Accommodation - University of St. Thomas

From War to Workplace
Strategies for the Inclusion of
Veterans with Disabilities
The Forum on Workplace Inclusion
March 19, 2015
Judy Young
Cornell University
School of Industrial and Labor Relations
Presentation Overview
Veterans by the numbers
SHRM/Cornell research study
The business case for hiring veterans
Outreach, recruitment, and inclusion strategies
Select recruitment resources
Suggestions for practices to implement and avoid
Signature disabilities: symptoms/accommodations
Final notes and questions
Veterans Statistics
21.8 M veterans in U.S. population
20.2 M male and 1.6 M female
1.64 M were deployed since 2001
52,311 were wounded as of 1/27/2015 (DoD)
90% separating from service are below age 35
26% of those 25 + have at least a Bachelor’s degree
Signature disabilities: PTSD (estimated (400,000),
TBI (estimated 320,000), depression
• 349 service members committed suicide last year
Contributing Factors to Injuries
and Suicide
Extended tours of duty and deployments
Inadequate rest time between deployments
More National Guardsmen and Reservists
Exposure to mortar attacks/roadside bombs
Inadequate screening mechanisms resulting in
under-diagnosed/under-reported injuries
• Impact of injury/disability may manifest after
returning to civilian life
SHRM/Cornell University Study
Do HR professionals have the knowledge,
beliefs, willingness, and practices in place to
be effective in hiring, accommodating, and
retaining veterans with disabilities?
Employer Perspectives
Knowledge Gaps
• 31% of HR respondents did not know which laws
covered veterans with disabilities
• 42% believed USERRA and not ADA applied
• 58% thought applicants must disclose disability
• 41% did not know of accommodation resources
• 73% were unfamiliar with programs and tools that
support the recruitment and hiring of veterans
with disabilities
Employer Perspectives
Willingness and Beliefs
• 73% saw benefits to hiring veterans with disabilities
• 72% believed they perform just as well as others
• 61% believed that accommodating veterans with
disabilities would take more of managers’ time
• 61% were unsure about accommodation costs
• 39% disagreed or strongly disagreed that workers
with PTSD were more likely to be violent
Employer Perspectives
Practices and Processes
• 77% of large and 25% of small organizations
targeted veterans with disabilities in their
• 17% hired a veteran who disclosed a disability,
52% had not, and 31% were unsure
• 74% reported having EAP programs, but only 38%
had one with expertise in veterans’ issues
• 29% had ERGs focusing on veterans; 12% had an
one focused on disability issues
Employer Perspectives
Hiring Concerns
Veterans’ Perspectives
• Almost 60% feared to disclose disability
• Almost half (46%) believed that their disability
would pose barriers to obtaining a variety of jobs
• Substantially fewer (35%) thought their disability
would impede their job performance
• Less than half (44%) were comfortable
communicating accommodation needs
• Discrimination is feared more by those with
signature disabilities than those with other types
Advantages of Hiring Veterans
Ability to learn new skills and concepts
Strong leadership qualities
Flexibility to work in teams or independently
Used to performing under pressure
Proficient in latest technology
Have respect for procedures and accountability
Excel in and value teamwork
Self discipline and strong personal integrity
Strategies for Inclusion
• Designate a go-to person who learns about
resources, benefits, and programs
• Build understanding and awareness about
signature disabilities
• Provide training on cultural competence on
veteran issues
• Consider workplace supports:
 Veteran-focused ERGs
 Mentoring programs
 EAP with veteran expertise
Recruitment Strategies
• Participate in veteran-focused job fairs and visit
relevant job boards and service organizations
• Use your own employees as recruiters
• Advertise in military publications
• Participate in the Army Career and Alumni
Program (ACAP)
• Visit Transition Assistance Programs (TAP)
• Develop relationships with Veterans Workforce
Representatives at American Job Centers:
Outreach Strategies
• Consider using military language in your outreach O*NET’s Military to Civilian Crosswalk / Veteran
Affairs (VA) for VETS Military Skills Translator
• Develop transition-to-employment options: work
experiences, internships and apprenticeships
 Student Veterans of America
 Veterans Service Organizations
 The Mission Continues Fellowships
 Operation Warfighter
 Registered Apprenticeship
 VetSuccess Coming Home to Work Program
Select Hiring Resources
• Wounded Warrior Program:
• Tip of the Arrow Foundation:
• Hero to Hired:
• Student Veterans of America Chapter Locator:
• Recruit Military:
• America’s Heroes at Work:
What HR and Supervisors Should Do
• Review on-boarding processes to ensure it is
consistent, supportive and welcoming to veterans
• Engage in an inclusive approach involving
employees and veterans with disabilities as
stakeholders, including ERGs
• Encourage mentoring and provide effective
supervision to ensure productivity and to maintain
a culture of trust
• Increase awareness and understanding through
access to resources and training
What HR and Supervisors Should Avoid
• Diagnose conditions or speculate about a disability
• Assume that all employees with PTSD or TBI are
alike—each case is different or unique
• Excuse or ignore performance issues until they
become too big to manage
• Assume the employee is “faking it”
• Expect that once an accommodation is in place,
nothing more needs to happen; conditions may
change over time
PTSD, Depression and TBI Symptoms &
Sleep disturbances
• Provide consistent schedule
• Combine short breaks into a long break for a nap
Memory issues
• Written instructions; task reminders
• Electronic organizers; calendars
• Systematic check-ins/tracking systems
More Accommodation Options
Concentration problems
• Break down tasks of large assignments
• Work environment/privacy
• Headphones or white noise
Coping with stress
• Modification of work schedules
• Providing time for: walks or other relaxing activity during
the work day; time off for therapy
• Assignment of a compatible peer or mentor
Accommodations That Work
Example: A retired Army medic had difficulty
managing stress in the workplace due to her
PTSD. Her stress intolerance was intensified
when she heard the emergency medical
helicopter arrive and depart from the hospital
where she worked as a nurse.
The nurse was reassigned to a vacant position
on a unit that was far from the heli-pad.
Accommodations That Work
Example: An individual with PTSD worked in a
university building that was undergoing renovations.
Seeing construction workers who were strangers
caused the employee extreme anxiety.
Accommodation: The employer instituted a checkin procedure and safety badges for all outside
contractors and visitors. To relieve anxiety during the
work day, the employee was also provided break time
to access supports via phone and a computer monitor
mirror to see people approaching her work station.
A Few Final Notes
• Welcoming and supporting veterans in their
integration into the civilian workforce takes
more than good will
• Developing an organizational climate that is
supportive and understanding of military
culture is the key
• Knowing the resources to recruit, hire, promote,
and accommodate veterans is essential to
meeting employment goals and success
And a Few More…
• Realizing the employee/veteran may still be
on a journey to adjust to a newly acquired
disability and to a return to civilian life
• Understanding that employment is vital for
veterans’ recovery
What thoughts and practices do you
Contact Information
Judy Young
Assistant Director, Training and Development
Employment and Disability Institute
Cornell University
School of Industrial and Labor Relations