Chemistry of Metals - Miss Jan's Science Wikispace

Chemistry of Metals
Miss Jan
Chemical reactions of metals SLOs
• investigate the reactions of metals with
oxygen, water, and acids
• write word equations and symbol
equations for the common reactions of
• write chemical formulas for metal
• understand how the atomic structure of
metals can explain their chemical
• relate the uses of metals to their physical
properties and reactivity
• [A] Metals and air (Oxygen gas)
–Clean metal if rusted or dirty by rubbing
them with sandpaper
–Hold in flame using tongs
–Record colour of flame and the colour of
the product
–Record reactivity: react violently, reacts
rapidly, reacts, reacts very slowly, do not
1. Name 2 alloys
Brass (Cu+Zn), Steel (Fe+C), Amalgam (Hg+
another metal), Bronze (Cu+Sn)
2. State the uses for these alloys
Brass – instruments, Steel – pipes, construction,
Amalgam – dental fillings, Bronze – statues.
3. Why would we use alloys rather than pure
Because they have different properties than the
pure metals that makes them suitable for their
uses. E.g. Steel and Bronze = stronger and resist
rusting. Brass = malleable etc.
Many metals react with oxygen
Magnesium burns brightly when heated
in air. The equations are:
magnesium + oxygen  magnesium
Word equation
2 Mg + O2  2 MgO
Symbol equation
Copper reacts only very slowly when
heated in air. It forms black copper
oxide. The equations are:
copper + oxygen  copper oxide
2 Cu + O2  2 CuO
Write the word and symbol equation for
Al and Fe
Aluminium + oxygen  Aluminum oxide
4 Al + 3 O2  2 Al2O3
Iron + oxygen  iron oxide
2 Fe + O2  2 FeO
Colored flame
Be careful: some reactions
may create HEAT!!!
• [B] Metals and water
–Place small sample of metal in water
–Observe and record reactivity
–Collect gas and test with flame
–Record result of gas test and colour of
–Record reactivity: react violently,
reacts rapidly, reacts, reacts very
slowly, do not react
Some metals react with water
Lithium reacts rapidly with cold water to
form lithium hydroxide and hydrogen gas
(fizzing). The equations are:
lithium + water  lithium hydroxide + hydrogen
2Li + 2H2O  2LiOH + H2
Write the word and symbol equations
for the reaction of Ca with water
Calcium + water  Calcium hydroxide
+ hydrogen
Ca + H2O  Ca(OH)2 + H2
Sodium – stored in mineral oil
Calcium in water
• [C] Metals and acid
–1 cm of sulfuric acid in test tube and
add a small sample of metal
–Observe reaction and record results in
–Collect gas and test with flame
–Record reactivity: react violently,
reacts rapidly, reacts, reacts very
slowly, do not react
Be careful: some reactions
may create HEAT!!!
Many metals react with acids
For example, zinc reacts with dilute sulfuric
acid to form zinc sulfate and hydrogen gas
(fizzing). The equations are:
zinc + sulfuric acid  zinc sulfate + hydrogen
Zn + H2SO4  ZnSO4 + H2
• metal + oxygen  metal oxide
• metal + water  metal hydroxide
+ hydrogen
• metal + acid  salt + hydrogen
• Pop test – if hydrogen is present, a
squeaky pop would be heard if a flame is
• Usually metals that react quickly with
oxygen also react quickly with water
and acids.
Activity and uses of metals
• Active metals like Na, Li, Ca, Mg
aren’t used to make things.
• Common metals like Al, Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu
are used to make lots of different
• Precious metals like Ag, Au
are only used in valuable objects.