energy for Home, Farm, & Ranch on Tuesday, June 4th 2013 from 3 – 5pm.
Presentations are planned to be held outside at an interactive learning trailer (in case of bad weather they
will be held inside in the lower classroom). We’re asking that people RSVP to me. Please help spread the
Eco-Fair 2013 – The Eco-Fair that was held on May 11 was a success! We spoke to 100’s of community
members about our programs and projects. Along with our display we also had promo items, native plant
guides, links to the Rural Living Handbook and other tools on that can be found on our website, plastic
noxious weeds, kid’s items, and compost. Thank you to Randy, Sandy, and Emily for their help this year.
New this year, people were encouraged to fill out a survey to receive a promo item. Currently I am working
on correlating the survey results and I will have those available with pictures of the day at our next Board
Fish Creek USGS Meetings – Randy asked me to assist Dan with the upcoming Fish Creek USGS
meetings. I have helped to organize the advertisement for the newspaper and have spread the word in as
many ways as possible.
FY 2014 Budget and POW – I have emailed my FY 2014 TCD Budget and POW sections to my Board
liaisons. I’d be happy to meet with you and talk about my Budget and POW for this year and any
questions/suggestions you might have for me. Just let me know when would work for you.
Home Show 2013- The Home Show that was held on April 19th and 20th went well. We spoke to 100’s of
community members about our programs and projects. Along with our display we also had promo items,
native plant guides, links to the Rural Living Handbook and other tools that can be found on our website,
plastic noxious weeds, kids items, and updated green display posters. Thank you to Randy, Robb, Mark
(TCWP), and Emily for their help this year. New this year, we encouraged people to fill out a survey to
receive a promo item. Currently I am working on correlating the survey results and I will have those
available with pictures of the day at our next Board meeting.
10. Native Plant and Restoration Questions – As the weather begins to warm up the native plant and
restoration questions have begun to come in. I am currently assisting the landowners Rachel Bechoefer and
Louise Galiher with plant information.
11. Noxious Weed Cost Share Program and JHWMA– As I was not able to attend, I was told that the
TCD/TCWP Noxious Weed Cost-share Program Workshop that was held on Wednesday, April 17th was a
success! Speakers and topics include herbicides and their uses as well as TCDs Noxious Weed Cost Share
program updates. Thank you to Tom S. for representing TCD at this event. An article regarding our
program was listed in this month’s TCWP newsletter. Advertisements for this year’s program have also
begun and updated applications are available. As the weather gets warmer people have begun to call in
about this year’s program. FYI - A few changes have been made this year:
 The re-enrollment portion of the program has been eliminated. If a property has been enrolled in the
program in the past, it will remain enrolled. In order to receive reimbursement, they must turn in all
required materials by the third Wednesday in October every year (10/16/13 this year). Visit
www.tcweed.org or www.tetonconservation.org for program forms and information.
 Signature by the landowner is required on all reimbursement request forms. This is to ensure that all
landowners are aware of the amount of reimbursement that is being requested.
 To guarantee that funds are distributed to participants correctly, all reimbursement checks will be mailed
directly to landowners.
 Re-mapping of properties will begin this season starting with properties that have been enrolled
continuously in the program and were among the first to be mapped. We have set aside monies for this in
the FY 2014 budget. This is expected to be completed over the course of several years, and will hopefully
demonstrate a decrease in weed populations. Through this process, it will also be possible to detect new
unmapped species. Landowners will be contacted by a Teton County Weed and Pest District representative
to schedule this re-mapping appointment.
 If treatment is performed by someone other than the landowner, this person must be a licensed
commercial applicator in the State of Wyoming. Also, all application records (performed by landowner
OR commercial applicator) including: dates, time spent, method of application, name of herbicide used,
amount of herbicide applied, etc. must be included with the request-for-reimbursement materials.
12. Ranch Day – Randy would like me to look into a TCD hosted 1 st Annual Ranch Day. Current ideas include
inviting the community to a local ranch to tour the operations as well as help with a ranch project. We
would like to do this sometime in August. If you have any ranch contacts or ideas regarding this please let
me know.
13. Planning and Development Reviews and TOJ Lodging Overlay- As required by state statue, on behalf
of the District I review natural resource related items pertaining to TC planning and development reviews.
Thank you to everyone who has been sending me suggestions to the latest reviews. This month, I have
received plans to review documents regarding the Lodges at Fish Creek Sketch Plan in the Teton Village
Residential South area. The reviewing documents can be found on the Planning Department Website under
Current Applications > Plan Review Committee or I can send you a link to them. Please let me know if you
have any comments by May 30th. I submitted comments regarding the Town of Jackson’s updated Lodging
Overlay. I also attended the first of many meetings regarding the LDR updates.
14. Technical Assistance and Cost Share Grant Program – I helped to advertise this program and
troubleshoot grant related questions with the public.
15. WACD Convention – On May 7th, TCD staff and Board met with WACD representatives regarding
WACD Convention to be held in Jackson November 18 th – 22nd this year. We’ve been asked to help with
organization of the event as well as finding sponsors and trade show participants. I have contacted the JH
Chamber of Commerce for assistance. Staff would like to ask the Board to help with finding sponsors for
this event. Please contact us for more information.
16. Website and Facebook – I am working with staff on updating our website. We have a lot of information to
add, remove, change, etc. I’ve developed a tasks sheet for each staff member to work on. Our current
contract with Redtopia is not up until June 30th. Please let me know if you would like to see something
added or changed to our site. I am continuing to update our Facebook page with current events and program
updates on a weekly basis.
Robb Sgroi
Conservation Programs Coordinator
Action Items
Teton County Planning & Development – TAC Timeline Extension Request:
TCP&D released a Request for Proposal, approved by BoCC, to identifying focal habitat features. TCP&D
is interested in TCD’s capacity to contribute dollars to the project. TCPD is requesting an extension for the
TAC grant cycle, to allow them to submit a TAC request after proposals from the RFP are received.
Please see TCP&D’s extension request and RFP.
Fence information request through Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation.
I have been communicating with Greg at JHWF to share information on potential fencing improvements.
During our range monitoring, we observed dilapidated fence in areas, including Forage Reserves.
Fence in its current condition is working for neither cattle nor wildlife. The option of fence removal may
create more difficult conditions in the future for grazing on forage reserves. Fence repair may enhance
those conditions. Greg explained JHWF is shifting from fence removal to fence improvement projects, as
much of their fence removal has been completed.
Would the Board like to direct me to provide a map of areas of dilapidated fence, to JHWF?
Kim Clark, permittee on the Munger Mountain Allotment, submitted a TAC form. He requested technical
and financial assistance in improving two cattle guards. I worked closely with Kim to develop the TAC
application, including project assessment, writing the TAC grant, and soliciting bids.
Information Items
1. Mapping Resources- Kelly Francis, of Aero-Graphics, Inc., has initiated development of the 1955
aerial imagery GIS layer. Kathy Mellander of GTNP will contribute $1500 to support the project. National
Elk Refuge has been invoiced for their $500 contribution.
Emily and I are working to complete billing within FY 2013 for this project.
NRCS’s data gateway has 2012 aerial imagery, which I have requested.
2. Rangeland Monitoring- Brenda Ashworth, of the Star Valley Conservation District, is developing a
range monitoring program on Forest Service lands in her District. She is conducting this through a
Wyoming Dept of Agriculture RHAP grant. This is a new endeavor and Brenda is in many ways in a
similar position that TCD was in several years ago. I spoke to Brenda several times over the phone, and
Randy and I met with her at her Afton office to share information on the project. I have showed and sent
extensive documentation to Brenda. This includes examples of contracts, our Challenge Cost Share
Agreement, our methodology guidebooks, examples of monitoring history documents, and templates for
data collection. Randy & I assisted in reviewing the proposals she received from her RFP.
Agreements with BTNF. BTNF produced a Collection Agreement for our Amended RHAP grant. The
Collection Agreement allows them to bill us for $9,954 of the RHAP grant. Chairman Tom Segerstrom,
BTNF Forest Supervisor, and USFS Grants & Agreements Specialist signed the document. A bill for
collection, at $9,954, has been submitted to TCD.
Rangeland Health Assessment Program (RHAP)- A mid-term grant report was due April 30th. I submitted
a five page report to Wyoming Department of Agriculture; it is available upon request.
Kim Clark- Munger Mountain fencing project. Kim and I conducted a site visit to look at two potential
fence locations on the south end of the Munger Mountain Allotment. The fences would reduce cattle
movement from the allotment onto S US Hwy 89. I made a research request to WYDOT for Right of Way
information, which they fulfilled. We are negotiating the complexities of implementing these projects. I
will be requesting advice from Board Liaisons.
Nick Padilla, Range Management Specialist on the Bighorn National Forest, requested assistance on
crosswalking datasets and providing tools that we developed for data entry. He heard about our project
through our presentation last winter in Casper at the Stockgrowers Convention. I provided Nick project
information, and tools we developed, including data spreadsheet templates.
3. NRTAB- Reviewed Request for Proposal for the Key Habitat Features contract.
Attended the April 30th meeting, including NRTAB, TCP&D, Wildlife Conservation Society, and public
(JHCA). Took notes and produced minutes.
I assisted TCP&D with developing a list of potential contractors for the Focal Habitat Features RFP.
4. WCDEAI am communicating with WCDEA to cooperate on potential training, supported by Area V
Representatives, for the November WACD Convention in Jackson.
5. Sage Grouse Working Group
I supported GTNP in sage grouse surveys during their final week of surveys. Surveys run from late March
to mid-May. We surveyed the Moulton Lek and a lek west of the Snake River in GTNP.
6. TAWPC- TAWPC planned for and hosted an open house at the Junior High, on April 18 th. Randy,
Rachel, and I supported this. We had a 15 minute introduction, and eight subject matter booths.
Attendance was very low (~6 people). Thanks to Scott Pierson and Tom Segerstrom for attending.
7. Other
TCD hosted a booth at the Snow King Home Show, on Friday, April 19 th, and Saturday, April 20th. We
engaged in conservation conversation with many constituents.
Alta Workshop- TCD and several other groups (Fire/EMS, Teton County Idaho Soil & Water CD, etc.)
hosted an open house in Alta to inform people of our services. Randy, Rachel & I hosted a booth.
Wilderness First Responder (WFR)– refresher. I took a two day refresher course to recertify my WFR,
then produced recommendations for staff training, office equipment, and field equipment.
Native Plant Seminar- I delivered a half hour talk on Range Management, focusing on the ‘lens’ through
which range managers see plants, and local conditions affecting growing conditions. The talk went well
and a number of questions followed, including discussion on the Grazing Improvement Act.
Coffee With Conservation District- We had three people attended the CCD. Thanks to Scott and Randy
for participating. Historic Aerial Imagery and Agricultural Resources were discussed. Two of the
attendees were agricultural producers, with whom we spoke in detail regarding their current issues and
needs. I followed up with each participant, and we will continue the process of working with them.
Annual meeting with Congressional Field Representatives. Randy and I met with representatives for our
Congressmen. Pam Buline provided information on the status of the ‘Grazing Improvement Act’, which
Barrasso recently spoke on behalf of. Neither DoA or DoI support the bill in its current state, but do
support changes to improve efficiency of the process. We will keep you updated.
Jackson Hole River Parks Project- has a new website with information on whitewater parks, the studies
they have funded, their mission, etc. www.jhriverparks.org
Principles of Range Management course- finished in early May. Thank you for support for the course. I
have utilized concepts in the course to assist our agricultural producers. Course grade = A.
Wildland Fire course- The course will run through early June. Course content has been applicable to our
efforts in TAWPC and on the Community Wildlife Protection Plan.
Dan Leemon, Water Resource Specialist:
Action Items:
1) Snake River Ranch Stream Flow Gaging Stations – Bill Resor inquired if the Teton Conservation
District would be interested in doing a 50/50 cost share in cooperation with Biota Research and Consulting
Inc. for stream gaging at four stations located in the Granite Creek Supplemental Ditch (above and below
the Lake Creek crossing), at Lake Creek below the Granite Supplemental Ditch, and Lake Creek at Hwy.
390. The cost is $2153 per site or $8612 for all four stations, at 50% cost share, TCD’s cost would be
$4306. TCD has cost shared with the Snake River Ranch for the last two irrigation seasons and previously
had paid the USGS to perform the monitoring.
2) Lockhart Cattle Company Diversion @ Garmin Park – I have been working with Kelly Lockhart to
insure that the Flat Creek Enhancement Project work is not interfering with his ability to receive his full
historic water right at the diversion located on the north end of Garmin Park near Crabtree Lane in Jackson.
Kelly explained to me that his water right from Flat Creek calls for the diversion pipe to be full during
irrigation season. The diversion in question once consisted of an open ditch but was converted to an
underground pipe by the Town of Jackson in the past. Kelly explained to me that last season he was not
receiving his full water right at the diversion. Kelly stated that he would be within his rights to construct a
concrete weir across Flat Creek in order to insure he receives his full water right. In cooperation with the
Town of Jackson, the State Engineers office, Teton County Parks and Rec., and Terra Firma Excavation we
have attempted to adjust the in-stream structures near the diversion to insure that the diversion pipe is full. I
completed a floodplain development permit as an agent for Kelly Lockhart with the Town of Jackson in
order for Terra Firma to complete the in-stream adjustments. Terra Firma completed the in-stream work on
Tuesday May 14th and the diversion pipe was full. I received a call on May 15th that the pathway adjacent
to the diversion structure was flooding. I will continue to work with Randy and provide an update at the
May meeting.
3) Fish Creek Road Development and Advanced Septic Treatment – I have been informed by a local
consultant about a new development on Fish Creek Road that is planning on installing a traditional raised
mound system. The consultant has explained that the development is directly on Fish Creek and may
benefit from an advanced septic treatment system. The consultant would like to know if the district would
provide any financial incentive for the landowner to install either the Advantex System or a residential
treatment wetland.
Information Items:
1) Watershed Improvement District (WID) – Bill Wotkyns will be attending the May Board meeting to provide
an update on the status of the WID petition.
2) Water Quality Monitoring –
Flat Creek 303(d) Listing – I completed a complete walk thru of the Flat Creek watershed with Wyoming
Department of Environmental Quality personnel, along with several visits with watershed landowners, in
order to identify new monitoring locations for the TCD monitoring program and WYDEQ monitoring
efforts to collect data toward a delisting of Flat Creek
b) TCD Sampling and Analysis Plans – I won’t have the time to update the Fish and Flat Creek Sampling
and Analysis plans to reflect our changing monitoring objectives prior to the peak flow season. I will
proceed with sampling outlined in the current plans and adjust the plans after consulting with Randy and
my Board contact before fall sampling.
3) WACD Residential Treatment Wetland Video – In conjunction with WACD we completed the production of
an informational video about the demonstration residential treatment wetland located in the Fish Creek
watershed. WACD provided the services of a professional videographer and the landowner and contractor took
part in the shooting of the video. Big thanks to WACD Watershed Coordinator, Cathy Rosenthal for organizing
the production.
4) Fish Creek Investigation – We completed our initial outreach efforts for the USGS/TCD Fish Creek
Investigation. We presented our findings to the TCD Board on the evening of May 14th. We held a public open
house in Wilson on the evening of May 15th. The open house was well attended and the discussion was very
good. We also met with quite a few WY Department of Environmental Quality personal in Lander, WY on the
afternoon of May 16th. The discussion was very productive and I will update the TCD Board at the May
5) Cooperative Snake River Sampling Program – I’ve continued to coordinate with the Greater Yellowstone
Network, The USGS Wyoming Water Science Center, and the Snake River Fund on the establishment of a long
term water quality trend monitoring program on the Snake River. Kirk Miller is working on a proposal for TCD
that includes cooperative USGS funding. Andy Ray from the Greater Yellowstone Network is developing a
draft sampling and analysis plan and I am looking forward to having everything put together for a proposal to
submit to the TCD Board at the June 2013 meeting.
6) Barley Straw and Pond Algae Control – I’ve been researching the use of barley straw to control pond algae
and aquatic plant growth for the last couple of years and have found a cheap local source of barley straw bales. I
purchased several bales at $2 apiece and will be distributing them to landowners to test their effectiveness.
Randy Williams, Executive Director:
Action Items:
1. NRTAB MOU – We are receiving signed copies of the NRTAB MOU from the TOJ and Teton County for
the TCD Board to consider for joint approval and signature. Please see the emailed copies and/or hard
copies for reference.
Executive Session - Water Resources Specialist & Conservation Programs Coordinator annual evaluation.
USGS Fish Creek Contract Extension – Please see the electronic and/or hard copy of this no cost
extension request for USGS to publish the report of the Fish Creek Study and close out the contract.
Information Items:
Star Valley CD – Robb and I met with Brenda Ashworth on April 18 th with additional follow up to provide
assistance to SVCD in their process of soliciting contractors to conduct range monitoring studies on allotments in
the Greys River Ranger District of the BTNF. Brenda has two RHAP grants from the WDA to assist the SVCD in
conducting the monitoring efforts.
Snake River Restoration Project – Scott Pierson and I met with Teton County and USACOE
representatives to review sections of the levied portion of the Snake River including above and below
Solitude, the Gros Ventre lower reach and adjacent Snake River reach, and Site 9 above Wilson Bridge.
We had previously reviewed Site 2 off of lower Fall Creek Road. Mark Mendenhall of the USACOE is
preparing a draft plan to proceed with prioritizing next efforts and identifying elements to be considered for
performance by the partners. The County has removed the remaining Ecofences that were visible at site 9.
TCD will be correlating with WGFD to perform electroshocking and/or seining on the site 9 ponds to
determine species of fish in the ponds. It will be important to understand whether native cutthroat are using
the ponds or if a greater amount of non-native trout are present and if any other sensitive species are
Teton County Integrated Solid Waste & Recycling – I have had several meetings with TCISWR and
also with Terra Firma Organics to participate in discussions of continued planning for transition of the
County Landfill through the permitted closure process and developing the strategy to move forward with a
revised transfer station facility and the overall waste stream processing, with an emphasis on options to
consider for the organics waste stream. I have also met with a representative of the Cottonwood
subdivision to consider assistance to them in gathering, removal, and recycling of yard and tree/shrub waste
for composting use. I will update the Board at our May Board meeting on recommended assistance.
Teton Area Wildfire Protection Coalition – Rachel, Robb, and I have participated in the TAWPC
Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) draft plan open house at the Jackson Middle School on April
18 and are each following up with subcommittees of TAWPC to assist completion of the CWPP. A
National Fire Plan Association (NFPA) FireWise training will be held here in Jackson on June 18 & 19.
Robb and I are scheduled to attend the training in order to be better prepared for our National Fire Plan
project this FY 2014. This project is pending grant approval at this time and we should know in June if we
are successful in receiving the grant.
Teton Area Advisory Forum (TAAF) – I have attended two TAAF meetings and a planning meeting with
Rachel for our preparation of the multi-agency Alta Open House which was conducted on April 24 th. We
had reasonable success with about 30 citizens attending in addition to the agencies and organizations
present. A May 22 meeting at 6:00-8:00 pm is scheduled at the High School in Driggs for the public to
provide initial input and receive information regarding issues of the USFS management of Teton Canyon.
The Teton Basin Ranger District is desirous to conduct fire fuels reduction, hazard tree removal, and in
conjunction with WGFD, conduct wildlife habitat improvements, as well as make recreation improvements
to the Teton Canyon area. The Teton Canyon area, which is within Wyoming, receives heavy use of up to
1,000 people per day in the summer season and includes a wilderness trailhead, a Boy Scout Camp, and
dispersed camping. The meeting in Driggs will help determine public interest in proceeding with a
collaborative process to provide input to the USFS in future management of the canyon.
Coffee with the Conservation District – These informal outreach efforts have been very useful with
typically 8-12 people attending. The next one will be discussing alternative energy and natural gas for
vehicle fuels and is scheduled for May 29 from 10:00 – 11:00 am.
FY 2014 Draft POW & Budget – Please review the electronic copy and/or hard copy editions and I have
asked each staff member to correlate with their respective Supervisor and Associate Supervisor liaisons to
correlate the FY 2014 Plan of Work and Budget changes.
Cooperating Agency Status Request Template – The Sublette County CD has developed a template
letter and language for requesting Cooperating Agency Status when so desired by Conservation Districts in
federal land management agency decision processes. Please see the copy emailed and/or hard copy for