Topic: The reasoning behind, and effects of, the on

Topic: The reasoning behind, and effects of, the on-line Personas of Schizophrenics
1. Hook (something to grab the reader’s attention. You can start with an
interesting statistic, a quote, a short story, etc…
2. Definition of On-line personas and schizophrenia
3. Thesis – People diagnosed with schizophrenia are often attracted to fake online personas, causing distress for both themselves and those they interact with
on the internet.
Body Paragraphs (for each paragraph have a topic sentence and then
information to support it. Make at least two solid points per paragraph)
1. The draw to on-line fake personalities for those with schizophrenia
Information - (Example – Schizophrenics have often said that their
true selves are able to come alive on-line. According to Dr. Stevens,
schizophrenics’ brains are …..)
Other Information
2. What happens on-line (what do they do? Who do they speak to? What is the
interaction like?)
3. What the effects are for them as they continue down that path.
4. What the effects are for others they speak to on-line (the issues this causes)
5. Treatments (ways of solving this issue) / programs set forth to solve this issue
1. Wrap up of information. (Re-state your thesis using new phrasing)
2. Last thoughts, a wrap-up, interesting thought to leave the reader with, etc…
Requirements: Minimum of four to five full pages, typed, 12 pt. font, double spaced, Times
New Roman, MLA format.
Your essay should include –
1. Hook, Basic information about topic and Thesis. (Intro Paragraph)
2. Body Paragraphs (Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that addresses a
different issue within your thesis.) Support with your research.
3. Conclusion.
Your essay will include
1. Research from a minimum of five reliable sources. (Blogs and Wikipedia are not
reliable sources.)
2. A reference to the film “Catfish”.
3. Direct quotes and paraphrased ideas from reliable sources. You must cite them at
the end of the quote / idea.
4. Full Bibliography (MLA)
This is NOT an argument essay. Do not write “In my personal opinion. …or, “stupid as it may
sound.” This is formal writing. You are simply explaining a topic in detail.
Rough Draft Due – Dec 18th (Please hand in a paper draft) We will do peer edits the last few
days before break.
Final Draft Due Jan 5th on Turn It In at 11:59pm
Citations and Bibliography
Whenever you take an exact quote, or you are paraphrasing a big idea from someone else, you have to
cite it.
Example: “Then let you not earn it” (Miller 40). This quote is from page 40 of The Crucible by Arthur
Miller. So, when you cite a quote it is the author’s last name and page number.
Newspaper and Magazine Citations
Cite the author’s last name and page number of the article. You might want to set-up your quote stating
According to an article in The New York Times, “blah, bah” (Simmons 3).
Block Quotes
If your quote is more than 3 lines of your essay, you need to block quote. This means tab 2 times (10
spaces). Everything is lined up. The quote itself should be single spaced.
The whiskey on your breath
Could make a small boy dizzy;
But I hung on like death:
Such waltzing was not easy.
We Romped until the pans (Roethke 3)
Bibliography: You need to include a full bibliography as the last page of your paper. Consult
to make your bibliography.