Summative Assessment I-2015 Question Paper of 1,2,4 science

Class & section: I ___
Roll No: _________
Name of the Student: ___________________
Signature of the invigilator: ________
Time 1 hour 30 min.
Marks Obtained:_______
Total Marks: 40
Signature of the evaluator: _______
I Write the missing letters:-
1. C a _ t u s
2. E l b _ w
3. S h e _ t e r
4. R a d _ s h
5. S p i _ a c h
II a) Complete the analogy:-
[½ X5=2½]
1) shrub : hibiscus : : thorny plant : ____________________
2) eyes : See : : nose : _________________
3) Wild animal : lion : : pet animal : __________________
4) stem : ginger : : root : ________________
5) land animal : camel : : water animal : _________________
b) Match the following:-
[ ½ X 4 = 2]
1) dog
2) bird
3) spider
4) fish
III a) Circle the odd one :1) grapevine, pea plant, money plant, coconut.
2) cashew nut, almond, mustard, walnut
3) lizard, pigeon, snake, tortoise
4) cow, goat, horse, lion
[ ½ X 4 = 2]
b) Choose the correct answer from the bracket and fill in the blanks:-[ ½ X 4 = 2]
[ Chocolate, insects, trunk, head]
1. Our neck helps the __________________ to move.
2. A lizard eat __________________.
3. We use cocoa to make ___________________.
4. The stem of a tree is called a ___________________.
c) Write True or False:-
1. Herbs are very weak plants.
2. A crow eats only flesh.
3. All living things grow.
4. Seeds of all plants are used to make oil.
d) Fill in the blanks : -
1. Shrubs live for a _______ years.
2. A rabbit lives in a ____________.
3. We get sugar from ____________.
4. Birds eat food with the help of ________________.
IV a) Who am I ? : -
[ 1 X 4 = 4]
1. I am a sense organ. I help you to taste food. _________________
2. I am a spice. I can make you cry. _________________________
3. I creep along the ground. I am a __________________________
4. I am a bird. But I cannot fly______________________________
b) Give one word answer for the following :-
[1 X 4 = 4]
1. The biggest animal on earth ____________________________
2. A fruit which has one seed. _____________________________
3. A body part we use to eat and write. _____________________
4. It is a red juicy summer fruit with blackseeds._______________
c) Classify the following into plant eaters and flesh eaters :-
[ 1 ½ X 2 =3 ]
[horse, tiger, cow, lion, goat, wolf ]
Plant eater
flesh eater
d) Give 2 examples for the following: -
1. Trees : ______________________, __________________________
2. animals eat grains : __________________, _________________________
3. birds that can fly : ____________________, ________________________
4. oil : ______________________, _________________________
V a) Answer the following questions in one sentence :-
1. which is the largest sense organ?
2. Which food items we get from plants?
3. Which animals have wings and feathers?
b) Answer the following in 2 or 3 sentences:-
1. What are plant-eaters/ Give examples:Ans:___________________________________________________________
2. What are wild animals ? Give examples:Ans:____________________________________________________________
c) Observe the picture and write 4 sentence about it:
VI Draw a kennel and colour it : -
Class & section: II _____
Roll No: _________
Name of the Student: ___________________
Signature of the invigilator: ________
Time: 1hour 30 min
Marks Obtained:_______
Total Marks:
Signature of the evaluator: _______
I write the missing letter:1) c r _ t o _
2) c o _ t _ r e
3) n a _ u _ a l
4) b o _ l e _
II a) Complete the analogy:1) bones : 206 : : muscles : _________________
2) bird : flies : Snake : _____________________
3) beverages : tea : : fibre : _________________
4) root : Carrot : : stem : ___________________
b) Match the following : 1. helps in digestion
2. pumps blood
3. helps to think
4. helps to breathe
c) Circle the odd one :1) neem, banyan, rose, mango
2) hyena, vulture, goat, jackal
3) milk, cake, cheese, butter
4) almond, groundnut, clove, date
III a) Choose the correct answer from the brackets and fill in the blanks:½ X 4 =2
[fins, healthy, perfumes, skin]
1. We make _______________________ with flowers of some plants.
2. Muscle is the soft part below the ______________________
3. Fish swims with the help of ________________________
4. Eggs are very ______________________ for us.
b) write True or False:½ X 4 =2
1. Fruit is the fleshy part of a plant.
2. We make tea from the seeds of a tea plant.[
3. Camel is called the ship of the desert.
4. All the insects have wings to fly.
c) Who am I ?
1. I am a wild animal, I live bothe on land and in water _____________________
2. I am a small plant, I have green stem _________________________
3. I am an insect, candle is made out of my wax __________________
4. I am a tree, paper is made out of my pulp _____________________
d) Classify the following into herbivores and omnivores:½X4=2
[Buffalo, bear, deer, crow ]
Herbivores : _________________________________________________
Omnivores : _________________________________________________
IV a ) Fill in the blanks : ½X4=
1. Nuts give us a lot of _____________________________
2. ___________________ is a fine and soft cloth.
3. Tulsi is a _____________________ plant.
4. Plants give us ________________________ to make clothes.
b) Give 2 examples:1X3=3
1. Endagered animals: * _________________________ * ___________________
2. Sea food:
* _________________________ * __________________
3. Spices:
* __________________________ * __________________
c) Give one word answer:½X4=2
1. We need this gas for burning ______________________________
2. A frame work of bones ___________________________________
3. The dung of animals are used as ____________________________
4. The Kitchen of the plant ___________________________________
d) Give reason : 1X2=2
1. We should maintain correct posture.
Ans: ______________________________________________________________________
2. We call plants, as our green friends.
Ans: _____________________________________________________________________
e) Define the following:1) Carnivores: ______________________________________________________
2) Joint:___________________________________________________________
f) Write the functions of :1X2=2
1. Stem : ___________________________________________________________
2. Brain : ___________________________________________________________
V a ) Answer the following in one sentences:1 X 3 =3
1. What are wild animals?
Ans: _______________________________________________________________
2. What gives shape to our body?
Ans : ________________________________________________________________
3. What is a seed ?
Ans: ________________________________________________________________
b) Answer the following in 2 or 3 sentences : 2X3=6
1. How do root help the plant ?
Ans: ________________________________________________________________
2. What are muscles ? Name three types of muscles ?
Ans: ________________________________________________________________
3. How do plants make the air fresh ?
Ans ; ________________________________________________________________
VI Draw a plant and lable the parts:
Class & section: IV___
Time: 1hour 30 min
Roll No: _________
Marks Obtained:_______
Name of the Student: ___________________
Total Marks:
Signature of the invigilator: _____________
Signature of the evaluator: _______
I. Fill in the blanks:[2]
1. The plants take in ________________________________ during respiration.
2. The plants which grow on land are called ________________________ plants.
3. The energy possed by the wind is used to turn __________________________
4. Terrestrial animals have well developed _________________________ system.
II Match the following:[2]
1. screw driver
2. can opener
3. lift
wheel and axle
4. axe
III. Choose the correct answer:[2]
1. Tape grass is a _______________________ plant [desert, floating, under water]
2. The liquid in which a solid dissolves completely is called _____________________
[ solute, solvent, solution]
3. The rest of the food is stored in sugar cane is _______________ part of the plant.
[stem, root, leaf]
4. The long sleep of animals during the cold season is called ___________________
[hibernation, migration, adaptation]
IV. Answer in a word:[2]
1. The plants breathe through these tiny openings:____________________________
2. The region where a plant grows naturally:_________________________________
3. The sharp wounding organ of an insect is :_________________________________
4. The Slow conversion of a liquid into a gas
V. What are these?
1. Chlorophyll: ________________________________________________________
2. Lever: _____________________________________________________________
VI. Give two examples:[2]
1. Leaf part of the plant we eat ________________, ___________________
2. Complex machines _______________________, ____________________
VII. Give reason :1. The mushroom plant depend upon dead and decaying plants for food.
2. Herbivores have sharp incisors
VIII. Define :
1. Inclined plane:-
2. Parasite:_____________________________________________________________
IX Classify the following into aerial animals and amphibians:[ Sparrow, frog, butterfly,
X. Correct the following Statement:[2]
1. Sundew is an aquatic plant.
A: ___________________________________________________________________
2. Water condenses to form water vapor.
A: ___________________________________________________________________
3. The best and safest method of water purification is decantation.
A: ___________________________________________________________________
4. Amphibians live only in water.
A: ___________________________________________________________________
XI. Answer the following in a sentence:[4]
1.Why do living things need food?
Ans: ______________________________________________________________________
2. Name the factors that influence adaptation?
Ans: ______________________________________________________________________
3. Write adaptation of aquatic animals?
Ans: ______________________________________________________________________
4. On what factors do the properties of a substance depend?
Ans: ______________________________________________________________________
XII. Answer the following in 2 or 3 sentences:[6]
1. What is photosynthesis?
Ans: ______________________________________________________________________
2. How is camel adapted to live in desert?
Ans: ______________________________________________________________________
3.How does machines help us?
Ans: ______________________________________________________________________
XIII. Identify the picture and write the process and Explain:1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
XIV. Complete the cross word puzzle:The ability to work [6]
The smallest particle of matter [4]
The force by which earth pulls everything towards itself [7]
Muscular force is the force exerted by our [7]
XV. Draw a life cycle of a Butter fly neatly and explain:[3]
XVI. Complete the web chart given below:Body part of an insect